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Bovine acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP) is a 1.29 kDa polypeptide of the spermadhesin family built by a single CUB domain architecture. The CUB domain is an extracellular module present in 16 functionally diverse proteins. To determine the three-dimensional structure of aSFP, the protein was crystallized at 21 degrees C by vapor diffusion in hanging drops, using ammonium sulfate, pH 4.7, and polyethyleneglycol 4,000 as precipitants, containing 10% dioxane to avoid the formation of clustered crystals. Elongated prismatic crystals with maximal size of 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 mm3 diffract to beyond 1.9 A resolution and belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell parameters a = 52.4 A, b = 41.5 A, c = 48.2 A. There is one aSFP molecule per asymmetric unit, which corresponds to a crystal volume per unit molecular mass of 2.04 A3/Da, and analytical ultracentrifugation analysis show that aSFP is a monomeric protein.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, flavodoxin is the physiological electron donor for the reductive activation of the enzymes pyruvate formate-lyase, anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase, and B12-dependent methionine synthase. As a basis for studies of the interactions of flavodoxin with methionine synthase, crystal structures of orthorhombic and trigonal forms of oxidized recombinant flavodoxin from E. coli have been determined. The orthorhombic form (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 126.4, b = 41.10, c = 69.15 A, with two molecules per asymmetric unit) was solved initially by molecular replacement at a resolution of 3.0 A, using coordinates from the structure of the flavodoxin from Synechococcus PCC 7942 (Anacystis nidulans). Data extending to 1.8-A resolution were collected at 140 K and the structure was refined to an Rwork of 0.196 and an Rfree of 0.250 for reflections with I > 0. The final model contains 3,224 non-hydrogen atoms per asymmetric unit, including 62 flavin mononucleotide (FMN) atoms, 354 water molecules, four calcium ions, four sodium ions, two chloride ions, and two Bis-Tris buffer molecules. The structure of the protein in the trigonal form (space group P312, a = 78.83, c = 52.07 A) was solved by molecular replacement using the coordinates from the orthorhombic structure, and was refined with all data from 10.0 to 2.6 A (R = 0.191; Rfree = 0.249). The sequence Tyr 58-Tyr 59, in a bend near the FMN, has so far been found only in the flavodoxins from E. coli and Haemophilus influenzae, and may be important in interactions of flavodoxin with its partners in activation reactions. The tyrosine residues in this bend are influenced by intermolecular contacts and adopt different orientations in the two crystal forms. Structural comparisons with flavodoxins from Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Anaebaena PCC 7120 suggest other residues that may also be critical for recognition by methionine synthase.  相似文献   
The membrane-associated protein squalene-hopene cyclase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius was overexposed in Escherichia coli and purified by ion exchange and gel permeation chromatography. Crystals of three interrelated forms were grown by vapor diffusion under identical conditions. The crystals diffract to about 2.3 A resolution, but they are unstable in the X-ray beam. An interpretable heavy-atom derivative was obtained.  相似文献   
The cytosolic enzyme uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (URO-D) catalyzes the fifth step in the heme biosynthetic pathway, converting uroporphyrinogen to coproporphyrinogen by decarboxylating the four acetate side chains of the substrate. Recombinant human URO-D has been expressed in Escherichia coli with a histidine tag and has been purified to homogeneity. Purified protein was determined to be a monodisperse dimer by dynamic light scattering. Equilibrium sedimentation analysis confirmed that the protein is dimeric, with a dissociation constant of 0.1 microM. URO-D containing an amino-terminal histidine tag was crystallized in space group P3(1)21 or its enantiomer P3(2)21 with unit cell dimensions a = b = 103.6 A, c = 75.2 A. There is one molecule in the asymmetric unit, consistent with generation of the dimer by the twofold axis of this crystallographic operator. Native data have been collected to 3.0 a resolution.  相似文献   
The recombinant human p38 MAP kinase has been expressed and purified from both Escherichia coli and SF9 cells, and has been crystallized in two forms by the hanging drop vapor diffusion method using PEG as precipitant. Both crystal forms belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The cell parameters for crystal form 1 are a = 65.2 A, b = 74.6 A and c = 78.1 A. Those for crystal form 2 are a = 58.3 A, b = 68.3 A and c = 87.9 A. Diffraction data to 2.0 A resolution have been collected on both forms.  相似文献   
Structural studies of receptor binding by cholera toxin mutants.