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Summary Allozyme variation as detected by starch gel electrophoresis was used to assess the extent and spatial organization of genetic variation across the entire range of Glycine canescens sensu lato. Eleven enzyme systems were assayed in 116 accessions of this taxon and 102 alleles were detected at a total of 31 loci. Eighty-one percent of loci were polymorphic. Most of this variation occurred between and very little within accessions. Three major groupings were detected. These groupings (groups 1, 2, and 3) also differed with respect to mean seed size and their geographic distribution. A further ten accessions stood out from these distinct groups. These accessions were most closely related to group 3 but were variable among themselves. In general, they were collected from highly dissected terrain, often in the remote interior of the continent. A final group of 18 problematic accessions (group X), originally tentatively identified as G. canescens on morphological grounds, was shown to be isozymically distinct from this species and was reclassified as one form of the polytypic species G. clandestina.  相似文献   
Summary A major concern arising from the culture of clonally propagated crops of forest trees is risk of catastrophic loss due to an agent or event not anticipated at the time of population establishment. Since danger of such a catastrophe depends to some degree on the genetic variability within clonal mixtures, attention has been focused on the number of clones needed to keep the risk of catastrophic loss below specified levels. In this paper, we describe a genetical analysis of susceptibility to a destructive agent and the effect that frequency of genes for susceptibility have on the number of clones needed to effectively manage this risk. As a part of the analysis, parameters representing the minimum unacceptable mortality rates in plantations () and acceptable levels of risk () are defined, and their effects on the number of single-pair matings needed for the production of clonal stock are evaluated. Dominance and recessive gene action models for a single two-allele genetic locus are investigated. Probabilities for plantation failure are functions of the gene frequency for the allele conferring susceptibility. These functions converge to zero for allele frequencies less than but to one for frequencies greater than or equal to . This convergence is periodic rather than monotonie, since probabilities for plantation failure increase rather than decrease over restricted ranges of increasing numbers of clones. Recessive and dominance gene actions are found to have different effects on the minimum number of clones needed to attain acceptable risk levels. For conditions in which substantial numbers of clones are required, selecting multiple clones per mating is an effective method for reducing the number of matings necessary to achieve acceptable risks.Paper No. 12480 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agriculture Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7643, USA  相似文献   
Summary The aim of this study was to examine the differences in physical activity and their contribution to differences in energy utilization in mice, selected either high or low for food intake, adjusted for body weight, which show correlated responses in lean content and metabolic rate. Simultaneous measurements of fasting metabolic rate and activity were made in lines of mice selected at either: a young age, 4-to 6-week food intake corrected for 4-week body weight; or an older age, 8- to 10-week food intake corrected for mean weight at 8 and 10 weeks of age. Correlated response in metabolic rate was found to have been accompanied by changes in locomotor activity near the ages at selection in both sets of lines. Activity, however, accounted for only a small proportion of variation in fasting heat production, generally less than 5%, although a highly positive correlation (r=0.63) between the two traits was found. It was concluded that selection for food intake adjusted for body weight has led to correlated response in physical activity. In consequence, mice selected in the upward direction expend some of the excess energy intake rather than assimilating it as body mass and are, therefore, slightly leaner than their counterparts selected in the downward direction.  相似文献   
Depolarisation of [3H]inositol-prelabelled slices of rat cerebral cortex with elevated extracellular K+ induced a rapid and marked increase in inositol polyphosphate accumulation. Addition of the muscarinic antagonist atropine (10 microM) markedly inhibited the K+-induced accumulation of inositol tetrakisphosphate (InsP4), with only a slight reduction in stimulated inositol bis- and trisphosphate levels. Inhibitory effects on InsP4 were noted at the earliest time period measured (30 s) and suggested the involvement of released endogenous acetylcholine in part of the response. The atropine-insensitive component of depolarisation did not appear to be secondary to release of noradrenaline, histamine, or 5-hydroxytryptamine, because addition of prazosin, mepyramine, or ketanserin was without effect on the K+ response. Furthermore, secretion of a neuropeptide that could stimulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis was unlikely, because the peptidase inhibitor bacitracin was also without effect. The results suggest that endogenous acetylcholine can stimulate phosphoinositide metabolism by interacting with muscarinic receptors and that this is particularly evident on InsP4 accumulation. Atropine-insensitive responses may be secondary to Ca2+ entry via voltage-sensitive channels.  相似文献   
NAIR, M. N. B. AND MOHAN RAM, H. Y., 1989. Vestured pits and vestured vessel member walls in some Indian dicotyledonous woods. The woods of 144 taxa belonging to 38 families of angiosperms were examined for vestured pits and vestured vessel member walls using scanning electron microscopy. Vestured pits are present in 66 taxa (belonging to ten families) and vestured vessel member walls occur in only six taxa (belonging to three families). In Ehretiaceae and Euphorbiaceae vestures are present only in certain vessel members. In Wrighlia tinctoria , perforation plates containing vestures have been observed in addition to the presence of vestured pits. A classification of vestured pits based on their morphology and distribution is proposed by us. In all the types of vestured pits, vestures are present on the margin of the outer pit aperture or on the pit chamber wall. Occasionally, they are present in the pit canal, on the margin and in the vicinity of the inner pit aperture and rarely over the inner walls of the vessel members. The functions of vestured pits are not clear, although several suggestions are made. Whether or not these structures affect wood processing is not presently understood. It appears that vestured pits and vestured vessel member walls have diagnostic rather than phylogenetic value.  相似文献   
