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冯照军  季丽萍  施雯  夏小明 《动物学报》2007,53(6):1048-1053
于2005年11月至2006年10月,用硫酸-蒽酮比色法和比重法测定了中华蟾蜍各月份的肝糖原和肌糖原含量及肝比重。结果显示:冬眠期间(11月至次年的2月),糖原含量逐月下降;2月份时出现临时回升,然后继续下降;4月份时肝糖原含量最低;5月份起,肝糖原含量逐渐上升;5月份时肌糖原含量为最低;6月份起,肌糖原含量逐渐上升。虽然在7-8月间出现过下降,两种糖原的含量在10月份时达到一年中的最高值。这些结果表明,蟾蜍糖原含量在一年中呈现显著的季节性波动。越冬前所储备糖原的一部分可能用于越冬期间维持高水平的血糖,一部分用于基础代谢。2月份时糖原含量的临时上升,可能是血液中作为防冻保护剂的葡萄糖运回肝脏和肌肉中再合成糖原的结果。7-8月间糖原含量降低可能与蟾蜍夏蛰有关。雌性5月至10月期间的肝糖原总体水平显著低于雄性,可能与依赖可得到葡萄糖的卵母细胞中的糖原合成有关。糖原含量的季节变化与蟾蜍的生活状态(越冬、繁殖等)有关,并与血糖含量有联动关系。  相似文献   
In this study, the second-order rate constant k2 of base-catalyzed hydrolysis and the values of kcat, Km and kcat/Km of wild-type Pseudomonas sp. CBS3 4-hydroxybenzoyl coenzyme A (4-HBA-CoA) thioesterase-catalyzed hydrolysis of 4-HBA-CoA and its para-substituted analogs were measured. For the base-catalyzed hydrolysis, the plot of logk2 vs the sigma value of the para-substituents was linear with a slope (rho) of 1.5. In the case of the enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis, the kcat/Km values measured for the para-substituted analogs defined substrate specificity. Asp32 was shown to play a key role in substrate recognition, and in particular, in the discrimination between the targeted substrate and other cellular benzoyl-CoA thioesters.  相似文献   
目的探讨微生物制剂(阴道乳杆菌胶囊)对产后6周妇女特异性阴道炎(细菌性阴道病、滴虫性阴道炎、外阴阴道念珠菌病)的防治作用。方法采用前瞻性研究方法。自2009年6月至2011年8月先后收集895例产后6周特异性阴道炎妇女,包括细菌性阴道病535例、外阴阴道念珠菌病339例和滴虫性阴道炎21例,随机分成三组,第一组(n=200)阴道局部用乳杆菌胶囊(定君生)250 mg/d,连用10 d;第二组(n=200)阴道局部用抗菌药(细菌性阴道病或滴虫性阴道炎:甲硝唑栓500 mg/d,外阴阴道念珠菌病:克霉唑栓150 mg/d,连用10 d);第三组(n=200)阴道局部用抗菌药+乳杆菌胶囊(细菌性阴道病或滴虫性阴道炎:甲硝唑栓500 mg/d+定君生250 mg/d,外阴阴道念珠菌病:克霉唑栓150 mg/d+定君生250mg/d,连用10 d),三组均于停药1周后复查阴道分泌物以了解疗效,以及产后3、6、9、12个月分别复查阴道分泌物,以了解三组产后1年内阴道pH、乳杆菌数量变化情况及阴道炎复发率情况。结果 600例产后6周特异性阴道炎妇女中,单用定君生治疗组总有效率为76.5%;用甲硝唑栓或克霉唑栓治疗组总有效率为77.5%;两组总疗效比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。用抗菌药(甲硝唑栓或克霉唑栓)+定君生治疗组总有效率为95.0%,与前两组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。应用定君生治疗两组1年内阴道pH明显降低,阴道乳酸杆菌数量明显增多,以+++~++++比例为主,且追踪1年阴道炎的发生率均明显降低,与只用抗生素治疗组相比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论阴道乳杆菌胶囊(定君生)是治疗特异性阴道炎的有效药物,与传统抗生素相比疗效差异无统计学意义,且定君生联合抗生素治疗特异性阴道炎,疗效更为显著,这不失为一个新的治疗途径。产后6周妇女特异性阴道炎选用微生态制剂(阴道乳?  相似文献   
Larches (Larix spp.), deciduous conifers, occur in the northern hemisphere in cold-temperate and boreal climates – an environment normally thought to favor evergreen tree species. We compare foliar carbon isotope discrimination (Δ), instantaneous water use efficiency, total foliar nitrogen concentration, and specific leaf area (for a subset of sites) between Larix spp. and co-occurring evergreen conifers at 20 sites throughout the natural range of larches. Except for Larix occidentalis in the xeric Intermountain West, USA, Δ is significantly (P < 0.05) greater for larches than co-occurring evergreen conifers at 77% of the sites, suggesting that larches use water less efficiently. At elevations greater than 3000 m, the Δ of Larix spp. and co-occurring conifers converge, suggesting that water is not the limiting resource. Foliar nitrogen concentration and specific leaf area are two ecophysiological characteristics that are positively correlated with high photosynthetic capacity. Foliar nitrogen concentration is significantly greater for larches than evergreen conifers at 88% of the sites and specific leaf area is approximately three times greater for larches than co-occurring conifers. Future studies should examine the potential effect that global warming may have on the distribution of larch forests because the water use efficiency of larches is commonly less than co-occurring evergreen conifers and the boreal and high-latitude environments are likely to experience the greatest climate warming. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 28 October 1997  相似文献   
Possible tradeoffs between efficiency of water transport and mechanical strength were examined in stems of two congeneric pairs of co-occurring chaparral shrubs. First, since previously published results indicated that Adenostoma sparsifolium (Rosaceae) had greater specific conductivity (k s or hydraulic conductivity per xylem transverse area) than A. fasciculatum, it was hypothesized that A. sparsifolium would have greater vessel lumen area per square millimeter of xylem area, and less mechanical strength, than A. fasciculatum. Secondly, since Ceanothus megacarpus (Rhamnaceae) is a non-sprouter (unable to sprout from the root crown following fire or other major disturbance) whereas C. spinosus is a sprouter and thus able to form new stems following disturbance, it was hypothesized that C. megacarpus would have greater mechanical strength, but lower k s, than C. spinosus. Both hypotheses were supported. Based upon computer-aided image analyses, A. sparsifolum had significantly higher mean and maximum vessel diameters (16.4, 40.5 vs. 14.6, 35.7 μm), a 34% greater percent vessel lumen area, and a two-fold greater measured and theoretical k s than A. fasciculatum. This corresponded to 14% lower stem density (wet weight/volume) and less mechanical strength, with a 37% lower modulus of elasticity (MOE) and a 30% lower modulus of rupture (MOR) than A. fasciculatum. Similarly, C.