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The morphology of male genitalia often suggests functions besidessperm transfer that may have evolved under natural or sexualselection. In several species of sexually cannibalistic spiders,males damage their paired genitalia during mating, limitingthem to one copulation per pedipalp. Using a triple-mating experiment,we tested if genital damage in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichiincreases male fitness either through facilitating his escapefrom an aggressive female or by obstructing the female's inseminationducts against future copulation attempts from other males. Wefound no survival advantage for males damaging their pedipalps;however, copulations into a previously used insemination ductwere significantly shorter when the previous male had left partsof his genitalia inside the insemination duct. Because copulationduration determines paternity in this species, our result suggeststhat male genital damage in A. bruennichi is sexually selected.By breaking off parts of their intromittent organs inside avirgin female, males can reduce sperm competition and therebyincrease their paternity success.  相似文献   
We examined patterns of crop raiding by elephants across gender and age classes in relation to elephant life history and sociobiology and estimated the quantitative contribution of crops to elephant diet in Kibale National Park (KNP). Elephant dung‐boli sizes were used to estimate age and sex, while the presence of crop remains in the dung of crop‐raiding elephants was used as evidence of repeated raiding. To estimate the expected proportion of elephants raiding per age class, the age distribution of raiders was compared with the age distribution of all KNP elephants. Elephants raiding crops were predominantly males. They began raiding in expected proportions at 10–14 years while a higher than expected proportion raided crops at 20–24 years. These results suggest that crop raiding is initiated at an age when male elephants leave their families and a large proportion of elephants raid when they are approaching reproductive competition. Evidence from dung of crop raiders, suggests that repeated raiding increases with age. Crop raiders derived 38% of their daily forage from the short time spent raiding, consistent with expectations of foraging theory. Males may be more likely to learn crop raiding because they are socially more independent and experience intense mating competition than females.  相似文献   
Nonhuman primates use greeting behaviors as nonaggressive communicatory signals in multiple social contexts. Adult male mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) perform a ritual greeting that has been associated with bond-strengthening functions. The aim of this study is to explore the greeting patterns of male howlers living on Agaltepec Island, Mexico. Specifically, we analyzed the relationships between greetings and several individual, relational, and contextual variables, such as the expression of affiliation and agonism, dominance rank, age, kinship relationships, spatial organization, activity patterns, and subgrouping patterns. Greetings were more frequent between males with closer dominance ranks. Among those dyads that greeted at least once, dominant males initiated greetings more frequently than less-dominant males. On the other hand, more greetings were observed when one of the participants had recently returned to a subgroup and during locomotion. On the basis of these results, we propose that on Agaltepec greetings are a conflict management mechanism used between males of similar ranks. The fission-fusion social system of this group of howlers allows males with conflicting interests to remain separated, and greetings may reduce tension during fusion events.  相似文献   
In many species, intense male-male competition for the opportunity to sire offspring has led to the evolution of selfish reproductive traits that are harmful to the females they mate with. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, males modulate their reproductive behavior based on the perceived intensity of competition in their premating environment. Specifically, males housed with other males subsequently transfer a larger ejaculate during a longer mating compared to males housed alone. Although the potential fitness benefits to males from such plasticity are clear, its effects on females are mostly unknown. Hence, we tested the long-term consequences to females from mating with males with distinct social experiences. First, we verified that competitive experience influences male mating behavior and found that males housed with rivals subsequently have shorter mating latencies and longer mating durations. Then, we exposed females every other day for 20 days to males that were either housed alone or with rivals, and subsequently measured their fitness. We found that females mated to males housed with rivals produce more offspring early in life but fewer offspring later in life and have shorter lifespans but similar intrinsic population growth rates. These results indicate that plasticity in male mating behavior can influence female life histories by altering females’ relative allocation to early versus late investment in reproduction and survival.  相似文献   
