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Summary Within-species variability of a restriction site in the chloroplast (cp) DNA in Pinus monticola has been surveyed. Frequencies of two variants of the cp genome are significantly different in interior versus coastal populations. Paternal inheritance of the cp genome predominates, though some individuals have both variants of the genome. The presence of heteroplasmic individuals indicates occasional biparental inheritance.  相似文献   
Summary Labelled total genomic DNA was used as a probe in combination with blocking DNA to discriminate between taxonomically closely related species in the genera Hordeum and Secale. Discrimination was possible both by Southern hybridization to size-fractionated restriction enzyme digests of genomic DNA and by in situ hybridization to chromosome preparations. To distinguish between two species (e.g. H. vulgare and H. bulbosum), genomic DNA from one species was used as the labelled probe, while unlabelled DNA from the other species was applied at a much higher concentration as a block. The blocking DNA presumably hybridized to sequences in common between the block and the labelled probe, and between the block and DNA sequences on the membrane or chromosomes in situ. If so, mainly species-specific sequences would remain as sites for probe hybridization. These species-specific sequences are dispersed and represent a substantial proportion of the genome (unlike many cloned, species-specific sequences). Consequently, rapid nonradioactive methods detected probe hybridization sites satisfactorily. The method was able to confirm the parentage of hybrid plants. It has potentially wide application in plant breeding for the detection of alien DNA transfer, and it can be easily adapted to many species.  相似文献   
Abstract. The observed distribution of a species along an environmental gradient is strongly affected by environmental variability within a quadrat. Because a quadrat does not represent a point along an environmental gradient, but rather a range of conditions, it is likely to contain species not typically associated with the mean conditions in the quadrat. Systematic relationships exist between a species' true distribution, the observed distribution as a function of mean quadrat environment, and the frequency distribution of the environment within that quadrat. The observed species habitat breadth increases and the observed maximum abundance decreases as within-quadrat environmental heterogeneity increases. If species distributions or beta diversities are to be compared among species or coenoclines, they should be correctedforintra-quadratheterogeneity.Wederive simple corrections for environmental heterogeneity. The distributions of hardwood forest understory species along a soil acidity gradient in the North Carolina piedmont are presented as an example.  相似文献   
Abstract. Patterns of plant succession were studied in areas of scorched and blown-down forest resulting from the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington. Changes in species abundance were observed for 7 years in permanent sample plots representing four post-disturbance habitats, or site types. Total plant cover and species richness increased with time on all site types. In blown-down forests supporting snowpack at the time of eruption, understory recovery was dominated by the vegetative regeneration of species persisting through disturbance. In forests without snowpacks, plant survival was poorer. Increases in cover and diversity were dominated first by introduced grasses, then by colonizing forbs characteristic of early successional sites. Epilo-bium angustifolium and Anaphalis margaritacea showed widespread recruitment and clonal expansion throughout the devastated area. As a result, species composition on previously forested sites converged toward that on formerly clearcut sites, where early serai forbs resprouted vigorously from beneath the tephra. Total plant cover and species diversity were poorly correlated with post-disturbance habitat and general site characteristics (e.g. distance from the crater, elevation, slope, and aspect). However, distributions of several life-forms (e.g. low sub-shrubs and tall shrubs) were strongly correlated with depth of burial by tephra and with cover of tree rootwads. Thus, early community recovery may reflect microsite variation or chance survival and recruitment rather than broad-scale gradients in environment or disturbance. Recovery of pre-disturbance composition and structure will undoubtedly be much slower than after other types of catastrophic disturbance. The rate and direction of community recovery will largely depend on the degree to which original understory species survived the eruption.  相似文献   
