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鄱阳湖围垦区藕塘越冬白鹤的时间分配与行为节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵明勤  龚浩林  戴年华  植毅进  徐宁  卢萍 《生态学报》2018,38(14):5206-5212
2016年12月—2017年3月,采用瞬时扫描法研究了鄱阳湖围垦区藕塘生境中白鹤Grus leucogeranus越冬期的行为,共扫描2560次,23219只次,包括18031只次成鹤和5188只次幼鹤。结果表明,觅食(41.78%)、警戒(25.02%)、修整(15.00%)和休息(10.84%)是白鹤越冬期的主要行为。与自然生境相比,藕塘生境中白鹤主要采取多休息和修整的策略来节省能量支出。成鹤的觅食行为(35.29%)显著低于幼鹤(62.42%)(F_(1,12)=45.977,P0.01),警戒行为(28.66%)则显著高于幼鹤(10.26%)(F_(1,12)=38.975,P0.01)。家庭群成鹤觅食行为(43.96%)极显著高于非家庭群成鹤(27.04%)(F_(1,12)=60.169,P0.01)。家庭群成鹤需要喂食幼鹤,它们花费更多的时间觅食弥补能量的消耗。行为节律上,白鹤各时段觅食行为占总行为的比例均较高,11:00—11:59出现明显高峰,占总行为的48.64%。警戒行为无明显的低谷和高峰。成鹤在各时段的觅食行为比例均明显低于幼鹤,成鹤和幼鹤的觅食曲线变化趋势相似,即觅食比例的升高和降低比较同步。成鹤在各时段的警戒行为和修整行为比例均明显高于幼鹤,成幼鹤的休息行为比例在各时段差别不大,均在14:00—14:59有个明显的高峰。家庭群成鹤的觅食行为比例几乎在各时段均明显高于非家庭群,家庭群成鹤的修整行为和休息行为在大部分时段均低于非家庭群成鹤。因此家庭群成鹤采取多取食,少休息和修整的策略提高自身的适合度,同时保证对后代的抚育。  相似文献   
Ordovician chitinozoans are as yet inadequately documented from the western Yangtze Platform, South China. Here we present a systematic study on chitinozoans from a Middle–Upper Ordovician succession at Songliang of Qiaojia, northestern Yunnan, southwestern China. Altogether 34 species of 12 genera are identified from the upper Hungshihyen and the Huadan formations. The top of the Hungshihyen Formation yields typical Early and Middle Ordovician forms, for instance, Lagenochitina obeligis and Belonechitina chenjiawuensis, with the latter only known from the lower Darriwilian in South China, thus suggesting an early Darriwilian age for this interval. The chitinozoans recovered from the Huadan Formation include Lagenochitina prussica and Spinachitina fossensis, both are mainly confined in Katian and sometimes ranging into younger strata. This indicates an age younger than the middle to late Darriwilian previously determined for the Huadan Formation. However, conflicts exist in age assignment of the Huadan Formation based on chitinozoan and other evidence, and further work is required.  相似文献   
During winter, increased thermoregulatory demands coincide with limited food availability necessitating physiological tradeoffs among expensive physiological processes resulting in seasonal breeding among small mammals. In the laboratory, short winter-like day lengths induce regression of the reproductive tract, but also enhance many aspects of immune function. It remains unspecified the extent to which bolstered immune responses in short days represent enhanced immune function per se compared to long days or represents energetic disinhibition mediated by the regression of the reproductive tract. Cohabitation of male Siberian hamsters with intact female conspecifics can block short-day reproductive regression. We sought to determine whether female cohabitation could also block the enhanced immune function associated with short days. Adult male Siberian hamsters were housed in long or short day lengths in one of three housing conditions: (1) single-housed, (2) housed with a same sex littermate, or (3) housed with an ovariectomized female. Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses were assessed after 8 weeks of photoperiod treatment. Housing with an ovariectomized female was not sufficient to block short-day reproductive regression, but prevented short-day enhancement of DTH responses. Housing with a male littermate did not alter reproductive or immune responses in either photoperiod. These data suggest that short day enhancement of immune function is independent of photoperiod-mediated changes in the reproductive system.  相似文献   
Forest fragmentation has been found to affect biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in multiple ways. We asked whether forest size and isolation in fragmented woodlands influences the climate warming sensitivity of tree growth in the southern boreal forest of the Mongolian Larix sibirica forest steppe, a naturally fragmented woodland embedded in grassland, which is highly affected by warming, drought, and increasing anthropogenic forest destruction in recent time. We examined the influence of stand size and stand isolation on the growth performance of larch in forests of four different size classes located in a woodland‐dominated forest‐steppe area and small forest patches in a grassland‐dominated area. We found increasing climate sensitivity and decreasing first‐order autocorrelation of annual stemwood increment with decreasing stand size. Stemwood increment increased with previous year's June and August precipitation in the three smallest forest size classes, but not in the largest forests. In the grassland‐dominated area, the tree growth dependence on summer rainfall was highest. Missing ring frequency has strongly increased since the 1970s in small, but not in large forests. In the grassland‐dominated area, the increase was much greater than in the forest‐dominated landscape. Forest regeneration decreased with decreasing stand size and was scarce or absent in the smallest forests. Our results suggest that the larch trees in small and isolated forest patches are far more susceptible to climate warming than in large continuous forests pointing to a grim future for the forests in this strongly warming region of the boreal forest that is also under high land use pressure.  相似文献   
