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The pheromone signal in the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae is transmitted by the and subunits of the mating response G-protein. TheSTE20 gene, encoding a protein kinase required for pheromone signal transduction, has recently been identified in a genetic screen for high-gene-dosage suppressors of a partly defective G mutation. The same genetic screen identifiedBEM1, which encodes an SH3 domain protein required for polarized morphogenesis in response to pheromone, and a novel gene, designatedMDG1 (multicopy suppressor ofdefectiveG-protein). TheMDG1 gene was independently isolated in a search for multicopy suppressors of abem1 mutation. TheMDG1 gene encodes a predicted hydrophilic protein of 364 amino acids with a molecular weight of 41 kDa that has no homology with known proteins. A fusion of Mdg1p with the green fluorescent protein fromAequorea victoria localizes to the plasma membrane, suggesting that Mdg1p is an extrinsically bound membrane protein. Deletion ofMDG1 causes sterility in cells in which the wild-type G has been replaced by partly defective G derivatives but does not cause any other obvious phenotypes. The mating defect of cells deleted forSTE20 is partially suppressed by multiple copies ofBEM1 andCDC42, which encodes a small GTP-binding protein that binds to Ste20p and is necessary for the development of cell polarity. Elevated levels ofSTE20 andBEM1 are capable of suppressing a temperature-sensitive mutation inCDC42. This complex network of genetic interactions points to a role for Bem1p and Mdg1p in G-protein mediated signal transduction and indicates a functional linkage between components of the pheromone signalling pathway and regulators of cell polarity during yeast mating.  相似文献   
The ability of two big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) to discriminate the distance to an electronically synthesized phantom target by echolocation was tested in the presence of interfering signals presented slightly before the target echo. Interfering signals were chosen to have differing degrees of similarity to the typical echolocation emission used by the bat in this task (which was the signal used to create the phantom target), and we predicted that the degree of disruption of ranging would be proportional to the similarity of the interference to the target echo. This prediction was not confirmed; rather, all interference signals not identical to the target echo increased the threshold to about twice that found with no interference. When the interference was identical to the target echo, the threshold increased to about 4 times that with no interference. When each bat was presented with phantom target echoes appropriate for the other bat, its range discrimination threshold increased about ten fold, and in this case the degree of interference of different signals was related to their similarity to the target echo, not to their similarity to the bat's normal signal. We suggest that Eptesicus may suppress interference by a more sophisticated strategy than simple linear matched filtering.Abbreviations E exemplar signal - M f foreign model signal - M r reversed self-model signal - M s self-model signal - N noise signal - SPL sound pressure level  相似文献   
A peptide derived from the posttranslational processing of proenkephalin A was isolated from an extract of the brain of the European green frog Rana ridibunda and its primary structure established as: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-Arg-Val-Gly-Arg10-Pro-Glu-Trp-Trp-Gln-Asp-Tyr-Gln-Lys-Arg20-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met. The structure was confirmed by chemical synthesis. The peptide represents an amphibian equivalent of bovine adrenal peptide E [preproenkephalin A (206–230)-peptide] but the sequence contains two amino acid substitutions (Met15 → Gln and Leu25 → Met) compared with the mammalian peptide. The data support previous hypotheses that the Leu-enkephalin sequence is not present in preproenkephalin A of amphibians. Intracerebroventricular injections of frog peptide E (10 and 100 ng) in mice had no significant effect on horizontal locomotor activity. The peptide, in doses up to 1 μg, had no effect on latency of escape jumping in the hot plate test and the peptide (100 ng) did not modify responses (paw licking, rearing, and escape jumping) in morphine-treated mice.  相似文献   
