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Many wetland restoration projects occur on former agricultural soils that have a history of disturbance and fertilization, making them prone to phosphorus (P) release upon flooding. To study the relationship between P release and hydrologic regime, we collected soil cores from three restoration wetlands and three undisturbed wetlands around Upper Klamath Lake in southern Oregon, U.S.A. Soil cores were subjected to one of three hydrologic regimes—flooded, moist, and dry—for 7.5 weeks, and P fluxes were measured upon reflooding. Soils from restoration wetlands released P upon reflooding regardless of the hydrologic regime, with the greatest releases coming from soils that had been flooded or dried. Undisturbed wetland soils released P only after drying. Patterns in P release can be explained by a combination of physical and biological processes, including the release of iron‐bound P due to anoxia in the flooded treatment and the mineralization of organic P under aerobic conditions in the dry treatment. Higher rates of soil P release from restoration wetland soils, particularly under flooded conditions, were associated with higher total P concentrations compared with undisturbed wetland soils. We conclude that maintaining moist soil is the means to minimize P release from recently flooded wetland soils. Alternatively, prolonged flooding provides a means of liberating excess labile P from former agricultural soils while minimizing continued organic P mineralization and soil subsidence.  相似文献   
新疆艾比湖和伊吾湖可培养嗜盐古菌多样性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
新疆地区盐湖密布,蕴藏着丰富的微生物资源。为保护和利用微生物物种与基因资源,作者从新疆准噶尔盆地的艾比湖和天山山间盆地的伊吾湖分离纯化嗜盐微生物。采用PCR方法扩增其中65株嗜盐古菌16SrRNA基因序列。序列分析表明,分离的嗜盐古菌分属6个属,艾比湖以Haloterrigena和Natrinema属的菌株为主,伊吾湖由Haloarcula和Halorubrum两个属的菌株构成。通过多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和物种相对多度模型对分离的菌株进行多样性分析和比较,结果表明,盐湖嗜盐古菌的多样性指数、丰富度指数和均匀度指数具有一定相关性,艾比湖可培养嗜盐古菌的多样性高于伊吾湖。研究发现了一些新的物种资源,表明新疆盐湖中孕育的特色微生物资源亟待保护与利用。  相似文献   
湖泊水体细菌多样性及其生态功能研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
维护湖泊生态系统健康发展是一个全球关注的热点问题.细菌不仅是湖泊系统食物网的重要组成部分,同时在控制和调节湖泊水质方面发挥着重要作用.本文对于细菌多样性的相关概念和评价方法、细菌群落在湖泊水体中的分布特征、形成机制及其生态功能等方面进行了综合论述和分析.目前,在湖泊水体中共发现21个典型的淡水细菌门类,其中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)是最主要的5个门类.Beijerinck和Baas-Becking的观点及Meta-群落假说,均表明湖泊水体细菌群落多样性和物种分布特征是“随机分布”和“环境决定”两种过程共同作用的结果.对湖泊细菌功能的研究,主要集中于细菌参与下的湖泊水体生产力和元素的生物地球化学循环过程.尽管经过十几年的不懈努力,人们对湖泊细菌群落多样性和功能的认识还十分有限,湖泊细菌生态学仍是一门年轻的科学,限制着人们对湖泊微生物群落的进一步认识.未来研究者们需要在以下4个方面重点开展工作:(1)综合细菌表型、基因型、系统发育史及生态特征的一致性来界定细菌“种”的概念;(2)在区域尺度上研究细菌在不同斑块间的扩散作用;(3)在微观尺度上研究细菌群落多样性及功能特征;(4)提出或验证湖泊细菌群落多样性的生态理论及假说,完善微生物生态学相关理论框架.  相似文献   
巢湖藻类群落多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张良璞 《生物学杂志》2007,24(6):53-54,72
通过对2001~2005年的巢湖藻类实测数据进行统计分析,检出藻类的种类数为131种,基本构群种类有26种,其中铜绿微囊为绝对的优势种群,藻类多样性指数中值为2.51±0.90,5年间其多样性指数呈明显的上升趋势,方差分析表明2001年与其他年份存在着显著性差异,近三年无显著性差异.  相似文献   
符合经济生态效益的农田化肥施用量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在洞庭湖区研究了农田化肥的外部成本和经济生态施用量.采用环境影响经济评价方法,估算了化肥的外部成本;运用外部不经济性原理和生产函数模型研究了兼顾农户经济效益、生态效益的农田适宜施肥量.结果表明,2002年洞庭湖区粮食生产中因化肥施用不当而带来的外部成本约为1.35×108元,每千克纯氮的外部成本约为0.3元.在洞庭湖区目前生产条件下,兼顾生产、经济、生态三效益的适宜施肥量是208.26~210.65 kg·hm-2,相应的粮食产量为5528~5539 kg·hm-2.2002年洞庭湖区粮食生产实际施肥量已超过农户经济最优施肥量和生态适宜施肥量,建议政府在一些化肥高投入、高污染的地区征收环境污染税.  相似文献   
