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In a natural population of Solidago altissima L., the changes in the spatial pattern of shoots in the course of growth were studied. The results obtained were summarized as follows:
  1. The spatial pattern changed from clumped to random distribution as plants grew. The change seemed to be resulted from some density-dependent process acting at a small spatial scale, probably the competition for space.
  2. Large plants tended to distribute themselves more uniformly over the space than the small ones but at the mature stage of growth such a difference was not obviously recognized. The process of appearance of the small-sized plants during successive periods also seemed to be dependent on local density.
  3. Large plants at the early stage of growth tended to survive better, and there was a positive correlation between initial size and the size at maturity.
  4. From these results, it is inferred that the change of spatial pattern from clumped to random distribution is largely due to the elimination of small shoots as the result of competition for space among individual shoots.
Spatial distribution pattern of the brown planthopper (BPH) was analyzed at 9 experimental fields in the northern part of West Java during two consecutive rice cropping seasons, i.e., wet and dry seasons. The population of each developmental stage and wing form of BPH at each location showed consistent departure from the random (Poisson) distribution, the variances of the densities in most cases exceeding their means. Namely, the distribution pattern of BPH per hill of rice plant was found to have a general tendency to be aggregated or contagious and to fit fairly well to the negative binomial model. The tendency for aggregation was further confirmed by both the β-values of -m regression being larger than unity and the CA-values being larger than zero for each developmental stage. Although significant variations in the distribution pattern as measured by β- or CA-value were observed between different developmental stages, between wing forms and among locations, the degree of aggregation for a given developmental stage at each experimental field remained fairly stable throughout the crop period, despite wide temporal changes in population density. Possible factors to explain these characteristics of the spatial distribution pattern of the BPH in West Java were discussed with reference to the process generating it.  相似文献   
The small-scale associations in a rocky subtidal community in the northwestern Mediterranean were studied by a development of the continuous line transect method. This method allowed the overall measurement of non-randomness in interspecific contacts and the assignment of an association index to each species-pair, whose, significance was tested by Monte Carlo procedures. At the same time, the continuous recording allowed the study of the weakening of the interactions with increasing distances. Our purpose was to uncover evidence for allelochemical mechanisms of space occupation and maintenance. A strong non-randomness was found in the interspecific associations. This was mostly due to the interactions of the poecilosclerid sponge Crambe crambe (Schmidt) with its neighbours, especially its negative associations with other sponge species. The strength of the relationships fell drastically over the first few centimeters from the contact borders of the different species. The results pointed strongly to an allelochemical mechanism. The extracts of this sponge featured high bioactivity in laboratory assays, and field experiments demonstrated that the sponge can inhibit the growth of species in the community studied. Standard sampling techniques would have overlooked the spatial structure present in the data. The study emphasizes the need for both contact data and distance data in order to identify the underlying processes reliably. The line transect method provides both types of information easily and allows testing of models and identification of organisms likely to use chemical defenses in space competition. Its use as a preliminary step in studies of chemical ecology might help to detect presumptive allelochemical processes prior to experimental work on the potentially active species.  相似文献   
Synopsis One perspective emphasizing the importance of stochastic processes in determining coral reef fish assemblages implies that there is little organization in species richness, abundance structure, and spatial distribution. We examine the degree to which this perspective is correct by analyzing distribution of fishes on a collection of patch reefs (Discovery Bay, Jamaica). We ask the question whether these patches accumulate species and individuals in a manner consistent with stochastic expectations. To address this question we use two conceptual models, each permitting a different insight. One assumes that fish are distributed stochastically on patches while the other assumes presence of restrictions on fish distribution due to habitat structure. For each conceptual model we use two types of benchmark: we compare observed patterns to those predicted by theoretical models, and we also compare observed patterns to those obtained from a random reallocation of fish individuals to patches. We found that the conceptual model assuming stochastic processes appeared to provide weaker explanation of patterns than the conceptual model that includes restrictions due to habitat structure. Further, and more importantly, we found that (i) the community is shaped by a mixture of stochastic and non-stochastic mechanisms, and (ii) the stochastic assembly processes decrease in importance for species restricted to fewer microhabitat types and sites. Our study therefore indicates that patches do accumulate individuals and species in a manner consistent with stochastic expectations, however, this applies primarily to the habitat generalists (unrestricted species). By the same token, increased habitat specialization by some species imposes constraints on the stochastic model such that it eventually fails.  相似文献   
Juniperus excelsa subsp. polycarpos (K. Koch) Takhtajan is found in mountain areas from Turkey through to India and as an isolated population on Jebel Akhadar in the northern mountains of Oman. Juniperus is one of the dominant plant species in these mountains and a major landscape feature of several proposed National Nature and Scenic Reserves and of Hayl Juwari, a wooded valley at 2250 m altitude proposed as a Botanical Site of Special Interest. Above 2400 m altitude the Juniperus woodlands generally appear to be regenerating and in good condition, both on exposed slopes and in wadis and sheltered gullies, whereas below 2400 m most stands are in poor condition and exhibit few signs of regeneration. If the apparently poor condition of the lower altitude woodlands is due to any long term change in climatic conditions, both tree status and regeneration would be poorer in relatively more xeric habitats. To test this prediction we have carried out a detailed survey of the status and ecology of a 32 ha area of Hayl Juwari, and analysed differences in tree status and regeneration between wadis (relatively more nesic sites) and non-wadi areas (relatively more xeric). Approximately one third of the trees are dead, and an analysis of the height, condition, regeneration, female cone production, preferred germination sites and spatial distribution of trees indicates the importance of topography, hydrology and microclimate for growth. However, although there are relatively greater numbers of dead and poor-condition trees in the more xeric non-wadi habitat, there is no unequivocal evidence that the present distribution of small, sexually immature trees in both habitats could not form a pattern of larger, sexually mature trees similar to that seen today. We speculate, however, that the climate at this altitude may be marginal for the survival of a J. excelsa subsp. polycarpos woodland and that even small increases in climatic stress could imperil the woodland's present status.  相似文献   
