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Aim To investigate the historical distribution of the Cerrado across Quaternary climatic fluctuations and to generate historical stability maps to test: (1) whether the ‘historical climate’ stability hypothesis explains squamate reptile richness in the Cerrado; and (2) the hypothesis of Pleistocene connections between savannas located north and south of Amazonia. Location The Cerrado, a savanna biome and a global biodiversity hotspot distributed mainly in central Brazil. Methods We generated occurrence datasets from 1000 presence points randomly selected from the entire distribution of the Cerrado, as determined by two spatial definitions. We modelled the potential Cerrado distribution by implementing a maximum‐entropy machine‐learning algorithm across four time projections: current, mid‐Holocene (6 ka), Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 ka) and Last Interglacial (LIG, 120 ka). We generated historical stability maps (refugial areas) by overlapping presence/absence projections of all scenarios, and checked consistencies with qualitative comparisons with available fossil pollen records. We built a spatially explicit simultaneous autoregressive model to explore the relationship between current climate, climatic stability, and squamate species richness. Results Models predicted the LGM and LIG as the periods of narrowest and widest Cerrado distributions, respectively, and were largely corroborated by palynological evidence. We found evidence for two savanna corridors (eastern coastal during the LIG, and Andean during the LGM) and predicted a large refugial area in the north‐eastern Cerrado (Serra Geral de Goiás refugium). Variables related to climatic stability predicted squamate richness better than present climatic variables did. Main conclusions Our results indicate that Bolivian savannas should be included within the Cerrado range and that the Cerrado’s biogeographical counterparts are not Chaco and Caatinga but rather the disjunct savannas of the Guyana shield plateaus. Climatic stability is a good predictor of Cerrado squamate richness, and our stability maps could be used in future studies to test diversity patterns and genetic signatures of different taxonomic groups and as a higher‐order landscape biodiversity surrogate for conservation planning.  相似文献   
Aim Our aim was to investigate the historical biogeography of the three genera of the Leucocroton alliance (i.e. Garciadelia Jestrow & Jiménez Rodr., Lasiocroton Griseb., and Leucocroton Griseb., Euphorbiaceae). Location  The alliance is restricted to the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola and Jamaica. Methods Members of the Leucocroton alliance, along with representatives from tribe Adelieae (Adelia L. and Philyra Klotzsch.), were included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis based upon nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the non‐coding chloroplast regions psbM–trnD and ycf6–pcbM. The program s‐diva was used to calculate ancestral areas based on the phylogenetic trees and present species distributions. Results Phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of the three genera. The ancestral area of the Leucocroton alliance is eastern Cuba and Hispaniola. Ancestral forms of Leucocroton arose on eastern Cuba and underwent two migrations across the island. The ancestor of Lasiocroton also originated on eastern Cuba followed by later dispersal to and speciation events on the other islands. Our study also suggests that ancestral forms of the Leucocroton alliance probably occurred on limestone soils. Main conclusions Our study concurs with previous hypotheses suggesting that the flora of serpentinite regions of the Caribbean derives from other types of soils. The serpentine endemics of the Leucocroton alliance have a single origin and represent one of the most extraordinary examples of speciation in this unique environment of the New World. The high colonization success achieved by the members of Leucocroton on serpentine soils was not attained by the other genera of the alliance, which occur on limestone areas.  相似文献   
In the present paper, the distal end of a humerus referable to a Dendrocygninae anseriform bird is reported. The specimen was collected at the Monte Hermoso Formation (early Pliocene) of the Farola Monte Hermoso locality (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). This record constitutes one of the oldest for the group in South America and elsewhere. The overview of the anseriform record in South America indicates a similar pattern to that of other localities across the world. Paleogene localities are dominated by non-Anatinae taxa, whereas more recent faunas are dominated by anatines. Following this pattern, in South America the Anatinae appears in the fossil record as recently as in the Pleistocene, probably arriving from North America during the Great American Biotic Interchange. Pleistocene and Recent anseriform avifaunas are dominated by Anatinae taxa, and this dominance is probably due to some “key characters” regarding reproductive biology. In fact, the anatines exhibit a high reproductive success probably due to the capability of having two molts per year, and that the parental care of the downy young is only conducted by the female. The combination of characters may have allowed anatines to dominate most aquatic environments, surpassing in diversity more plesiomorphic taxa.