Elicitors released from hyphae or cell walls of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull. ex Fries.) Quél. induced in suspension-cultured cells of Picea abies (L.) Karst. a set of fast reactions: (i) an immediate efflux of Cl into the medium, followed by a K+ efflux; (ii) an influx of Ca2+ (measured as accumulation of 45Ca2+ in the cells); (iii) a phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein and dephosphorylation of a 65-kDa protein (detectable by 4 min after elicitor application); (iv) an alkalinization of the medium, and (v) a transient synthesis of H2O2. The removal of extracellular Ca2+ by EGTA delayed the elicitor-induced alkalinization. A further reduction of this response could be achieved by TMB-8 an inhibitor of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Moreover, the inhibition of protein kinase activity by staurosporine prevented the extracellular alkalinization completely. However, the effectiveness of the elicitors in inducing the extracellular alkalinization was strongly impaired by constitutively secreted enzymes of spruce cells which cleaved the elicitors to inactive fragments. It is suggested that in ectomycorrhizae the efficacy of elicitors released from fungal cell walls is controlled by apoplastic enzymes of the host; the plant itself is able to reduce the activity of fungal elicitors on their way through the plant cell wall. But those elicitors which finally reach the plasma membrane of host cells induce reactions that are similar to the early defense reactions in plant-pathogen interactions.Abbreviations DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - TMB-8 3,4,5 trimethoxybenzoic acid 8-(diethylamino)-octyl ester We thank Prof. M. Zenk (Universität München, Germany) for providing spruce cell cultures, and Dr. I. Kottke (Universität Tübingen, Germany) for isolates of Hebeloma crustuliniforme Tü 704. We are also thankful to Dr. W. Mayer (Universität Tübingen) for valuble discussions. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. B. Zitterell-Haid was financed by Graduiertenkolleg Interaktion in Waldökosystemen (supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and G. Hebe by a scholarship of the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz.  相似文献   
Cleavage and kinetic studies have been carried out using commercially obtained H-Tyr(tBu)-5-(4′-aminomethyl-3′,5′-dimethoxyphenoxy)valeric acid-TentaGelS (H-Tyr(tBu)-4-ADPV-TentaGelS) and H-Tyr (tBu)-4-ADPV-Ala-aminomethyl-resin (H-Tyr(tBu)-4-ADPV-AM-resin) prepared from commercially available resin and loaded with commercially available Fmoc-4-ADPV-OH amide anchor. Cleavage with pure trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) gave the intermediate H-Tyr-4-ADPV-NH2, which was then degraded to H-Tyr-NH2, and cleavage with TFA/dichloromethane (1:9) yielded H-Tyr-4-ADPV-NH2 which could be isolated in preparative amounts. Cleavage reactions with 15N-labelled H-Ala-4-ADPV-[15N]-Gly-AM-resin yielded the intermediate H-Ala-4-ADPV-NH2, which contained no 15N as demonstrated by 1H-NMR. The analysis of the commercial Fmoc-4-ADPV-OH amide anchor showed the presence of Fmoc-4-ADPV-4-ADPV-OH as an impurity in high amounts. This dimeric anchor molecule is the cause of formation of the anchor-linked peptide intermediate obtained during the cleavage from the resin. The particularly high acid-lability of the amide bond between the two ADPV moieties was utilized to synthesize sidechain and C-terminally 4-ADPV protected pentagastrin on a double-anchor resin, and to cleave it using 5% trifluoroacetic acid in dichloromethane. This method may offer a new way for the synthesis of protected peptide amides with improved solubility to be used in fragment condensation.  相似文献   
Tetrahymena thermophila could still swim after incubation of the cell body at 40°C for 30 min, whereas Tetrahymena pyriformis did not show any motility after the treatment. Turbidity measurements revealed that axonemes of T. pyriformis lost ATP-dependent sliding activity by the heat treatment, whereas those of T. thermophilia still had the activity under the same conditions. In connection with this difference in susceptibility to high temperature, the biochemical characteristics of dyneins were compared between the two species of Tetrahymena. Axonemal dyneins from the two species had significant vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity even after the heat treatment. Native gel electrophoresis and the following two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that the outer arm dynein of T. thermophilia is more stable in maintaining native configuration than that of T. pyriformis against the heat treatment, although both treated dyneins keep three (α, β and γ) subunits. Analysis by peptide mapping demonstrated that β- and γ-subunits of the outer arm dynein are considerably different in amino acid sequences between the two species. These results imply that dynein of T. thermophilia changed their amino acid sequences and biochemical characteristics to adapt to high temperature.  相似文献   
