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扎龙芦苇湿地生长季的甲烷排放通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究高寒地区天然淡水芦苇湿地的甲烷排放特征,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,测定了扎龙不同水位芦苇湿地生长季的甲烷排放通量.结果表明:观测期内,扎龙芦苇湿地甲烷排放通量平均为7.67 mg·m-2·h-1(-21.18~46.15 mg·m-2·h-1),其中深水区(平均水深100 cm)和浅水区(平均水深25 cm)的平均甲烷排放通量分别为5.81和9.52 mg·m-2·h-1,排放峰值分别出现在8月和7月,最低值均出现在10月.深水区夏季(6-7月)的甲烷排放通量显著低于浅水区,而春(5月)、秋(8-10月)季节显著高于浅水区.生长季甲烷排放通量的变化为夏季>秋季>春季;昼夜排放量为12:00和14:00最高,0:00最低.温度和水位是高寒地区淡水芦苇湿地甲烷排放通量变化的主要影响因子.  相似文献   
大气CO2浓度升高可能对森林土壤的甲烷(CH4)氧化速率产生影响.本文采用开顶箱技术,对连续6年高浓度CO2(500 μmol·mol-1)处理的长白山森林典型树种蒙古栎树下土壤CH4氧化速率进行研究,并利用CH4氧化菌的16S rRNA特异性引物以及CH4单加氧酶功能基因引物分析了土壤中CH4氧化菌的群落结构与数量.结果表明:CO2浓度增高后,生长季土壤甲烷氧化量与对照和裸地相比分别降低了4%和22%;基于16S rRNA特异性引物的DGGE分析表明,CO2浓度增高导致两类甲烷氧化菌的多样性指数降低;CO2浓度增高对土壤中Ⅰ类甲烷氧化菌数量无显著影响,而使土壤中Ⅱ类甲烷氧化菌数量显著减少,功能基因pmoA拷贝数与对照和裸地相比分别降低了15%和46%.CO2浓度增高导致森林土壤甲烷氧化菌数量与活性降低,土壤含水量的增加可能是导致这一现象的主要原因.  相似文献   
The stable C isotope composition (δ13C) of CO2 respired by trunks was examined in a mature temperate deciduous oak forest (Quercus petraea). Month-to-month, day-to-day and diurnal, measurements were made to determine the range of variations at different temporal scales. Trunk growth and respiration rates were assessed. Phloem tissue was sampled and was analysed for total organic matter and soluble sugar 13C composition. The CO2 respired by trunk was always enriched in 13C relative to the total organic matter, sometimes by as much as 5‰. The δ13C of respired CO2 exhibited a large seasonal variation (3.3‰), with a relative maximum at the beginning of the growth period. The lowest values occurred in summer when the respiration rates were maximal. After the cessation of radial trunk growth, the respired CO2 δ13C values showed a progressive increase, which was linked to a parallel increase in soluble sugar content in the phloem tissue (R = 0.95; P < 0.01). At the same time, the respiration rates declined. This limited use of the substrate pool might allow the discrimination during respiration to be more strongly expressed. The late-season increase in CO2 δ13C might also be linked to a shift from recently assimilated C to reserves. At the seasonal scale, CO2 δ13C was negatively correlated with air temperature (R = −0.80; P < 0.01). The diurnal variation sometimes reached 3‰, but the range and the pattern depended on the period within the growing season. Contrary to expectations, diurnal variations were maximal in winter and spring when the leaves were missing or not totally functional. By contrast to the seasonal scale, these diurnal variations were not related to air temperature or sugar content. Our study shows that seasonal and diurnal variations of respired 13C exhibited a similar large range but were probably explained by different mechanisms.  相似文献   
The Uup protein belongs to a subfamily of soluble ATP-binding cassette (ABC) ATPases that have been implicated in several processes different from transmembrane transport of molecules, such as transposon precise excision. We have demonstrated previously that Escherichia coli Uup is able to bind DNA. DNA binding capacity is lowered in a truncated Uup protein lacking its C-terminal domain (CTD), suggesting a contribution of CTD to DNA binding. In the present study, we characterize the role of CTD in the function of Uup, on its overall stability and in DNA binding. To this end, we expressed and purified isolated CTD and we investigated the structural and functional role of this domain. The results underline that CTD is essential for the function of Uup, is stable and able to fold up autonomously. We compared the DNA binding activities of three versions of the protein (Uup, UupΔCTD and CTD) by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. CTD is able to bind DNA although less efficiently than intact Uup and UupΔCTD. These observations suggest that CTD is an essential domain that contributes directly to the DNA binding ability of Uup.  相似文献   