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll a and primary production were studied in northern South China Sea during summer from 2007 to 2008. Microplankton dominated total phytoplankton biomass in the coast, while picoplankton dominated in the offshore. Algae bloom caused by Thalassionema nitzschioides was found at the subsurface of upwelling regions (D2, C2) in 2008, and maximum of phytoplankton abundance reached 1.58 × 106 ind L?1. Integrated primary production ranged from 189.3 to 976.2 mg m?2 d?1 in 2007, and ranged from 652.1 to 6601 mg m?2 d?1 in 2008. PP showed positive relationship with IPP (p < 0.01) and negative relationship with SST (p < 0.05). Coastal upwelling and Pearl River discharge sustained high PP, and played important role in regulating the phytoplankton biomass and production.  相似文献   
 A new terapontid fish, Mesopristes iravi, is described based on 13 specimens collected on Iriomote Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. This species closely resembles M. argenteus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829) in having dark stripes on the body, but differs from that species in retaining the stripes even in adults (vs. stripes disappearing ontogenetically in the latter species), having the median stripe passing through the eye interrupted on the postorbital region (vs. continuous when the stripe present), a shorter fifth (longest) dorsal spine (14.6–19.7% SL vs. 18.0–22.2% SL), and a longer postorbital length (40.0–43.0% HL vs. 37.8–40.7% HL). Mesopristes iravi has been confused with M. argenteus in previous reports, and on the basis of the literature it may extend from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, southward to Borneo, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Received: August 6, 2001 / Revised: February 24, 2002 / Accepted: March 7, 2002  相似文献   
The environmental contexts of the karstic hominin sites in South Africa have been established largely by means of faunal associations; taken together these data suggest a trend from relatively closed and more mesic to open, drier environments from about 3 to 1.5 Ma. Vrba argued for a major shift within this trend ca. 2.4-2.6 Ma, an influential proposal that posited links between bovid (and hominin) radiation in Africa and the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. Yet faunal approaches often rely on habitat and feeding preferences of modern taxa that may differ from those of their extinct predecessors. Here we explore ways of extending 13C/12C data from fossil mammals beyond denoting “presence” or “absence” of C4 grasses using the evolution of open environments in South Africa as a case study. To do so we calculated the relative proportions of C3-, mixed-, and C4-feeding herbivores for all the hominin sites for which we have sufficient data based on 13C/12C analyses of fossil tooth enamel. The results confirm a general trend towards more open environments since 3 Ma, but they also emphasize a marked change to open grassy habitats in the latest Pliocene/early Pleistocene. Mean 13C/12C for large felids also mirrored this trend.  相似文献   
为了解红厚壳(Calophyllum inophyllum)的抗逆特性,对西沙群岛自然生长的红厚壳叶片的形态解剖、生理生态、以及叶片和适生土壤的元素含量进行了研究。结果表明,红厚壳是阳生性植物,其上表皮厚,海绵组织发达且栅栏组织排列紧密,气孔排列松散且密度小(24.40 mm~(-2)),有利于叶片保水抵御干旱。叶片的叶绿素a、b含量低(分别为0.87和0.43 mg g~(-1)),表明红厚壳具适应强光环境的能力。叶片的MDA含量低(13.46 nmol g~(-1)),PRO含量高(127.89μg g~(-1)),SOD活性高(149.42 U g~(-1)),总抗氧化能力高(388.60 U g~(-1)),显示红厚壳能通过提高自身的抗氧化能力抵御膜脂过氧化伤害。红厚壳自然生长的珊瑚岛土壤较为贫瘠、营养元素含量低,但红厚壳植株体内具有较高的营养元素含量,表明红厚壳营养元素利用率高,对于贫瘠土壤具有很好的适应能力。因此,红厚壳具有较高的抗氧化胁迫能力和耐受干旱的能力,适宜生长在热带珊瑚岛等土壤贫瘠的生境,可以作为热带珊瑚岛防风固沙和植被恢复的工具种。  相似文献   
南海北部生态系统食物网结构、能量流动及系统特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈作志  邱永松 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4855-4865
根据20072008年在南海北部(107°00'120°00'E、17°00'23°30'N)进行的海洋生态综合调查数据,应用Ecopath with Ecosim软件构建了南海北部生态系统的生态通道模型,并通过模型分析了南海北部海洋生态系统的食物网结构、能量流动和系统的总体特征,并简要总结过度捕捞生态系统的基本特征。结果表明,南海北部海洋生态系统以捕食食物链为主要能流通道,初级生产者是系统能量的主要来源。各功能群的营养级范围为13.99,哺乳动物占据了最高的营养层,平均渔获物营养级为2.93。利用生态网络分析,系统的能量流动主要有6级,来自初级生产者的能流效率为12.6%,来自碎屑的转换效率为10.4%,平均能量转换效率为11.5%。系统连接指数(Connectance Index,CI)和系统杂食指数(System Omnivory Index,SOI)分别为0.290和0.239;Finn’s循环指数(Finn’scy cling index,FCI)和系统平均路径长度(Finn’s mean path length,MPL)分别为4.380和2.476;总初级生产力/总呼吸为2.596,综合研究表明当前南海北部海洋生态系统处于不成熟阶段。  相似文献   
本文对北部湾中部海域水深2.4m到61m、共计184个站位表层沉积物中的有孔虫进行研究。结果显示浮游有孔虫丰度非常低,种类也较稀少,仅在南侧水深较大的少数站位有发现,且含量不超过5%;而底栖有孔虫则较丰富,多数样品中以含有螺旋式与平旋式的玻璃质壳类型为主,暖水或大型底栖有孔虫分子常见。和其它海区相较而言,该海域底栖有孔虫中胶结壳类含量偏高,可能与沉积物底质颗粒较粗及海水盐度较低有关。该研究详细报道了底栖有孔虫主要属种在北部湾的分布特征。与海洋环境对比显示,水深和沉积物底质类型是影响这些属种平面分布的主要因素,而湾外温暖水团则是控制暖水种分子分布的另一重要因素。  相似文献   
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