␣spinosus had a significantly higher maximum vessel diameter (52.7 vs. 41.8 μm) and a 92% higher theoretical k s (and 43% higher measured k s) than C. megacarpus. This corresponded to a 9% lower stem density and 20% lower MOR than for C. megacarpus. Thus, at least within these two congeneric pairs of chaparral shrubs growing together in the same habitat, there may be tradeoffs between mechanical strength and conductive efficiency of the stem xylem which correspond to differences in transport physiology and life history traits of sprouter versus non-sprouter species.  相似文献   
Salinity is a significant constraint for plant survival and productivity. Therefore, an immediate solution to this problem is sought to meet the human population''s food demands. Recently, Menadione sodium bisulphite (MSB) has emerged as a significant regulator of plant defense response under abiotic stress. Studies on MSB are scarce, and a few reports on salinity (Arabidopsis and okra) and cadmium stress (okra) are present in the literature. However, these studies did not include the impact of MSB on physiological and plant water relation attributes, critical mediators of plant survival, and yield production under stress. Our results studied the impact of MSB on wheat administered to NaCl salinity in hydroponics medium. We used two wheat cultivars (salt-sensitive MH-97 and salt-tolerant Millat-2011, based on our pre-experimental studies). Seeds were primed in different MSB doses [control (unprimed), hydroprimed, 5, 10, 20, and 30 mM]. Salinity significantly diminished growth, chlorophyll molecules, photosynthesis, total free amino acids, water and turgor potentials, K, Ca, and P contents of wheat when administered NaCl salinity in the nutrient solution. Besides, a noteworthy accretion was present in oxidative stress markers [hydrogen peroxide & malondialdehyde], proline, ascorbic acid, antioxidant enzyme activities, and Na+ accumulation under salinity. Moreover, MSB noticeably enhanced chlorophyll molecules, proline, and oxidative defense to improve photosynthesis, plant water relations, and diminish specific ions toxicity. Our results manifested better defense regulation in salt-administered plants primed with 5 and 10 mM MSB. Our findings strongly advocated the use of MSB in improving plant salinity tolerance, particularly in wheat.  相似文献   
PurposeTo simulate radiofrequency (RF) burns that frequently occur at skin–skin and skin–bore wall contact points.MethodsRF burn injuries (thumb–thigh and elbow–bore wall contacts) that typically occur on the lateral side of the body during 1.5 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were simulated using a computational human model. The model was shifted to investigate the influence of the position of the patient in an MRI scanner. The specific absorption rate (SAR), electric field, and temperature were mapped.ResultsRegarding the contact points located near the edge of the birdcage transmission coil, under the allowable maximum RF power exposure i.e., the average whole-body SAR at the safety limit value (2 W/kg), the 10-g-tissue-averaged SAR (SAR10g) at those points significantly increased for both the thumb–thigh (180 W/kg) and elbow–bore wall (48 W/kg) cases. Both values significantly exceeded the highest safety limit of the partial-body SAR (10 W/kg). The electric field, the square of which is proportional to SAR, was remarkably high near the edge of the birdcage transmission coil. The peak SAR10g for each injury case was associated with contact-point peak temperatures that reached 52 °C at approximately 1 min following RF exposure onset; a 1-min period of exposure to this temperature causes a first-degree burn.ConclusionsWe demonstrated high heat generation in RF burn injury cases in silico. The RF heating occurring on the lateral side of the body was strongly dependent on the electric field distribution, which is dominantly determined by an RF transmission coil.  相似文献   
