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The goal of the research is to determine the effect of pretreated poultry manure and irrigation on the yield and quality of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) grown in fields located on the southern steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Field experiments were repeated every three years. During vegetation, potato leaves and tubers were studied at the full blossom, leaves’ decay, and potato harvest. The results showed that applying pretreated poultry manure at the rate of 120 t/ha favored higher tuber weight both on the rainfed and irrigated plots (from 0.23 to 0.82 kg/plant and from 0.24 to 1.02 kg/plant, respectively). On the rainfed and irrigated plots where poultry mature was not applied (control fields) the tubers’ weight ranged from 0.08 to 0.31 kg/plant and from 0.16 to 0.50 kg/plant, respectively. Upon application of 40 t/ha of manure, under irrigation, the highest marketable value of tubers was 78%. On the rainfed plots the same value was 72% when applying poultry manure at a dose of 120 t/ha. Soil moisture monitoring showed that the potatoes did not get adequate water during the growing season. When the soil moisture on irrigated plots was 70% less than its minimum water capacity, potato plantings were watered.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence of the potato rDNA intergenic spacer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five strains of gram negative bacteria, isolated from soybean (LPPA 221T, 222 and 223) and weeds (LPPA 816 and 1442), were analyzed by a polyphasic approach. The isolates showed variation in their phenotypic traits and were placed in the Pseudomonas fluorescens lineage, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny, as a single but well separated cluster. MLSA analysis based on gyrB and rpoD sequences clustered the strains in a single branch in the Pseudomonas syringae group, and revealed P. viridiflava as closest relative. DNA–DNA hybridizations showed medium levels of DNA–DNA relatedness with the type strain of P. viridiflava (50%) and lower levels (<32%) with other type strains of the P. syringae group, supporting classification within a novel species of the genus Pseudomonas. The strains can be distinguished from species of the P. syringae group by the fatty acid C17:0 cyclo that is present in a low amount (2.5%) and from P. viridiflava by their inability to assimilate d-tartrate and d-sorbitol, and by the formation of red colonies on TTC medium. For this new species, the name Pseudomonas asturiensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is LPPA 221T (=LMG 26898T = CECT 8095T).  相似文献   
The effect of virus-host interactions on subsequent generations is poorly understood. The evaluation of the effects of viral infection on inheritance of quantitative traits in the progeny of infected plants and elucidation of a possible relationship between chiasma frequency in the infected plants and variability of traits in the progeny were investigated. The current study involved genotypes of four intraspecific hybrids of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), their parental forms and two additional cultivars. Used as infection were the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and potato virus X (PVX). The consequences of the effect of viral infection were evaluated based on chromosome pairing in diakinesis and/or by examining quantitative and qualitative traits in the progeny of the infected tomato plants. Tomato plants infected with TMV + PVX were found to differ in chiasma frequency per pollen mother cell or per bivalent. Deviations have been observed for genotypes of both F1 hybrids and cultivars. At the same time, differences in mean values of the traits under study have only been found for progeny populations (F2-F4) derived from virus-infected F1 hybrids, but not in the case of progeny of the infected cultivars. The rate of recombinants combining traits of both parents increased significantly (2.22-8.24 times) in progeny populations of hybrids infected with TMV+PVX. The above suggests that the observed effects could be the result of modification of recombination frequencies that can be manifested in heterozygous hybrids and make small contributions to variability in cases of 'homozygous' tomato genotypes (i.e. cultivars).  相似文献   
