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细胞色素bc_1复合物的喇曼光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对提纯的细胞色素bc1复合物的氧化态和底物琥珀酸还原态两个样品进行了共振喇曼和富立叶喇曼光谱测定和比较。琥珀酸还原态与氧化态的共振谱比较明显有变化,而富立叶红外谱没有什么差别。说明呼吸链的电子传递体在氧化态与还原态交替变化进行电子传递时,蛋白总体构象不发生大的改变,而活性中心血红素辅基局部构象变化很大。  相似文献   
大鼠颈上神经节烟碱电流的整流及失敏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在培养的新生大鼠颈上神经节交感神经元标本上,用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)通道的整流及失敏现象。烟碱激动剂引起的全细胞电流在膜电位为负值时随膜电位呈线性改变,而在膜电位达+60mV时仍不出现外向电流,表现出强烈的内向整流。nAChR通道电流存在失敏现象,即持续恒压喷射激动剂所引起的全细胞电流随时间呈指数衰减,不能保持在峰值水平,失敏随激剂浓度呈量效关系,膜电位的超极化也加  相似文献   
Release of [3H]phosphatidylcholine from pulmonary Type II epithelial cells was stimulated by terbutaline, forskolin and cytochalasin D. Compound 4880 inhibited both basal and agonist-stimulated release of [3H]PC. The IC50 for inhibition by compound 4880 was 1–2 μg/ml, and was similar for inhibition of both basal and stimulated release of [3H]phosphatidylcholine. Inhibitory effects of 4880 were noted following a 1 h exposure to compound 4880 and persisted up to 3 h. The inhibitory effect of compound 4880 was entirely reversed by removing compound 4880 from the external milieu. Compound 4880 had no effect on cytosolic cyclic AMP levels or lactate dehydrogenase release. Inhibition of surfactant release produced by compound 4880 was unaffected by changes in extracellular calcium concentrations. Compound 4880 is a non-toxic inhibitor of phosphatidylcholine release from Type II epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Human gastric mucosal cells were isolated from the resected fundic mucosa of peptic ulcer patients. The intracellular content and secretion of intrinsic factor were estimated by binding to cyano[57Co]cobalamin. The content was maximal in the enriched parietal cell fraction which also displayed the highest H+ production as measured by amino[14C]pyrine uptake. Secretagogues evoked full response after 15 min of incubation: pentagastrin (181% of basal secretion), carbachol (208%), histamine (250%) and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (304%). The phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine was slightly more effective even than dibutyryl cAMP. The response to histamine was abolished by ranitidine, indicating activation of adenylate cyclase via histamine H2 receptors, but remained unaffected by atropine, which in turn blocked the carbachol effect, whereas ranitidine was ineffective. The mean formation rate was 8.4 fmol intrinsic factor/106 cells per h under basal conditions and 14.3 fmol in response to histamine.  相似文献   
Glyceraldehyde induces changes in the flux of glucose oxidised through the hexose monophosphate pathway, the concentrations of intermediates in the Embden-Meyerhoff pathway, the oxidative status of haemoglobin and levels of reduced and oxidised pyridine nucleotides and glutathione in red cells. Glyceraldehyde autoxidises in the cellular incubations, consuming oxygen and producing glyoxalase I- and II-reactive materials. Major fates of glyceraldehyde in red cells appear to be: (i) adduct formation with reduced glutathione and cellular protein; (ii) autoxidation and reaction with oxyhaemoglobin and pyridine nucleotides, and (iii) phosphorylation of d-glyceraldehyde and entry into the glycolytic pathway as glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The production of glycerol from glyceraldehyde by red cell l-hexonate dehydrogenase appears not to be a major reaction of glyceraldehyde in red cells. These results indicate that high concentrations of glyceraldehyde (1–50 mM) may induce oxidative stress in red cells by virtue of the spontaneous autoxidation of glyceraldehyde, forming hydrogen peroxide and α-ketoaldehydes (glyoxalase substrates). The implications of glyceraldehyde-induced oxidative stress for the in vitro anti-sickling effect of dl-glyceraldehyde and for the polyol pathway metabolism of glyceraldehyde are discussed.  相似文献   
N-Tyr-MIF-1 (Tyr-Pro-Leu-Gly·NH2), an immunoreactive neuropeptide exhibiting saturable high affinity binding in rat brain was found to be converted into MIF-1 (Pro-Leu-Gly·NH2) by a specific brain aminopeptidase present in rat brain homogenates or cytosol, but with low activity associated with synaptosomal plasma membranes and microsomes. Conversion occurred at a rate of 16 μmol per g w/wt per h and was unaffected by puromycin but inhibited by bestatin (I50, 5 × 10?5 M). Aminopeptidases purified from cytosolic fractions of rat brain (arylamidase), mouse brain (Mn2+-activated aminopeptidase) or porcine kidney (leucine aminopeptidase) were inactive towards N-Tyr-MIF-1 but degraded MIF-1 with release of Leu-Gly·NH2 as detected by RP-HPLC procedures. Morphiceptin (Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro·NH2), a μ opioid agonist, also acted as a substrate for the N-Tyr-MIF-1 converting enzyme with cleavage of the Tyr-Pro bond. These tetrapeptides, but not MIF-1 or its N-blocked analogs, were degraded in vitro by a metalloendopeptidase purified from kidney membranes. Since dipeptide products were not detected for crude extracts, a significant role for brain metalloendopeptidase on turnover can be excluded. Thus the results point to the presence of a specific (X-Pro-degrading) aminopeptidase in brain cytosol as an enzyme responsible for converting N-Tyr-MIF-1 and inactivating morphiceptin.  相似文献   
