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  • 1 In the spring, females of the leaf beetle Gonioctena sibirica deposited larvae on the ventral surface of growing young leaves situated on the apical position of shoots of the willow Salix bakko.
  • 2 The parent females remained with the larvae usually on the underside of the basal part of leaves, facing toward the base of shoots. When other arthropods approached, the females temporarily moved towards these intruders, showing aggressive behaviour such as swinging the body or stamping the legs. Many females remained with their larvae until the larvae grew into the final (fourth) instar. No female produced an additional brood in the field.
  • 3 Broods from which parent females were experimentally removed suffered higher mortality than those in which females were left intact. Arthropods such as spiders and ants were observed preying on the larvae. In contrast, the survivorship of broods from which females were removed and intruders were excluded with a sticky substance applied to the base of twigs was not different from that of control broods. These results demonstrate that the main mortality factor of offspring is pedestrian arthropod predators and females physically repel the predators.
  • 4 Potentially alternative reproductive strategies, such as producing a large number of offspring by iteroparity and/or larger brood(s) with less or no care, seem to be inhibited in G.sibirica by larval dependence on growing young leaves which are temporally limited and by ovoviviparity which may have limited brood size.

In most European countries, the service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) is a rare and threatened species and its conservation has been recognised as a priority. The aim of this study was to asses its morphologic variation in the western and central part of the Balkan Peninsula and in southern Central Europe. Three populations were analysed: one in Serbia, one in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one in Slovenia. In each population 30 trees were selected, and from each tree 30 leaves were collected for morphometric analysis based on nine leaflet morphological traits. Univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (MANOVA) analysis of variance were used to estimate the variation within- and between populations and a discriminant analysis was performed to examine the structure of the between-population differences. The values of particular morphological traits found in our study did not differ considerably from the values reported elsewhere. The results revealed significant within- and between population variation. Variation within populations was highly significant for all the scored leaf morphological traits, while variation between populations was significant for all the studied traits except for the leaflet length. The discrimination between the three populations was significant. High percentages of correctly classified samples demonstrate good discriminating employability of the analysed leaf morphological traits and indicate differentiation of the analysed populations.  相似文献   
Nine tetrarepeat microsatellite loci for Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica) were characterized. By using 35 individuals of unknown relationship collected from Taiwan, we evaluated the polymorphism of these loci. The number of alleles for each locus ranged from five to 12 (mean = 8.78 alleles) and the observed heterozygosity from 0.429 to 0.962 (mean = 0.688) and all loci conformed to Hardy–Weinberg expectation.  相似文献   
Abstract The 16S rRNA gene sequences of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi and Rickettsia sibirica were determined by PCR and DNA sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that R. sibirica is positioned in a cluster of the genus Rickettsia with a similarity value of 98.1–99.6%, whereas R. tsutsugamushi is located apart from the cluster with a similarity value of 90.2–90.6%. This evidence suggests that R. tsutsugamushi should be excluded taxonomically from the genus Rickettsia . The phylogenetic classification of six antigenic variants in R. tsutsugamushi moderately reflected their antigenic relationship known in closely and distantly related strains.  相似文献   
朱凯琳  李嘉宝  陈昕 《植物研究》2022,42(2):174-183
采用石蜡切片法对四川省龙苍沟国家森林公园内7种花楸属(Sorbus)植物的叶解剖特征进行研究,探究其结构特征与生境的相关性。结果显示:7种植物的叶片均为典型的背腹叶;叶片厚度介于108.16~208.21 μm,种间差异极显著(P<0.01);上表皮厚度均大于下表皮厚度,且复叶物种的下表皮细胞均有乳突;栅栏组织由1~2层细胞构成,仅多对西康花楸(S. prattii var. aestivalis)的栅海比(栅栏组织与海绵组织的厚度比)为1.93,其余6种植物的栅海比均小于1;中脉维管束均呈心型,为典型的外韧型维管束,种间中脉突起度存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。各解剖结构中,上、下表皮可塑性最大,在生境中具有较强的潜在适应能力;中脉可塑性最小,整体结构较为稳定。栅栏组织、海绵组织和中脉组织是7种植物中种间差异最大的解剖结构。叶解剖结构与生境因子的相关性分析表明,栅栏组织厚度、栅海比和紧密度与年降水量、最暖季降水和海拔正相关(P<0.05),与季节性温差负相关(P<0.05);中脉直径和突起度与季节性温差呈正相关(P<0.01),与年降水量、最暖季降水和海拔正相关负相关(P<0.05)。叶解剖结构性状的适应性变化,体现了7种花楸属植物在龙苍沟国家森林公园的生存策略。  相似文献   
