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Summary Laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly in anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats were studied by immuno-electron microscopy and radioimmunoassay. Three weeks after gonadectomy, rats received intravenous injections of sheep anti-laminin IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, and glands were fixed and processed for microscopy 1 h later. Peroxidase reaction product uniformly labeled all perivascular and glandular epithelial basement membranes. In addition, reaction product was also found in abnormally multi-layered basement membranes seen especially beneath gonadotrophs, and unusual basement membrane-like structures projecting between gonadotrophs were also labeled. Pituitary sections from gonadectomized rats labeled with pre-embedding immunoperoxidase and post-embedding immungold techniques also localized intracellular laminin within biosynthetic organelles and light body vesicles of gonadotrophs. Neither abnormal basement membrane structures nor intracellular laminin were detected in pituitaries of nongonadectomized, control rats. Radioimmunoassays of pituitary homogenates showed nearly twice as much soluble laminin ( 15 ng/gland) in gonadectomized rats than in controls ( 8 ng/gland), which paralleled gland growth, but serum laminin concentrations did not differ ( 10 ng/ml in both groups). When anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats that received injections of anti-laminin IgG-HRP were fixed 5 days after injection, lengths of unlabeled basement membrane were distributed between labeled lengths. This indicated that new basement membrane was spliced into old by a process similar to that seen in normal development. Supplementation of gonadectomized rats with testosterone, however, arrested laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly and reversed glandular hypertrophy. These results indicate that, in an absence of sex hormone feedback, renewed synthesis of basement membrane components occurs in the anterior pituitary and is probably necessary to support the additional growth and differentiation of gonadotrophs and other pituitary cells.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure and density of chloride cells in the gill, opercular epithelium, and opercular skin of the euryhaline self-fertilizing fish Rivulus marmoratus (Cyprinodontidae) were studied with electron and fluorescence microscopy. R. marmoratus raised from birth in 1, 50, 100, and 200% seawater were compared. Chloride cells from fish raised in each of the four salinities exhibited an invaginated pit structure at the apical crypt. Multicellular complexes were present in the 1% seawater group and in those fish raised in higher salinities where elaborate interdigitations were seen between cells. Chloride cells from gills of fish raised in 200% seawater had a significantly higher percentage of their cytoplasmic volume composed of mitochondria than did those from fish raised in 1% seawater (69.9% vs 37.4%). The opercular skin and opercular epithelium had the same density of chloride cells (4.2×104-4.5×104 chloride cells/cm2), and this number did not vary significantly with increased salinity. The opercular skin thus appears far more responsive to environmental salinity than the opercular epithelium. Chloride cells from the opercular epithelium of fish raised in 200% seawater were found to be 39% larger than those from fish raised in 1% seawater, whereas the chloride cells from the opercular skin of the 200% seawater group were 107% larger than those from the 1% seawater group.  相似文献   
Summary The synthetic peptides somatostatin (SRIF) and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRH) were coupled directly to colloidal gold of different particle sizes. Both conjugates were biologically active in displacing the corresponding radiolabeled hormones from high affinity binding sites in pituitary membranes. Release of growth hormone (GH) from cultured anterior pituitary cells was modulated by both conjugates alone or in combination. Ultrastructural studies were performed with cells incubated at 4° C (2 h) and 37° C (2 min-2 h) with one of the labeled peptides or their combination. Somatotropes were identified by immunostaining with anti-rGH followed by protein A-ferritin, thus obtaining a triple labeling. Both hormone conjugates were internalized in different vesicles in the beginning but accumulated during longer incubation times in the same compartment. The secretory vesicles and the nucleus were not labeled by any hormone conjugate. In contrast to SRIF-gold, the uptake of GRH-gold conjugate decreased with longer incubation times. This effect could be neutralized by simulatenous incubation of the somatotropes with both regulating hormones. Hence, whereas the binding and internalization of SRIF by somatotropes do not seem to be influenced by GRH, the corresponding processes for GRH are stimulated by the presence of SRIF.  相似文献   
