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荷木整树蒸腾对干湿季土壤水分的水力响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
降雨在时间上的非均匀分配导致森林土壤含水量呈现明显的干、湿季变化,并可能在干季形成水分胁迫,引起植物蒸腾变化。在监测环境因子的同时,利用Granier热消散探针连续监测荷木(Schima superba)的树干液流,以液流密度值计算整树蒸腾,并结合水力导度与叶片/土壤的水势差,探讨环境因子和水力导度对荷木整树蒸腾的协同控制。结果表明,华南地区的季节性降雨形成的干、湿季并未引起荷木蒸腾在季节上的显著差异,但对产生蒸腾的水力生理产生了显著影响。荷木蒸腾在干、湿季均与主要驱动环境因子(光合有效辐射PAR和水汽压亏缺VPD)呈显著正相关。在水热充足的湿季,荷木蒸腾主要受气孔导度调节;在干季,当空气水汽压亏缺达2.132 MPa时,水力导度与气孔导度协同控制蒸腾。整树水力导度对整树蒸腾的水力补偿出现在15:00—17:00,平均补偿值为0.08 g/s。利用蒸腾的估测值与实测值之间的差值量化荷木的水力补偿效应,是对水力导度与气孔导度协同控制树木蒸腾机理的深入探索。研究结果对于掌握季节性降雨不均背景下华南地区主要造林树种需水和耗水规律,有效发挥森林保水功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   
刺激隐神经C类纤维诱发体感皮层电反应(平均诱发电位)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当猫的隐神经A类纤维单独兴奋时,可引起同侧脊髓背表面电位 A-SSP(潜伏期 2.6±0.4ms)和对侧体感皮层诱发电位 A-CEP。A-CEP由早成分(潜伏期 9.6±1 1ms)和晚成分(203.0±10.gms)组成。当 C类纤维选择性传入时,出现特异的 C-CEP(潜伏期 134.4±25.9ms)和C-SSP(115.8±15.6ms)。C-CEP的幅值较A-CEP 小,并随C类纤维传入的数量而改变。C-CEP的最大幅值位于后乙状回一定部位,多为负或正-负电位,在皮层深层其相位倒转。与A-CEP相比,C-CEP的中枢延搁时间较长,跟随频率较低,对镇痛药较敏感。表明C-CEP不同于A-CEP,它是由C类传入所引起的,是在体感皮层内产生的。当A类和C类纤维同时传入时,只有A-CEP和A-SSP出现,而不出现C-CEP和C-SSP。在阻断电流逐渐增强过程中,C-CEP较C-SSP后出现;而在撤销阻断过程中,则C-CEP较C-SSP先消失。提示C类传入在中枢可能被A类传入所抑制,这种抑制可以发生在脊髓和脊上水平,后者可能更强。  相似文献   
Electrochemical analysis of lignin peroxidase (LiP) was performed using a pyrolytic graphite electrode coated with peroxidase-embedded tributylmethyl phosphonium chloride membrane. The formal redox potential of ferric/ferrous couples of LiP was −126 mV (versus SHE), which was comparable with that of manganese peroxidase (MnP) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Yet, only LiP is capable of oxidizing non-phenolic substrates with a high redox potential. Since with decreasing pH, the redox potential increased, an incredibly low pH optimum of LiP as peroxidase at 3.0 or lower was proposed as the clue to explain LiP mechanisms. A low pH might be the key for LiP to possess a high redox potential. The pKa values for the distal His in peroxidases were calculated using redox data and the Nernst equation, to be 5.8 for LiP, 4.7 for MnP, and 3.8 for HRP. A high pKa value of the distal His might be crucial for LiP compound II to uptake a proton from the solvent. As a result, LiP is able to complete its catalytic cycle during the oxidation of non-proton-donating substrates. In compensation, LiP has diminished its reactivity toward hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
The present study aims at characterizing plant water status under field conditions on a daily basis, in order to improve operational predictions of plant water stress. Ohm's law analog serves as a basis for establishing daily soil-plant relationships, using experimental data from a water-limited soybean crop: 227-1. The daily transpiration flux, T, is estimated from experimental evapotranspiration data and simulated soil evaporation values. The difference, 227-2, named the effective potential gradient, is derived from i) the midday leaf potential of the uppermost expanded leaves and ii) an effective soil potential accounting for soil potential profile and an effectiveness factor of roots competing for water uptake. This factor is experimentally estimated from field observation of roots. G is an apparent hydraulic conductance of water flow from the soil to the leaves. The value of the lower potential limit for water extraction, required to assess the effective soil potential, is calculated with respect to the plant using the predawn leaf potential. It is found to be equal to –1.2 MPa. It appears that over the range of soil and climatic conditions experienced, the daily effective potential gradient remains constant (1.2 MPa), implying that, on a daily basis, transpiration only depends on the hydraulic conductance. The authors explain this behaviour by diurnal variation of osmotic potential, relying on Morgan's theory (1984). Possible generalization of the results to other crop species is suggested, providing a framework for reasoning plant water behaviour at a daily time step.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in glutamine synthetase (EC, glutamate synthase (EC, and glutamate dehydrogenase (EC were measured in both senescing leaf and bark tissues of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.). From the measured enzyme activities we attempted to estimate the in vivo catalytic potentials of the enzymes with special reference to nitrogen mobilization and conservation of senescing apple trees. The cumulative glutamine synthetase activity of leaf tissue was about three times higher than that of bark. The estimated catalytic potential of leaf glutamine synthetase was 800-fold higher than the actual protein nitrogen loss of senescing leaves. The cumulative glutamate synthase activity of bark was about six times higher than that of leaf. The estimated catalytic potential of bark glutamate synthase was 160-times higher