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The sexual behavior and female reproductive cycles of a group of island-dwelling stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides)were monitored over a 6-month period, yielding 530 observation hr and 268 copulations. Compared to nondominant males, the dominant male copulated at a relatively high rate throughout the cycle, but largely with one high-ranking female. The non-dominant males copulated most frequently at midcycle. Female presenting was highest at midcycle, but only to the dominant male. Cross-study discrepancies may be due to different observation methods and restricted environmental conditions that mask female-initiated sexual behavior. The more naturalistic setting of this study allowed for a fuller expression of proceptivity. Contrary to some previous conclusions, present findings suggest that both hormonal and socioenvironmental factors influence the patterns of sexual behavior found in stumptail macaque colonies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen to various host odours using either arrangements of electrocuting nets or visual observations. Tsetse flying upwind in a plume of carbon dioxide, acetone and octenol turned downwind upon flying into a plume of acetone or octenol, but did not turn upon flying into a plume of carbon dioxide. They also turned in response to a transient decline in odour concentration. Tsetse landed on the ground in the vicinity of a source of natural odour or artificial odour containing carbon dioxide but not at sources of acetone or octenol only. The proportion of female G.pallidipes caught at a source of natural odour (37%) was significantly different from that caught at a source of synthetic odour (17%). Resting tsetse stimulated by natural odour took off sooner than non-stimulated flies and had a strong upwind bias in the direction of take off. Tsetse stimulated with artificial odour did not take off sooner than non-stimulated flies. It is suggested that there is an unidentified components) of ox odour that activates resting tsetse.  相似文献   
A small group of chimpanzees was allowed to manipulate different quantities of novel objects in order to enhance their captive conditions. This procedure led to a general increase in the manipulation frequency by the apes. It decreased their inactivity and their self-grooming, and almost eliminated the abnormal behaviors displayed by one individual. The distribution of novel objects did not affect the total frequency of social interactions and did not increase the aggressivity of the animals, even though dominant individuals secured most of the objects when only a small number of them were available. Following their familiarization with the novel objects, the chimpanzees' manipulation frequency decreased whereas self-grooming and abnormal behaviors were increased. Suggestions are made on how to maximize the use of a limited bank of toys to occupy captive chimpanzees.  相似文献   
This study investigated the morphological, physiological, and behavioral components of social dominance important for mate attraction in male green iguanas (Iguana iguana). A group of 9 male and 11 female adult green iguanas was studied in a large semi-natural enclosure during one reproductive season (October–January). Four of the nine males never initiated aggressive encounters; the other five were observed to display aggressively toward each other and were ranked in a linear dominance hierarchy. Head size was the most important factor influencing fighting success. Head size and display frequency were positively correlated with plasma testosterone levels. Dominance rank directly influenced ability to monopolize areas containing resources used by females. The quality of a male's home range, measured as his access to a large basking rock in the enclosure, was related to the proportion of potential mates found within his home range. One male greatly surpassed the others in his ability to defend a home range of high quality and attract potential mates. These data suggest that physiological and morphological factors, through their influence on social behavior, may ultimately affect male reproductive fitness. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The social environment affects both behavioral and physiological responses to separation from the mother. Less information is available on the impact of the social environment on the response to separation in peer-reared infant monkeys. This study reports the responses of peer-reared pigtail macaque infants to repeated separations, and the impact of social versus isolation housing during the separation. The responses of two pairs of monkeys were studied during four three-day separations. One of each pair was housed in isolation during the separation, and the other was with another pair of peers, with whom they had been living for one month prior to the separation. The isolation-housed peer responded to the separation with behavioral agitation, but no depression. The socially-housed peer's behavior did not differ from baseline during the separation. During successive reunions, all the separated monkeys, regardless of housing condition, exhibited declining levels of behaviors related to maintaining proximity to their attachment figure. Although the number of subjects is small, the results suggest that the presence of social support, in the form of a familiar peer, can ameliorate the response to separation, and that with repeated separations the responses of the monkeys changes significantly.  相似文献   
Characteristics of dispersal in sexually mature dragonflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The population dynamics of a natural population of Sympetrum danae (Sulzer) were studied, by means of a mark—release—recapture method, to find indications of dispersal by mature adults. Additional information on orientation and the influence of phenotype (including age), density and weather was obtained by observations under natural conditions and in a large outdoor field cage.
  • 2 80% of all mature adults caught around the natural pond were estimated to be immigrants. Considerable immigration was confirmed by the abdomen length of unmarked matures which did not accord with that expected from the locally emerged population. Total numbers captured and the minimum number known to be alive fell sharply at the time when most individuals were mature. At the same time, new matures continued to enter and disappear from the study area at an increasing rate.
