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溶解性有机碳在红壤水稻土中的吸附及其影响因素   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吸附作用是影响土壤中溶解性有机碳(DOC)迁移转化及生物有效性的重要反应过程,研究DOC在土壤中的吸附行为,对正确阐明土壤有机碳的循环和转化特征以及进行污染风险评估有重要意义.采用平衡法研究了红壤水稻土对DOC的吸附特征,并分析土壤有机质、粘粒含量及pH值与DOC吸附量之间的关系.结果表明,供试土壤对DOC的吸附等温线符合Freundlich和Linear方程.不同土壤对DOC的吸附能力有明显差异.在相同浓度下,DOC吸附量以第四纪红色粘土发育的低肥力水稻土最大,第三纪红砂岩风化物发育的低肥力水稻土次之,两种高肥力水稻土最小.土壤对DOC的吸附过程分为快、慢两个阶段,0-0.25 h内DOC的吸附速率最大,随着时间的推移,吸附速率渐小,2-4 h后基本达到吸附平衡.描述供试土壤对DOC吸附动力学过程的最优模型为一级扩散方程,其次为Elovich方程和抛物扩散方程.粘粒含量和有机质是影响土壤DOC吸附量的重要因素,随着粘粒含量的增加,有机质含量的降低,DOC的吸附量增大.  相似文献   
Soil Diversity and Land Use in the United States   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Soils are dynamic components of terrestrial ecosystems that historically have been viewed as economic resources by government and private interests. The large-scale conversion of many sections of the United States to agriculture and urban land uses, combined with the growing awareness of the role of soils in global biogeochemistry and ecology, ultimately requires an assessment of the remaining distribution of undisturbed soils in the country. Here we conduct the first quantitative analysis of disturbed and undisturbed soil distribution in the USA using a GIS-based approach. We find that a sizable fraction (4.5%) of the nation's soils are in danger of substantial loss, or complete extinction, due to agriculture and urbanization. In the agricultural belt of the country, up to 80% of the soils that were naturally of low abundance are now severely impacted (greater than 50% conversion to agricultural/urban uses). Undisturbed soils provide ecosystem services that warrant their preservation, including a somewhat complex relationship with rare or endangered plants. The known and unknown attributes of undisturbed soils suggests the need for an integrated biogeodiversity perspective in landscape preservation efforts.  相似文献   
Although Al toxicity is believed to be a problem in acid sulfate soils cropped to rice (Oryza, sativa L.), little is known about the behavior of other trace metals such as B and Mo in these soils. The objectives of this study were to measure the availability of Al, B, and Mo in these soils, to determine what governs the availability of these metals and to investigate the relationships between metal availability and uptake by rice. Metal availability and uptake by rice were evaluated in 134 flooded acid sulfate soils in the Central Plains region of Thailand and in a growth chamber study using 50 of the same soils. Soil and plant metal analyses were conducted at the panicle differentiation stage of growth in both studies and in the soil prior to transplanting in the growth chamber study. Metal activities were determined with GEOCHEM. The mineral phases believed to be governing Al3+ activities were jurbanite under low pH conditions and amorphous Al(OH)3 at high pH. The Al chemistry is believed to be intimately linked to the redox-pH cycle, which is driven by the monsoonal climate. Mortality of rice associated with Al toxicity was observed under field and growth chamber conditions. Interference in P uptake and/or assimilation was believed to be the mechanism of Al toxicity. Activities of B(OH) 4 and B(OH) 3 0 were found to be highly correlated to pH and ionic strength, respectively, with the latter being the dominant B ion found in these soils. Activities of MoO 4 2– were positively correlated to pH and appeared to be controlled by wulfenite. Leaf Mo contents were found to be positively correlated with MoO 4 2– activity.  相似文献   
Increased nutrient availability can have a large impact in Australian woodland ecosystems, many of which are very poor in nutrients, particularly phosphorus. A study was conducted in an urban Banksia woodland remnant in Perth, southwest Western Australia to test the hypothesis that the soil nutrient status in areas in good condition (GC), poor condition invaded by the perennial grass Ehrharta calycina (PCe), and poor condition invaded by the perennial herb Pelargonium capitatum (PCp), is reflected in the nutrient status of the native and introduced species. Leaf concentrations of P, K, N, Na, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn of six native (Banksia attenuata, Banksia menziesii, Allocasuarina humilis, Melaleuca systena, Macrozamia fraseri and Conostylis aculeata) and four introduced species (Ehrharta calycina, Pelargonium capitatum, Gladiolus caryophyllaceus and Briza maxima), were measured. Soil pH, electrical conductivity, N (total), P (total), available P, K, S and organic C were assessed beneath all species on all sites. Significantly higher concentrations of soil P (total) and P (HCO3) were found at PCe and PCp sites than GC sites, while PCp sites also had significantly higher soil concentrations for N (total) and S. Principal Components Analysis of the leaf analyses showed (a) individual species have characteristically different nutrient concentrations; (b) the introduced species Ehrharta