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This study assessed the responses of vitamin-D3 intraperitoneally injected to Rohu, Labeo rohita @ of 0 IU/kg bw (only solvent), 100 IU/kg bw and 500 IU/kg bw reared in 20 and 40 ppm of calcium (Ca) enriched water. The cellular changes in Corpuscles of Stannius (CS) gland, serum Ca, and inorganic phosphate (Pi) level were analysed up to the 60th day. Rohu administered with 100 IU/kg bw D3 and exposed to 40 ppm Ca-rich water exhibited notable hyperplasia of CS compared with their control groups. Notable changes with high serum Ca level (13.87 ± 0.3 mg/dl) was detected on the 5th day in fish exposed to 40 ppm Ca-rich water, while related values attained (13.74 ± 0.1 mg/dl) only after 7 days in 20 ppm Ca-rich water of 500 IU/kg bw vitamin D3 injection. Similarly, high serum Pi level (7.66 ± 0.2 mg/dl) in 40 ppm Ca injected with D3 at 500 IU/kg bw. The results demonstrated that the Ca homeostasis of Labeo rohita is influenced by intra-peritoneal vitamin D3. Progressive studies should be conducted by increasing the dose of vitamin D3 to investigate optimum dose/supplement in feed for commercially important aquaculture teleost Labeo rohita for maximum and sustainable absorption of Ca from the variable water Calcium levels to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   
The studies aimed to verify the effect of Cu, Zn and Fe glycine chelate on the antioxidative status in the thigh meat of broiler chickens. The study assumption was that due to the antioxidative or prooxidative effect of Cu, Zn and Fe, these elements supplemented to chickens in an easily assimilable form would modify the antioxidative status of meat and those having a prooxidative effect could deteriorate the quality of meat. The experiment involved three hundred and fifty Ross 308 chickens divided into seven equipotent experimental groups. Over 42 days of the experiment, the chickens were administered Cu, Zn and Fe glycine chelates in an amount corresponding to 50% of the requirement (experimental factor I) or 25% of the requirement (experimental factor II). The level of oxidative stress indicators such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione, glutathione peroxidase and malondialdehyde was determined in the muscles and blood. The groups receiving Zn or Cu chelate showed statistically confirmed higher activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and a higher level of glutathione in comparison to the group receiving Fe chelate. In order to increase the antioxidative stability of thigh meat, it is sufficient that broiler chickens receive Zn or Cu in the form of glycine chelate in an amount covering 25% of their requirement of such minerals. On the other hand, the use of Fe glycine chelates decreased antioxidative stability due to an increase in the level of malondialdehyde, so it should be considered whether the administration of pro-oxidative Fe chelate to broilers is advisable.  相似文献   
Present study focuses on ameliorative potential of Typha elephantina leave’s aqueous (TE.AQ) extract against Paracetamol (PCM) induced toxicity in rabbits. We fed the male rabbits with 300 mg PCM in alone and in combination with TE.AQ at different doses i.e. (100, 200 and 300 mg/kg body weight) or silymarin (100 mg/kg) daily for 21 days. PCM in alone significantly (P < 0.5) increased serum urea, uric acid, creatinine, total protein, albumin, globulin and blood urea nitrogen. Serum sodium, potassium and magnesium level were high. The glutathione, radical scavenging activity and Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were significantly reduced. Treatment with TE.AQ at dose rate 300 mg/kg body weight and Silymarin significantly ameliorated all the parameters when compared with PCM administered group. The 100 and 200 mg of TE.AQ showed no significant effects. The histopathological examination confirmed the therapeutic potential of TE.AQ. These results established the presence of natural antioxidants in Typha elephantina leaves.  相似文献   
Chronic inflammation, systemic or local, plays a vital role in tumour progression and metastasis. Dysregulation of key physiological processes such as autophagy elicit unfavourable immune responses to induce chronic inflammation. Cytokines, growth factors and acute phase proteins present in the tumour microenvironment regulate inflammatory responses and alter crosstalk between various signalling pathways involved in the progression of cancer. Serum amyloid A (SAA) is a key acute phase protein secreted by the liver during the acute phase response (APR) following infection or injury. However, cancer and cancer-associated cells produce SAA, which when present in high levels in the tumour microenvironment contributes to cancer initiation, progression and metastasis. SAA can activate several signalling pathways such as the PI3K and MAPK pathways, which are also known modulators of the intracellular degradation process, autophagy. Autophagy can be regarded as having a double edged sword effect in cancer. Its dysregulation can induce malignant transformation through metabolic stress which manifests as oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and DNA damage. On the other hand, autophagy can promote cancer survival during metabolic stress, hypoxia and senescence. Autophagy has been utilised to promote the efficiency of chemotherapeutic agents and can either be inhibited or induced to improve treatment outcomes. This review aims to address the known mechanisms that regulate autophagy as well as illustrating the role of SAA in modulating these pathways and its clinical implications for cancer therapy.  相似文献   
