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Nuñas (Thaseolus vulgaris, Fabaceae), commonly called popping beans, are traditionally grown in the Andean highlands of South America, and are consumed as a snack food after a quick toasting process. Proximate analysis of their nutritive value revealed that nunas have a higher content of starch, amylose, and copper than four dry bean varieties and a lower mean content of protein, phosphorous, iron, and boron. The unique texture and taste of nuñas may be related to their high starch content. Antinutritional factors such as lectins were higher in raw and boiled nuña samples than in toasted nuñas, while tannin levels did not change from raw to toasted treatments. Overall in-vitro digestibility was slightly lower for toasted nunas than boiled dry bean.  相似文献   
Collaborative experiments were conducted to determine whether microbial populations associated with plant roots may artifactually affect the rates of Fe uptake and translocation from microbial siderophores and phytosiderophores. Results showed nonaxenic maize to have 2 to 34-fold higher Fe-uptake rates than axenically grown plants when supplied with 1 μM Fe as either the microbial siderophore, ferrioxamine B (FOB), or the barley phytosiderophore, epi-hydroxymugineic acid (HMA). In experiments with nonsterile plants, inoculation of maize or oat seedlings with soil microorganisms and amendment of the hydroponic nutrient solutions with sucrose resulted in an 8-fold increase in FOB-mediated Fe-uptake rates by Fe-stressed maize and a 150-fold increase in FOB iron uptake rates by Fe-stressed oat, but had no effect on iron uptake by Fe-sufficient plants. Conversely, Fe-stressed maize and oat plants supplied with HMA showed decreased uptake and translocation in response to microbial inoculation and sucrose amendment. The ability of root-associated microorganisms to affect Fe-uptake rates from siderophores and phytosiderophores, even in short-term uptake experiments, indicates that microorganisms can be an unpredictable confounding factor in experiments examining mechanisms for utilization of microbial siderophores or phytosiderophores under nonsterile conditions.  相似文献   
This article summarises the way in which mycorrhizal infection of roots affects the mineral nutrition of plants and how the symbiosis may interact with the evaluation of efficiency of nutrient uptake and use by plants. A brief account of the processes of infection and the way they are affected by host genotype and environmental conditions is given and the relationships between this and mineral nutrition (especially phosphate nutrition) are outlined.The interactions between mycorrhizal infection and P efficiency are considered at two levels. Mycorrhizas may act as general modifiers of efficiency regardless of the extent to which the plants are infected and in some mycorrhiza-dependent plants infection may change the ranking of genotypes. The extent of infection is also under genetic control and shows considerable variability between genotypes in some species. This variation could be used in programs to select varieties in which infection is rapid and nutrient uptake from nutrient deficient or low input systems is, in consequence, increased.  相似文献   
Effects of deficient (20mmol m?3) and sufficient (1000 mmol m?3) magnesium (Mg) supply and of varied light intensity (100 μmol m?2 s?1 to 580 μmol m?2 s?1) on paraquat-dependent chlorophyll destruction in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants grown in nutrient solution were studied over a 12-d period using leaf discs or intact primary leaves. Treatment of leaf discs with 10mmol m 3 paraquat for 15h caused severe chlorophyll loss, especially with increasing light intensity. This chlorophyll destruction by paraquat was very much higher in Mg-sufficient than Mg-deficient leaves. The occurrence of paraquat resistance in Mg deficient leaves was already apparent after 6d growth in nutrient solution, i.e. before any decrease in chlorophyll or growth by Mg deficiency was evident. Also, following foliar application of paraquat (10–140 mmol m?3) to intact plants, Mg-deficient plants were much more resistant to paraquat, even following longer exposure duration (72 h) and four to 14 times higher paraquat concentrations than those received by Mg sufficient plants. From experiments where exogenous scavengers of superoxide radical (O2.-), hydroxyl radical (OH·) and singlet oxygen (1O2) were applied to leaf discs, it appears that O2.-, and partly, OH· are the main O2 species which contribute to chlorophyll destruction by paraquat. The results demonstrate that Mg-deficient bean plants become highly resistant to O2.--mediated and light-induced paraquat injury. The mode of this paraquat resistance is attributed to well-known stimulative effects of Mg deficiency on O2.- and H2O2 scavenging enzymes and antioxidants.  相似文献   