《FEBS letters》1994,350(2-3):155-158
While many ion channels are modulated by phosphorylation, there is growing evidence that they can also be regulated by Ca2+-calmodulin, apparently through direct binding. In some cases, this binding activates channels; in others, it modulates channel activities. These phenomena have been documented in Paramecium, in Drosophila, in vertebrate photoreceptors and olfactory receptors, as well as in ryanodine receptor Ca2+-release channels. Furthermore, studies on calmodulin mutants in Paramecium have shown a clear bipartite distribution of two groups of mutations in the calmodulin gene that lead to opposite behavioral and electrophysiological phenotypes. These results indicate that the N-lobe of calmodulin specifically interacts with one class of ion-channel proteins and the C-lobe with another.  相似文献   
Summary A series of phosphopeptides Tyr(PO3H2)-Val-Pro-Xxx-Leu (Xxx=Met, Met(O), Nle, Dab or Cys), derived from the native platelet-derived growth factor- receptor (PDGF-) sequence, has been prepared to study their interaction with the src-homology 2 (SH2) domains of the p85 subunit of PI3 kinase. The phosphopeptides were synthesized using Fmoc methodology incorporating N-Boc dibenzyl-protected phosphotyrosine (Boc-Tyr[PO3(Bzl)2]) as the N-terminal amino acid, since the benzyl groups can be removed during resin cleavage with TFA. Only peptides containing methionine were found to exist partially as S-benzyl sulfonium salts after TFA cleavage from the resin. The desired peptide could be obtained from the S-benzyl sulfonium salt by hydrogenolysis.  相似文献   
Summary Analysis of deltorphin A position 4 analogues included: backbone constrained N MeHis, spinacine (Spi), N MePhe and the tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid (Tic); spatially confined side-chain (Phg); and imidazole alkylation ofl- andd-His4 enantiomers. High selectivity was lost with the following replacements: N MeHis4, N MePhe4 and Phg4 reduced binding and the constrained residues also increasedµ binding; ring closure between the side-chain and amino group to yield Spi4 or Tic4 increasedµ affinity. Imidazole methylation of His4 marginally affected opioid binding and doubled selectivity; alkylatedd-His4-derivatives generally maintained selectivity in spite of decreased affinities. Thus, His4 imidazole preserves selectivity by facilitating high binding and by repulsion at theµ receptor. Several low energy conformers of deltorphin A indicated that the His4 imidazole preferred a spatial orientation parallel to the phenolic side-chain of Tyr1 suggestive that this conformation might contribute to high affinity and selectivity.  相似文献   
The gametophytic two-locus self-incompatibility (SI) system in rye was investigated in view of a possible involvement of protein phosphorylation and Ca2+ as constituents of a signal transduction mechanism. Phosphorylation kinetics in pollen grains was found to be significantly different after in vitro treatment of pollen with either cross or self stigma proteins, with a pronounced phosphorylation activity in self-treated pollen grains. Loss of SI in self-compatible (SC) mutants was associated with a significantly decreased basic phosphorylation activity in untreated pollen grains as compared to SI genotypes. Separation of phosphorylated pollen proteins by SDS-PAGE reveals four major proteins in the MW range of 43–82 kDa which were differently phosphorylated in SI vs SC genotypes as well as in cross vs self-treated pollen grains. Application of different protein kinase inhibitors and the Ca2+ antagonists verapamil and La3+ to isolated stigmas resulted in an inhibition of the SI response in in vitro self-pollination. The role of protein kinases and Ca2+ as constituents of a putative SI-specific signal transduction mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   
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