Animal communication theory holds that in order to be evolutionarily stable, signals must be honest on average, but significant dishonesty (i.e. deception) by a subset of the population may also evolve. A typical praying mantid mating system involves active mate searching by males, which is guided by airborne sex pheromones in most species for which mate-searching cues have been studied. The Femme Fatale hypothesis suggests that female mantids may be selected to exploit conspecific males as prey if they benefit nutritionally from cannibalism. Such a benefit exists in the false garden mantid Pseudomantis albofimbriata—females use the resources gained from male consumption to significantly increase their body condition and reproductive output. This study aimed to examine the potential for chemical deception among the subset of females most likely to benefit from cannibalism (poorly fed females). Females were placed into one of four feeding treatments (‘Very Poor’, ‘Poor’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Good’), and males were given the opportunity to choose between visually obscured females in each of the treatments. Female body condition and fecundity varied linearly with food quantity; however, female attractiveness did not. That is, Very Poor females attracted significantly more males than any of the other female treatments, even though these females were in significantly poorer condition, less fecund (in this study) and more likely to cannibalise (in a previous study). In addition, there was a positive correlation between fecundity and attractiveness if Very Poor females were removed from the analysis, suggesting an inherently honest signalling system with a subset of dishonest individuals. This is the first empirical study to provide evidence of sexual deception via chemical cues, and the first to provide support for the Femme Fatale hypothesis.  相似文献   
Reproduction among members of social animal groups is often highly synchronized, but neither the selective advantages nor the proximate causes of synchrony are fully understood. Here I investigate the evolution of hatching synchrony in the Greater Ani (Crotophaga major), a communally nesting bird in which several unrelated females contribute eggs to a large, shared clutch. Hatching synchrony is variable, ranging from complete synchrony to moderate asynchrony, and is determined by the onset of incubation of the communal clutch. Data from a 10‐year field study indicate that individual reproductive success is highest in synchronous groups, and that nestlings that hatch in the middle of the hatching sequence are most likely to survive. Nestling mortality is high in asynchronous clutches because early‐hatching nestlings are more likely to be killed by adult group members, whereas late‐hatching nestlings are more likely to starve due competition with their older nest‐mates. Therefore, the timing of hatching appears to be under stabilizing selection from infanticide and resource competition acting in concert. These results provide empirical support for models predicting that synchrony may evolve as an adaptive counter‐strategy to infanticide, and they highlight the importance of competition in shaping the timing of reproduction in social groups.  相似文献   
"Selfish" genetic elements promote their own transmission to the next generation, often at a cost to the host individual. A sex-ratio (SR) driving X chromosome prevents the maturation of Y-bearing sperm, and as a result is transmitted to 100% of the offspring, all of which are female. Because the spread of a SR chromosome can result in a female-biased population sex ratio, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of harboring this selfish element can be severe. In this study, we show that the prevalence of SR drive in Drosophila neotestacea varies between 0% and 30% among populations, and is common in the south whereas rare in the north. The prevalence of SR is not associated with the presence of suppressors of drive, geographic distance, or genetic distance based on autosomal microsatellite loci. Instead, our results indicate that ecological selection on SR drive varies among populations, as the prevalence of SR is highly correlated with climatic factors, with the severity of winter the best determinant of SR frequency. Thus, ecological and demographic factors may have significant consequences for the short and long term evolutionary dynamics of selfish elements and the manner with which they coevolve with the rest of the genome.  相似文献   
Most studies of behaviour examine traits whose proximate causes include sensory input and neural decision-making, but conflict and collaboration in biological systems began long before brains or sensory systems evolved. Many behaviours result from non-neural mechanisms such as direct physical contact between recognition proteins or modifications of development that coincide with altered behaviour. These simple molecular mechanisms form the basis of important biological functions and can enact organismal interactions that are as subtle, strategic and interesting as any. The genetic changes that underlie divergent molecular behaviours are often targets of selection, indicating that their functional variation has important fitness consequences. These behaviours evolve by discrete units of quantifiable phenotypic effect (amino acid and regulatory mutations, often by successive mutations of the same gene), so the role of selection in shaping evolutionary change can be evaluated on the scale at which heritable phenotypic variation originates. We describe experimental strategies for finding genes that underlie biochemical and developmental alterations of behaviour, survey the existing literature highlighting cases where the simplicity of molecular behaviours has allowed insight to the evolutionary process and discuss the utility of a genetic knowledge of the sources and spectrum of phenotypic variation for a deeper understanding of how genetic and phenotypic architectures evolve.  相似文献   
In social systems characterized by a high degree of fission-fusion dynamics, members of a large community are rarely all together, spending most of their time in smaller subgroups with flexible membership. Although fissioning into smaller subgroups is believed to reduce conflict among community members, fusions may create conflict among individuals from joining subgroups. Here, we present evidence for aggressive escalation at fusion and its mitigation by the use of embraces in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Our findings provide the first systematic evidence for conflict management at fusion and may have implications for the function of human greetings.  相似文献   
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