In revegetation projects, distinguishing species that can be passively restored by natural regeneration from those requiring active restoration is not a trivial decision. We quantified tree species dominance (measured by an importance value index, IVIi) and used abundance–size correlations to select those species suitable for passive and/or active restoration of disturbed riparian vegetation in the Lacandonia region, Southern Mexico. We sampled riparian vegetation in a 50 × 10–m transect in each of six reference (RE) and five disturbed (DE) riparian ecosystems. Those species representing more than 50% of total IVI in each ecosystem were selected, and Spearman rank correlation between abundance and diameter classes was calculated. For eight species, it was determined that passive restoration could be sufficient for their establishment. Another eight species could be transplanted by means of active restoration. Five species regenerate well in only one ecosystem type, suggesting that both restoration strategies could be used depending on the degree of degradation. Finally, two species were determined to not be suitable for restoration in the RE (based on the above selection criteria) and were not selected during this initial stage of our restoration project. The high number of tree species found in the RE suggests that the species pool for ecological restoration is large. However, sampling in both ecosystem types helped us reduce the number of species that requires active restoration. Restoration objectives must guide the selection of which methods to implement; in different conditions, other criteria such as dispersal syndrome or social value could be considered in the species selection.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible correlation between biometric indices (length and weight) and some blood parameters in 225 Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and 225 European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) cultured in onshore tanks with the same physical–chemical conditions of water (temperature, soluble oxygen and salinity). From each fish, blood samples were collected to evaluate Red Blood Cell Count, Haematocrit, Haemoglobin Concentration, White Blood Cell Count, Thrombocyte Count, Mean Corpuscular Volume, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration, glucose, lactate and Total Proteins. In both species, the relationship between the biometric indices and blood parameters was evaluated using linear regression analysis that showed a statistically significant correlation between the biometric indices and seven of the studied parameters. These results showed that fish size is an important factor in the interpretation of haematological and biochemical profiles in order to evaluate correctly the health status of the fish.  相似文献   

During the last 10 years, there has been a large increase in the number of genome sequences available for study, altering the way that the biology of organisms is studied. In particular, scientific attention has increasingly focused on the proteome, and specifically on the role of all the proteins encoded by the genome. We focus here on several aspects of this problem. We describe several technologies in widespread use to clone genes on a genome-wide scale, and to express and purify the proteins encoded by these genes. We also describe a number of methods that have been developed to analyze various biochemical properties of the proteins, with attention to the methodology and the limitations of the approaches, followed by a look at possible developments in the next decade.  相似文献   

Human-induced and natural stress factors can affect fine roots and ectomycorrhizas. Therefore they have potential utility as indicators of environmental change. We evaluated, through meta-analysis, the magnitude of the effects of acidic deposition, nitrogen deposition, increased ozone levels, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, and drought on fine roots and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) characteristics. Ectomycorrhizal colonization was an unsuitable parameter for environmental change, but fine root length and biomass could be useful. Acidic deposition had a significantly negative impact on fine roots, root length being more sensitive than root biomass. There were no significant effects of nitrogen deposition or elevated tropospheric ozone on the quantitative root parameters. Elevated CO2 had a significant positive effect. Drought had a significantly negative effect on fine root biomass. The negative effect of acidic deposition and the positive effect of elevated CO2 increased over time, indicating that effects were persistent contrary the other factors. The meta-analysis also showed that experimental conditions, including both laboratory and field experiments, were a major source of variation. In addition to quantitative changes, environmental changes affect the species composition of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community.  相似文献   
Glucose at pathophysiological concentrations was able to accelerate copper-induced oxidation of isolated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and whole serum. The efficiency of glucose was favored under the following circumstances: (a) when LDL oxidation was induced by low copper concentration, (b) when LDL was partly oxidized, i.e. enriched with lipid peroxides. The glucose derivative methyl- &#102 - d -glucoside was ineffective on Cu 2+ -induced LDL oxidation, pointing out the essential role of the reactivity of the aldehydic carbon for the pro-oxidative effect. When LDL oxidation was induced by a peroxyl radical generator, as a model of transition metal independent oxidation, glucose was ineffective. Glucose was found to stimulate oxidation of LDL induced by ceruloplasmin, the major copper-containing protein of human plasma. Thus, glucose accelerated oxidation of LDL induced by both free and protein bound copper. Considering the requirement for catalytically active copper and for the aldehydic carbon, the pro-oxidative effect of glucose is likely to depend on the increased availability of Cu + ; this is more efficient in decomposing lipid peroxide than Cu 2+ , accounting for acceleration of LDL oxidation. The possible biological relevance of our work is supported by the finding that glucose was able to accelerate oxidation of whole serum, which was assessed by monitoring low-level chemiluminescence associated with lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
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