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王华东  曹文杰  张民  付振帅  刘道营  李耀胜 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4929-4931,4912
目的:早期液体复苏对感染性休克患者血流动力学的影响。方法:选取2012年2月-2013年2月我院ICU收治的26例感染性休克患者作为研究对象,随机分为对照组和试验组,各13例。两组患者均采用PICCO监测,并根据早期复苏目标导向(Earlygoaldirectedtherapy,EGDT)进行早期液体复苏治疗。对照组和试验组复苏液分别为林格液和6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液。分别于复苏开始时(Oh)、8h和24h收集患者的血流动力学参数。结果:两组患者CO及PAWP水平均随着时间的延长下降,而CI、CVP及SVR水平均随着时间的增加上升。除对照组CI外,与开始复苏(oh)相比较试验组和对照组的C0、CI、CVP、SVR及PAWP与开始复苏(O小时)相比较均有显著差异(P值均〈0.05)。经重复测量资料的.方差分析进行比较发现,与对照组相比较,试验组CVP和SVR上升水平及PAWP下降水平明显,差异具有统计学意义(P值均〈0.05)。结论:感染性休克患者使用6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液进行复苏,能更好的改善患者的血流动力学指标。  相似文献   
Analysis of serum and plasma proteomes is a common approach for biomarker discovery, and the removal of high‐abundant proteins, such as albumin and immunoglobins, is usually the first step in the analysis. However, albumin binds peptides and proteins, which raises concerns as to how the removal of albumin could impact the outcome of the biomarker study while ignoring the possibility that this could be a biomarker subproteome itself. The first goal of this study was to test a new commercially available affinity capture reagent from Protea Biosciences and to compare the efficiency and reproducibility to four other commercially available albumin depletion methods. The second goal of this study was to determine if there is a highly efficient albumin depletion/isolation system that minimizes sample handling and would be suitable for large numbers of samples. Two of the methods tested (Sigma and ProteaPrep) showed an albumin depletion efficiency of 97% or greater for both serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Isolated serum and CSF albuminomes from ProteaPrep spin columns were analyzed directly by LC‐MS/MS, identifying 128 serum (45 not previously reported) and 94 CSF albuminome proteins (17 unique to the CSF albuminome). Serum albuminome was also isolated using Vivapure anti‐HSA columns for comparison, identifying 105 proteins, 81 of which overlapped with the ProteaPrep method.  相似文献   
Congjiao Sun  Guiyun Xu  Ning Yang 《Proteomics》2013,13(23-24):3523-3536
Eggshell strength is a crucial economic trait for table egg production. During the process of eggshell formation, uncalcified eggs are bathed in uterine fluid that plays regulatory roles in eggshell calcification. In this study, a label‐free MS‐based protein quantification technology was used to detect differences in protein abundance between eggshell matrix from strong and weak eggs (shell matrix protein from strong eggshells and shell matrix protein from weak eggshells) and between the corresponding uterine fluids bathing strong and weak eggs (uterine fluid bathing strong eggs and uterine fluid bathing weak eggs) in a chicken population. Here, we reported the first global proteomic analysis of uterine fluid. A total of 577 and 466 proteins were identified in uterine fluid and eggshell matrix, respectively. Of 447 identified proteins in uterine fluid bathing strong eggs, up to 357 (80%) proteins were in common with proteins in uterine fluid bathing weak eggs. Similarly, up to 83% (328/396) of the proteins in shell matrix protein from strong eggshells were in common with the proteins in shell matrix protein from weak eggshells. The large amount of common proteins indicated that the difference in protein abundance should play essential roles in influencing eggshell strength. Ultimately, 15 proteins mainly relating to eggshell matrix specific proteins, calcium binding and transportation, protein folding and sorting, bone development or diseases, and thyroid hormone activity were considered to have closer association with the formation of strong eggshell.  相似文献   
目的:了解巴中地区上消化道出血反复发作的原因,为治疗提供临床循证医学证据。方法:通过对2011年4月~2012年11月巴中地区1134例上消化道出血中132例反复发作的患者进行调查统计,分析这上消化道出血反复发作的132例患者的年龄、生理特征、生活饮食习惯、精神状态、生活压力等多种相关因素。结果:发现饮食不当、精神紧张、腹腔感染、腹腔内压增高、输液输血过速、过量等是造成病情反复发作的主要诱因。结论:通过消除疾病的诱发因素,认真做好健康教育指导,积极治疗原发病是预防反复发作的有效措施。  相似文献   
The brain ventricular system is a series of connected cavities, filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), that forms within the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). The hollow neural tube is a hallmark of the chordate CNS, and a closed neural tube is essential for normal development. Development and function of the ventricular system is examined, emphasizing three interdigitating components that form a functional system: ventricle walls, CSF fluid properties, and activity of CSF constituent factors. The cellular lining of the ventricle both can produce and is responsive to CSF. Fluid properties and conserved CSF components contribute to normal CNS development. Anomalies of the CSF/ventricular system serve as diagnostics and may cause CNS disorders, further highlighting their importance. This review focuses on the evolution and development of the brain ventricular system, associated function, and connected pathologies. It is geared as an introduction for scholars with little background in the field.  相似文献   
Although, the application of tannic acid (TA), gallic acid (GA), natural hydrolysable tannins (HT)-rich ingredients, and HT-rich feeds in ruminant feeding have been explored in order to modify or manipulate microbial activities of digestive tract of animals, the interaction between HT and gastrointestinal microbiota and the fate of HT metabolites (GA, ellagic acid, pyrogallol, resorcinol, phloroglucinol, catechol and urolithin) derived from gastrointestinal microbial HT metabolism in the animal as a whole and animal products are missing. Incomplete biotransformation of HT and TA to GA, pyrogallol, resorcinol, phloroglucinol and other phenolic metabolites is a prevalent phenomenon discovered by researchers who examine the fate of HT metabolites in ruminant. While the rest of fellow researchers do not even examine the fate of HT metabolites and assume the complete biotransformation and fermentation of HT metabolites to volatile fatty acids (VFA). Only three studies have successfully identified the complete biotransformation and fermentation of HT metabolites to VFA in ruminant. The HT metabolites, mostly pyrogallol, produced through incomplete biotransformation of HT have adverse effects on gastrointestinal microbiota and host animal. Lack of awareness regarding the metabolism of HT metabolites and its consequences would compromise ruminant gastrointestinal microbiota, animal welfare, our environment and the power of research papers’ findings. In this perspective paper, I will bring to attention a new angle on the biotransformation and fermentation of HT metabolites in gastrointestinal tract, the role of gastrointestinal microbiota and deficiency of current approach in isolating tannin-degrading bacteria from rumen. Also, suggestions for better monitoring and understanding HT metabolisms in ruminant are presented.  相似文献   
