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Calluses induced fromPterocladia capillacea have been kept in culture for more than three years. They exhibit a fast growth rate, owing to the release of single cells, which in turn develop into new callus. The effect of various media and culture conditions upon growth was investigated. In order to confirm the identity of the callus cells, a 0,45 mg incoculum was grown that yielded 15 g dried callus within six weeks. Polysaccharides from this material (5.5 g) were analysed by13C NMR spectroscopy. This produced a spectrum typical of agar and very similar to the one obtained for agar extracted fromP. capillacea plants. However, the callus agar displayed no gel-forming properties, even after alkali modification.author for correspondence  相似文献   
A novel system useful for aeration and cell retention in continuous perfused microcarrier cultures is described. The system is based on a vibrating cage that separates cells and microcarriers from the oxygenation chamber and allows gas bubble free oxygen transfer. In the cultivation of monkey kidney cells (VERO) on gelatin coated microcarriers, using different concentrations (5, 10 and 15 g Cytodex 3/liter) cell densities up to 107 cells per ml were obtained. The described system is scaleable.  相似文献   
An immunoglobulin (Ig) production stimulating factor (IPSF) for hybridomas was found in spent medium of the human B lymphoblastoid cell line, HO-323. The IPSF was purified by serial use of DEAE chromatography, ultrafiltration, gel filtration and HPLC-DEAE chromatography. Purified IPSF was estimated to be a 410 k macro molecule by gel filtration, and contained three types of isomers which were separated from each other by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All of the isomers were, however, assumed to have the same protein components by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The IPSF was effective for human-human and mouse-mouse hybridomas producing IgM, but not for IgG producers in the experimental condition used here. Human-human hybridoma HF10B4, cultured in IPSF-containing medium, produced 20 times more IgM than in IPSF-free medium under serum-free conditions. The IPSF showed very little proliferation stimulating activity on HF10B4 cells.  相似文献   
研究表明,三属杂种处于单核中晚期阶段的花粉最适于诱导形成愈伤组织。低温预处理对促进三属杂种花粉愈伤组织的诱导有一定的作用。利用以马铃薯提取物为基础物质的马铃薯-Ⅱ培养基作诱导培养基,其愈伤组织诱导与分化的频率比目前两个较好的合成培养基要高。同一个三属杂种F_1春、秋播种植株之间在形成愈伤组织的能力上有较大的差异,秋播材料形成愈伤组织的能力明显高于春播材料。F_(?)杂种植株诱导愈伤组织和分化植株的频率均比F_1杂种明显提高。  相似文献   
Summary The effects of collagenous substrata, fibronectin, and fetal bovine serum on the adhesion, proliferation, and adipogenesis of rat stromal-vascular cells are reported. There was no effect on initial stromal-vascular cell-attachment by fetal bovine serum or fibronectin. The number of cells attached to a hydrated collagen-gel was almost twice (P<0.04) the number attached to dried collagen-gel or dried denatured collagen-gel. Total number of cells after 5 days in culture was similar among the collagenous substrata and among the treatments with or without fibronectin in the growth media. Total number of cells increased significantly (P<0.02) with 10% FBS. Adipocytic formation was inhibited by hydrated collagen-gel (P<0.02) compared to dried collagen-gel or dried, denatured collagenous substrata. An interaction occurred between dried, denatured gel and fetal bovine serum so that total formation of adipocytes increased by increasing the level of fetal bovine serum (P<0.07). Adipocytic formation was inhibited by hydrated collagen-gel at all levels of fetal bovine serum. The percentage of cells that converted to adipocytes was significantly lower (P<0.01) on hydrated collagen-gel compared to dried, denatured or dried collagen-gel. Percentage of conversion was not significantly different among levels of fetal bovine serum, although this percentage increased as fetal bovine serum level increased. Adipocytic conversion was not different between fibronectin-treated or untreated cells. Morphology of stromal vascular cells was similar on dried collagen and dried, denatured collagen-gel, but tended to remain bipolar on hydrated collagen-gel. These studies indicate that fetal bovine serum in combination with the extracellular matrix (dried, denatured collagen) increased the differentiation of rat stromal-vascular cells into adipocytes, and that hydrated collagen inhibited differentiation.  相似文献   
Azotobacter vinelandii was grown diazotrophically in sucrose-limited chemostat cultures at either 12, 48, 108, 144 or 192 M dissolved oxygen. Steady state protein levels and growth yield coefficients (Y) on sucrose increased with increasing dilution rate (D). Specific rate of sucrose consumption (q) increased in direct proportion to D. Maintenance coefficients (m) extrapolated from plots of q versus D, as well as from plots of 1/Y versus 1/D exhibited a nonlinear relationship to the dissolved oxygen concentration. Constant maximal theoretical growth yield coefficients (Y G) of 77.7 g cells per mol of sucrose consumed were extrapolated irrespective of differences in ambient oxygen concentration. For comparison, glucose-, as well as acetate-limited cultures were grown at 108 M oxygen. Fairly identical m- and Y G-values, when based on mol of substrate-carbon with glucose and sucrose grown cells, indicated that both substrates were used with the same efficiency. However, acetate-limited cultures showed significantly lower m- and, at comparable, D, higher Y-values than cultures limited by either sucrose or glucose. Substrate concentrations (K s) required for half-maximal growth rates on sucrose were not constant, they increased when the ambient oxygen concentration was raised and, at a given oxygen concentration, when D was decreased. Since biomass levels varied in linear proportion to K s these results are interpreted in terms of variable substrate uptake activity of the culture.Abbreviations D dilution rate - K s substrate concentration required for half maximal growth rate - m maintenance coefficient - q specific rate of substrate consumption - Y growth yield coefficient - Y G maximum theoretical growth yield coefficient  相似文献   