Machiguenga Indians of the Peruvian Amazon, like other low populationdensity, technologically “simple” peoples, produce ample food for a nutritious diet. Assuming that this is an intended outcome of their foodproduction strategy, to what extent is it a labor-efficient solution to the problem of producing a “balanced diet”? A linear-programming model of the “diet problem” is constructed with parameters reflecting the Machiguenga economy, and solutions are computed. These are then compared to observed Machiguenga food production; the degree of fit between model and behavior is examined and reasons for discrepancies are discussed.  相似文献   
The influence of various c oncentrations of K⁺, nitrogen sources, and inoculation with root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica were evaluated in tomato plants. Increased potassium concentration increased top and root fresh weights of intact plants and fresh weights of excised roots. Nitrate-fertilized plants weighed more than plants receiving ammonium independent of the K level in the medium. Nematode counts on roots were not affected by nutritional differences in intact or excised roots. In intact roots a high percentage of males was recorded at low K⁺ levels, whereas in excised roots the proportion of males in the population rose as the K⁺ levels increased. Inoculated intact roots accumulated K⁺ when the level of potassium supply was low; infected excised roots contained less K⁺ than did nematode-free roots.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on seed yield and seed nutrient content inPisum sativum L. cv Sprite were studied. In the first experiment (spring-sown) seed yield was increased by 55% due to the combined effect of high nitrogen and phosphorus, although in subsequent experiments (during the summer) nitrogen had no effect on seed yield, and a response to phosphorus was obtained in only one of two experiments. In all experiments, increased plant nitrogen and phosphorus supply resulted in increased concentration of the respective element in the seed.  相似文献   
Summary Silicon during the early vegetative stage did not affect the oven dry weight of any of the various tissues of the soybean plant. Silicon did, however, decrease the Mn concentration in the youngest fully mature leaf at intermediate levels of Mn. This effect did not occur at the lowest or highest Mn levels. Deficiency and toxicity symptoms were moderated to a slight degree by Si except at the highest level of Mn.  相似文献   
Abstract An increasing literature accounting for various types of experiments indicates that far lower external nutrient concentrations are required by plants than is usually thought to be the case. It is concluded that the ion uptake capacity of the roots, as described by the carrier concept, is high compared to that required for maintenance of the internal concentration. Serious errors in experimental conclusions are associated with insufficient and constant nutrient addition rates. The main errors are caused by non-steady states of the plants both with regard to the internal nutrient concentrations and the relative growth rate. A dynamic concept has been proposed for direct use as the treatment variable within the range of sub-optimum nutrition. The nutritional factor is expressed as a flow, the relative nutrient addition rate in laboratory studies and the nutrient flux density in the field. The experimental use of the relative addition rate has led to steady-state nutrient status and relative growth rate and the interpretation of plant responses which differ fundamentally from accepted views. Thus, for instance, deficiency symptoms disappear, as in natural conditions, when the internal nitrogen concentration is stable, independent of level. The nutrition/growth relationships are very different from those observed when external concentration is varied. The regression line of relative growth rate on relative addition rate passes near to the origin at an angle close to 45 to the axes, which implies that the obtained relative growth rate approximates closely the treatment variable. A striking example of observed differences is the positive effect on nitrogen fixation exerted by high relative nitrogen addition rates compared to the well-known negative effect of increasing external nitrogen concentration. The application of fertilizer on the basis of the nutrient flux density concept provides the possibility of supplying fertilizers corresponding to the consumption potential of the vegetation and to the natural flux density resulting from mineralization in the soil. Nitrogen utilization is high under such conditions and the resulting feedback of nutrition on the mineralization rate suggests that there will be a long-term increase in fertility.  相似文献   
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