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Among years, fry‐to‐adult survival of hatchery‐reared chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta was positively correlated with the length (in days) of the fry out‐migration period with temperatures suitable for migration. Furthermore, survival decreased with increasing difference in mean temperature between May and June. Thus, prolonged out‐migration periods increased the probability of survival from fry to adult, lending support to the hypothesis that long migration periods decrease the risk of mortality (bet‐hedging), and increase the probability of migration when environmental conditions in fresh water and the ocean are suitable (match–mismatch).  相似文献   
Calcitonin (CT) is one of the factors affecting the embryo implantation, but its effects on the implantation window have not been fully investigated. The current study investigated the effects of CT on the endometrium receptivity by morphological study and evaluation of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), mucin 1 (Muc-1), and microRNA (miRNA) Let-7a in the ovarian stimulation and the normal ovarian cycle. Then the mechanism of the CT effects through the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway was studied by using PP242. A total of 64 BALB/c mice were divided into the normal ovarian cycle and ovarian stimulation groups. Each group consisted of four subgroups: control, calcitonin, PP242, and calcitonin+PP242. CT and PP242 were injected on the fourth of pregnancy into the mice and 24 hr later all the mice were killed. The uterine tissue samples were used for morphological analysis, and endometrial cells were mechanically isolated for evaluation of gene and protein expression. The results showed that ovarian stimulation induced mTOR phosphorylation as well as increased expression of the Let-7a miRNA. In addition, CT injection increased the expression of LIF and miRNA Let-7a in ovarian stimulation similar to that in normal ovarian cycles. However, injection of PP242 reduced expression of miRNA Let-7a and increased Muc-1 expression in ovarian stimulation group. In conclusion, the administration of CT improved endometrial receptivity in mice. This phenomenon occurred by upregulation of LIF, miRNA Let-7a and downregulation of Muc-1 via mTOR signaling pathway.  相似文献   
A systematic and powerful knowledge‐based framework exists for improving the activity and stability of chemical catalysts and for empowering the commercialization of respective processes. In contrast, corresponding biotechnological processes are still scarce and characterized by case‐by‐case development strategies. A systematic understanding of parameters affecting biocatalyst efficiency, that is, biocatalyst activity and stability, is essential for a rational generation of improved biocatalysts. Today, systematic approaches only exist for increasing the activity of whole‐cell biocatalysts. They are still largely missing for whole‐cell biocatalyst stability. In this review, we structure factors affecting biocatalyst stability and summarize existing, yet not completely exploited strategies to overcome respective limitations. The factors and mechanisms related to biocatalyst destabilization are discussed and demonstrated inter alia based on two case studies. The factors are similar for processes with different objectives regarding target molecule or metabolic pathway complexity and process scale, but are in turn highly interdependent. This review provides a systematic for the stabilization of whole‐cell biocatalysts. In combination with our knowledge on strategies to improve biocatalyst activity, this paves the way for the rational design of superior recombinant whole‐cell biocatalysts, which can then be employed in economically and ecologically competitive and sustainable bioprocesses.  相似文献   
PCNA is an essential factor for DNA replication, repair, chromatin metabolism, and effector of cell-cycle regulatory signals. The assignment of backbone 1HN, 13Cα, 13CO, and 15N, and sidechain 13Cβ resonances of the human PCNA homotrimeric ring (∼90 kDa, 261 residues) is reported here.  相似文献   
Since the results of the women health initiative study showing an overall negative risk-benefit ratio with 0.625 mg of conjugated estrogens plus 2.5 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate, the use of the lowest effective dose of steroids in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended.

A low-dose regimen appears to induce less side effects such as breast tenderness or leg pain than do higher dose preparations.

The decrease in hot flashes with low-dose estrogens, range 60–70%, is less than the 80–90% reduction with standard dosing. But this mean that 60–70% of menopausal women do not need higher doses.

The same applies to bone preservation which is dose dependent: the number of non-respondant women will be higher than with standard doses. However, randomized double-blind, placebo controls trials have defined positive effects on bone of low doses of HRT with adequate calcium and Vitamin D in elderly women. The use of bone densitometry and of biochemical markers of bone turnover is mandatory in women using low or ultra-low-dose preparations.

In spite of the lack of trials conducted with low-dose HRT, this treatment seems to be safer:

• the plasma levels of estradiol are lower; as far as breast cancer risk is concerned, the decrease of this subrogate marker is considered as favourable;

• the increase in breast density is less pronounced;

• the nurses's health study found a dose relationship for stroke, with no increase in risk with low-dose of estrogens;

• the effects on subrogate markers of cardiovascular risk seem to be more favourable.

Beside the low-dose HRT, one must consider some other facts:

• the “critical window” theory: it is biologically plausible that HRT, if started early after the menopause can slow the progression of coronary atherosclerosis;

• the way of administration of HRT: some observational studies have shown no increase in the risk of venous thromboembolism risk among women treated with transdermal estrogens;

• the progestogen used: a French cohort study recently performed found no increase in breast cancer risk with the use of micronized progesterone meanwhile the increase in risk observed with other progestogens was similar to the findings of the WHI study.

