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An analysis of the catch associated with floating objects by the Mexican tuna purse‐seine fleet in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1992–1993 was made to determine the spatial and seasonal distribution. The information used was generated by observers of the Programa Nacional de Aprovechamiento del Atun y Protección a los Delfines (PNAAPD). There was no clear seasonal and spatial distribution of floating objects examined in this study, however there were areas where floating objects were more common; the mouth of the Gulf of California, waters offshore Peru, and in oceanic waters. The largest catch of yellowfin tuna was offshore of Peru in winter. Two areas with largest (length) yellowfin tuna were the mouth of the Gulf of California and offshore Peru. For skipjack tuna, the largest catch was offshore Peru in winter, but the largest skipjack were caught between 120° and 130°W along 10°N in spring. The largest yellowfin tuna were captured by sets on bamboo, fish aggregating devices (FADs), planks and boards, and logs (trees or parts). The largest skipjack were captured by sets on dead whales, kelp paddies, planks and boards, and pallets and crates. Most of the sets were made during the early hours of the day but an important number of log sets were made in the early afternoon. For the period analyzed, floating objects were more frequent during fall and winter with the area offshore of Peru the most important.  相似文献   

Taxonomic representation and regional distribution patterns of taxa, life forms, and defence mechanisms of the succulent flora of South Africa and Namibia are quantified and discussed in relation to physical and biotic factors. Habitats are investigated and for each region centres of succulent species richness are pointed out.  相似文献   
Pygoscelis penguins are experiencing general population declines in their northernmost range whereas there are reported increases in their southernmost range. These changes are coincident with decadal‐scale trends in remote sensed observations of sea ice concentrations (SIC) and sea surface temperatures (SST) during the chick‐rearing season (austral summer). Using SIC, SST, and bathymetry, we identified separate chick‐rearing niche spaces for the three Pygoscelis penguin species and used a maximum entropy approach (MaxEnt) to spatially and temporally model suitable chick‐rearing habitats in the Southern Ocean. For all Pygoscelis penguin species, the MaxEnt models predict significant changes in the locations of suitable chick‐rearing habitats over the period of 1982–2010. In general, chick‐rearing habitat suitability at specific colony locations agreed with the corresponding increases or decreases in documented population trends over the same time period. These changes were the most pronounced along the West Antarctic Peninsula where there has been a rapid warming event during at least the last 50 years.  相似文献   
玉米种质资源抗南方锈病鉴定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
玉米南方锈病已成为近几年我国夏玉米生产区间歇性暴发流行的病害,对玉米生产构成严重威胁,病害流行年份可造成10%以上的产量损失。目前,已确认的抗病自交系非常有限,而抗病育种急需不同抗性控制背景的自交系。为发掘和丰富可利用的南方锈病抗源,于2008~2012年,在广西南宁采用田间人工接种方法对1589份玉米种质资源进行抗南方锈病鉴定。通过高病害压力和连续多年的鉴定,从1589份玉米种质中鉴定出高抗(HR)材料26份,占鉴定总数的1.64%;抗病(R)材料137份,占鉴定总数的8.62%;中抗(MR)水平的材料382份,占鉴定总数的24.04%;感病(S)材料489份,占鉴定总数的30.77%;高感(HS)材料555份,占鉴定总数的34.93%。总体上抗南方锈病种质较少,引进种质中抗病类型材料的比例略高。经重复鉴定,筛选出赤556等18份自交系、老来秕等3份地方品种、A69等4份来自津巴布韦的材料、引自CIMMYT的Dr11表现稳定高抗南方锈病,为今后我国玉米抗南方锈病育种提供了新的抗性资源。  相似文献   
Length weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for four species of low value fishes that belongs to four families from the southwest coast of India. The specimens of, Callionymus margaretae, Dactyloptena peterseni, Rogadius serratus and Minous inermis were collected for a period of 1 year from the fishing trawlers of Cochin Fisheries Harbour (Lat. 09° 56′ 327″ N, Long. 76° 15′ 764″ E). The estimated allometric coefficient b values ranged from 2.5020 (Rogadius serratus) to 3.2438 (Dactyloptena peterseni) and r2 values ranged from 0.9492 (Rogadius serratus) to 0.9869 (Dactyloptena peterseni). All the LWRs were highly significant, with p < .001.This study provides the first estimate of LWRs for these low value by catch fish species.  相似文献   
The year-round thermal habitat at sea for adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (n = 49) from northern Norway was investigated using archival tags over a 10 year study period. During their ocean feeding migration, the fish spent 90% of the time in waters with temperatures from 1.6–8.4°C. Daily mean temperatures ranged from −0.5 to 12.9°C, with daily temperature variation up to 9.6°C. Fish experienced the coldest water during winter (November–March) and the greatest thermal range during the first summer at sea (July–August). Trends in sea-surface temperatures influenced the thermal habitat of salmon during late summer and autumn (August–October), with fish experiencing warmer temperatures in warmer years. This pattern was absent during winter (November–March), when daily mean temperatures ranged from 3.4–5.0°C, in both colder and warmer years. The observations of a constant thermal habitat during winter in both warmer and colder years, may suggest that the ocean distribution of salmon is flexible and that individual migration routes could shift as a response to spatiotemporal alterations of favourable prey fields and ocean temperatures.  相似文献   
