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以红松籽仁为原料,以无水乙醇为提取溶剂,优化高速匀质-微波辅助提取红松籽油的工艺,考察了匀质速度、匀质时间、液料比、微波温度、微波功率及微波时间对红松籽油提取率的影响,最终确定了红松籽油最佳提取条件为:匀质速度12 000 r·min-1,匀质时间120 s,液料比20 mL·g-1,微波温度60℃,微波功率700 W,微波时间50 min。在上述条件下,红松籽油最优提取率可达60.3%。利用GC-MS对得到的红松籽油的脂肪酸成分进行了分析,其主要成分为棕榈酸、皮诺敛酸、亚油酸、反-13-十八碳烯酸、顺-13-十八碳烯酸、硬脂酸,不饱和脂肪酸含量高达85.55%,其中松籽油所含有的特异性不饱和脂肪酸-皮诺敛酸含量可达13.65%。此外,对该工艺提取得到的红松籽油的抗氧化活性及理化性质进行了评估,发现红松籽油清除DPPH自由基能力强,其IC50值为0.095 4 g·mL-1。此外,红松籽油过氧化值和酸值较低,碘值较高,表明红松籽油是一种品质优良的天然油脂。  相似文献   
We here describe a new Early Cretaceous (early Albian) eutherian mammal, Sasayamamylos kawaii gen. et sp. nov., from the ‘Lower Formation’ of the Sasayama Group, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Sasayamamylos kawaii is characterized by a robust dentary, a distinct angle on the ventral margin of the dentary at the posterior end of the mandibular symphysis, a lower dental formula of 3–4 : 1 : 4 : 3, a robust lower canine, a non-molariform lower ultimate premolar, and a secondarily reduced entoconid on the molars. To date, S. kawaii is the earliest known eutherian mammal possessing only four premolars, which demonstrates that the reduction in the premolar count in eutherians started in the late Early Cretaceous. The occurrence of S. kawaii implies that the relatively rapid diversification of eutherians in the mid-Cretaceous had already started by the early Albian.  相似文献   
Abstract. Structure, diversity and dynamics of five Japanese temperate old-growth forests were compared, differing from each other in, i.a., climate, dominant tree type, topography, disturbance regime. The forests were Aya, Ogawa, Kanumazawa Riparian, Kanumazawa upland and Senju. A permanent plot (1–6 ha) was established in each forest and trees were censused several times at intervals of two years. Mean annual recruitment rates and mortality rates in these forests were both in the range of 0.5 to 4.6 %/yr at the community level. Analyses of the structure and dynamics of populations showed that the underlying process was different among the forests. Some forests experienced compositional shifts in their canopies, others had a constant canopy composition but appeared to lack effective regeneration in recent years. The recruitment rate appeared to be strongly affected by competitive undergrowth vegetation such as dwarf bamboo which has been controlled by natural disturbance or human impact. It is likely that the forests with mostly low recruitment rates had a low species diversity. The current variation in structure, diversity and dynamics of the studied forests might have been determined not only by physical conditions (e.g. climate) but also by chance factors (e.g. disturbance, outbreak of deer population).  相似文献   
中国杏属一新种   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
描述了中国杏属一新种,华仁杏(Armeniaca cathayanaD.L.Fu,B.R.Li et J.H.Li,sp.nov.)。该新种与杏(Armeniaca vulgarisLam.)和山杏(A.sibirica(L.)Lam.)相似,但又有其独特特征,主要区别如下:叶两面疏被短柔毛,边缘具单锯齿和重锯齿,基部全缘;叶柄无腺体;单花或2~3朵花簇生;子房密被白色长柔毛;果核三角状卵球形,腹缝线具5~7条锐纵棱,背缝线具1条浅纵沟;种子大,两侧压扁,种仁质脆,无苦味。该新种由傅大立于2008年7月11日在河北省涿鹿县发现并采集,模式标本存于中国林业科学研究院(CAF),标本号:No.2008071101。  相似文献   
竹亚科刚竹属植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了竹亚科Bambusoideae刚竹属Phyllostachys Sieb. et Zucc.的2个新种和5个新变型:瓜竹Ph. longiciliata、浙江甜竹Ph. zhejiangensis、黄槽黄古竹Ph. angusta f. flavosulcata、绿槽人面竹Ph. aurea f. koi、蝶毛竹 Ph. edulis f. abbreviata、黄条燥壳竹Ph. hirtivagina f. flavovittata和花竹Ph. nidularia f. basipilis;作出3个新组合变型:厚皮毛竹Ph. edulis f. pachyloen、安吉锦毛竹Ph. edulis f. anjiensis和花秆早竹Ph. violascens f. viridisulcata;对金条竹Ph. aureosulcata f. flavostriata、对花竹Ph. bambusoides f. duihuazhu、黄槽斑竹Ph. bambusoides f. mixta和黄皮毛竹Ph. edulis f. holochrysa的模式标本给予了重新指定。  相似文献   
灌木状竹,有时附生于树干基部。地下茎短颈粗型。秆单丛;节问圆筒形;每节分枝单一,与主秆近等粗。秆释宿存性,革质;滓耳大,镰刀状;滓舌较低;算片外展。叶耳镰刀状;  相似文献   
