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In this paper we consider the morphological variation within a natural population of Aulacoseira granulata (Ehr.) Simonsen in relation to environmental factors. This species was dominant in the phytoplankton of the Lower Paraná River (Argentina) and exhibited seasonal fluctuations of cell dimensions. The mean cell diameter was directly correlated with the river water level and inversely with pH and nitrate concentrations, whereas cell length was directly correlated with transparency and nitrate concentration and inversely with suspended solids. This pattern was similar to that observed for filament length. The cell length : diameter ratio was inversely related to water level and discharge and directly related to pH, transparency, and nitrate concentration. Maximum diameters did not coincide with maximum lengths. A tendency to maintain cell volume throughout the annual cycle was observed, which probably relates to both buoyancy and photosynthetic capacity. These results associate the water ascendancy and the size recovery phases to discharge. Cells become smaller on the ebbing of the flood phase, and the decreasing depth increases the probability that the alga will be disentrained from the turbulent field. The loss during low water would act as a stimulus for auxosporulation, contributing to the production of large cells to start off the next population. Received: August 12, 2000 / Accepted: November 14, 2000  相似文献   
地球上细胞最小、丰度最大的放氧光合自养原核生物原绿球藻( Prochlorococcus )发现于热带大洋,并被证实可在某些近海甚至近岸水域大量分布.但除温度之外,原绿球藻自然分布的控制因子尚不明了.从近海和大洋生态条件的主要差别考虑,在南海进行了主要营养盐--氮、磷和微量元素--铁、钴扰动的现场培养实验,并应用流式细胞技术监测原绿球藻及聚球藻( Synechococcus )、超微型真核浮游植物(pico-eukaryotes)的细胞丰度和单细胞色素含量的响应以及细菌的影响.结果表明,磷和钴的添加有利于原绿球藻,而氮和铁的添加更有利于聚球藻和超微型真核浮游植物.同时,由环境条件引起的生物响应又间接地导致超微型生物之间的相互作用.因而,原绿球藻在近海的分布,可能受到营养盐组成等环境因子以及生物之间的相互作用等多方面的限制和影响.  相似文献   
藜麦及其资源开发利用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
藜麦Chenopodium quinoa Willd.英文名:quinoa,原产于南美洲安第斯山区,是印加土著居民的主要传统食物,至今已有5 000~7 000多年的利用和种植历史。古代印加人将它称之为"粮食之母"。藜麦在20世纪80年代,被美国宇航局用于宇航员的太空食品。联合国粮农组织认为藜麦是唯一的单一植物即可满足人体基本营养需求的食物,正式推荐藜麦为最适宜人类的完美的全营养食品。本文对藜麦的植物形态、生态特性、营养价值以及在我国种植展望作了综合报道。  相似文献   
Korea is a land of contrasts. The mountainous Korean peninsula arches north and northwest towards the Russian and Chinese borders, where the last areas of old growth coniferous forest and the land formed five forest types. Plant and habitat diversity in Korea has been largely damaged by various kinds of human activities. The plant diversity of Korea is severely threatened due to the high population density and rapid industrialization since the 1960s, as well as the illegal collection of wild plants for ornamental, medicinal, and food purposes. Natural areas have been greatly fragmented and survive only as ecological islands surrounded by modified cultivated and industrial lands. For instance, more than 60 industrial parks are located along the coast, and these have contributed to the rapid destruction of plant diversity in the coastal areas of the peninsula. The modern concept of plant conservation in Korea is still in an infant stage. The cooperation of plant conservation bodies with disciplinary approaches based on conservation biology are essential strategies to pursue plant conservation. The capacity building for plant conservation in Korea has different management regimes by the relevant ministries. Since the late 1990s, the plant conservation body Korean Plant Specialist Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Species Survival Commission (IUCN SSC) has been closely linked with international conservation bodies for in situ and ex situ conservation management. Under the umbrella of the national plant conservation strategies, the different strategies and working agencies can be fully integrated. Furthermore, the systematic approaches for the recovery of threatened species, as well as habitat monitoring over the long-term basis, will need to be supported by a stable budget policy. Also, protocol for the conservation of rare and endangered plant species, including recovery works in Korea, is strongly needed.  相似文献   
L. africana and L. knysnaensis are regarded as two morphs of a single species which exhibits a genetic cline along the south-eastern coast of southern Africa. The dark brown morph knysnaensis dominates the western, cooler end of the cline and is replaced by the pale blue morph africana at the warmer end of the cline. These conclusions are based on evidence from the latitudinal distributions, the complete range of intermediate forms regarding shell colour and shell morphology and the lack of differences in redular morphology, penial morphology or habitat.  相似文献   
Contractual national parks in South Africa are established on land owned either by the state or by a group of private individuals, but managed by South African National Parks (SANP) according to the terms of a joint management agreement drawn up by a joint management committee consisting of representatives from SANP and the landowners. Since majority rule in 1994, contractual national parks have been seen as a model through which the country's conservation as well as development objectives can be met, particularly where landowners are previously disadvantaged communities. This study looks at the Makuleke region of Kruger National Park in order to ascertain how successful the contractual national park model is in meeting conservation, social, and economic objectives for the area.  相似文献   