Many tropical plant species show wide intra-population variation in reproductive timing, resulting in the protracted presence of flowering and fruiting individuals. Various eco-evolutionary drivers have been proposed as ultimate causes for asynchronous phenology, yet little is known about the proximate factors that control reproductive onset among individuals or that influence the proportion of trees producing new inflorescences within a population. We employed a nine-year phenological record from 178 individuals of the hyperdominant, asynchronously flowering canopy palm, Oenocarpus bataua (Arecaceae)¸ to assess whether resource-related variables influence individual- and population-level flowering phenology. Among individuals, access to sunlight increased rates of inflorescence production, while the presence of resource sinks related to current investment in reproduction—developing infructescences—reduced the probability of producing new inflorescences. At the population level, climate anomalies induced by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected the proportion of the population producing inflorescences through time. Moreover, the effects of ENSO anomalies on flowering patterns depended on the prevalence of developing infructescences in the population, with stronger effects in periods of low developing-infructescence frequency. Taken together, these results suggest that resource-related variables can drive phenological differences among individuals and mediate population-level responses to larger-scale variables, such as climate anomalies. Consequently, a greater focus on the role of resource levels as endogenous cues for reproduction might help explain the frequent aseasonal phenological patterns observed among tropical plants, particularly those showing high intra-population asynchrony.  相似文献   
Larger foraminifera of the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene lower slope to toe-of-slope deposits of the southern Galala, Egypt, are described. Sulcocassidina nakkadyi n. gen. et sp. (base) and Vacuolicassidella dakhlensis n. gen. et sp. (top) represent a phylogenetic line related to the family Cassidinidae (new family), superfamily Miscellanacea (new superfamily) in the latest Paleocene (shallow benthic zone 4) of the southern Galala, Egypt. In addition, Oscucassidella cassis n. gen. et sp., Pellatispiroides youssefi n. gen. et sp. and Chordcassidella ainshamsiana n. gen. et sp. are described and illustrated. Genus: Pomerolina n. gen. (Type species: Alveolina meandrina Carter, 1861, is newly erected and it belongs to Cassidinidae. In this family, the chambers are initially arranged streptospirally, whereas in later stages they are planispirally enrolled. Lateral chamberlets (retral process) are separated from the laminae by a passage and a marginal crest is added during growth.  相似文献   

Eocene deposits of the famous La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, yielded the most diverse Paleogene fossil elasmobranch association of the Southern Hemisphere. In this assemblage, sharks clearly dominate the fauna, whereas batoids are very rare components. Herein, we describe two new taxa of cold water tolerant skates, Marambioraja leiostemma gen. et sp. nov., and Mesetaraja maleficapelli gen. et sp. nov., two new species of the genus Raja, Raja amphitrita sp. nov. and Raja manitaria sp. nov., as well as remains of warm water adapted myliobatiforms. It is, however, not possible to unambiguously assign these remains either to Myliobatidae or Rhinopteridae, or to any specific genus. Previously reported remains of Raja/Bathyraja sp. are assigned to the new described species Raja manitaria sp. nov. The biogeographic distribution of extant and extinct rays and skates clearly shows that both groups are more widely distributed today than in the past, and additionally seem to have been more diverse in the Northern than the Southern Hemisphere. The occurrence, albeit rare of isolated teeth of skates (Rajidae) and rays (Myliobatidae) in the La Meseta Formation representes a minimum age constraint for their first appearance in the Southern Ocean.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E507D86C-FFEC-4047-A337-AE77606BB1A6  相似文献   
A body fossil of the starfish Metopaster parkinsoni was collected from chalky rocks of the Coniacian – Santonian transition in the Abderaz Formation at the Padeha section, east of Mashhad (Kopet-Dagh, Iran). The species is common in the English Chalk and is well known from the Cenomanian to the Maastrichtian of Europe. The new Iranian occurrence of M. parkinsoni extends its geographical range of 700 km to the South and 2500 km to the East. The species proliferated in upper offshore environments of the North Tethyan continental shelves. The outstanding occurrence of many well-preserved specimens during the Coniacian – Santonian transition in Europe and Iran may be related to favorable taphonomic conditions driven by the Ocean Anoxic Event (OAE III).  相似文献   
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