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) appears to be an attractive target for the development of new drugs for type 2 diabetes and obesity. In our preliminary test, a MeOH extract of the stem barks of Sorbus commixta Hedl. (Rosaceae) showed strong PTP1B inhibitory activity. Bioassay?guided fractionation of the MeOH extract resulted in the isolation of two lupane?type triterpenes, lupenone (1) and lupeol (2). Compounds 1 and 2 inhibited PTP1B with IC50 values of 13.7 ± 2.1 and 5.6 ± 0.9 μM, respectively. Kinetic studies revealed that both the compounds 1 and 2 are non?competitive inhibitors of PTP1B that decrease Vmax values with no effect on Km values.  相似文献   
The fatty acid (FA) composition of storage lipids in the seed endosperms and embryos of two pine species, Pinus sibirica and P. sylvestris, and possible biosynthetic pathways of these acids were studied by the GLC method. Linoleic acid predominated in the embryo and endosperm lipids of both P. sibirica (43.5 and 42.6%) and P. sylvestris (44.8 and 46.8%); this was evidently determined by a high expression of the gene encoding stearoyl-Δ9 acyl-lipid desaturase and the fad2 gene encoding microsomal ω6 acyl-lipid desaturase. P. sibirica lipids of the embryo and endosperm contained more oleic acid (22.0 and 24.0%, respectively) than corresponding P. sylvestris lipids (18.7 and 14%). Storage lipids of conifer seeds contain Δ5-unsaturated FAs: taxoleic (18:2Δ5,9), ephedrenic (18:2Δ5,11), pinoleenic (18:3Δ5,9,12), skiadonic (18:3Δ5,11, 14), and coniferonic (18:4Δ5,9,12,15). In the endosperm and embryos of P. sylvestris, the content of pinolenic acid was higher (22.1 and 19.6%) than in P. sibirica seeds (19.1 and 18.6%).  相似文献   
对柴达木盆地的西伯利亚白刺和唐古特白刺不同部位中氨基酸含量作了分析比较 ,并进行了营养评价。白刺中富含蛋白质 ,含有 18种氨基酸 ,其中有人体必需的 8种氨基酸 ,白刺果汁中的必需氨基酸含量远高于沙棘果汁。两种白刺的蛋白质和各氨基酸在各部位中含量分布相似 ,但因种的差异 ,第一限制性氨基酸稍有差别。  相似文献   
This study was performed to determine if, as expected, the enlarged eye of the Baikal seal ( Phoca sibirica ) has an influence on the form and function of the skull and facial muscles. Macroscopic observation of these muscles demonstrated that the M. orbicularis oculi expands around the palpebral fissure and that some facial muscles attach and insert in the M. orbicularis oculi , possibly supporting M. orbicularis oculi function. We suggest that these muscles move the eye and palpebral area and constitute a morphological and synergistic facial muscle complex system. Further, the development of the M. rectus lateralis around the sclera of the eye indicates that this muscle is also involved in eye movement.  相似文献   
Forest fragmentation has been found to affect biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in multiple ways. We asked whether forest size and isolation in fragmented woodlands influences the climate warming sensitivity of tree growth in the southern boreal forest of the Mongolian Larix sibirica forest steppe, a naturally fragmented woodland embedded in grassland, which is highly affected by warming, drought, and increasing anthropogenic forest destruction in recent time. We examined the influence of stand size and stand isolation on the growth performance of larch in forests of four different size classes located in a woodland‐dominated forest‐steppe area and small forest patches in a grassland‐dominated area. We found increasing climate sensitivity and decreasing first‐order autocorrelation of annual stemwood increment with decreasing stand size. Stemwood increment increased with previous year's June and August precipitation in the three smallest forest size classes, but not in the largest forests. In the grassland‐dominated area, the tree growth dependence on summer rainfall was highest. Missing ring frequency has strongly increased since the 1970s in small, but not in large forests. In the grassland‐dominated area, the increase was much greater than in the forest‐dominated landscape. Forest regeneration decreased with decreasing stand size and was scarce or absent in the smallest forests. Our results suggest that the larch trees in small and isolated forest patches are far more susceptible to climate warming than in large continuous forests pointing to a grim future for the forests in this strongly warming region of the boreal forest that is also under high land use pressure.  相似文献   
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