Molecular tools have diverse applications in marine ecology. In microbial systems, DNA sequences of rRNA and other genes have identified a variety of novel lineages of bacteria inhabiting marine environments that have resisted traditional culture methods. However, relatively few natural populations have been characterized due to the rather labor-intensive methodologies employed. Recent technological developments such as in situ PCR and flow cytometry promise to greatly enhance the speed at which microbial taxa can be identified and enumerated in field collected water and substrate samples; such advances will allow future work to employ the spatial and temporal field sampling required to monitor the impact of natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment. This approach also holds promise for examining physiological status of field collected cells, garnering information on such elusive parameters as growth rates and the extent of nutrient limitation under natural conditions. Studies of macrobiota have similarly benefited from the use of molecular approaches to species identification. This has been particularly true with regard to distinguishing among larval forms of closely related taxa which are nearly identical morphologically. Genetic variation within species assayed by molecular tools has been useful in examining the stability of populations through time and in assessing patterns of recruitment to geographically separated populations. Enhanced understanding of these ecological problems will also require intensive spatial and temporal monitoring of both larval and adult populations. Often, the newer techniques based on DNA sequence variation have practical advantages over allozyme techniques: e.g., PCR allows assay of minute quantities of DNA that may come from ethanol preserved samples. However, when ample allozyme variation exists to address a given issue, these older techniques may be favored on a variety of criteria, including speed and cost. Hence, choice of methodology should be based on the expected efficiency of a given approach to a specific problem rather than the apparent sophistication of the method itself.  相似文献   
We report the species of crustacean zooplankton found in 19 resevoirs and ponds that were sampled at on at least two occasions in Aguascalientes State, Mexico, at a latitude of about 21°30 North Latitude. We collected a total of 33 cladoceran taxa, 15 calanoid and cyclopoid copepods, an Ergasilus copepod, 2 anostracans, one notostracan species and an amphipod. All these taxa had previously been reported in Mexico. As in more temperate areas, there was a significant correlation between the species richness and lake size. The species-area relationship for Aguascalientes was indistinguishable from that of more northerly lakes. The two most common associations of zooplankton species were (1) those small species that occurred with fish: Daphnia parvula, Diaphanosoma birgei, Leptodiaptomus siciloides, Mastigodiaptomus albuquerquensis, and Thermocyclops inversus, and (2) the large Daphnia schodleri that occurred with the predator Notonecta, in the absence of fish. With minor variations, these two associations also occur throughout temperate North America.  相似文献   
A native nitrogen-fixing shrub facilitates weed invasion   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Invasions by exotic weedy plants frequently occur in highly disturbed or otherwise anthropogenically altered habitats. Here we present evidence that, within California coastal prairie, invasion also can be facilitated by a native nitrogen-fixing shrub, bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus). Bush lupines fix nitrogen and grow rapidly, fertilizing the sandy soil with nitrogen-rich litter. The dense lupine canopy blocks light, restricting vegetative growth under bushes. Heavy insect herbivory kills lupines, opening exposed nitrogen-rich sites within the plant community. Eventual re-establishment of lupine occurs because of an abundant and long-lived seed bank. Lupine germination, rapid growth, shading and fertilization of sites, and then death after only a few years, results in a mosaic of nutrient-rich sites that are available to invading species. To determine the role of bush lupine death and nitrogen enrichment in community composition, we examined nutrient dynamics and plant community characteristics within a site only recently colonized by lupine, comparing patches where lupines had recently died or were experimentally killed with adjacent areas lacking lupine. In experimentally killed patches, instantaneous pool sizes of exchangeable ammonium and nitrate nitrogen were higher than in adjacent sites free of lupine. Seedlings of the introduced grass Bromus diandrus accumulated 48% greater root biomass and 93% more shoot biomass when grown in a greenhouse in soil collected under experimentally killed lupines compared to B. diandrus seedlings grown in soil collected at least 1 m away from lupines. At the end of the spring growing season, total above-ground live plant biomass was more than twice as great in dead lupine patches as in the adjacent lupine-free grassland, but dead lupine patches contained 47% fewer plant species and 57% fewer native species. Sites where lupines have repeatedly died and reestablished during recent decades support an interstitial grassland community high in productivity but low in diversity, composed of mostly weedy introduced annual plants. In contrast, at a site only recently colonized by bush lupines, the interstitial grassland consists of a less productive but more diverse set of native and introduced species. We suggest that repeated bouts of lupine germination, establishment, and death can convert a rich native plant community into a less diverse collection of introduced weeds.  相似文献   