  • 3 Dispersive behaviour (escape flights) in the field enclosure was primarily age dependent in both sexes: it occurred from an age of 25–30 days onwards. This coincides with the time-lag between the emergence peak and increased dispersal in the field. Secondary effects on escape flights suggested that males tended to abandon low density areas.
  • 4 Males flew relatively more southward than females.
Butterfly migration from and to peninsular Florida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Migrating butterflies were monitored with traps for 10 years at a site in north peninsular Florida, to determine seasonal and annual variation in numbers and directions of flight.
  • 2 In the spring, 81–96% of the principal migrants, Phoebis sennae (L.), Agraulis vanillae (L.), Precis coenia (Hübner) and Urbanus proteits (L.), flew northward; in the autumn, 86–95% flew southward.
  • 3 Estimated mean net numbers of these four species flying northward in spring across each ENE-WSW metre were 3, 6, 69 and <1 respectively; numbers flying southward in autumn were 222, 413, 37 and 146.
  • 4 During a 5-year period, the ratio of highest to lowest seasonal migration for a species did not exceed 9.3.
  • 5 The average median date of spring migration was 27 March for P.sennae, 23 April for P.coenia, and 12 May for A.vanillae. The average median date of autumn migration was 2–5 October except for U.proteus, whose average date was 14 October.
  • 6 The autumn migratory period, as measured by the duration of the middle half of migration, was about 2 weeks in P.coenia and about 4 weeks in the other three species.
  • 7 Compared to previously reported butterfly migrations, the ones studied here were notably uniform in magnitude and regular in timing.
  • 8 These and other data suggest that 4 million or more of these butterflies migrate northward from peninsular Florida almost every spring and that 40 million or more migrate southward to peninsular Florida almost every autumn.
Waterstriders on ponds and creeks compensate for displacement caused by wind or water current with periodical jumps against the direction of drift. This behavior is mediated by visual stimuli.
1.  Waterstriders are able to detect the direction and extent of their displacement on an artificial canal when visual cues are reduced to a single point-like light source above the upstream end of the canal. They adjust the frequency and direction of the compensatory jumps to keep their mean position on the canal constant. The mean amplitude of the jumps is constant and independent of the stream velocity.
2.  During drift compensation the light spot is kept in the frontal visual field at a fixed angle of elevation. This set angle differs among individuals and can be changed with time.
3.  The station-keeping ability can hardly be explained by a velocity servo system since there is no accumulating position error. The average compensatory movements are governed by a discontinuously working position servo.
4.  When the light spot is switched off, a few jumps are still performed. Jumps, therefore, are not triggered individually by visual cues. Waterstriders must possess an endogenous jump-generator.
Summary In tethered flying houseflies (Musca domestica), the yaw torque produced by the wings is accompanied by postural changes of the abdomen and hindlegs. In free flight, these body movements would jointly lead to turning manoeuvres of the animal. By recording the yaw torque together with the lateral deflections of either the abdomen or the hindlegs, it is shown that these motor output systems act in a highly synergistic way during two types of visual orientation behavior, compensatory optomotor turning reactions and orientation turns elicited by moving objects. This high degree of coordination is particularly conspicuous for the pathway activated by moving objects. Here, orientation responses either may be induced or may fail to be generated always simultaneously in all three motor output systems. This suggests that the pathway mediating orientation turns towards objects is gated before it segregates into the respective motor control systems of the wings, the abdomen and the hindlegs.  相似文献   
Synopsis The santerCheimerius nufar is widespread in tropical and subtropical waters of the western Indian Ocean and forms an important component of linefish catches along the east coast of southern Africa. Observations of spawning behaviour in captivity have revealed that spawning occurs during spring over a period of four months. Mating takes place at sunrise and may continue for up to 105 min (mean duration = 60 min). During spawning males become dark with prominent white markings. They become very aggressive and set up territories. Females remain a uniform silvery-pink. Mating occurs between males and females of similar sizes, culminating in egg and sperm release near the surface. Individual fish spawned up to 14 times during a morning. Streaking occurred throughout the season, with a second male joining a spawning pair and releasing gametes simultaneously. Slinger,Chrysoblephus puniceus, a dominant fish on offshore reefs in the same region, interfered with spawning throughout the season and were observed to eat eggs when they were released. The spawning strategy ofC. nufar is similar to protogynous species in several respects, indicating that this functional gonochorist may not conform to current theoretical predictions.  相似文献   
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