Identification of superior parents in a potato breeding programme   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary An incomplete diallel cross was used to study components of genetic variation in potatoes for a range of characters after early and late harvest. The progenies were also used to evaluate five predictors of progeny performance, namely the mean seedling performance, the mid-parent value and the means of the selfed progenies, of the diploid progenies and of the test-cross progenies. For almost all characters, the general combining ability effects were predominant, although the specific combining ability effects present were greater at late than at early harvests. The seedling performance for tuber yield, number of tubers and average tuber weight did not show any relevant relationship to the field performance. The midparent value provided, in general, satisfactory predictions of the mean progeny performance obtained in the diallel, except for ware tuber yield. The selfed and the diploid progenies did not improve the prediction of progeny means compared to the mid-parent value. The predictions based on the test-crosses surpassed those of the mid-parent value, particularly for tuber yield at ware potato harvest. Methods to identify superior parents are discussed.  相似文献   
【背景】北美刺龙葵是一种全球广泛分布的恶性杂草,已被列入我国进境检疫性有害生物名单。近年来北美刺龙葵不断随进口货物传入我国,明确其传入途径和适生区对控制其入侵具有重要意义。【方法】采用GIS、空间统计学、Maxent生态位模型等方法分析了北美刺龙葵的传入途径与潜在分布区,并通过ROC分析法对模型进行检验。【结果】跨区域农产品贸易是北美刺龙葵全球扩散的驱动力与传入我国的主要途径。生态模型预测结果表明,北美刺龙葵在我国具有广阔的适生区,除黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、青海、甘肃、西藏、四川西北部以外的区域都是其在我国的适生区,其中高风险区主要集中在东部和南部沿海、西南边境和新疆的部分地区。AUC值为0.789,表明本研究建立的Maxent模型的预测能力较强,能够很好地拟合物种已知分布的环境生态位。【结论与意义】北美刺龙葵在我国的传入风险极高。基于北美刺龙葵在我国的主要传入途径与潜在扩散媒介的时空分布,划定了重点监测的区域,建议对适生区内极易传入的高风险区如港口、机场、物流中转站、加工厂等开展早期监测预警,以预防其再次入侵与进一步扩散蔓延。  相似文献   
以野生茄子托鲁巴姆(Solanum torvum Swartz)和苏崎茄(Solanum melongena L.)为主要材料,通过比较两种茄子在大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae Kleb)侵染过程中体内的生理生化指标变化,分析托鲁巴姆对黄萎病的抗性响应机制。结果表明:(1)与苏崎茄植株相比,托鲁巴姆植株表现出很强的自我防御和自我修复能力。(2)托鲁巴姆体内存在的活性氧清除系统(如SOD、POD、CAT等酶的活性)高于苏崎茄;在侵染后,托鲁巴姆体内各种酶的活性快速增加,其幅度高于苏崎茄;MDA的变化则恰恰相反。这个结果提示,黄萎病菌胁迫可能激活了托鲁巴姆体内活性氧清除系统,从而加快了某些防御物质(如木质素和抗菌物质绿原酸等)的形成,同时减缓或降低MDA等有害物质在植株体内的积累。(3)黄萎病菌侵染后各生理指标的响应时间表现出差异。托鲁巴姆中POD、PAL的活性和可溶性蛋白含量在侵染后的12h内就迅速作出响应(POD增加、PAL和可溶性蛋白减少);而SOD、PPO、CAT的活性和MDA的含量则在处理后初始阶段(至少12h)进行了一些调整,随后才进入持续性的增加或减少阶段。由此可见,托鲁巴姆对黄萎病病菌侵染的响应具有时序性,其体内POD酶、PAL酶和可溶性蛋白首先参与植物的防卫反应以应对黄萎病的胁迫,其它酶随后参与响应,它们的共同作用形成对黄萎病菌的有效防卫。  相似文献   
A method for quantifying two toxic glycoalkaloids, alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine, in potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber tissue was developed using HPLC-electrospray ionisation (ESI)/MS. Potato samples were extracted with 5% aqueous acetic acid, and the extracts were subjected directly to HPLC-ESI/MS after filtration. By determining the intensities of the protonated molecules of alpha-solanine (m/z 868) and alpha-chaconine (m/z 852) using selected ion monitoring (positive ion mode), a sensitive assay was attained with detection limits of 38 and 14 ppb for the two glycoalkaloids, respectively. The high sensitivity and selectivity of MS detection effectively reduced the time of analysis thus enabling a high throughput assay of glycoalkaloids in potato tubers.  相似文献   
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