Synopsis Fish assemblages at an artificial reef site, a natural reef site and a sandy-mud bottom site, on the shelf (depth 130 m) off Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan, were surveyed by using a bottom trammel net from May 1987 to March 1993. A total of 12 173 fishes of 48 species were recorded. Physiculus maximowiczi was dominant and comprised 69% of the total numerical abundance. Total fish number was lowest in March at all the 3 sites when P. maximowiczi migrated to deeper and warmer waters. Assemblage equitability and species diversity also varied seasonally in accordance with the abundance fluctuation of P. maximowiczi. P. maximowiczi, Alcichthys alcicornis and Hexagrammos otakii were more abundant at the artificial reef and natural reef sites, while Dexistes rikuzenius and Hemitripterus villosus were more abundant at the sandy-mud bottom site; total fish abundance was largest at the artificial reef site mainly due to the large number of P. maximowiczi. Species richness was similar among sites, but equitability, and consequently species diversity, was lowest at the artificial reef site. The main effect of the artificial reef seemed the attraction of P. maximowiczi from nearby bottoms, especially from natural rocky reefs; its large abundance determined the structure of the artificial reef fish community.  相似文献   
The impact of hydrological manipulation of an unfertilised, Dutch peat grassland area on plant species composition on ditch banks and in ditchwater was studied. The hydrological manipulation involved raising the groundwater level by admitting nutrient-poor, Ca-rich groundwater in one compartment, and by retaining precipitation in another compartment. A third compartment served as control.The plant species composition showed significant correlations with the following hydrochemical parameters: in bank vegetation with K+ concentration, and winter and summer groundwater levels, water depth and elevation; in aquatic vegetation with pH, the concentrations of Cl- organic-C and NH4 + water temperature and elevation.The number of terrestrial plant species increased after compartmentation from 97 to 122; 16 submerged and floating species were found. Most new terrestrial species probably emerged in response to cessation of fertilization and biomass removal, since they showed no preference for any compartment. Five species showed preference for the groundwater compartment and two for the rainwater compartment. Of the new terrestrial plants, seven were relatively rare: Carex panicea, C. oederi, C. pallescens, C. vesicaria, Galium uliginosum, Juncus acutiflorus and Stellaria uliginosa. Of the aquatic plants, eight were relatively rare: Chara globularis, two Callitriche spp., four potamogetonaceae and Ranunculus circinatus.This study indicates that hydrological manipulation of grassland systems in which fertilisation has ceased has profound effects on the vegetation in the ditches of these systems. Bank vegetation responds more slowly and to other hydrochemical factors than aquatic vegetation. Short-term responses in terms of increase in diversity of vegetation pattern and species richness are promising. Long-term responses are not yet known.  相似文献   
An ecomorphological analysis of the tallgrass prairie of central North America divided representative species of the native grassland flora into eight guilds or groups of species with similar life-form, phenology, and ecology. The guilds, segregated by multivariate analysis, are: (1) warm-season graminoids with Kranz anatomy and the Hatch-Slack photosynthetic pathway (C4 grasses); (2) cool-season graminoids without Kranz anatomy, but with the common Calvin or C3 photosynthetic pathway (C3 grasses and sedges); (3) annuals and biennial forbs; (4) ephemeral spring forbs; (5) spring forbs; (6) summer/fall forbs; (7) legumes; and (8) woody shrubs. The study was based on 158 plant species indigenous to three upland prairie sites in northeastern Kansas. Each species was scored for 32 traits which fall into five broad categories: plant habit, leaf characteristics, stem structures, root structures, and reproductive traits, including phenology. A multivariate, detrended correspondence analysis sorted the 158 species into the eight principal groups or guilds. These groups were further supported by a cluster analysis and discriminant function analysis of the same data set. The discriminant function analysis determined that 94.3% of the species were correctly classified in their respective guilds, and that the guilds were statistically different. Results indicate that guild analysis offers a basis for detailed classification of grassland vegetation that is more ecologically focused than species composition, as the myriad of species (about 1,000 prairie species on the central plains of North America) vary in presence, cover, and importance with their individualistic distribution.Abbreviations C3= C3 photosynthesis - C4= C4 photosynthesis - LSD= least significant difference  相似文献   
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