Abstract Nif mutants of Rhodobacter capsulatus carrying mutations either in the nifR4 regulatory gene or in the nifH structural gene both outgrew the wild-type strain B10 in mixed chemostat cultures under conditions favouring nitrogenase-mediated H2 production by the wild-type (ammonia as limiting nutrient, inert argon atmosphere, light as energy source), whereas under aerobic conditions in the dark, or in batch culture, the growth of Nif mutants was not favoured. Nitrogenase-mediated H2 production therefore appears to be detrimental to the growth of R. capsulatus in nitrogen-limited continuous culture, as may also be the case for other nitrogen fixers.  相似文献   
Summary Interspecific hybrids between Brassica napus and B. oleracea are difficult to produce, and previous attempts to transfer economic characters from one species to the other have largely been unsuccessful. In these studies, oilseed rape cv. Tower (2n38) (B. napus) was crossed with broccoli and kale (2n18) (B. oleracea), and hybrid plants were developed from embryos in culture by either organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis. In rape × broccoli, F1 plants were regenerated from hybrid embryos and the plants produced viable selfed seeds. F5 plants (2n38) homozygous for white flower colour were selected for high oil content (47%) and Line 15; a selection from these plants produced fertile hybrids with rape, broccoli and kale without embryo culture. In reciprocal crosses between oilseed rape cv. Tower and an aphid resistant diploid kale, 28 and 56 chromosome F1 hybrid plants were regenerated from somatic embryos. The 56 chromosome plants were self-fertile and it was concluded from F2 segregation ratios that a single dominant gene controls resistance to cabbage aphid in kale. The 28 chromosome F1's were self-sterile, but these and the 56 chromosome F1's could be backcrossed to rape and kale. A cross between the F1 (2n56) and a forage rape resulted in the selection of a cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae L.) resistant line (Line 3). Both Line 15 and Line 3 can serve as bridges for gene interchange between B. campestris, B. napus and B. oleracea, which has not been possible hitherto. Hybridisations between rape and tetraploid kale produced F1 plants with 37 chromosomes. One F2 plant possessed coronal scales and the inheritance was shown to be controlled by a single recessive gene unlinked to petal colour.This paper is dedicated to Mr. T. P. Palmer, a colleague and close friend who retired from the DSIR as Assistant Director of the Crop Research Division in September 1984  相似文献   
The maize inbred line A188 is popularly used for the production of embryogenic cell lines. A188, maintained at the University of Minnesota, was found upon molecular analysis to contain 2 to 4 copies of a DNA sequence very similar in structure to transposable Mu1 elements, which have been implicated in Robertson's Mutator system. These Mu1-like elements are in the same chromosomal locations in sibling plants and in A188 cell cultures derived from them. This suggests that the elements are in an inactive state and do not undergo transposition. However, we have observed that they are not modified at the target sites for certain restriction endonucleases. Possible causes for the apparent lack of transposition of these Mu1-like elements in these A188 lines are discussed. Inasmuch as the elements do not transpose, they must be maintained in this line as homozygous Mendelian elements by self-pollination.Journal paper no. J-12269 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011. Project 2707.  相似文献   
Cotyledon explants of Brassica tournefortii L. were excised from germinated seedlings and cultured on Murashige & Skoog's [6] basal medium supplemented with various combinations of cytokinins and auxins, Both cytokinin and auxin were required for induction of shoot organogenesis. Of the three cytokinins tested (in combination with a low concentration of IAA), kinetin was found to be the best for shoot regeneration. On this medium, cotyledonary explants invariably underwent callusing followed by multiple shoot formation. NAA in combination with any of the three cytokinins yielded a reduced number of shoots or none, but favoured good callus growth. Callus so produced also regenerated shoots when subcultured on media containing high concentration of KIN or ZEA and low concentration of IAA. Shoots were rooted during prolonged incubation on the same medium or on MS medium free of growth regulators. Mature plants were grown in the greenhouse.  相似文献   
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