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A new nematode genus, Nothacrobeles, is proposed in the subfamily Acrobelinae. Four new species are described and one new combination made. The five species exhibit a progression from short-to-long, bifurcate, elaborately fringed labial probolae, the longest probolae resembling those of species of Acrobeles.  相似文献   
 Chromosome pairing at metaphase-I was analyzed in F1 hybrids among T. turgidum (AABB), T. aestivum (AABBDD), and T. timopheevii (AtAtGG) to study the chromosome structure of T. timopheevii relative to durum (T. turgidum) and bread (T. aestivum) wheats. Individual chromosomes and their arms were identified by means of C-banding. Homologous pairing between the A-genome chromosomes was similar in the three hybrid types AAtBG, AAtBGD, and AABBD. However, associations of B-G were less frequent than B-B. Homoeologous associations were also observed, especially in the AAtBGD hybrids. T. timopheevii chromosomes 1At, 2At, 5At, 7At, 2G, 3G, 5G, and 6G do not differ structurally from their counterpart in the A and B genomes. Thus, these three polyploid species inherited translocation 5AL/4AL from the diploid A-genome donor. Chromosome rearrangements that occurred at the tetraploid level were different in T. turgidum and T. timopheevii. Translocation 4AL/7BS and a pericentric inversion of chromosome 4A originated only in the T. turgidum lineage. The two lines of T. timophevii studied carry four different translocations, 6AtS/1GS, 1GS/4GS, 4GS/4AtL, and 4AtL/3AtL, which most likely arose in that sequence. These structural differences support a diphyletic origin of polyploid wheats. Received: 15 June 1998 / Accepted: 19 August 1998  相似文献   
 Using two molecular data sets, the plastid atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer region and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS), the taxonomic affinities of two newly available Anemone species from the Southern Hemisphere were tested. From previous work based on morphology and geographic distribution, it was assumed that A. tenuicaulis from New Zealand was most closely related to the Tasmanian A. crassifolia, whereas the affinity of A. antucensis from Chile and Argentina was regarded as uncertain. Analyses of molecular sequence data from these and 18 other species of Anemone s.lat. (with Clematis as outgroup) result in trees largely congruent with past analyses based on morphology and plastid restriction site data. They strongly support A. richardsonii and A. canadensis (with boreal distributions in the Northern Hemisphere) as paraphyletic to a well supported Southern Hemisphere clade consisting of A. antucensis and A. tenuicaulis. This group of four species is part of an otherwise predominantly Northern Hemisphere assemblage (subgenus Anemonidium s.lat., chromosome base number x=7), including A. narcissiflora, A. obtusiloba, A. keiskeana and A. (=Hepatica) americana. All other austral species included in the present sampling, A. crassifolia (Tasmania), A. knowltonia (=Knowltonia capensis), and A. caffra (both South African), form a separate clade, sister to A. (=Pulsatilla) occidentalis and other Northern Hemisphere anemones (subgenus Anemone s.lat., x=8). Possible phytogeographical links of the Southern Hemisphere species are discussed. Received April 23, 2001 Accepted October 4, 2001  相似文献   
The effect of the antibiotics thiostrepton and micrococcin on EF-Tu-catalyzed (ribosome-dependent) GTP hydrolysis in the presence of A-Phe, C-A-Phe, or C-C-A-Phe (related to the sequence of the 3′-terminus of aminoacyl-tRNA)(System I) or by methanol (‘uncoupled GTPase’, System II) was investigated. In System I, thiostrepton increases the binding affinities of the effectors to the EF-Tu·GTP·70 S ribosome complex, as well as the extent of the GTP hydrolysis, while the KGTPm is virtually unchanged. Similarly, in the uncoupled system (System II) and in the absence of effectors, thiostrepton significantly increases VGTPmax, whereas KGTPm remains unaffected. Micrococcin is without any effect in both systems. The ‘uncoupled GTPase’ (in System II) is also strongly inhibited by C-A-Phe. The results indicate the crucial role of the EF-Tu site which binds the aminoacylated C-C-A terminus of aminoacyl-tRNA in promoting GTP hydrolysis. It follows that the binding of the model effectors (such as C-C-A-Phe) to that site is favorably influenced by the interaction of thiostrepton with the 50 S ribosomal subunit, whereas thiostrepton, per se, does not influence the affinity of EF-Tu for GTP.  相似文献   
Abstract.The stimuli and mechanisms mediating host location and host choice by the bee mite, Varroa jacobsoni (Oudemans), are currently unknown. It is shown that Varroa can use single clean‐air puffs and bee‐odour plumes in a wind tunnel as directional cues. Varroa turned nearly straight upwind in response to single 0.1‐s puffs of clean air directed at 90° to the their anterior‐posterior axis. They turned significantly further to their left side (104°) than to their right (76°), but showed no difference in latency to initiation of the turns (means of 63.3 ms vs. 62.6 ms, respectively). They also followed bee‐odour plumes in a wind tunnel. When released in odour and control plumes mid‐way between the plume's origin and the downwind end of the tunnel, mites responding to bee‐odour walked upwind in, or along the edge of, the odour plume with 38% making contact with the odour delivery tube; mites in clean air did not walk upwind along the air stream, and none made contact with the air delivery tube. Walking speeds were not different between the bee‐odour and control groups (0.28 vs. 0.29 cm s–1); there were also no differences in the turning rates (96.85 vs. 97.16 deg s–1 and 388.08 vs. 379.18 deg cm–1, respectively). Under all conditions, mites walked in a zigzag fashion.  相似文献   