The present study examines the relationship between femur length and stature in children between the ages of 8 and 18 years. In previous investigations, my colleagues and I reported the surprising finding that femur length bears a nearly constant relationship to stature in adult humans regardless of ethnicity or gender. This earlier study revealed that the femur/stature ratio averages 26.74% in adult humans, and that using the ratio to predict stature from femur length yields remarkably accurate estimates. The current study shows that femur/stature ratios of children between the ages of 8 and 11 differ significantly from their older counterparts. Between the ages of 12 and 18, there are no significant differences due to age in the femur/stature ratio; however, there are significant differences in this age group attributable to gender. This study also shows that the worldwide average adult femur/stature ratio does not adequately describe children in this age range. This study strongly documents the adolescent growth spurt in the femur/stature ratios of both males and females at the precise time one would expect to see the spurt occur (10-12 in females; 12-14 in males). This growth follows a nearly identical trajectory in both genders, with relative femur growth dominating before the peak years of the growth spurt, and relative stature growth dominating afterward. This accounts for the ratio's rise to maximum values just before peak growth, and its decline toward the adult ratio thereafter. These findings require us to use separate adolescent femur/stature ratios of 27.16 (females) and 27.44 (males) to estimate the stature of children between the ages of 12 and 18. Preliminary testing shows these ratios to be more accurate in estimating stature than the properly selected Trotter and Gleser adult regression equation. Use of the adolescent male ratio with the Homo erectus juvenile WT 15000 results in a lower stature estimate (157.4 cm) than previously reported. It is suggested that continued testing of the ratio occur, but that the values herein derived may be useful in routine forensic cases involving children in this age range, and with subadult paleontological specimens.  相似文献   
The mathematical model for the penicillin G fed-batch fermentation proposed by Heijnen et al. (1979) is compared with the model of Bajpai & Reuß (1980). Although the general structure of these models is similar, the difference in metabolic assumptions and specific growth and production kinetics results in a completely different behaviour towards product optimization. A detailed analysis of both models reveals some physical and biochemical shortcomings. It is shown that it is impossible to make a reliable estimation of the model parameters, only using experimental data of simple constant glucose feed rate fermentations with low initial substrate amount. However, it is demonstrated that some model parameters might be key factors in concluding whether or not altering the substrate feeding strategy has an important influence on the final amount of product.It is illustrated that feeding strategy optimization studies can be a tool in designing experiments for parameter estimation purposes.  相似文献   
Using data for 27 Texas counties from 1978-1987, it is shown that the incidence rates of suicide, homicide, and rape are significantly higher in counties whose drinking water supplies contain little or no lithium than in counties with water lithium levels ranging from 70-170 micrograms/L; the differences remain statistically significant (p less than 0.01) after corrections for population density. The corresponding associations with the incidence rates of robbery, burglary, and theft were statistically significant with p less than 0.05. These results suggest that lithium has moderating effects on suicidal and violent criminal behavior at levels that may be encountered in municipal water supplies. Comparisons of drinking water lithium levels, in the respective Texas counties, with the incidences of arrests for possession of opium, cocaine, and their derivatives (morphine, heroin, and codeine) from 1981-1986 also produced statistically significant inverse associations, whereas no significant or consistent associations were observed with the reported arrest rates for possession of marijuana, driving under the influence of alcohol, and drunkenness. These results suggest that lithium at low dosage levels has a generally beneficial effect on human behavior, which may be associated with the functions of lithium as a nutritionally-essential trace element. Subject to confirmation by controlled experiments with high-risk populations, increasing the human lithium intakes by supplementation, or the lithiation of drinking water is suggested as a possible means of crime, suicide, and drug-dependency reduction at the individual and community level.  相似文献   
Multivariate statistical analysis has been applied to time series measurements of aerosol elemental composition from PIXE analysis of filter samples, and principal components have been resolved that represent distinct particle types in an external mixture in the atmosphere. In this study, it is argued that a combination of chemical and statistical analyses of the data may be more powerful in determining chemical species in atmospheric aerosols than studies that employ mainly direct chemical analysis of chemical species in unresolved mixtures of aerosol particle samples. Sulfur is generally associated with mineral dust elements. It is reasoned that the association may represent sulfuric acid coatings on particles that can lead to mineral dissolution and solubilization of significant amounts of aluminum, iron, and other metals. Upon wet or dry deposition to the surface, the fluxes of these metals in biologically-available form may be sufficient to affect primary productivity in the world ocean and cause ecological damage in lakes. As a consequence, the fluxes of biogenic trace gases to the atmosphere may be changed, possibly leading to changes in the tropospheric concentration of ozone. The inputs to lakes of soluble aluminum, which is toxic to fish, may be partly by deposition directly from the atmosphere, thus not limited to leaching of soils by acid deposition. Human inhalation of soluble aluminum and other solulilized mineral metals may account, in part, for the observed geographic pattern of deaths attributed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that show high rates in cities of the Western US and the southeast region, but low in most of the midwest and northeast.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen the convergence of both genetic and biochemical approaches in the study of protein translocation inE. coli. The powerful combination of these approaches is exemplified in the use of anin vitro protein synthesis-protein translocaltion system to analyze the role of genetically defined components of the protein translocation machinery. We describe in this review recent results focusing on the function of thesecA, secB, andsecY gene products and the demonstration of their requirement forin vitro protein translocation. The SecA protein was recently shown to possess ATPase activity and was proposed to be a component of the translocation ATPase. We present a speculative working model whereby the translocator complex is composed of the integral membrane proteins SecY, SecD, SecE, and SecF, forming an aqueous channel in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the tightly associated peripheral membrane protein SecA functioning as the catalytic subunit of the translocator or protein-ATPase.  相似文献   
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