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The wide range of receptor binding affinities reported to result from mutations at residue Gly 33 of the cholera toxin B-pentamer (CTB) has been most puzzling. For instance, introduction of an aspartate at this position abolishes receptor binding, whereas substitution by arginine retains receptor affinity despite the larger side chain. We now report the structure determination and 2.3-A refinement of the CTB mutant Gly 33-->Arg complexed with the GM1 oligosaccharide, as well as the 2.2-A refinement of a Gly 33-->Asp mutant of the closely related Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin B-pentamer (LTB). Two of the five receptor binding sites in the Gly 33-->Arg CTB mutant are occupied by bound GM1 oligosaccharide; two other sites are involved in a reciprocal toxin:toxin interaction; one site is unoccupied. We further report a higher resolution (2.0 A) determination and refinement of the wild-type CTB:GM1 oligosaccharide complex in which all five oligosaccharides are seen to be bound in essentially identical conformations. Saccharide conformation and binding interactions are very similar in both the CTB wild-type and Gly 33-->Arg mutant complexes. The protein conformation observed for the binding-deficient Gly 33-->Asp mutant of LTB does not differ substantially from that seen in the toxin:saccharide complexes. The critical nature of the side chain of residue 33 is apparently due to a limited range of subtle rearrangements available to both the toxin and the saccharide to accommodate receptor binding. The intermolecular interactions seen in the CTB (Gly 33-->Arg) complex with oligosaccharide suggest that the affinity of this mutant for the receptor is close to the self-affinity corresponding to the toxin:toxin binding interaction that has now been observed in crystal structures of three CTB mutants.  相似文献   
GroEL-mediated protein folding.   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
I. Architecture of GroEL and GroES and the reaction pathway A. Architecture of the chaperonins B. Reaction pathway of GroEL-GroES-mediated folding II. Polypeptide binding A. A parallel network of chaperones binding polypeptides in vivo B. Polypeptide binding in vitro 1. Role of hydrophobicity in recognition 2. Homologous proteins with differing recognition-differences in primary structure versus effects on folding pathway 3. Conformations recognized by GroEL a. Refolding studies b. Binding of metastable intermediates c. Conformations while stably bound at GroEL 4. Binding constants and rates of association 5. Conformational changes in the substrate protein associated with binding by GroEL a. Observations b. Kinetic versus thermodynamic action of GroEL in mediating unfolding c. Crossing the energy landscape in the presence of GroEL III. ATP binding and hydrolysis-driving the reaction cycle IV. GroEL-GroES-polypeptide ternary complexes-the folding-active cis complex A. Cis and trans ternary complexes B. Symmetric complexes C. The folding-active intermediate of a chaperonin reaction-cis ternary complex D. The role of the cis space in the folding reaction E. Folding governed by a "timer" mechanism F. Release of nonnative polypeptides during the GroEL-GroES reaction G. Release of both native and nonnative forms under physiologic conditions H. A role for ATP binding, as well as hydrolysis, in the folding cycle V. Concluding remarks.  相似文献   
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is now a commonly used method for the determination of bone mineral status and body composition in humans. The purposes of this study were to compare fat mass by in vivo neutron activation analysis (FMIVNA) with that by DXA (FMDXA) in an anthropometrically heterogeneous sample of healthy adult men (n=33) and women (n=36) (19=≤BMI≤39), and to determine whether differences in fat mass estimates between the two methods (ΔFM) were attributable to subject anthropometry as defined by several circumference (waist, iliac crest, thigh) and skinfold thickness (umbilical, suprailiac, abdominal) measurements. No significant differences between FMDXA and FMIVNA were observed in men (p=0.46) or women (p=0.09). The two methods were very highly correlated in both sexes (women r2=0.97, p<0.001, men r2=0.91, p<0.001), although the regression line for men was significantly different from the line of identity (p=0.043). These results suggest modest trends toward underestimation of FMDXA in men when FMIVNA<18 kg, and overestimation in men when FMIVNA>18 kg. ΔFM (IVNA-DXA) was not significantly related to any combination of skinfold thicknesses and circumferences in either gender. Age explained 27% of the variance in ΔFM for the men (p=0.008). Furthermore, ΔFM was not significantly related to inter-method disparity in total-body bone mineral measurements in men or women (p<0.05). The present study demonstrates strong correlation in fat measurements between IVNA and DXA in men and women ranging from normal to markedly obese. Correction for subject anthropometry does not significantly improve this relationship.  相似文献   
房继明  孙儒泳 《动物学报》1995,41(2):141-148
通过对两个肥满度指标的理论和生物学意义分析,以及对布氏田鼠肥满度的研究和实际应用的讨论,认为描述动物的肥满度时,重长指标KWL优于指标K。两指标的最大差别是成体的KWL值大于幼体,而成体的K值小于幼体。布氏田鼠肥满度没有性别差异;有异著的年龄差异,成体鼠的肥满度高于幼鼠;有显著的季节变化,鼠种群春季肥满度最高,夏季降低,秋季回升;有显著的年际变化,高数量年的肥满度高于低数量年。  相似文献   
Light- and electron-microscopic studies were used to investigate connections between specific subgroups of neurons in the myenteric plexus of the guineapig small intestine. Inputs to two classes of calretinin-immunoreactive (IR) nerve cells, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons, were examined. Inputs from calbindin-IR primary sensory neurons and from three classes of descending interneurons were studied. Electron-microscopic analysis showed that calbindin-IR axons formed two types of inputs, synapses and close contacts, on calretinin-IR neurons. About 40% of inputs to the longitudinal muscle motor neurons and 70% to ascending interneurons were calbindin-IR. Approximately 50% of longitudinal muscle motor neurons were surrounded by bombesin-IR dense pericellular baskets and 40% by closely apposed varicosities. At the electron-microscope level, the bombesin-IR varicosities were found to form synapses and close contacts with the motor neurons. Dense pericellular baskets with bombesin-IR surrounded 36% of all ascending interneurons, and a further 17% had closely apposed varicosities. Somatostatin-and 5-HT-IR descending interneurons provided no dense pericellular baskets to calretinin-IR nerve cells. Thus, calretinin-IR, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons receive direct synaptic inputs from intrinsic primary sensory neurons and from non-cholinergic, bombesin-IR, descending interneurons.  相似文献   
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