A new assay procedure for phenol sulfotransferase which employs [35S]-3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate as a sulfate donor and a variety of phenols as sulfate acceptors was developed. The appearance of the 35S-sulfated products or the disappearance of the [35S]-3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate are determined simultaneously by chromatography of the assay incubation mixtures on Ecteola-cellulose columns, eluting with an NH4HCO3 step gradient. Various acidic, neutral, and basic phenols can be employed as substrates for phenol sulfotransferase using this procedure.  相似文献   
Changes in phytoplankton community composition potentially affect the entire marine food web. Because of seasonal cycles and inter-annual variations in species composition, long-term monitoring, covering many sequential years, is required to establish a baseline study and to reveal long-term trends. The current study describes the phytoplankton biomass variations and species composition in relation to hydrographic and meteorological conditions in the Raunefjord, western Norway, over a 6-year period from 2001 to 2006. The extent of inflow or upwelling in the fjord varied from year to year and resulted in pronounced differences in water column stability. The annual phytoplankton community succession showed some repeated seasonal patterns, but also high variability between years. Two to four diatom blooms were observed per year, and the spring blooms occurring before water column stratification in March were dominated by Skeletonema marinoi and Chaetoceros socialis, and other Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira spp. Blooms of the haptophytes Phaeocystis pouchetii and Emiliania huxleyi were irregular and in some years totally absent. Although E. huxleyi was present all year round it appeared in bloom concentrations only in 2003, when the summer was warm and the water column characterized by high surface temperatures and pronounced stratification. The annual average abundance of both diatoms and flagellates increased during the six years. Despite the high variation from year to year, our investigation provides valuable knowledge about annual phytoplankton community patterns in the region, and can be used as a reference to detect possible future changes.  相似文献   
Whole cells of Chlorella vulgaris and Clostridium butyricum were co-immobilized in 2% agar gel. NADP was suitable as an electron carrier. The rate of hydrogen evolution increased with increasing NADP concentration. The optimum conditions for hydrogen evolution were pH 7.0 and 37°C. The immobilized C. vulgaris-NADP-immobilized Cl. butyricum system continuously evolved hydrogen at a rate of 0.29–1.34 μmol/h per mg Chl for 6 days. On the other hand, the system without NADP evolved only a trace amount of hydrogen.  相似文献   
A developmentally homogeneous neural crest cell population has been used to assay the role of environmental factors in regulating crest cell differentiation. If cultured on tissue culture plastic, virtually all of the cells of this population differentiate into melanocytes. In contrast, when these cells are cultured for 3 or more days on substrata “conditioned” by somite fibroblasts, the proportion of cells undergoing melanogenesis decreased and the proportion expressing formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF), characteristic of catecholamine-containing cells, increased. For a limited period of culture on somite-conditioned substrata, some cells in the population exhibit both pigment granules and fluorescence. Collagen-coated substrata decreased the number of cells that formed pigment but did not stimulate FIF. In contrast, optimum doses of exogenous cellular fibronectin mimicked the effect of somite-conditioned substrata, suppressing melanogenesis and promoting FIF. Glycosaminoglycan-derivatized substrata (i.e., hyaluronic acid, various chondroitin sulfate preparations, and heparin) did not alter the differentiative homogeneity of the cultured crest cell populations. The choice and expression of phenotype by some members of a cultured crest cell population can, therefore, be affected by environmental stimuli provided in the form of certain substrate-attached macromolecules. We suggest that optimal concentrations of some extracellular matrix components produced by embryonic tissue and normally encountered by migrating crest cells may elicit the expression of FIF in crest cells that would otherwise follow a different developmental pathway.  相似文献   
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