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Summary Calculations indicate that the maximum daily solar radiation reaching the Martian surface is about 325 cal/cm2 during southern hemisphere summer at latitude of about 40°S. In the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, the radiation reaching the surface at wavelengths greater than 2800 Å is within 10% of the radiation incident on the atmosphere. There is significant extinction of radiation in the spectral region near 2500 Å in mid and high latitudes due to absorption of radiation by ozone; radiation reaching the surface may be reduced to one one-thousandth of that incident on the atmosphere during winter. Virtually no radiation of wavelengths less than 1900 Å reaches the surface because of absorption by the large column abundance of carbon dioxide. Daily and latitudinal distributions of radiation are presented for wavelengths of 3000, 2500 and 2000 Å.  相似文献   
Development of species diversity in some mediterranean plant communities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Plant communities in the Mediterranean region have been analyzed with the emphasis on community processes regulating diversity trends. We want to know how several mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance or to the modification of species diversity, act: (i) in different communities, during an ecological succession (from old fields to forests), and (ii) in forest communities throughout the year. Some of these mechanisms were investigated through difference in stratification, life-form, phenology, dispersal agent, and microenvironmental gradient.The paper censists of two parts. The first one deals with the relationship between structural and biological diversity in conjunction with succession stages leading to a Quereus pubescens forest. It is concluded that diversity, however it is measured, fluctuates during the succession: it increases initially (15 years after abandonment) and also in later stages when trees appear in the fields; it decreases after 20 years when Brachypodium phoenicoides dominates and in the latest stages of the succession studied. These trends may be interpreted in relation to the evolution of life form and dispersal agents spectra during the succession.The second part concerns community-structure and biological diversity in relation to the organization of two Quercus pubescens forests. It appears that the species richness in the understory of the forests, may be explained by: (i) the tendency of the modal height of species foliage distribution to oceupy different positions, (ii) the quasicomplete asynchronism in the major phenophases of the dominant species, (iii) different horizontal patterns of species distribution along a light gradient.These schemes are discussed in relation to ecological hypotheses on diversity in relation to succession, and to community organization.Nomenelature follows: P. Fournier (1961). Les quatre flores de France for the Gramineae and Liliaceae, Flora Europea for the other taxa.The support of the Délégation de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique through the grants N567, N633, N674 (Structure et dynamique des formations à Chène pubescent en zone bioclimatique méditerranéenne) is acknowledged. We thank J. Biondel, R. Bonhomme and M. Dueray for technical and scientific assistance. We are greatly indebted to Dr. E. van der Maarel for his helpful improvements of this text.  相似文献   
设施菜田不同碳氮管理对反硝化菌结构和功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】通过6年长期定位试验,比较设施菜田不同碳氮管理下反硝化菌结构和功能的差异。【方法】采用末端限制性片段多态性(T-RFLP)和变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)方法分别分析nir K/nir S和nos Z型反硝化菌群结构特征,利用自动连续在线培养监测体系(Robot系统)测定分析NO/(NO3-+NO2-)和N2O/(N2O+N2)产物比,并通过乙炔抑制法测定反硝化酶活性。【结果】传统施肥处理(CN)显著改变了nir K和nos Z型反硝化菌的结构,增加了NO/(NO3-+NO2-)和N2O/(N2O+N2)产物比。nir S型菌受碳氮管理影响较小。减氮(RN)和添加秸秆处理(RN+S)的nir K和nos Z型反硝化菌结构与CN处理的差异性显著,且会显著降低NO/(NO3-+NO2-)和N2O/(N2O+N2)产物比;与CN和RN相比,RN+S显著增加反硝化酶活性。【结论】设施菜田长期传统施肥措施改变了反硝化菌的结构和功能,增加土壤自身的NO产生能力并减弱了N2O还原N2的能力。减氮和添加秸秆管理能形成自身的反硝化菌群结构,并降低NO和N2O排放风险;秸秆的添加会促进反硝化潜在速率,降低菜田NO3-淋洗风险。  相似文献   
Persistence of conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus exposed to artificial and solar radiation at a constant temperature was studied by monitoring the ability to germinate and to form colonies (colony - forming units , CFUs) . The photic effect of radiation on each of these variables was modelled by a decreasing function of UVB irradiation ( in J m 2) . Germination ability was represented by a logistic function and viability (log CFU) by an infinitely decreasing function . Experiments carried out under artificial conditions , at three different UVB irradiances ( from 0 . 3 to 1 . 6 W m 2) , similar to those observed in nature , confirmed the adequacy of the predictor variable and of the functions chosen for describing these data . The proposed models appeared to be irradiance independent . Under solar radiation , the models were able to describe data collected on three different summer days in France (48 o 51 N , 2 o 06 E) . However , it took a greater amount of solar UVB radiation to produce the same effect as that achieved indoors . This could be explained by differences in radiation spectra . For each model , one set of parameters was sufficient for representing all three sets of data: this constitutes an initial validation of the models proposed .  相似文献   
