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The semen of many primate species coagulates into a mating plug believed to prevent the sperm of subsequent mating events from accessing the ova. The texture of the coagulum varies among species: from a semisoft mass in humans to a firm plug in chimpanzees. In humans, a component of the coagulum, semenogelin I, also inhibits sperm motility. We tested the hypothesis that polymorphism and divergence at semenogelin I differ among hominoid species with different mating systems. Sequence data for the semenogelin I locus were obtained from 12 humans, 10 chimpanzees, 7 gorillas, and 1 bonobo. Mitochondrial D-loop data were collected from a subset of individuals to assess levels of variation at an unlinked locus. HKA tests using D-loop sequence data revealed a significant reduction of polymorphism at semenogelin I in chimpanzees, consistent with predictions of a selective sweep at this locus. This result was supported by independent HKA tests using polymorphism data from a putatively neutral locus from the literature. Humans show a similar trend toward reduced polymorphism, although HKA tests were only marginally significant. Gorilla sequence data show evidence of functional loss at the semenogelin I locus, indicated by stop codons within the putative open reading frame as well as high levels of polymorphism. Elevated K a/K s ratios within the PanHomo clade suggest a history of positive selection at semenogelin I. Our results suggest that there is a positive relationship between the intensity of sperm competition in a species and the strength of positive Darwinian selection on the seminal protein semenogelin I.  相似文献   
The soluble calmodulin-sensitive isoform of adenylyl cyclase isolated from equine sperm is unique because it requires Mn(2+) rather than Mg(2+) for activity. To gain insight into the molecular action of metals on sperm adenylyl cyclase, the kinetics of Mn(2+) and ATP effect was examined. A biphasic response to increases in ATP concentration was observed when metal was held constant. When [Mn(2+)] exceeded [ATP], however, greatly enhanced enzyme activity was observed. The kinetic profiles were consistent with allosteric activation of adenylyl cyclase by Mn(2+). Linear transformation of the data yielded an apparent K(m) for Mn-ATP of 5.8 mM and calculated V(max) of 12 nM cyclic AMP formed/min/mg. Data analysis using calculated equilibrium concentrations of free and complexed reactants provided similar estimates of these kinetic parameters.  相似文献   
Established studies in a variety of organisms including amphibians, fish, ascidians, nemerteans, echinoderms, mammals, and even a species of flowering plant, clearly demonstrate that an increase in intracellular egg calcium is crucial to the process of egg activation at fertilization. In echinoderms, egg activation appears to involve an egg phospholipase C gamma (PLCgamma). However, numerous studies in mammalian species suggest that calcium is released from internal egg stores at fertilization by a sperm-derived cytosolic protein factor. Recent studies in the mouse have identified this sperm-derived factor as being a novel sperm-specific PLC isoform with distinctive properties (PLCzeta). Homologues of PLCzeta have since been isolated from human and cynomolgus monkey sperm. In addition, sperm factor activity has been detected in non-mammalian species such as chicken, Xenopus, and a flowering plant. Here we report evidence for the existence of a similar sperm-derived factor in a commercially important species of teleost fish, the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L). Using an established bioassay for calcium release, the sea urchin egg homogenate, we demonstrate that protein extracts obtained from tilapia spermatozoa exhibit PLC activity similar to that seen in mammalian sperm extracts, and also induce calcium release when added directly to the homogenate. Further, tilapia sperm extracts induced calcium oscillations when injected into mouse oocytes.  相似文献   
We have presented a series of lipid constructs as models of the sperm plasma membrane. We also isolated the plasma membrane from rabbit sperm cells and characterized the lipid composition. The behavior of these various membrane systems was evaluated using a vesicle leakage assay, in which surfactant (nonoxynol-9, N-9; or benzalkonium chloride, BZK) exposure induced membrane permeabilization. These studies shed light on the relative importance and significance of particular components present in the lipid constructs. In particular, a highly unsaturated phospholipid component characterized by an ether-linkage to position 1 of the glycerol backbone (as opposed to the more conventional ester linkage) as well as the presence of sulfogalactosyl ceramide were found to have an effect on the surfactant-induced leakage response. The presence of cholesterol had the greatest influence on membrane behavior. The construct series also demonstrated the ability of the surfactants studied to discriminate between different membrane systems. We found that N-9 displayed little sensitivity to membrane composition while BZK showed specific behavior with the various membrane systems.  相似文献   
A cytosolic sperm protein(s), referred to as the sperm factor (SF), is thought to induce intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) oscillations during fertilization in mammalian eggs. These oscillations, which are responsible for inducing complete egg activation, persist for several hours. Nevertheless, whether a protracted release of SF is responsible for the duration of the oscillations is unknown. Using a combination of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), sperm removal, reinjection of the withdrawn sperm, and [Ca(2+)](i) monitoring, we determined that 30 min was necessary for establishing oscillations. Importantly, a significant portion of the Ca(2+) activity became dissociated from the sperm within 15-60 min after entry, and by 120 min post-ICSI or IVF, sperm were unable to induce oscillations. The initiation of oscillations coincided with exposure and solubilization of the perinuclear theca (PT), as evidenced by transmission electron microscopy, although disassembly of the PT was not required for commencement of the [Ca(2+)](i) responses. Remarkably, despite its complete release into the ooplasm, SF associated with nuclear structures at the time of pronuclear formation. Lastly, release of SF was not affected by the cell cycle. We conclude that mouse sperm serves as a carrier for SF, which is rapidly and completely solubilized to establish [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations.  相似文献   
