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Summary The applicability of the Electro-Ultra-Filtration (EUF) method in soil analyses was studied. The reproducibilities of the amounts of soil extracts, of ion concentrations in the extracts and of the distribution of cations and anions over the cathode and anode extracts by use of fully automatic EUF equipment were tested. The degree of variability among replicates was expressed as coefficient of variation (CV) and as the highest percentual divergence of an individual analytical measurement from the mean (L). The extraction volumes of five replicates of six different soils were found to vary between 1.1–7.1% with an average of 3.8%, as CV and between 1.5–11.3% as L. The reproducibility of desorbed P in the anode extract varied between 2.7–31.7% with an average of 8.7%, as CV and between 3.2–37.9% as L. Corresponding values for CV and L of K desorbed varied between 1.3–13.9% and 1.6–23.8%, respectively. Variations among replicates of desorbed P were especially high in the first 1–2 sub-fractions of a total of seven fractions in a single extraction run. Low K concentrations in the extract had a slightly negative influence on the reproducibility of K desorption. Furthermore, it was found that a portion of the cations is collected in the anode extract and a portion of the anions in the cathode extract, especially at the beginning of an extraction run. Pooling of anode and cathode extracts before analysis is therefore recommended.  相似文献   
Summary Organic components leaked fromSorghum bicolor seedlings (‘root exudates’) were examined by recovering14C labelled compounds from root solutions of seedlings inoculated withAzospirillum brasilense, Azotobacter vinelandii orKlebsiella pneumoniae nif-. Up to 3.5% of the total14C recovered from shoots, roots, and nutrient solutions was found in the root solutions. Inoculation with Azospirillum and Azotobacter increased the amounts of14C and decreased the amounts of carbohydrates in the root solutions. When sucrose was added as a carbon source for the bacteria, the increase of14C in the solutions did not occur. Quantities of14C found in the root solutions were proportional to amounts of mineral nitrogen supplied to the plants. Bacterial growth also was proportional to nitrogen levels. When sorghum plants were grown in soil and labelled with14CO2, about 15% of the total14C recovered within 48 hours exposure was found in soil leachates.  相似文献   
Summary The NPK concentrations in cowpea leaves (cv California Blackeye No. 5) with stage of plant development did not vary significantly with tillage treatment but several features of the concentration of these different ions with age, stage of plant development, incidence of flooding and soil water content are significant.In the major rainy season when soil water content was adequate and seldom above field capacity, there was an almost linear increase in the concentration of N and P in the leaves up to 56 days after planting which coincided with fruit development. This suggested that the accumulation of N and P do take place after flowering which occurred 39 days after planting. The pattern of accumulation of N and P in the minor rainy season suggested that flooding and the occurrence of prolonged soil moisture contents above field capacity suppressed the accumulation of these two nutrients. Potassium accumulation was high in the early stages of cowpea growth and declined with age of the crop. Flooding and high soil moisture contents seem to have had little or no effect on potassium accumulation in the leaves. The pattern of accumulation of N and P suggests that the supply of these nutrients to the cowpea plant must remain high up to fruit development and that additional N and P would need to be added to the soil after a flooding event or when the soil moisture content is above field capacity for prolonged periods.  相似文献   
R. C. Dalal 《Plant and Soil》1982,66(2):265-269
Summary The phosphatase activity of the soil amended with roots and tops of clover (Trifolium repens) plant material (0.1% by weight) remained essentially constant in the absence of growing plants but changed considerably in the presence of plants (Avena sativa) grown for 10 weeks. There was a significant relationship between the phosphatase activity and organic and inorganic P in the soil solution only in the presence of growing plants. The differences in phosphatase activity between roots and tops amended soil were attributed to total C as well as differences in the degree of availability of C added through plant materials. This may also apply to the carpet grass (Axonopus affinis) amended soil.  相似文献   
Summary A laboratory study of the interaction of H2O frost with samples of the minerals olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 and pyroxene (Mg,Fe)SiO3 at –11°C to –22°C revealed that an acidic oxidant was produced. Exposure of the frost-treated minerals to liquid H2O produced a sudden drop in pH and resulted in the production of copious O2(g) (as much as ~ 1020 molecules g–1). Exposure of frost-treated samples to 5 ml of 0.1M HCOONa solution resulted in the rapid oxidation of up to 43% of the formate to CO2(g). These reactions were qualitatively similar to the chemical activity observed during the active cycles of the Viking lander Gas Exchange and Labeled Release Biology experiments. Attempts to identify the oxidant by chemical indicators were inconclusive, but they tentatively suggested that chemisorbed hydrogen peroxide may have formed. The formation of chemisorbed peroxide could be explained as a byproduct of the chemical reduction of the mineral. The following model was proposed. Hc was incorporated into the mineral from surface frost. This would have left behind a residual of excess OH (ads) (relative to surface H+). Electrons were then stripped from the surface OH (ads) (due to the large repulsive potential between neighboring OH (ads)) and incorporated into the crystal to restore charge balance and produce a chemical reduction of the mineral. The resultant surface hydroxyl radicals could then have combined to form the more stable chemisorbed hydrogen peroxide species. While the chemisorbed peroxide should be relatively stable at low temperatures, it should tend to decay to O(ads) + H2O(g) at higher temperatures with an activation energy of 34 kcal mole–1. This is consistent with the long-term storage and sterilization behavior of the Viking soil oxidants. It is possible that as little as 0.1–1% frost-weathered material in the Martian soil could have produced the unusual chemical activity that occurred during the Viking Gas Exchange and Labeled Release experiments.This paper contains the material given in invited presentations at the COSPAR Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, 5–7 June 1978 and at the Second Conference on Simulation of Mars Surface Properties, NASA Ames Research Center, 17–18 August 1978  相似文献   