Summary The adrenergic innervation of the pulmonary vasculature of the file snake Acrochordus granulatus was examined by use of glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence. Perivascular plexuses of blue-green fluorescent nerves are observed around the common pulmonary artery, the anterior and posterior pulmonary arteries, the arterioles leading to the gas exchange capillaries of the lung, the venules draining the lung, and the anterior and posterior pulmonary veins. Adrenergic nerves are also associated with the visceral smooth muscle of the lung septa and other tissues. Thus, adrenergic control of pulmonary blood flow may occur either at the common pulmonary artery or more regionally within the lung. Regional control of blood flow in the elongate lung of this snake may be important in matching pulmonary perfusion with the distribution of respiratory gas. Glyoxylic acid-histochemistry and immunohistochemistry revealed that populations of cells located in the common pulmonary artery contain the indoleamine 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. Many of the cells are intimately associated with varicose blue-green fluorescent nerves. It is proposed that the 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing cells may be involved in intravascular chemoreception.  相似文献   
Summary The Catecholaminergic innervation of neurons containing growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) was examined by use of a method which combined either 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OHDA) uptake or autoradiography after intraventricular injection of 3H-noradrenaline with immunocytochemistry for GRF in the same tissue sections at the electron-microscopic level. In the ventrolateral part of the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus a large number of immunonegative axon terminals were found to make synaptic contact with GRF-like immunoreactive (GRF-LI) cell bodies and processes. 3H-noradrenaline autoradiography or 5-OHDA-labeling combined with GRF immunocytochemistry revealed that axon terminals labeled with 3H-noradrenaline or 5-OHDA make synaptic contact with the GRF-LI nerve cell bodies and processes. These findings indicate that catecholamine-containing neurons innervate GRF neurons to regulate GRF secretion via synapses in the rat arcuate nucleus.  相似文献   
Summary Single photoreceptor cells in the compound eye of the housefly Musca domestica were selectively illuminated and subsequently compared electron-microscopically with the unilluminated photoreceptors in the immediate surroundings. The rhabdomeres of the illuminated cells remain largely unaffected, but the cells show an increase in the number of coated pits, various types of vesicles, and degradative organelles; some of the latter organelles are described for the first time in fly photoreceptors. Coated pits are found not only at the bases of the microvilli, but also in other parts of the plasma membrane. Degradative organelles, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria aggregate in the perinuclear region. The rough ER and smooth ER are more elaborate, the number of Golgi stacks, free ribosomes and polysomes is increased, and the shape and distribution of heterochromatin within the nuclei are altered. Illuminated photoreceptors also interdigitate extensively with their neighbouring secondary pigment cells. These structural changes in illuminated fly photoreceptor cells indicate an increase in membrane turnover and cellular metabolism. When applied to the eye, Lucifer Yellow spreads into the extracellular space and is taken up only by the illuminated photoreceptor cells. These cells show the same structural modifications as above. Horseradish peroxidase applied in the same way is observed in pinocytotic vesicles and degradative organelles of the illuminated cells. Hence, the light-induced uptake of extracellular compounds takes place in vivo at least partially as a result of an increase in pinocytosis.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of rat glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes) in kidney slices in vitro was examined using qualitative and quantitative electron microscopy. The kidney slices were cultured in Medium 199 with Hanks' salts in a 5% CO2/95% O2 environment for up to 14 days. Few changes in podocyte ultrastructure occurred in the first 12 h of culture, but by 24 h cell bodies were rounded, microvilli were present on all podocyte surfaces, and some foot processes had been replaced by flattened expanses of cytoplasm. These changes were more pronounced by 3 days, when some podocytes had developed pseudopodal extensions and appeared to be migrating from glomeruli onto the slice surface. Podocytes could still be identified after 8, 10 and 14 days of culture, although relatively few glomeruli remained at 14 days. Morphometric methods were used to analyse podocyte shape, volume and surface area during the first 4 days of culture. The most significant change involved loss of foot processes: the number of filtration slits per 100 m of basement membrane decreased from 211.8 ± 15.0 (mean ± SD) at the commencement of culture, to 55.3 ± 22.6 after 2 days (P < 0.001). These data provide baseline information for in vitro studies on the effects of nephrotoxins on podocytes.  相似文献   