采用水培试验研究不同形态氮营养(NH4^+/NO3^-分别为0/100、50/50和100/0)对小麦光合作用及氮代谢关键酶活性的影响.结果表明,增铵营养较单—NO3-营养显著提高叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率及可溶性糖含量,叶、根中可溶性蛋白质含量和叶片硝酸还原酶活性。而对谷铵酰胺合成酶活性影响较小.与单—NO3-营养相比。增氨营养下叶片较高的可溶性糖含量与净光合速率的提高相关。而维持较高的叶片和根系可溶性糖/可溶性蛋白质比例有利于氮同化和生长.因此,增铵营养下提高了叶片净光合速率、可溶性糖含量和硝酸还原酶活性。维持较高叶片和根系可溶性糖/蛋白质比例。从而促进小麦生长.  相似文献   
The emission of the greenhouse gas CH4 from ricepaddies is strongly influenced by management practicessuch as the input of ammonium-based fertilisers. Weassessed the impact of different levels (200 and 400kgN.ha–1) of urea and (NH4)2HPO4on the microbial processes involved in production andconsumption of CH4 in rice field soil. We usedcompartmented microcosms which received fertilisertwice weekly. Potential CH4 production rates weresubstantially higher in the rice rhizosphere than inunrooted soil, but were not affected by fertilisation.However, CH4 emission was reduced by the additionof fertiliser and was negatively correlated with porewater NH 4 plus concentration, probably as theconsequence of elevated CH4 oxidation due tofertilisation. CH4 oxidation as well as numbersof methanotrophs was distinctly stimulated by theaddition of fertiliser and by the presence of the riceplant. Without fertiliser addition,nitrogen-limitation of the methanotrophs will restrictthe consumption of CH4. This may have a majorimpact on the global CH4 budget, asnitrogen-limiting conditions will be the normalsituation in the rice rhizosphere. Elevated potentialnitrifying activities and numbers were only detectedin microcosms fertilised with urea. However, asubstantial part of the nitrification potential in therhizosphere of rice was attributed to the activity ofmethanotrophs, as was demonstrated using theinhibitors CH3F and C2H2.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is a short lived diatomic free radical species synthesized by nitric oxide synthases (NOS). The physiological roles of NO depend on its local concentrations as well as availability and the nature of downstream target molecules. At low nanomolar concentrations, activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is the major event initiated by NO. The resulting elevation in the intracellular cyclic GMP (cGMP) levels serves as signals for regulating diverse cellular and physiological processes. The participation of NO and cGMP in diverse physiological processes is made possible through cell type specific spatio-temporal regulation of NO and cGMP synthesis and signal diversity downstream of cGMP achieved through specific target selection. Thus cyclic GMP directly regulates the activities of its downstream effectors such as Protein Kinase G (PKG), Cyclic Nucleotide Gated channels (CNG) and Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, which in turn regulate the activities of a number of proteins that are involved in regulating diverse cellular and physiological processes. Localization and activity of the NO-cGMP signaling pathway components are regulated by G-protein coupled receptors, receptor and non receptor tyrosine kinases, phosphatases and other signaling molecules. NO also serves as a powerful paracrine factor. At micromolar concentrations, NO reacts with superoxide anion to form reactive peroxinitrite, thereby leading to the oxidation of important cellular proteins. Extensive research efforts over the past two decades have shown that NO is an important modulator of axon outgrowth and guidance, synaptic plasticity, neural