than the actual protein nitrogen gain in that tissue. The cumulative glutamate dehydrogenase activities in leaf and bark tissue were approximately the same. However, the catalytic potential of leaf glutamate dehydrogenase was twice that of leaf glutamate synthase. It is thus concluded that the physiological role of glutamine synthetase in senescing leaf tissue is to furnish the amide(s) prior to mobilization of nitrogen to storage tissue. The higher activity of glutamate synthase in bark tissue could provide a mechanism to transform the imported amide nitrogen to amino nitrogen of glutamate for storage protein synthesis. The possible regulatory factors upon the activity of these enzymes in the tissues of senescing apple trees are discussed.  相似文献   
Peptide recognition by class I products of the major histocompatibility complex requires association of the class I heavy chain with β2-microglobulin. We present results of Monte Carlo simulations of the β-pleated sheet floor of the human class I MHC molecule, HLA-A2, with and without β2-microglobulin. We find a significant effect of β2-microglobulin on the side chains of residues near a region that would accommodate the C-terminus of a bound peptide. By modeling simultaneously each loop and its neighboring strand at either end of the class I cleft, we find that β2-microglobulin restricts the conformational space of residues that are central to binding peptides. The effect is most pronounced for R97 and H114 and somewhat less important for Y99 and Y116, the latter forming strong hydrogen bonds with neighboring residues in the heavy chain itself.  相似文献   
The enteric nervous system is a vast network of neurons and glia running the length of the gastrointestinal tract that functionally controls gastrointestinal motility. A procedure for the isolation and culture of a mixed population of neurons and glia from the myenteric plexus is described. The primary cultures can be maintained for over 7 days, with connections developing among the neurons and glia. The longitudinal muscle strip with the attached myenteric plexus is stripped from the underlying circular muscle of the mouse ileum or colon and subjected to enzymatic digestion. In sterile conditions, the isolated neuronal and glia population are preserved within the pellet following centrifugation and plated on coverslips. Within 24-48 hr, neurite outgrowth occurs and neurons can be identified by pan-neuronal markers. After two days in culture, isolated neurons fire action potentials as observed by patch clamp studies. Furthermore, enteric glia can also be identified by GFAP staining. A network of neurons and glia in close apposition forms within 5 - 7 days. Enteric neurons can be individually and directly studied using methods such as immunohistochemistry, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, and single-cell PCR. Furthermore, this procedure can be performed in genetically modified animals. This methodology is simple to perform and inexpensive. Overall, this protocol exposes the components of the enteric nervous system in an easily manipulated manner so that we may better discover the functionality of the ENS in normal and disease states.  相似文献   
The classical type of transient receptor potential channel (TRPC) is a molecular candidate for Ca2+-permeable cation channels in mammalian cells. Especially, TRPC4 has the similar properties to Ca2+-permeable nonselective cation channels (NSCCs) activated by muscarinic stimulation in visceral smooth muscles. In visceral smooth muscles, NSCCs activated by muscarinic stimulation were blocked by anti-Gαi/o antibodies. However, there is still no report which Gα proteins are involved in the activation process of TRPC4. Among Gα proteins, only Gαi protein can activate TRPC4 channel. The activation effect of Gαi was specific for TRPC4 because Gαi has no activation effect on TRPC5, TRPC6 and TRPV6. Coexpression with muscarinic receptor M2 induced TRPC4 current activation by muscarinic stimulation with carbachol, which was inhibited by pertussis toxin. These results suggest that Gαi is involved specifically in the activation of TRPC4.  相似文献   
基于4种生态位模型的金钱松潜在适生区预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金钱松(Pseudolarix amabilis)是我国特有孑遗植物,为国家II级保护植物。基于4种生态位模型(GARP、Bioclim、Domain和Maxent)预测金钱松潜在适生区,采用受试者工作特征曲线(Receiver Operating Characteristic,ROC)和Kappa统计量检验模型的预测效果。预测结果表明金钱松在浙江西北部、安徽南部、湖北南部、湖南北部以及江西北部表现为高度适生,并以这些地带为中心向外延伸至北纬24.43°-33.35°和东经106.41°-123.42°之间,4种模型预测结果的受试者工作特征曲线下面积(Area under recriver operating characteristic curve,AUC)平均值均大于0.9,Kappa平均值亦大于0.75,精度较高。通过"刀切法"分析得出年均温是预测金钱松潜在适生区的关键影响因子,可能为当前金钱松分布格局形成的决定因素。模拟金钱松在末次盛冰期和2070年气候条件下的分布,结果表明其分布格局随气候变化由"南扩北缩"变为"南缩北扩",未来分布面积将大幅减小,气候变化是导致其"南缩北扩"的主要驱动因子。建议在当前金钱松高适分布区域内(江西铜鼓县、湖南张家界和衡阳)建立自然保护区或种子园,并在未来气候条件下高适分布区域内(如安徽北部、河南南部、湖北东南部等地)通过人工引种辅助金钱松的北向迁移。  相似文献   
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