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A native nitrogen-fixing shrub facilitates weed invasion   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Invasions by exotic weedy plants frequently occur in highly disturbed or otherwise anthropogenically altered habitats. Here we present evidence that, within California coastal prairie, invasion also can be facilitated by a native nitrogen-fixing shrub, bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus). Bush lupines fix nitrogen and grow rapidly, fertilizing the sandy soil with nitrogen-rich litter. The dense lupine canopy blocks light, restricting vegetative growth under bushes. Heavy insect herbivory kills lupines, opening exposed nitrogen-rich sites within the plant community. Eventual re-establishment of lupine occurs because of an abundant and long-lived seed bank. Lupine germination, rapid growth, shading and fertilization of sites, and then death after only a few years, results in a mosaic of nutrient-rich sites that are available to invading species. To determine the role of bush lupine death and nitrogen enrichment in community composition, we examined nutrient dynamics and plant community characteristics within a site only recently colonized by lupine, comparing patches where lupines had recently died or were experimentally killed with adjacent areas lacking lupine. In experimentally killed patches, instantaneous pool sizes of exchangeable ammonium and nitrate nitrogen were higher than in adjacent sites free of lupine. Seedlings of the introduced grass Bromus diandrus accumulated 48% greater root biomass and 93% more shoot biomass when grown in a greenhouse in soil collected under experimentally killed lupines compared to B. diandrus seedlings grown in soil collected at least 1 m away from lupines. At the end of the spring growing season, total above-ground live plant biomass was more than twice as great in dead lupine patches as in the adjacent lupine-free grassland, but dead lupine patches contained 47% fewer plant species and 57% fewer native species. Sites where lupines have repeatedly died and reestablished during recent decades support an interstitial grassland community high in productivity but low in diversity, composed of mostly weedy introduced annual plants. In contrast, at a site only recently colonized by bush lupines, the interstitial grassland consists of a less productive but more diverse set of native and introduced species. We suggest that repeated bouts of lupine germination, establishment, and death can convert a rich native plant community into a less diverse collection of introduced weeds.  相似文献   
Stewart W. Janes 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):369-378
The composition of an avian foliage-gleaning guild was analyzed with respect to body size at nine sites along an elevational gradient in the Oregon Cascades. Mean body size decreased from 20.5 g near the lower forest boundary where it meets the grassland at about 775 m to 9.3 g near timberline at about 1720 m. Both the loss of larger species and the gain of smaller species contributed to the change. Mean volume of the foliage-dwelling arthropods also decreased with increasing elevation by two orders of magnitude along the same gradient. A significant decrease in body size occurred in three arthropod groups, larval Lepidoptera, Homoptera, and spiders, and of these, larval Lepidoptera dominated the overall size trend among arthropods. Both developmental differences (higher elevation sites are delayed seasonally on the same calendar date) and taxonomic differences contributed to the change in mean arthropod size. Mean bird size was positively correlated (r=0.93) with the body size of foliage-dwelling arthropods. A similar pattern was suggested for other avian guilds dependent directly or indirectly upon foliage-dwelling arthropods, but not for guilds independent of foliage-dwelling arthropods.  相似文献   


Climate change is affecting the distribution of species and subsequent biotic interactions, including hybridization potential. The imperiled Golden-winged Warbler (GWWA) competes and hybridizes with the Blue-winged Warbler (BWWA), which may threaten the persistence of GWWA due to introgression. We examined how climate change is likely to alter the breeding distributions and potential for hybridization between GWWA and BWWA.


North America.


We used GWWA and BWWA occurrence data to model climatically suitable conditions under historical and future climate scenarios. Models were parameterized with 13 bioclimatic variables and 3 topographic variables. Using ensemble modeling, we estimated historical and modern distributions, as well as a projected distribution under six future climate scenarios. We quantified breeding distribution area, the position of and amount of overlap between GWWA and BWWA distributions under each climate scenario. We summarized the top explanatory variables in our model to predict environmental parameters of the distributions under future climate scenarios relative to historical climate.