precursor proliferation as well as neuronal survival. Excessive NO production as that evoked by inflammatory signals has been identified as one of the major causative reasons for the pathogenesis of a number of neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Alzheimers and Parkinson diseases. Regenerative therapies involving transplantation of embryonic stem cells (ES cells) and ES cell derived lineage committed neural precursor cells have recently shown promising results in animal models of Parkinson disease (PD). Recent studies from our laboratory have shown that a functional NO-cGMP signaling system is operative early during the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. The cell type specific, spatio-temporally regulated NO-cGMP signaling pathways are well suited for inductive signals to use them for important cell fate decision making and lineage commitment processes. We believe that manipulating the NO-cGMP signaling system will be an important tool for large scale generation of lineage committed precursor cells to be used for regenerative therapies. Special issue dedicated to John P. Blass.  相似文献   
冬小麦“农大139”经40天左右的春化处理才能迅速而整齐地抽穗,但经14—21天低温处理,已经具有在夏季抽穗的可能性,虽然抽穗推迟且极不整齐;再将春化时间延长,则抽穗百分比增加,且从播种到抽穗的时间缩短。这表明,春化过程中低温对发育的作用有两种效应:前期低温是诱发生理状态的转变,后期低温则只具有加速发育的作用,两个时期的转变是在春化的中期。蛋白质合成抑制剂乙基硫氨酸和对-氟苯丙氨酸能抑制冬小麦的春化,抑制时期也是在春化过程的中期。不同时间低温处理后冬小麦幼芽中可溶性蛋白质含量及组成发生了变化,春化过程中期(低温处理14天之后)不仅含量比对照增加了一倍,而且有新的蛋白质谱带出现。春麦中无类似现象,未经低温处理的春麦已含有冬麦中新出现的谱带。说明冬小麦春化过程的第14—21天左右是与春化过程有关的蛋白质合成的关键时期,该时期新合成的蛋白质与植株的发育状态之间存在着密切的相关关系。  相似文献   
Tundra soil samples from the Canadian Arctic community, Kuujjuaq, were analyzed for the presence of the soluble (sMMO) and particulate (pMMO) methane monooxygenase genes. Total genomic DNA extracted from these soils was used as template for PCR using sMMO- and pMMO-specific primers, mmoX1-mmoX2 and A189-A682, respectively. pMMO and sMMO genes were detected in the Kuujjuaq soil samples. Isolation of sMMO-possessing methanotrophic microorganisms from the three soils, as determined by the colony naphthalene oxidation assay, was carried out using direct plating (5 degrees C) and methane enrichment studies (5 degrees C and 25 degrees C). Direct plating did not yield sMMO-possessing methanotrophic bacteria, whereas methane enrichments yielded isolates possessing and expressing sMMO activity. Analysis of derived amino acid sequences of pmoA genes and partial 16S rRNA genes obtained by PCR, using DNA isolated directly from this environment and from isolates, revealed the presence of highly divergent PmoA/AmoA sequences and 16S rRNA sequences that cluster closely with but are distinct from the genes from the genera Methylosinus and Methylocystis.  相似文献   
Human β-defensin-2 (hBD2) is a short cationic peptide with a broad antimicrobial spectrum. The coding sequence of hBD2 was cloned into pET-32a (+) to construct a fusion expression plasmid, pET32–hBD2, which was transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) for expression. The cultivation parameters of the expression vector harboring strain were optimized to produce the fusion protein in soluble form efficiently and to avoid the formation of insoluble inclusion bodies. The optimal conditions were determined as following: cultivation at 28 °C in MBL medium, induction at middle stage of exponential growth with 0.8 mM IPTG, and post-induction expression for 8 h. Under the above conditions, a high percentage of the target fusion protein (≥92.3%) was expressed in soluble form and the volumetric productivity of soluble fusion protein reached 1.3 g/l. The culture process was successfully scaled up in a 10 l bench-top fermentor.  相似文献   
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