Gonadal steroids are essential for the long-term maintenance of the full repertoire of sexual behavior in male rodents. Typically, all individuals of several species cease to display the ejaculatory reflex within a few weeks of castration. The present study documents the persistence of the ejaculatory reflex 19 weeks after orchidectomy in 40% of male Siberian hamsters maintained in long or short day lengths; testosterone was undetectable in the circulation of these animals. Intact hamsters transferred from a long to a short photoperiod underwent gonadal regression: 50% of these animals continued to display mating behavior culminating in ejaculation throughout 25 weeks of testing. The remaining animals failed to ejaculate after approximately 11 weeks of short day treatment but resumed mating coincident with spontaneous gonadal recrudescence. Activation of sex behavior in the latter cohort appears to depend on gonadal steroids and is in contrast to the copulatory behavior of the substantial proportion of the study population that sustains the full sexual repertoire in the long-term absence of gonadal steroids. Sex behavior of the latter animals may be dependent on nongonadal steroids or mediation by steroid-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   
I.V. Korovnikov   《Palaeoworld》2006,15(3-4):424
In the Early and Middle Cambrian (of traditional usage), three broad facies belts were developed over the Siberian Platform. The lithofacies belts comprise evaporitic-carbonate, reef-shoal, and open-marine environments.Trilobites assemblages are most diverse in the open-marine lithofacies (Judoma-Olenek facies), represented especially by the Kuonamka Formation, in the eastern part of the platform. Species, genera and families of trilobites gradually increased through the Middle-Cambrian boundary interval in the Kuonamka Formation. Protolenidae dominated in the time represented by the Lermontovia Zone. In strata assigned to the Anabaraspis Zone, the protolenids disappear, the paradoxidids appear, and the diversity of dorypygids increases. The number of trilobite families increases in the Oryctocara and Kounamkites zones.Well represented in the Kuonamka formation of the eastern Siberian Platform are three levels of trilobites that have potential for global correlation. They are the Oryctocephalus reticulatus (=O. indicus latus), Oryctocephalus indicus, and Ovatoryctocara granulatus levels. The Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary in the South China correlates to the lower part of the Kounamkites Zone of the Siberian Platform.  相似文献   
The membrane insertase YidC inserts newly synthesized proteins into the plasma membrane. While defects in YidC homologs in animals and plants cause diseases, YidC in bacteria is essential for life. Membrane insertion and assembly of ATP synthase and respiratory complexes is catalyzed by YidC. To investigate how YidC interacts with membrane-inserting proteins, we generated single cysteine mutants in YidC and in the model substrate Pf3 coat protein. The single cysteine mutants were expressed and analyzed for disulfide formation during 30 s of synthesis. The results show that the substrate contacts different YidC residues in four of the six transmembrane regions. The residues are located either in the region of the inner leaflet, in the center, as well as in the periplasmic leaflet, consistent with the hypothesis that YidC presents a hydrophobic platform for inserting membrane proteins. In a YidC mutant where most of the contacting residues were mutated to serines, YidC function was severely disturbed and no longer active in a complementation test, suggesting that the residues are important for function. In addition, a Pf3 mutant with a defect in membrane insertion was deficient to contact the periplasmic residues of YidC.  相似文献   
We describe primers and polymerase chain reaction conditions to amplify 100 microsatellite loci from the Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus). The primers were tested on two geographically separated Finnish populations. The developed primer pairs yielded an average of 4.72 alleles per locus (range one to 17) and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.55 (range 0.04 to 1).  相似文献   
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