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目的:制备后磨牙模拟根管模型。方法:依照预实验中测试的牙本质和树脂根管模型材料的布氏硬度值(牙本质HB72,树脂块HB54)选取纯铜质铜管为材料(纯铜HB58)同时利用预实验中确认的后磨牙模拟根管模型弯曲角度的范围(70°-60°)并参照树脂根管模型相关数据,设计不同弯曲角度(70°,64°,60°)的纯铜质根管模型,将20套镍钛根管锉随机分为4组,其中3组根管锉分别预备相应角度的10个纯铜质后磨牙根管模型,另一组在临床预备10个后磨牙根管作为对照组。所有镍钛根管锉均在疲劳寿命测试装置中测试疲劳寿命。结果:选用根管长度为16mm±1mm,弯曲半径为5mm,内径为0.70mm的纯铜质铜管制作后磨牙根管模型。其中在弯曲角度为70°的后磨牙根管模型中有33%(2/6)近似临床;在弯曲角度为64°的后磨牙根管模型中有67%(4/6)近似临床;在弯曲角度为60°的后磨牙根管模型中有33%(2/6)近似临床。结论:弯曲角度为64°的纯铜制后磨牙模拟根管模型更接近于临床实际,可为体外研究镍钛根管锉各项指标提供一个较为理想的模型。  相似文献   
目的:本文针对表面肌电(sEMG)信号探讨动作电位传导速度(APCV)估计问题。方法:以生理学仿真sEMG信号为基础,采用基于互相关分析的时延估计技术来获取相应的APCV估计值,并利用重采样技术来提高估计的精度。结果:实验表明,针对重采样后的仿真信号,其APCV的估计误差得到了明显降低。结论:所采用方法能够有效获取满意的APCV估计效果。  相似文献   
为了对‘金牡丹’茶树自然杂交后代进行遗传鉴定,利用EST-SSR毛细管电泳荧光标记技术对65个金牡丹自然杂交后代进行研究。结果表明,28对SSR标记共扩增出192个等位片段,平均等位基因数(Na)、平均观测杂合度(Ho)及遗传多态信息量(PIC)分别为6.86、0.540、0.532。单亲基因型已知时的累积排除概率为0.999,说明选择的28对SSR标记位点具有高度的多态性和较高的排除概率,适用于遗传分析和个体的亲子鉴定。15个‘金牡丹’自然杂交后代的遗传鉴定结果表明,MD44、JMD45、JMD47、JMD32为早生绿茶类型;JMD51、JMD53为闽北肉桂乌龙茶类型;MD2、JMD56为闽南‘铁观音’乌龙茶类型;JMD24、JMD26、JMD29、JMD55、JMD59、JMD27、JMD61为‘黄棪’乌龙茶类型。  相似文献   
目的:研究薏米黄酒的急性毒性,评价该酒的食用安全性。方法:以ICR小鼠为受试对象,一次性给予最大剂量,观察薏米黄酒对小鼠的急性毒性反应,测定薏米黄酒的LD50和最大耐受剂量。结果:小鼠无一只死亡,无法测出LD50,最大耐受量大于20400 mg/kg。结论:实验检测表明,该黄酒无毒,为薏米黄酒的应用提供了毒理学依据。  相似文献   
Piqueras  Jesús  Klimeš  Leoš 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(2):213-227
The clonal growth pattern and demography of clonal fragments (aggregation of ramets derived from a common parent ramet) in the pseudoannual plant Trientalis europaea were studied in field conditions from 1991 to 1993. During this period the population of clonal fragments declined, with a half-life of 7.4 years. Number and size of the clonal progeny and stolon length were positively related to the size of the mother ramet. Survival rates of ramets and tubers increased with size. The rate of clonal growth was low: after three years, about 70% of the clonal fragments had only one ramet. This suggests that the pseudoannual growth habit in T. europaea is more important as mechanism of perennation than of ramet multiplication.Field data were used in a simulation model of architecture and population dynamics of clonal fragments. About 10% of the clonal fragments survived to the end of the simulation (15 years) and the mean survival was 4.7 years. The model predicted a positive correlation between persistence of the clonal fragment and number of ramets produced. Sensitivity analysis showed that the production of a daughter ramet of at least the same size as the parent ramet was the most important pathway for the survival and the number of ramets of the clonal fragment, whereas the production of secondary ramets had a very small effect. This confirms the interpretation of the pseudoannual life-cycle as a mechanism of ramet replacement in this species. Sensitivity analysis also revealed that changes in survival probabilities of the smallest ramets had the largest impact on clonal fragment dynamics. This reflects the important role of the smallest size class of ramets as a source of new vegetative propagules, maintaining a hierarchy in the size structure of the population.  相似文献   
Ingestion rates of zoeae of Aratus pisonii Milne Edwards (Brachyura: Grapsidae) were determined offering natural plankton-detritus mixtures in laboratory food selection experiments. The food mixtures were sampled in the Itamaracá estuary, north-eastern Brazil, and standardised to a size range of 50–200 μm. Zoeae ingested significant amounts of large centric diatoms (Coscinodiscus spp.), mangrove detritus, tintinnids (Favella ehrenbergi) and adult copepods during feeding experiments. Diatoms were positively selected by A. pisonii zoeae in all three experiments, with ingestion rates of 3.3–21.3 cells zoea−1 day−1. Detritus particles were always more abundant than phytoplankton and zooplankton in the particle size spectrum offered. Detritus was ingested in two of three experiments, with ingestion rates of up to 34.1 particles zoea−1 day−1, being the most important food item during one experiment. Adult copepods (up to 1.8 ind. zoea−1 day−1) and tintinnids (up to 0.4 ind. zoea−1 day−1) were ingested by A. pisonii zoeae during one experiment each. In spite of a wide range of zoeal density, food particle composition, and density, zoeae of A. pisonii displayed a consistent pattern of food selectivity. This hints at a consistent sensory and behavioural mechanism related to capture and handling of food particles, that most likely also affects larval feeding under natural conditions. Although detritus showed to be quantitatively ingested under estuarine conditions, zoeae of A. pisonii preferred large diatoms and ingested zooplankton only occasionally.  相似文献   
主要分析ConA与不同的糖特异性结合时其活性位点构象变化的特征。模拟分析了ConA糖结合活性中心氨基酸残基结构特征,同时对相应残基原子可及性表面进行了计算和分析。结果表明:(1)ConA在和不同的糖结合时,存在不同的结合方式;(2)不管ConA和什么糖结合,主要的作用是由活性中心的Tyr12、Asn14、Asp208和Arg228提供的;(3)无论是结合单糖还是寡糖,活性中心总是与第一个糖环起主要的结合作用。  相似文献   