1. In situ measurements of nitrogen fixation rates for Aphanizomenon in fertile Colorado lakes with low inorganic nitrogen concentrations demonstrated high efficiency of nitrogen fixation at low irradiance. 2. For study populations, rates of N2 fixation in darkness and with alternating exposure to light and darkness were a higher percentage of light‐saturated rates for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena, suggesting storage of reduced metabolites at high irradiance that are used subsequently by Aphanizomenon when cells are forced by mixing into zones of low irradiance. Also, saturation of N2 fixation occurred over a lower range of irradiance for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena. 3. High efficiency of N2 fixation in Aphanizomenon at low or fluctuating irradiance is complementary to its previously demonstrated high efficiency of photosynthesis at low irradiance. Nitrogen fixation rate was also strongly related to DIN concentration; fixation was highest at low DIN (maximum < 5 μg L?1) but was also most vulnerable to photoinhibition under such conditions. 4. The fixation capabilities of Aphanizomenon under weak or varying irradiance could explain its commonly observed domination over Anabaena when transparency is low and available nitrogen is scarce.  相似文献   
运用市场价值法、碳税法、造林成本法和工业制氧影子价格法、影子工程法以及价格替代等方法,以肇庆仙女湖为例,对城市湖泊水生态系统自然资产价值部分的演变进行了评估。结果得出,仙女湖水生态系统退化过程中,导致水生态系统有些服务功能的大幅度降低,如大气调节功能价值由1999年的460124元降低到2004年的8元、水质净化功能价值由1999年的11480元降到2004年的904元等;但并非各项生态系统服务功能价值都降低,有些项目的生态系统服务功能可保持不变,如水资源调节功能价值;甚至升高,如物质生产价值由1999年的152400元增加到2004年的241200元。该研究给退化生态系统的修复带来很大启示,即在退化生态系统的修复过程中要针对性的就退化生态系统的结构和功能进行修复,提高生态系统的总体服务功能价值,而并非退化生态系统的各项服务均需提高,有些项目的生态系统服务价值可以保持不变,甚至降低。  相似文献   
Microbiota within the perennial ice cover of Lake Vida, Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Vida, located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, is an 'ice-sealed' lake with approximately 19 m of ice covering a highly saline water column (approximately 245 ppt). The lower portions of the ice cover and the lake beneath have been isolated from the atmosphere and land for circa 2800 years. Analysis of microbial assemblages within the perennial ice cover of the lake revealed a diverse array of bacteria and eukarya. Bacterial and eukaryal denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis phylotype profile similarities were low (<59%) between all of the depths compared (five depths spanning 11 m of the ice cover), with the greatest differences occurring between surface and deep ice. The majority of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences in the surface ice were related to Actinobacteria (42%) while Gammaproteobacteria (52%) dominated the deep ice community. Comparisons of assemblage composition suggest differences in ice habitability and organismal origin in the upper and lower portions of ice cover. Specifically, the upper ice cover microbiota likely reflect the modern day transport and colonization of biota from the terrestrial landscape, whereas assemblages in the deeper ice are more likely to be persistent remnant biota that originated from the ancient liquid water column of the lake that froze.  相似文献   
长江流域若干水体寡毛类区系组成及相似性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了长江流域十余个水体水栖寡毛类的区系组成及分布。共鉴定水栖寡毛类53种,隶3科27属,其中仙女虫科15属31种(占58.49%);颤蚓科11属20种(占37.74%);线蚓科1属2种(占3.77%).在河流、草型湖泊和藻型湖泊这三类水体中,以草型湖泊的物种数最多,达36种;其次为长江干流,34种;藻型湖泊仅24种。对寡毛类的种间关系及不同生境寡毛类种类组成的相似性进行了聚类分析,结果表明,寡毛类的种类分布具有明显的地域性,据此可将其划分为6类(A-F组).    相似文献   
湖泊生态恢复的基本原理与实现   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
秦伯强 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4848-4858
当前我国湖泊污染及富营养化问题非常严重。湖泊治理的一个有效途径就是恢复水生植物,通过草型湖泊生态系统的培植来达到控制富营养化和净化水质的目的。但是,迄今为止,只有在局部水域或滨岸地区获得成功,恢复的水生植物主要是挺水植物或漂浮植物。鲜有全湖性的水生植物恢复和生态修复成功的例子。原因是对湖泊生态系统退化及其修复的机理了解甚少。实际上,环境条件不同决定了生态系统类型的不同,只有通过环境条件的改变才能实现生态系统的转变。利用草型湖泊生态系统来净化水质,其实质是利用生态系统对环境条件的反馈机制。但是,这种反馈无法从根本上改变其环境条件,因此其作用是有限的,不宜过分夸大。以往许多湖泊生态修复的工作之所以鲜有成功的例子,原因就是过于注重水生植物种植本身,而忽视了水生植物生长所需的环境条件的分析和改善。实施以水生植物恢复为核心的生态修复需要一定的前提条件。就富营养化湖泊生态恢复而言,这些环境条件包括氮磷浓度不能太高,富含有机质的沉积物应该去除,风浪不能太大以免对水生植物造成机械损伤,水深不能太深以免影响水生植物光合作用,鱼类种群结构应以食肉性鱼为主等等。因此,在湖泊污染很重或者氮磷负荷很高的情况下,寻求以沉水植物为核心的湖泊生态恢复来改善水质是不切实际的。为此,提出湖泊治理应该遵循先控源截污、后生态恢复,即先改善基础环境,后实施生态恢复的战略路线。  相似文献   
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