Abstract. The structure and composition of a cool-temperate old-growth beech (Fagus crenata) - dwarf bamboo (Sasa spp.) forest, partially affected by landslide disturbance, in the Daisen Forest Reserve of southwestern Japan, were investigated in relation to forest floor and canopy conditions. All stems ≥ 4 cm DBH were mapped on a 4-ha plot and analyses were made of population structure, spatial distribution and spatial association of major tree species. The dominant species, F. crenata, which had the maximum DBH among the species present, had the highest stem density. However, for other species, larger-sized species had lower stem density with few smaller stems or saplings, while smaller-sized species had higher stem density with many smaller stems or saplings. Canopy trees of F. crenata were distributed randomly in the plot, while its stems in the other layers and all other species were distributed patchily. Small patches represent gap-phase regeneration. Larger patches correlate with landslide disturbance, difference in soil age, or the presence/absence of Sasa. Cluster analysis for spatial associations among species and stems in the different layers revealed that the forest community consists of several groups. One main group was formed on sites not covered with Sasa. This group contained a successional subgroup (from Betula grossa to Acer mono and/or F. crenata) initiated by landslide disturbance and a subgroup of tree species that avoid Sasa. Another group was formed on sites with mature soils covered largely with Sasa. This contained associations of canopy trees of F. crenata and smaller-sized tree species such as Acanthopanax sciadophylloides and Acer japonicum. It is found that the community of this old-growth beech forest is largely organized by natural disturbance and heterogeneous conditions of the forest floor (difference in soil age and presence/absence of Sasa). The existence of these different factors and the different responses of species to them largely contribute to the maintenance of tree species diversity in this forest.; Keywords: Cluster analysis; Fagus crenata; Forest dynamics; Gap; Landslide; Spatial pattern.  相似文献   
We study the behavior of traveling waves in - systems on both homogeneous and inhomogeneous rings. The stability regions in parameter space of - waves were previously known [15, 19]; the results are extended here. We show the existence of Hopf bifurcations of traveling waves and the stability of the limit cycles born at the Hopf bifurcation for some parameter ranges. Using a Lindstedt-type perturbation scheme, we formally construct periodic solutions of the - system near a Hopf bifurcation and show that the periodic solutions superimposed on the original traveling wave have the effect of altering its overall frequency and amplitude. We also study the - system on an annulus ofvariable width, which does not possess reflection symmetry about any axis. We formally construct traveling waves on this variable-width annulus by a perturbation scheme, and find that perturbing the width of the annulus alters the amplitude and frequency of traveling waves on the domain by a small (order 2) amount. For typical parameter values, we find that the speed, frequency, and stability are unaffected by the direction of travel of the wave on the annulus, despite the rotationally asymmetric inhomogeneity. This indicates that the - system on a variable-width domain cannot account for directional preferences of traveling waves in biological systems.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that both genetic and linguistic similarities among Eurasian and North African populations are due to demic diffusion of neolithic farmers is tested against a wide database of allele frequencies. Demic diffusion of farming and languages from the Near East should have determined clines in areas defined by linguistic criteria; the alternative hypothesis of cultural transmission does not predict clines. Spatial autocorrelation analysis shows significant gradients in three of the four linguistic families supposedly affected by neolithic demic diffusion; the Afroasiatic family is the exception. Many such gradients are not observed when populations are jointly analyzed, regardless of linguistic classification. This is incompatible with the hypothesis that major cultural transformations in Eurasia (diffusion of related languages and spread of agriculture) took place without major demographic changes. The model of demic diffusion seems therefore to provide a mechanism explaining coevolution of linguistic and biological traits in much of the Old World. Archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence agree in suggesting a multidirectional process of gene flow from the Near East in the neolithic. However, the possibility should be envisaged that some allele frequency patterns can predate the neolithic and depend on the initial spread of Homo sapiens sapiens from Africa into Eurasia. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
An algorithm of automatic classification is proposed and applied to a large collection of perennial ryegrass wild populations from France. This method is based on an ascendant hierarchical clustering using the Euclidian distance from the principal components extracted from the variance-covariance matrix between 28 agronomic traits. A contiguity constraint is imposed: only those pairs of populations which are defined as contiguous are grouped together into a cluster. The definition of contiguity is based on a geostatistical parameter: the range of the variogramme, i.e. the largest distance above which the variance between pairs of population no longer increases. This method yields clusters that are generally more compact than those obtained without constraint. In most cases the contours of these clusters fit well with known ecogeographic regions, namely, for macroclimatic homogeneous conditions. This suggests that selective factors exert a major influence in the genetic differentiation of ryegrass populations for quantitatively inherited adaptive traits. It is proposed that such a method could provide useful genetic and ecogeographic bases for sampling a core collection in widespread wild species such as forage grasses.Institut National de la Recherche Agrononique  相似文献   
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