Reconstructing the function and behaviour of extinct groups of echinoderms is problematic because there are no modern analogues for their aberrant body plans. Cinctans, an enigmatic group of Cambrian echinoderms, exemplify this problem: their asymmetrical body plan differentiates them from all living species. Here, we used computational fluid dynamics to analyse the functional performance of cinctans without assuming an extant comparative model. Three-dimensional models of six species from across cinctan phylogeny were used in computer simulations of water flow. The results demonstrate that cinctans with strongly flattened bodies produced much less drag than species characterized by dorsal protuberances or swellings, suggesting the former were more stable on the seafloor. However, unlike the flattened forms, cinctans with high-relief bodies were able to passively direct flow towards the mouth and associated food grooves, indicating that they were capable of more efficient feeding on particles suspended in the water. This study provides evidence of a previously unknown evolutionary trade-off between feeding and stability in Cambrian cinctan echinoderms.  相似文献   
Drag force acting on swimming marine mammals is difficult to measure directly. Researchers often use simple modeling and kinematic measurements from animals, or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to estimate drag. However, studies that compare these methods are lacking. Here, computational simulation and physical experiments were used to estimate drag forces on gliding bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). To facilitate comparison, variable drag loading (no-tag, tag, tag + 4, tag + 8) was used to increase force in both simulations and experiments. During the experiments, two dolphins were trained to perform controlled glides with variable loading. CFD simulations of dolphin/tag geometry in steady flow (1–6 m/s) were used to model drag forces. We expect both techniques will capture relative changes created by experimental conditions, but absolute forces predicted by the methods will differ. CFD estimates were within a calculated 90% confidence interval of the experimental results for all but the tag condition. Relative drag increase predicted by the simulation vs. experiment, respectively, differed by between 21% and 31%: tag, 4% vs. 33%; tag + 4, 47% vs. 68%; and tag + 8, 108% vs. 77%. The results from this work provide a direct comparison of computational and experimental estimates of drag, and provide a framework to quantify uncertainty.  相似文献   
Natural tissues are incorporated with vasculature, which is further integrated with a cardiovascular system responsible for driving perfusion of nutrient-rich oxygenated blood through the vasculature to support cell metabolism within most cell-dense tissues. Since scaffold-free biofabricated tissues being developed into clinical implants, research models, and pharmaceutical testing platforms should similarly exhibit perfused tissue-like structures, we generated a generalizable biofabrication method resulting in self-supporting perfused (SSuPer) tissue constructs incorporated with perfusible microchannels and integrated with the modular FABRICA perfusion bioreactor. As proof of concept, we perfused an MLO-A5 osteoblast-based SSuPer tissue in the FABRICA. Although our resulting SSuPer tissue replicated vascularization and perfusion observed in situ, supported its own weight, and stained positively for mineral using Von Kossa staining, our in vitro results indicated that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) should be used to drive future construct design and flow application before further tissue biofabrication and perfusion. We built a CFD model of the SSuPer tissue integrated in the FABRICA and analyzed flow characteristics (net force, pressure distribution, shear stress, and oxygen distribution) through five SSuPer tissue microchannel patterns in two flow directions and at increasing flow rates. Important flow parameters include flow direction, fully developed flow, and tissue microchannel diameters matched and aligned with bioreactor flow channels. We observed that the SSuPer tissue platform is capable of providing direct perfusion to tissue constructs and proper culture conditions (oxygenation, with controllable shear and flow rates), indicating that our approach can be used to biofabricate tissue representing primary tissues and that we can model the system in silico.  相似文献   
Colorectal neoplasms are a type of malignant digestive system tumor that has become the third-highest morbidity tumor in China and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The role of the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome in bile acid metabolism, inflammation, and insulin resistance and its strong correlation with the occurrence and development of colorectal neoplasms have gradually led to it becoming a target area of tumor research. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 19 is a hormone that is secreted in mainly the ileum and can regulate bile acid biosynthesis, improve inflammation, and regulate insulin resistance. The relationship of the GI microbiome, FGF19 and its carcinogenic activities in colorectal neoplasms enticed us to search for potential targets and research ideas for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of colorectal neoplasms.  相似文献   
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