GWWA and BWWA distributions are projected to substantially change under future climate scenarios. GWWA are projected to undergo the greatest change; the area of climatically suitable breeding season conditions is expected to shift north to northwest; and range contraction is predicted in five out of six future climate scenarios. Climatically suitable conditions for BWWA decreased in four of the six future climate scenarios, while the distribution is projected to shift east. A reduction in overlapping distributions for GWWA and BWWA is projected under all six future climate scenarios.

Main Conclusions

Climate change is expected to substantially alter the area of climatically suitable conditions for GWWA and BWWA, with the southern portion of the current breeding ranges likely to become climatically unsuitable. However, interactions between BWWA and GWWA are expected to decline with the decrease in overlapping habitat, which may reduce the risk of genetic introgression.  相似文献   
Abstract. Woody biomass production in natural forests of arid and semi-arid regions is low. The fuelwood demand of settlements often exceeds the sustained yield and regeneration capacity of natural forests, which results in deforestation. Regeneration and woody biomass development was studied in cleared Acacia zanzibarica bushland in Bura, eastern Kenya. The area was cleared in 1982 and studied in 1988. The site had been colonized primarily by Acacia zanzibarica and A. reficiens. Mean density was 1333 trees/ha, mean total woody biomass (dry weight) 1954 kg/ha, equal to 2.53 m3/ha. Mean annual increment was 293 kg/ha, or 0.3 8m3/ha. Expressed as rain use efficiency, the natural dry matter productivity of the woody component equals 0.83 kg ha-1 yr-1 mm-1. The regeneration potential and some management implications are discussed.  相似文献   
本文通过长时间的野外监测,首次报道了西黑冠长臂猿的一次雄性取代行为。一个研究群体(G3)中的1 只亚成年雄性长臂猿在10 岁左右取代了相邻群体(G2)中的成年雄性。整个取代过程持续了15 d时间。雄性取代发生前,G2 中雌雄的配对关系已经不稳固,这为雄性取代提供了机会。而G2 与G3 群的一次长时间冲突可能消耗了G2 中成年雄性大量体能,这为G3 中的亚成年雄性打败并取代G2 中的成年雄性创造了机会。本研究在取代发生后,对新形成群体的鸣叫行为进行了连续4 个月的监测。结果表明与处于稳定时期的G2 群相比,新形成群体的鸣叫频次更高,但每次二重唱中雌性的平均激动鸣叫次数降低。这证明了Geissmann (1986)提出的假说,新配对的群体应该在尽量短的时间内多练习二重唱,这样导致新配对群体的鸣叫频率明显升高。虽然经历了4 个月的合唱练习,新形成群体的激动鸣叫次数仍然偏低,并且两只雌性同时激动鸣叫的频次也比较低。这说明新形成的配对之间配合依然不默契,或者说明配对之间的关系还不稳定。  相似文献   

In auditory research, the manipulation of signals by filtering with analog electronic filters plays an important role. Recently, digital filters that compute signal modifications in realtime became available. They can mimic all functions of analog filters, and additionally make possible new experimental concepts.