Fluorescent lectins were used to study the chemical nature of carbohydrate moieties present on the surface of female and male germ cells isolated from mouse gonads during fetal and early posnatal development. Concanavalin A (ConA), lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA), ricinus communis agglutinin (RCAI) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound intensely to the germ cell plasma membrane at all stages studied. Other lectins such as ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEAI) and agglutinin (SBA) did not bind or bound moderately (SBA to female germ cells only). Distinct developmental-related changes were observed when female germ cells were labeled with fluorescein-conjugated peanut agglutinin (PNA) or dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA). DBA and PNA binding was absent or weak in fetal female and male germ cells, but became intensely positive in oocytes in the immediate postnatal period. The percentage of oocytes stained with DBA increased during the first three days after birth, and from day 3–4 onwards all oocytes were strongly labeled. I suggest that these changes in lectin binding reflect changes in biochemical structure of the oocyte surface related to differentiative events occurring in the mouse ovary immediately after birth.  相似文献   
Summary Human lung epithelial cells have been isolated and maintained in pure culture and characterized during their time in culture. Any residual fibroblasts were removed by selective trypsinization within the first 48 h in culture and the residual epithelial cells from the primary culture grew to confluent density. The epithelial cells at Passage 2 or greater were serially subpassaged when cultures reached ca. 80% confluency. This procedure permitted us to conduct biochemical and structural studies of starting materials and subsequent population doublings. Electron microscope evaluation of both initial monolayers and cell suspensions showed cultures to be composed of a single cell type. These cells had microvilli on their free or apical surface. Subsequent population doubling level 1 up to 5 exhibited the same structures. They contained lamellar inclusions, which are typical of Type II alveolar epithelial cells. Fetal lung (age 18 to 20 wk) cell suspensions processed for electron microscopy before culturing showed cells to be undifferentiated, epithelial-like with small microvilli along cell borders, and with desmosomes at cell junctions. Lamellar inclusions were not observed in these cells. Ultrastructural studies of the cultured epithelial cells demonstrated that the lamellar inclusions had a slightly positive reaction when tested for acid phosphatase. Phospholipid analysis of these lung epithelial cells showed a phospholipid composition consistent with that found in surfactant-containing Type II cells. Cultured epithelial cells stained with phosphine 3-R demonstrated a green fluorescent cytoplasm and nucleus with brightly fluorescent yellow-orange perinuclear particles. The preceding characterization of these cells leads us to conclude that they exhibit structural and biochemical features commensurate with Type II epithelial cells from human lung. Moreover, these selection techniques applied to the isolation of human lung Type II cells from the tissue permit us to study the differentiative function of these cells routinely under conditions of growth in vitro. This work was supported in part by grants from EPA, R 806638-01 and 131-640-1599A1  相似文献   
Summary Postnatal rat heart cells in culture enriched with respect to muscle cells were obtained by either high density seeding or by the replating technique. [3H]Thymidine incorporation to DNA and the enzymatic pattern of cytoplasmic and lysosomal enzymes have been studied as a function of the culture’s age, of seeding density, and replating. It was shown that (a) replating maintains predominance of myocyte population for at least 2 wk in culture; (b) heavy seeding density allows homogeneous myocyte population for the 1st wk in culture; and (c) the enzyme profile of the culture may serve as an indicator for the type of cell population in culture and its state of differentiation. This study was done as partial fulfilment of the M.Sc. thesis in Biochemistry (SY). Supported by grants from The Chief Scientist, Ministry of Health, State of Israel; The Ministry of Education and Sciences, State of Niedersachssen (FRG); and The Foundation for Heart Research from Mr. and Mrs. D. Vidal-Madjar, Paris, France.  相似文献   
Summary The intact membranous rat mesentery was cultured in Eagle's minimum essential medium containing no serum or only low concentrations of serum. The procedure is in some important respects superior to previous organ culture techniques. To estimate the extent of disturbance of homeostasis of the tissue in culture, the spontaneous mast-cell histamine release was quantitated after preculture preparation of the specimens and after different intervals in culture. Also, the proliferation of fibroblasts and mesothelial cells that predominate in the mesentery was assessed at 48 h by cytofluorometric quantitation of DNA in single-tissue cells. Spontaneous histamine release was time dependent during cultivation, amounting to ca. 50% at 48 h, and was affected by the medium used for moistening the tissue before cultivation. Culturing also brought about great spontaneous increase in the proliferation of fibroblasts and mesothelial cells, the rate being related to the concentration of serum. Addition of the mast-cell secretagogues 48/80 or polymyxin B at 1 h caused rapid release of 50 to 60% of the histamine and was followed by augmented proliferation in the serum-containing media. The spontaneous increase of cell proliferation in tissue culture may be causally related to mast-cell secretion. Further studies are needed to define factors influencing the spontaneous mast-cell secretion and the mast-cell-dependent mitogenesis in normal tissue cells Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project 5942) and State Board for Animal Experiments.  相似文献   
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