Summary Results from a previous report demonstrate that more than one molecular form of neuropeptide Y-like peptide may be present in the islet organ of the anglerfish (Lophius americanus). Most of the neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive material was anglerfish peptide YG, which is expressed in a subset of islet cells, whereas an additional neuropeptide Y-like peptide(s) was localized in islet nerves. To learn more about the neuropeptide Y-like peptides in islet nerves, we have employed immunohistochemical and biochemical methods to compare peptides found in anglerfish islets and brain. Using antisera that selectively react with either mammalian forms of neuropeptide Y or with anglerfish peptide YG, subsets of neurons were found in the brain that labelled with only one or the other of the antisera. In separate sections, other neurons that were labelled with either antiserum exhibited similar morphologies. Peptides from brains and islets were subjected to gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Radioimmunoassays employing either the neuropeptide Y or peptide YG antisera were used to examine chromatographic eluates. Immunoreactive peptides having retention times of human neuropeptide Y and porcine neuropeptide Y were identified in extracts of both brain and islets. This indicates that peptides structurally similar to both of these peptides from the neuropeptide Y-pancreatic polypeptide family are expressed in neurons of anglerfish brain and nerve fibers of anglerfish islets. The predominant form of neuropeptide Y-like peptide in islets was anglerfish peptide YG. Neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive peptides from islet extracts that had chromatographic retention times identical to human neuropeptide Y and porcine neuropeptide Y were present in much smaller quantities. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that peptides having significant sequence homology with human neuropeptide Y and porcine neuropeptide Y are present in the nerve fibers that permeate the islet.  相似文献   
Summary An immunohistochemical study was performed to determine the capacity of early fetal pituitaries to differentiate into specific hormone-synthesizing tissue in the absence of any influence from the central nervous system. Rathke's pouches from rats were removed from their juxtadiencephalic position on day 11 and 12 of gestation and maintained for 2–7 days in a chemically defined culture medium (M 199) without antibiotics and serum supplementation. The immunocytochemical observations provided evidence for the differentiation of ACTH-, TSH-gb-, LH-gb-, FSH-gb-, GH- and PRL-synthesizing cells in the isolated organ cultured from 11 to 12-day-old pituitary primordia. The appearance of specific hormone-synthesizing cells in vitro displayed a delay of 1.5–2 days compared to the day of appearance in vivo, however, the sequential order of developmental events occurred as observed in vivo. The present results suggest that endocrine or neuroendocrine signals are not required for the expression of specific secretory functions of fetal pituitaries, at least at an age of 11–12 days.  相似文献   
Summary Subcellular structures of type II alveolar epithelial cells in the rat lung were analyzed at six evenly spaced times over 24 h (light period: 06.00 h–18.00 h), using a morphometric technique. The cell volumes were maximal at 16.00 h and minimal at 08.00 h. The volume and surface densities of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria were low during the light period, and high during the dark period. Morphometric parameters of multivesicular bodies did not significantly fluctuate over 24 h, but they increased from 04.00 h to 08.00 h. The volume densities of lamellar bodies increased from 16.00 h to 20.00 h, and decreased from 00.00 h to 08.00 h. The change in numerical densities of lamellar bodies was inversely correlated to that in the volume densities. As shown by electron microscopy, small lamellar bodies predominated at 08.00 h, larger lamellar bodies increasing at 16.00h. Composite bodies often appeared at 08.00 h and 12.00 h. Type II cells thus appear to fluctuate, showing three phases over 24 h: formation, accumulation and secretion of lamellar bodies. In particular, it is noteworthy that the accumulation stage occurs during the resting phase of the rat, whereas the secretion stage occurs during its body-active phase.  相似文献   
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