In the future, it is conceivable that more comprehensive pharmacogenomic studies will lead to effective algorithms for individualizing the right dose of steroids to be used in HRT.  相似文献   

To improve the energy-conversion efficiency and adaptability between a CO2 electroreduction system and intermittent renewable energy, small onset potentials, and wide working windows are highly important. Here, three indium metal–organic frameworks (In-MOFs) have been projected using different ligands to adjust the local steric hindrance and electronic structure of In nodes, manipulating the whole workflow of CO2 during electroreduction including local CO2 transport, adsorption, activation, hydrogenation, and product desorption. Significantly, a CO2 electroreduction to formate process promoted by 2,5-TDC In-MOF shows an onset potential of −0.1 V versus RHE around the therymodynamic potential, over 90% FEforamte in a wide current-density window from 0.1 to 0.9 A cm−2. Driven by solar cells, the system displays a high solar-to-chemical efficiency of 17.39%. In depth mechanism study indicates that the local CO2 transport and adsorption of all In-MOFs are thermodynamically and kinetically favorable, while the energy barrier of potential-determine step (*HCOOH desorption) is the lowest for 2,5-TDC In-MOF.  相似文献   
Miscanthus × giganteus is an energy crop with many attributes that make it a potential biofuel feedstock. This study examined the chemical composition of M. × giganteus stems cut at different dates throughout the spring harvest window (January, February and March) and either left in a swath or left flat in a thin layer on the ground and compared the composition to that of the standing crop collected on the same date in April (control). The research then examined the effect of cutting date on the chemical composition of whole plant M. × giganteus biomass (leaf and stem). The parameters examined in both parts of this experiment were lower heating value on a wet basis (LHVWB), ash, chlorine, potassium, nitrogen, sulphur, carbon and hydrogen content. The range of values recorded for the parameters from both aspects of this trial were LHVWB 4.84–11.87 MJ kg?1; ash 1.44–1.97%; Cl 0.07–0.23%; K 0.15–0.32%; N 0.28–0.39%; S 0.13–0.19%; C 46.75–50.00%; H 5.76–6.09%. The length of time that the M. × giganteus remained in the field after cutting affected the LHVWB (increased with time) of the stem biomass material. Cutting the biomass and leaving it in the field lowered the ash, Cl and C content of the stem material compared to that of the control which was cut and collected on the same date. No differences were observed for the other parameters. Date of harvest affected the LHVWB, Cl and C content which all improved with later cutting dates. Thus, combustion quality can be improved by delaying the harvest date or by cutting the crop and leaving it in the field for a period prior to collection. Choosing the correct combination of time and harvest method can therefore improve biomass fuel quality.  相似文献   
何雨婧  杜华茂 《微生物学报》2024,64(7):2277-2294
【目的】纳米银(silver nanoparticles,Ag NPs)的生物安全性一直受业界诟病,扩大纳米银的治疗窗将为治疗人和动物多耐药性细菌感染提供有效的备选药物。本研究拟用三羧酸循环的重要成员α-酮戊二酸(alpha-ketoglutaric acid,AKG)对纳米银进行表面修饰以提高其抗菌的生物安全性。【方法】芦丁在常温下合成纳米银,用全波长分光光度计、粒度仪及透射电镜进行表征。加1 mmol/L聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(polyvinylpyrrolidone,PVP)作为稳定剂(PVP-Ag NPs),另加10 mmol/L AKG作为封端剂(PVP-Ag NPs@AKG),比较2种纳米银的抗菌性及对人正常宫颈上皮细胞(human cervical epithelial cells,HCer Epic)的毒性作用,再分析2种纳米银对大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli) BW25113能量代谢、抗氧化应激和无氧呼吸相关基因表达等的影响。【结果】PVP-Ag NPs@AKG对多株革兰阳性细菌和革兰阴性细菌的最小抑菌浓度(minimal inhibit concentration,MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(minimum bactericidal concentration,MBC)均比PVP-Ag NPs低50%或50%以上,而对HCer Epic细胞的毒性无显著差异。与PVP-Ag NPs相比,PVP-Ag NPs@AKG在MIC浓度下对E.coli α-酮戊二酸脱氢酶活性的抑制作用增强,AKG蓄积,ATP水平显著降低,同时活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)的水平显著升高,sox S表达上调,但是,厌氧呼吸相关的arc A、fnr、fdn H基因表达上调的程度显著降低。【结论】AKG修饰纳米银能通过靶向α-酮戊二酸脱氢酶抑制细菌的能量代谢,使其对氧化损伤更敏感,从而获得更强的抗菌能力,是一种扩大纳米银治疗窗的有效手段。  相似文献   
自复寄生蜂的生殖特性及其对生物防治的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自复寄生蜂营雌雄异律发育,雌蜂为初级寄生蜂,雄蜂为复寄生蜂。依据寄主类型产下的相应性别的后代,其性比受到寄主数量、初级寄主与二级寄主的相对丰度等因素影响。自复寄生蜂能够寄生和取食初级寄主,抑制有害昆虫的种群数量,同时能够寄生和取食同种和异种寄生蜂幼虫,产生致死干扰竞争作用。复寄生二级寄主时,易感时间窗口主要集中在老熟幼虫至预蛹阶段。与同种二级寄主相比,自复寄生蜂更倾向于寄生异种二级寄主或无选择倾向性,取食时,更倾向于异种二级寄主。自复寄生蜂特殊的生殖方式使其对生物防治的影响备受争议。在评价其生物防治价值时,应对其正面影响和负面影响做出全面权衡。本文对自复寄生蜂的生殖特性、对同种和其他种类寄生蜂产生的致死干扰竞争作用及其对生物防治的影响等问题的国内外研究进展进行了综述,以期为利用这种天敌资源开展有害生物综合治理提供依据。  相似文献   
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