Aim To test predictions of the vicariance model, to define basic biogeographical units for Cerrado squamates, and to discuss previous biogeographical hypotheses. Location Cerrado; South American savannas south of the Amazon, extending across central Brazil, with marginal areas in Bolivia and Paraguay and isolated relictual enclaves in adjacent regions. Methods We compiled species occurrence records via field sampling and revision of museum specimens and taxonomic literature. All species were mapped according to georeferenced locality records, and classified as (1) endemic or non‐endemic, (2) typical of plateaus or depressions, and (3) typical of open or forested habitats. We tested predictions of the vicariance model using biotic element analysis, searching for non‐random clusters of species ranges. Spatial congruence of biotic elements was compared with putative areas of endemism revealed by sympatric restricted‐range species. Effects of topographical and vegetational mosaics on distribution patterns were studied according to species composition in biotic elements and areas of endemism. Results We recorded 267 Cerrado squamates, of which 103 (39%) are endemics, including 20 amphisbaenians (61% endemism), 32 lizards (42%) and 51 snakes (32%). Distribution patterns corroborated predictions of the vicariance model, revealing groups of species with significantly clustered ranges. An analysis of endemic species recovered seven biotic elements, corroborating results including non‐endemics. Sympatric restricted‐range taxa delimited 10 putative areas of endemism, largely coincident with core areas of biotic elements detected with endemic taxa. Distribution patterns were associated with major topographical and vegetational divisions of the Cerrado. Endemism prevailed in open, elevated plateaus, whereas faunal interchange, mostly associated with forest habitats, was more common in peripheral depressions. Main conclusions Our results indicate that vicariant speciation has strongly shaped Cerrado squamate diversity, in contrast to earlier studies emphasizing faunal interchange and low endemism in the Cerrado vertebrate fauna. Levels of squamate endemism are higher than in any other Cerrado vertebrate group. The high number of recovered endemics revealed previously undetected areas of evolutionary relevance, indicating that biogeographical patterns in the Cerrado were poorly represented in previous analyses. Although still largely undocumented, effects of vicariant speciation may be prevalent in a large fraction of Cerrado and Neotropical biodiversity.  相似文献   
The “Hill” equation for co-operative binding-systems has been extended to describe the effect of substrate-analogue on the binding of substrate to an oligomeric protein. It is demonstrated that the more negatively co-operative the binding-system, the more sensitive is the binding of substrate to inhibition by increases in the relative concentration of substrate-analogue. It is proposed that the physiological significance of negative co-operativity for enzymes may be complementary to the physiological significance of positive co-operativity. The effect of negative co-operativity is to make substrate binding more sensitive to inhibition by relative increases in the concentration of substrate-analogue (e.g. for many enzymes product of the reaction) at the expense of decreased sensitivity of substrate binding to relative changes in substrate concentration compared to a system with equivalent, independent substrate binding sites. In contrast, the effect of positive co-operativity is to make the enzyme more sensitive to relative changes in substrate concentration at the expense of decreased sensitivity to inhibition by relative increases in product concentration, compared to an enzyme without co-operative binding.  相似文献   
We record here the introduction of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus into the Guaraguaçu River basin in Paraná State, Brazil, an area with an extremely rich endemic fish fauna, including many catfishes. C. gariepinus was introduced as escapees from ponds built for recreational angling. These catfishes are very large and hard predators, thus posing serious potential for impact on the native fish fauna. The impact of C. gariepinus needs study with emphasis on finding means for controlling its spread.  相似文献   
Permian–Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) are organosedimentary carbonates formed immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. All those reported PTBMs constrained by convincing conodont biozones are present stratigraphycally not higher than the Hindeodus parvus zone and most of them are dominated by thrombolites. This paper provides the first record of a brief, but spectacular development of stromatolite-dominated PTBMs within the basal Isarcicella isarcica conodont zone of the earliest Triassic from the Xikou section of South Qinling Block that was at the margin of the North China Block during the Permian–Triassic transition and was geographically separated from the major occurrence of post-extinction microbialites in the South China Block. This stromatolite cap overlies a 3.7-m-thick oolitic limestone and is composed of a lower 0.2-m-thick bed and an upper 0.5-m-thick bed, separated by a 0.2-m-thick greyish green siliciclastic mudstone. These two stromatolite beds mainly consist of columnar stromatolites with subordinate domal stromatolites. The intercolumn and interstitial spaces within the stromatolites are filled with oolitic grainstones. At the microscopic scale, laminoid structures in stromatolites comprise wavy, millimetric-domical and tangled laminae. The increased grain and fossil contents and/or bioturbation in the domical and tangled laminae indicate that the formation of these laminae is likely related to an increase in the populations and the disruptions by benthic metazoans, as well as an influx of sediment grains. The δ13Ccarb values fluctuate between 2‰ and 3‰ in the uppermost Permian strata; a distinct negative shift of 1.9‰ occurs at the topmost oolitic grainstone, just below the lower stromatolite bed, and the lowest value of −0.1‰ is located at the base of the upper stromatolite bed. The stratigraphic succession from stromatolites to thrombolites of the PTBMs may represent a transgressive succession and/or a transient ecosystem recovery immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. The thrombolites-dominated PTBMs mainly developed in near-equator shallow marine geographic locations, and stromatolite-dominated PTBMs mainly developed at higher latitude settings, which probably indicates that a relatively lower diversity and abundance of marine benthic metazoans existed at higher latitudes after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   
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