This tutorial paper introduces the concept of digital filters by using analogies from acoustics. Even complex acoustical environments can be simulated with digital filters, as they allow the programming of almost arbitrary frequency and phase responses.  相似文献   
During the dawn chorus, territorial male songbirds vocalise intensively within signalling range of several conspecific males and can therefore be considered members of a busy communication network. The more or less continuous singing over a long period of time under standardised stimulus conditions makes the dawn song a potentially important information source both for simple receivers and for eavesdroppers. Male blue tits (Parus caeruleus) vary in features of their dawn song, e.g. older males sing longer strophes, and females choose males that sing longer strophes as extra-pair partners. However, so far, dawn song in the blue tit has been investigated separately from other singing behaviour of the same males. In this study, we investigate aspects of blue tit male quality, reflected in dawn song characteristics, and their predictive value for how males behave during singing interactions later in the morning. We acted as simple receivers by recording the singing activity of one male at a time at dawn and compared features of its dawn song, such as onset before sunrise, repertoire size, mean bout length, strophe length and percentage performance time to responses of the same male to a territory intrusion simulated by playback of synthesised songs later during the same morning. We assume that an aggressive response towards an intruder will involve a fast approach to the loudspeaker broadcasting strophes of blue tit song, searching for the intruder (flying around), and a high amount of counter singing and overlapping of the intruders songs. Aspects of vigour of response to the simulated intrusion could be predicted from all five investigated dawn song parameters as well as male age. This is, to our knowledge, the first indication that a simple receiver could extract reliable information from a males dawn singing behaviour about its competitiveness later in the day.Communicated by P.K. McGregor  相似文献   
20 0 2年 6~ 7月 ,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区对云南柳莺的孵卵行为进行了研究。结果表明 ,雌鸟孵卵的日活动期为 (80 0 5± 42 8)min (n =1 5 ) ,每天离巢 (3 2 7± 3 9)次 (n =1 5 ) ,每次离巢时间 (6 6±1 8)min (n =5 99) ,每次坐巢时间 (1 8 4± 9 2 )min (n =5 83 ) ,坐巢率为 (73 1± 1 9) %。雌鸟每次坐巢时间和离巢时间的长度均与气温显著相关。日活动期雌鸟在巢的平均卵温为 3 2 3℃ ,夜晚的平均卵温为3 2 7℃。整个孵卵期卵温在发育临界值 2 8℃以上的时间比例为 92 7%。在孵卵后期卵温有逐渐上升的趋势。  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Habitat fragmentation is considered one of the major threats to invertebrate diversity in semi‐natural grassland. However, the effects of habitat fragmentation through mowing on the rich insect fauna of these grasslands have not been sufficiently investigated and experiments are especially rare. 2. We studied the impact of small‐scale grassland fragmentation on orthopterans over 7 years in an experiment which allowed us to additionally investigate the effect of frequent mowing on Orthoptera communities. 3. Overall, Orthoptera density and species richness increased over time. This was likely a result of increased small‐scale habitat heterogeneity and the provision of a short‐turf habitat suitable for xerophilous species. The fragmentation affected orthopteran density and species composition but not species richness whose response lagged behind the changes in abundance. 4. Responses differed between suborders. Ensifera density was higher in fragment than in control plots. Caelifera density did not differ between fragment and control plots. The mown matrix was an unsuitable habitat for most of the species, particularly within the Ensifera. 5. Our experiment shows that even small‐scale fragmentation can affect Orthopteran communities and that the effects became more pronounced over time. As the mown matrix was unsuitable for many Ensifera species, they may go locally extinct when large areas are mown simultaneously.  相似文献   
Despite the enormous advances in genetics, links between phenotypes and genotypes have been made for only a few nonmodel organisms. However, such links can be essential to understand mechanisms of ecological speciation. The Costa Rican endemic Mangrove Warbler subspecies provides an excellent subject to study differentiation with gene flow, as it is distributed along a strong precipitation gradient on the Pacific coast with no strong geographic barriers to isolate populations. Mangrove Warbler populations could be subject to divergent selection driven by precipitation, which influences soil salinity levels, which in turn influences forest structure and food resources. We used single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and morphological traits to examine the balance between neutral genetic and phenotypic divergence to determine whether selection has acted on traits and genes with functions related to specific environmental variables. We present evidence showing: (a) associations between environmental variables and SNPs, identifying candidate genes related to bill morphology (BMP) and osmoregulation, (b) absence of population genetic structure in neutrally evolving markers, (c) divergence in bill size across the precipitation gradient, and (d) strong phenotypic differentiation (PST) which largely exceeds neutral genetic differentiation (FST) in bill size. Our results indicate an important role for salinity, forest structure, and resource availability in maintaining phenotypic divergence of Mangrove Warblers through natural selection. Our findings add to the growing body of literature identifying the processes involved in phenotypic differentiation along environmental gradients in the face of gene flow.  相似文献   
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