Summary Greenhouse experiments were done with two purposes: (1) to identify strains of rhizobia effective and acid-tolerant in symbiosis withLablab purpureus, and (2) to determine whether soil acidity or the symbiotic condition increased the phosphate requirement for growth.Five rhizobial strains were tested in one neutral soil, two acid soils, and the two acid soils limed to pH 6.6. In the neutral and limed soils, three of the strains were effective (CB1024, CB756, TAL169), but only two strains (CB756, TAL169) remained effective in acid soil.Strain CB756 and plus-N treatments were further compared in a factorial trial involving combinations of five levels of P with lime, no lime and CaCl2 treatments, applied to an acid soil. Some of the treatments were also applied to plants inoculated with CB1024. Between the N-fertilized and CB756 treatments there was no clear difference in growth response to applied P, and the critical internal concentration of P for 95% of maximal growth was the same (0.22% shoot dry weight). Increasing P beyond levels needed for maximal growth increased nodulation and N concentration in plants inoculated with CB756. It lowered N concentration in N-fertilized plants. There was evidence suggesting that the P requirement of symbiotic plants increased if the soil was acid, or if CB756 were replaced by CB1024 as microsymbiont; but the critical statistical interactions were not significant.  相似文献   
Summary A study of the inorganic amendments (N, P and K) to soil, and their effect on the rhizosphere microflora, as well as their relation to the control of wilt of antirrhinum plants caused byVerticillium dahliae Kleb. was done. Ammonium sulphate was the only chemical found to be significantly inhibitory toV. dahliae in vitro. Soil amendments (NPK) affected the rhizosphere microorganisms of the antirrhinum plants. Higher concentration of the chemicals were phytotoxic. It was further observed that ammonium sulphate, and the combined chemicals (NPK 25%) in soil delayed the senescence in healthy plants, suggests that chemical fertilisers affected the host plants directly. Addition of ammonium sulphate (0.25%), calcium nitrate (0.25%, 0.5%) combined NPK (0.25%) to soil caused considerable reduction in disease severity. It is assumed that this reduction may be caused by the (1) fungitoxic nature of the chemicali.e. ammonium sulphate, (2) antagonistic environment for the pathogen in the rhizosphere was boostedi.e. where calcium nitrate was added as soil amendments and (3) reduction in disease severity in soil-amended with combined NPK, may be due to the fact that antagonistic actinomycete population was boosted in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
Summary Cellulose and lignin contents in left-overs of rice stump decreased due to decay caused by soil mycoflora. The loss of cellulose and lignin was considerable in presence of Curvularia and Fusarium respectively. Other tested mycoflora could also destroy cellulose and lignin to some extent. The amount of loss of cellulose and lignin increased with time of incubation of the tested mycoflora.  相似文献   
Summary Addition of aldicarb (2 methyl-2(methyl thio) propionaldehyde-0-methyl carbamoyl oxime) in the growth medium enhanced the growth ofRhizobium sp. (cowpea group) at 2 ppm level while an inhibition was observed at the normal (5 ppm) and higher (10 ppm) concentrations. Respiration of the cells was also inhibited by 5 and 10 ppm levels of the chemical eventhough a stimulation was observed at 2 ppm (lower) concentration. The insecticide, when incorporated at 5 and 10 ppm levels in the medium increased the14C-glucose incorporation and considerably altered the assimilation of the radioactive carbon in different fractions of rhizobium cells. Soil application of this insecticide (Temik 10 G) reduced the number of nodules formed and the total nitrogen content in cowpea plants inoculated with theRhizobium sp. but enhanced the dry matter production of cowpea plants.Based on the M. Sc. thesis submitted by the first author to the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3.  相似文献   
Seasonal nutrient enrichment experiments (short-term bioassays) were conducted in three Florida lakes of different trophic states to determine the effects of addition of various nutrient combinations upon chlorophyll a and phytoplankton standing crops. Nutrient enriched surface water samples with crustacean zooplankton removed were incubated in situ in clear polyethylene bags for 3 to 6 days. The 25 factorial design employed two levels (ambient and enriched) of each of five nutrients [NH4 +, PO inf4 sup3− , Fe -EDTA, SiO inf3 sup2− and a cation (Ca2+ or K+) or trace elements]. Ammonium produced significant increases in chlorophyll a and phytoplankton standing crops in all experiments. Phosphate produced similar results in the mesotrophic lake, but the eutrophic lakes had both positive and nonsignificant responses which varied seasonally between lakes. Iron increased chlorophyll a in most experiments but affected total phytoplankton standing crop only during the summer and fall. Silicon had negative effects in some experiments. Cations and trace elements produced marked differences between lakes for chlorophyll a, but total phytoplankton standing crop showed few significant responses. Synergistic responses to two- and three-factor interactions were observed in all lakes. Differences in the responses of phytoplankton taxonomic divisions to enrichment may be responsible for much of the between lake variation in chlorophyll a and total phytoplankton volume responses. Nutrient limitations in these lakes are discussed and related to limnological factors and predictive models.  相似文献   
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