Exceptionally preserved fossils are the product of complex interplays of biological and geological processes including burial, autolysis and microbial decay, authigenic mineralization, diagenesis, metamorphism, and finally weathering and exhumation. Determining which tissues are preserved and how biases affect their preservation pathways is important for interpreting fossils in phylogenetic, ecological, and evolutionary frameworks. Although laboratory decay experiments reveal important aspects of fossilization, applying the results directly to the interpretation of exceptionally preserved fossils may overlook the impact of other key processes that remove or preserve morphological information. Investigations of fossils preserving non‐biomineralized tissues suggest that certain structures that are decay resistant (e.g., the notochord) are rarely preserved (even where carbonaceous components survive), and decay‐prone structures (e.g., nervous systems) can fossilize, albeit rarely. As we review here, decay resistance is an imperfect indicator of fossilization potential, and a suite of biological and geological processes account for the features preserved in exceptional fossils.  相似文献   
The densities of nemerteans and associated fauna on a soft-bottom sampling station (27–30 m deep) in the Øresund were determined from 47 cores (each 135 cm2 in cross-section; 20 + cm deep) collected from September to December 1989; these data were compared with 14 cores taken from the same location in December 1982. Nine species of nemerteans were identified from cores and dredge samples: Palaeonemertea — Callinera-like sp.; Heteronemertea — Cerebratulus fuscus, C. marginatus, Lineus bilineatus, Micrura fasciolata, M. purpurea; Hoplonemertea — Amphiporus bioculatus, A. dissimulans, Nipponnemertes pulcher. Mean numbers of heteronemerteans were 32 and 10 m?2 in 1982 and 1989, respectively, and hoplonemerteans were 90 and 71 m?2 , respectively. Only one palaeonemertean was collected during both years. Mean densities of the dominant species, N. pulcher, were similar for the two years, 74 and 68 m?2. The dominant groups of macrofauna (n m?2) in 1989 were ostracods (1028), amphipods (618), polychaetes (514), and ophiuroids (449). Amphipods (>90% Haploops spp.) and polychaetes (at least 30 spp.) are the major potential prey for hoplonemerteans and heteronemerteans, respectively. Laboratory feeding experiments with N. pulcher revealed that it consumed amphipods (Haploops tenuis and H. tubicola) at a rate of 2.6 worm?1 d?1 during the first 12 hours, but after 36 hours and beyond the rate was maintained at approximately 0.2 worm?1 d?1. Beyond 12 hours this nemertean showed a tendancy to only partially evacuate its prey. It was demonstrated experimentally that N. pulcher has a supply of toxin capable of killing six amphipods in approximately one hour. Limited tests showed that N. pulcher fed on the cumacean Diastylis tumida, but not on the amphipod Maera loveni or the ostracod Philomedes globosus, and that Amphiporus dissimulans readily attacked Haploops spp., but not Maera or Philomedes. Although the results of laboratory experiments are tentative, they do suggest that suctorial hoplonemerteans can exert a potentially significant effect on benthic communities. Employing seven species of polychaetes as prey for Cerebratulus fuscus and Micrura fasciolata, only the latter responded positively to one of them, Glycera alba. The hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus violently rejected N. pulcher in all feeding trials.  相似文献   
1. The drift of Baetis thermicus nymphs in the presence of chemical, visual and hydrodynamic cues, considered individually and in combination, produced by different predatory fishes was examined experimentally in laboratory streams. Masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) and freshwater sculpin ( Cottus nozawae ) are typical drift- and benthic-foraging fishes, respectively.
2. Observations of fish swimming in the streams revealed differing diel periodicity between the species; sculpin were nocturnal foragers and salmon diurnal.
3. The drift rate of Baetis by night increased in the presence of chemical cues from sculpin, with other cues having no interactive effects. In contrast, the drift rate increased primarily in the presence of both chemical and, particularly, visual cues from salmon, although no additional effects were found for any non-visual cues. Visual cues could enable Baetis to assess precisely the predation risk from foraging salmon by day, whereas Baetis could not use visual cues to detect sculpin either at night, because of the low light intensity, or during the day, because of the low activity of sculpin at that time.
4. In natural streams, which are often inhabited by several predatory fish employing different modes of foraging, invertebrates may be able to precisely assess the risk and effectively to avoid predators by using cues unique to each.  相似文献   
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