An indigenously isolated white rot fungus, Schizophyllum commune IBL-06 was used to decolorize Solar brilliant red 80 direct dye in Kirk’s basal salts medium. In initial screening study, the maximum decolorization (84.8%) of Solar brilliant red 80 was achieved in 7 days shaking incubation period at pH 4.5 and 30 °C. Different physical and nutritional factors including pH, temperature and fungal inoculum density were statistically optimized through Completely Randomized Design (CRD), to enhance the efficiency of S. commune IBL-06 for maximum decolorization of Solar brilliant red 80 dye. The effects of inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources were also investigated. Percent dye decolorization was determined by a reduction in optical density at the wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax, 590 nm). Under optimum conditions, the S. commune IBL-06 completely decolorized (100%) the Solar brilliant red 80 dye using maltose and ammonium sulfate as inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively in 3 days. S. commune IBL-06 produced the three major ligninolytic enzymes lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganase peroxidase (MnP) and lacaase (Lac) during the decolorization of Solar brilliant red 80. LiP was the major enzyme (944 U/mL) secreted by S. commune IBL-06 along with comparatively lower activities of MnP and Laccase.  相似文献   
To acquire more information about the identification and use of the sun and other celestial cues in the sea–land orientation of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator, we carried out releases in a confined environment during a partial solar eclipse and at sunset. The sandhoppers were unable to identify the sun (86% covered) during the eclipse nor to use other celestial compass factors of orientation. This was probably due to the low level of light intensity (close to the minimum level for orientation recorded at sunset) and to the variations in intensity and pattern of skylight polarization.  相似文献   
Studies of thermoregulation in primates are under-represented in the literature, although there is sufficient evidence to suggest that temperature represents an important ecological constraint. One of the problems in examining thermoregulation in primates, however, is the difficulty in quantifying the thermal environment, since shade temperatures, solar radiation, humidity and wind speed all serve to alter an animals perceived temperature. Since animals respond to their perceived temperature, we need methods to account for each of these factors, both individually and collectively, if we are to understand the integrated impact of the thermal environment on primates. Here, we present a review of some thermal indices currently available. Black bulb temperatures can account for the effect of solar radiation, with wind chill equivalent temperatures and the heat index providing quantifiable estimates of the relative impact of wind speed and humidity, respectively. We present three potential indices of the perceived environmental temperature (PET) that account for the combined impact of solar radiation, humidity and wind speed on temperature, and perform a preliminary test of all of the climatic indices against behavioural data from a field study of chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa. One measure of the perceived environmental temperature, PET2, is an effective thermal index, since it enters the models for feeding and resting behaviour, and also accounts for levels of allogrooming. Solar radiation intensity is an important factor underlying these relationships, although the wind chill equivalent temperature and humidity enter the models for other behaviours. Future studies should thus be mindful of the impact of each of these elements of the thermal environment. A detailed understanding of primate thermoregulation will only come with the development of biophysical models of the thermal characteristics of the species and its environment. Until such developments, however, the indices presented here should permit a more detailed examination of the thermal environment, allowing thermoregulation to be given greater precedence in future studies of primate behaviour.  相似文献   
The possible relationship between epidemics and extremes of solar activity has been discussed previously. The purpose of the present study was to verify whether differences in the levels of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) could be noted at the highest (July 1989) and lowest (September 1986) points of the last (21st) and present (22nd) 11-year solar cycle. The work was divided into a 1-month study (covering the month of minimal or maximal solar activity), a 3-month study (1 month before and after the month of minimal or maximal solar activity) and a 5-month study (2 months before and after the month of minimal or maximal solar activity). A trend of a drop-off for all three immunoglobulins was seen on the far side of the maximal point of the solar cycle. Statistical significance was achieved in the 5-month study for IgM (P=0.04), and a strong trend was shown for IgG (P=0.07). Differences between the sexes were also noted.  相似文献   
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