Abstract. The biodiversity of species‐rich semi‐natural meadows is declining across Europe due to ceased management. In this study we aimed to find out how successfully the local species richness of an overgrown semi‐natural mesic meadow could be restored by sheep grazing after a long period of abandonment. The cover of vascular plant species in grazed plots and ungrazed exclosures was studied for five years and the responses of different functional plant groups were followed (herbs vs grasses, tall vs short species, species differing in flowering time, species representing different Grime's CSR strategies and species indicative of rich vs poor soil). Grazing increased species number by nearly 30%. On grazed plots the litter cover practically disappeared, favouring small herbs such as Rhinanthus minor, Ranunculus acris, Trifolium pratense and the grass Agrostis capillaris. Grazing decreased the cover of the late flowering tall herb Epilobium angustifolium but had no effect on the abundance of the early flowering tall herbs Anthriscus sylvestris or Geranium sylvaticum. We suggest that to succeed in restoration it is useful to determine the responses of different functional plant groups to grazing. Grassland managers need this information to optimize the methods and timing of management used in restoration. Additional management practices, such as mowing, may be needed in mesic meadows to decrease the dominance of tall species. The availability of propagules seemed to restrict further increase of species richness in our study area.  相似文献   
A new genus and species of red alga in the Rhodymeniaceae, Grammephora peyssonnelioides, is described from both shallow and deepwater habitats in the Solomon Islands, South Pacific. The new genus and species is characterized by prostrate overlapping lobes with a strongly cartilaginous flexible texture, distinct surface linear markings perpendicular to the growing margins, and a compact three to four celled medulla of relatively small refractive cells. Tetrasporangia are elongate and decussately divided, and occur in large scattered dorsal surface sori. Cystocarps are prominent and conical, on the dorsal surface of the blade, with a network of nutritive filaments and basal nutritive tissue around the suspended, centrally located carposporophyte, with all gonimoblast initials becoming carposporangia. The columnar fusion cell is uniquely crowned by a ring of discoid cells of nonalgal origin.  相似文献   
Abstract. This study reports on small-scale changes in the distribution of plant species in a 2.5 m2 plot of grazed, species-rich Veronica spicata - Avenula pratensis grassland on shallow, dry, nutrient-poor soil in the Great Alvar area (Stora Alvaret) of southern Öland, southeastern Sweden. Multivari-ate analysis of 0.001 m2 and 0.25 m2 quadrats within the plot showed that there is little floristic variation without any trend in the plot. Average species richness varied little throughout the study period from 1986 to 1991 with 1986 averages of 7.0 on 0.001m2, 16.3 on 0.01 m2, and 26.1 on 0.25 m2. On 0.001 m2the highest species number found was 12, on 0.01 m2, 27. However, cumulative species richness, i.e. species number in the first year plus new species appearing in later years (averaged over 40 quadrats) increased over the same period, on 0.001 m2 from 7.0 in 1986 to 14.9 in 1991, and on 0.01 m2 from 16.3 to 24.1. Cumulative frequency, i.e. number of quadrats out of 40 where a species occurred in the first year or/and in later years, increased as well; the number of cumulatively highly frequent (> 80%) species increased from 5 in 1986 to 18 in 1991. Species mobility on the scale of the small quadrats used implies both appearance and disappearance from these quadrats. Using six examples, species mobility is shown to vary individualistically, both in rate and degree. We postulate that in homogeneous, grazed, nutrient- and water-deficient environments many species can reach virtually all microsites within the plot, which we express through the idea of the ‘carousel model’. We also question the usefulness of the niche concept and re-interpret it by stating that all species of this plant community have the same habitat niche, while most of them are short-lived and have the same regeneration niche. The essential variation amongst the species is their individual ability to establish or re-establish by making use of favourable conditions appearing in microsites in an unknown, complex spatio-temporal pattern.  相似文献   
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