Non-random patterns in the functional structure of communities are often interpreted as evidence for different forces governing their assemblage. However, community assembly processes may act antagonistically, countering each other's signatures on the functional structure of communities, which may lead to spurious inferences on the underlying mechanisms. To illustrate this issue, we assessed the joint effects of environmental filtering and facilitative interactions on a key leaf functional trait (i.e. specific leaf area, SLA) in Mediterranean dwarf-shrub communities, using a two-scale sampling approach. Specifically, we analyzed differences in community-weighted mean SLA values (CWM-SLA) between communities (community-scale) and between guilds within communities (guild-scale, i.e. individuals sampled in understorey, overstorey and open-ground conditions) across contrasted soil environments and elevational gradients. We found that communities on harsh edaphic conditions (i.e. dolomite habitats) showed significantly lower CWM-SLA values than communities on more fertile habitats. In contrast, elevation was a poor predictor of differences in CWM-SLA between the communities. This suggests that environmental filtering may influence leaf trait variation along soil gradients irrespective of elevation. On the other hand, communities on dolomite habitats showed strong differences in CWM-SLA between understorey (higher CWM-SLA) and either open-ground and overstorey guilds (lower CWM-SLA), whereas communities on more fertile soils showed no differences between the guilds. The strong differences in CWM-SLA between understorey and non-understorey guilds in dolomite communities suggest that facilitative interactions may be particularly at stake under stressful edaphic conditions, thus partially mitigating the effect of environmental filtering (i.e. low SLA values) on communities growing in harsh soils.  相似文献   
Recent circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) research has demonstrated its potential as a non-invasive biomarker for cancer. However, the deployment of ctDNA assays in routine clinical practice remains challenging owing to variability in analytical approaches and the assessment of clinical significance. A well-developed, analytically valid ctDNA assay is a prerequisite for integrating ctDNA into cancer management, and an appropriate analytical technology is crucial for the development of a ctDNA assay. Other determinants including pre-analytical procedures, test validation, internal quality control (IQC), and continual proficiency testing (PT) are also important for the accuracy of ctDNA assays. In the present review, we will focus on the most widely used ctDNA detection technologies and the key quality management measures used to assure the accuracy of ctDNA assays. The aim of this review is to provide useful information for technology selection during ctDNA assay development and assure a reliable test result in clinical practice.  相似文献   
Chronic kidney disease patients present with metabolic and functional muscle abnormalities, called uremic myopathy, whose mechanisms have not yet been fully elucidated. We investigated whether chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) affects skeletal muscle contractile properties at the cellular level. CRI was induced surgically in New Zealand rabbits (UREM), with sham-operation for controls (CON), and samples were collected at 3 months post-surgery, following euthanasia. All protocols had University Ethics approval following national and European guidelines. Sample treatments and evaluations were blinded. Maximal isometric force was assessed in 382 permeabilized psoas fibers (CON, n = 142, UREM, n = 240) initially at pH7, 10 °C (‘standard’ conditions), in subsets of fibers in acidic conditions (pH6.2, 10 °C) but also at near physiological temperature (pH7, 30 °C and pH6.2, 30 °C). CRI resulted in significant smaller average cross sectional areas (CSAs) by ∼11% for UREM muscle fibers (vs CON, P < 0.01). At standard conditions, UREM fibers produced lower absolute and specific forces (i.e. normalized force per fiber CSA) (vs CON, P < 0.01); force increased in 30 °C for both groups (P < 0.01), but the disparity between UREM and CON remained significant. Acidosis significantly reduced force (vs pH7, 10 °C P < 0.01), similarly in both groups (in UREM by −48% and in CON by −43%, P > 0.05). For the first time, we give evidence that CRI can induce significant impairments in single psoas muscle fibers force generation, only partly explained by fiber atrophy, thus affecting muscle mechanics at the cellular level.  相似文献   
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