Attraction of spermatozoa by way of chemotaxis to substances secreted from the egg or its surrounding cells has been demonstrated in marine species, amphibians, and mammals. This process is species- or family-specific in marine invertebrates: a chemoattractant for one marine species is usually not recognized by another species or by a member of another family. It is not known whether this selectivity is also the rule in other phyla. Furthermore, it is not at all obvious that such selectivity would be advantageous to species with internal fertilization. Here, using a directionality-based assay for chemotaxis, we studied in vitro the chemotactic response of human and rabbit spermatozoa to human, rabbit, and bovine egg-related factors. We found that spermatozoa from each of the two sources responded similarly well to egg-related factors obtained from any of the three species examined. These results indicate lack of chemotaxis-related, species specificity between these species, suggesting that their sperm chemoattractants are common or very similar. The findings further suggest that mammals do not rely on species specificity of sperm chemotaxis for avoidance of interspecies fertilization.  相似文献   
Mammalian sperm acrosomes contain several glycohydrolases that are thought to aid in the dispersion and digestion of vestments surrounding the egg. In this study, we have used multiple approaches to examine the origin of acrosome-associated glycohdyrdolases. Mixed spermatogenic cells, prepared from rat testis, were separated by unit gravity sedimentation. The purified germ cells (spermatocytes [SC], round spermatids [RS], and elongated/condensed spermatids [E/CS]) contained several glycohydrolase activities. Metabolic labeling in the cell culture, immunoprecipitation, and autoradiographic approaches revealed that β-D-galactosidase was synthesized in SC and RS in 88/90 kDa forms which undergo processing in a cell-specific manner. Immunohistochemical approaches demonstrated that the enzyme was localized in Golgi membranes/vesicles, and lysosome-like structures in SC and RS, and forming/formed acrosome of E/CS. Published December 3, 2001  相似文献   
While sperm competition risk favours males transferring many sperm to secure fertilizations, females of a variety of species actively reduce sperm numbers reaching their reproductive tract, e.g. by extrusion or killing. Potential benefits of spermicide to females include nutritional gains, influence over sperm storage and paternity, and the elimination of sperm bearing somatic mutations that would lower zygote fitness.We investigated changes in sperm viability after in vivo and in vitro exposure to the female tract in the polyandrous fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Sperm viability was significantly lower in the females' spermathecae immediately after mating than in the experimental males' testes. Males also varied significantly in the proportion of live sperm found in storage in vivo. However, the exact mechanism of sperm degradation remains to be clarified. In vitro exposure to extracts of the female reproductive tract, including female accessory glands, failed to significantly lower sperm viability compared to controls. These results are consistent either with postcopulatory sperm mortality in vivo depending entirely on the male (with individual differences in sperm viability, motility or longevity) or with postcopulatory sperm mortality being subtly affected by female effects which were not detected by the in vitro experimental conditions. Importantly, we found no evidence in support of the hypothesis that female accessory glands contribute to sexual conflict via spermicide. Therefore, female muscular control remains to date the only ascertained mechanism of female influence on sperm storage in this species.  相似文献   
The effects of tributyltin (TBT) on the energy metabolism and motility of fish spermatozoa were investigated in vitro in African catfish and common carp. A significant (P<0.05) decrease of the duration and the intensity of motility was observed in catfish spermatozoa exposed to 0.27 microg/l TBT for 24 h. Exposure of catfish spermatozoa to 2.7-27 microg/l TBT caused an instant decrease in ATP content. In the presence of 27 microg/l TBT approximately 55% of the initial ATP concentration in catfish semen was lost after 60 min incubation while AMP concentrations increased and the total adenine nucleotide (TAN) pool remained unchanged. The reduction in sperm ATP levels could not be attributed to cell death since viability decreased only slightly over the period of exposure. In carp by contrast, none of the adenylates concentrations studied (ATP, ADP and AMP) were affected by TBT exposure at any experimental condition. However, carp sperm motility was significantly reduced by exposure to 2.7 microg/l TBT. Among the enzymes investigated only lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in catfish sperm was significantly (P<0.01) affected by 27 microg/l TBT treatment with a reduction in activity of approximately 75%. Compared with carp sperm before TBT exposure, that of catfish had lower adenylate contents and overall lower enzymatic activities; this explains its slower sperm velocity and shorter duration of movement as measured by computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA). The present in vitro study shows that catfish spermatozoa are more sensitive to TBT exposure (and probably to other toxicants) than those of carp.  相似文献   
To fertilize, mammalian sperm must undergo two sequential steps that require activation of calcium entry mechanisms, capacitation and acrosomal exocytosis, induced in the latter case by the egg zona pellucida glycoprotein ZP3 or by progesterone. Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) could participate in these processes. Since patch clamp recordings are extremely difficult in mature sperm, the activity of VDCC has been alternatively analyzed with optical detectors of membrane potential and intracellular calcium in sperm populations. Using this approach, we previously reported that in human sperm there is a voltage-dependent calcium influx system that strongly indicates that human sperm are endowed with functional VDCC. In this study we developed evidence indicating that calcium influx through VDCC is significantly stimulated during sperm in vitro capacitation and by progesterone action, which is present in the follicular fluid that surrounds the egg. The observed effects of capacitation and progesterone on VDCC may be physiologically significant for sperm-egg interaction.  相似文献   
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