calycina and Pelargonium capitatum clustered separately from each other and by vegetation condition. Leaf concentrations of P were significantly (P<0.05) higher, and K and Cu were significantly lower in PCe and PCp sites compared with those at GC sites. Introduced species leaf nutrient concentrations were significantly greater than native species for all nutrients except Mn which was significantly lower, with no differences for Mg and B. The results indicate a key role for P in the Banksia woodland, and we conclude that higher levels of available P at invaded sites are having a detrimental impact on the ecosystem. These results provide new knowledge to enhance conservation practices for the management of the key threatening process of invasion within a biodiversity hot spot. Section Editor: T. Kalapos  相似文献   
Ivar P. Muniz 《Hydrobiologia》1997,348(1-3):145-154
The research activities on soil–freshwaterinteractions and freshwater biotic structure andprocesses in the Høylandet area during the years 1986–89are presented in this issue ofHydrobiologia. The 9 papers cover a range of topicsfrom physiochemical gradients and processes in soilsand freshwaters to selected aspects of freshwaterbiotic community structure and temporal variability.This synopsis aims (a) to present an overview of majorfindings, (b) to interpret the results in the contextof air pollution effects and (c) to outlinesuggestions for future research activities inHøylandet. The area has a sub-oceanic climate varyingfrom 1100 to 2200 mm of precipitation normallyoriginating from unpolluted airmasses from the NorthAtlantic. It is chemically dominated by sea salts, haslow concentrations and low deposition of mineralacids. The catchment geology is variable and complexand consists mainly of various granites and gneisses.The soils are undisturbed ancient soils,primarily iron podzols associated with forests, orintact histosols with strong organic characterassociated with mires, often quite acidic.They are sensitive because occurrence of predominantlyinsoluble unstable Al-complexes may leach out ifexposed to anthropogenically acidified soil drainagewater and turn up as toxic inorganic aqueous Al insurface runoff. Small amounts of locally generatednitrogen compounds are mostly retained in thecatchment. The water qualities of these Høylandetsites are run by inputs of sea salts, hydrologicalprocesses including dilution of the base flow, orlateral surface or overland flow and in-catchmentprocesses. Relative to affected areas, it appears thatthe inputs and catchment processes are in balance,i.e., that the inputs of strong acid anions, hydrogenions and sea salts are equilibrated by internalweathering and other processes and integrated withinapparently intact biogeochemical cycles. The overallresult is that these soils remain a net source ofalkalinity to the runoff. These results are confirmedby regional studies of water quality both at low andhigh flow which show that the humus and ionic contentof the water decreased with elevation, headwatersbeing more dominated by sea salts and dilutionprocesses. Excess sulphate concentrations are low, andfew if any sites appear anthropogenically acidified,the most acid pHs reflecting presence of natural weakorganic acids.The resulting surface water quality allows a diverseaquatic fauna and flora with representatives of manyacid-sensitive groups. The fish fauna consists ofself-reproducing salmonid populations with normaldemography and ecological interactions. Despite highin-lake mortality, both brown trout and Arctic charrexhibited normal age-class compositions, with noindication of the recruitment failure or highpost-spawning mortality commonly observed inacid-stressed situations. The zooplankton and benthos in the lakesare inhabited by populations of several acid sensitivespecies, like Daphnia spp and Gammaruslacustris, and with dominance of mayfly species ofthe genus Baetis in the stream fauna. Thediatom flora includes many species which are rare orabsent in acidified waters. The observed gradients indiversity and biomass seem dominated by localenvironmental conditions which reflect natural ratherthan man-made processes. The pristine nature of thearea also emerges from the paleoecological studies inLake Røyrtjønna which show that the low acidity ofthis lake evironment has persisted from preindustrialtill present times. Suggestion for future researchactivities in Høylandet are outlined.  相似文献   
Wetlands are large carbon pools and play important roles in global carbon cycles as natural carbon sinks. This study analyzes the variation of total soil carbon with depth in two temperate (Ohio) and three tropical (humid and dry) wetlands in Costa Rica and compares their total soil C pool to determine C accumulation in wetland soils. The temperate wetlands had significantly greater (P < 0.01) C pools (17.6 kg C m−2) than did the wetlands located in tropical climates (9.7 kg C m−2) in the top 24 cm of soil. Carbon profiles showed a rapid decrease of concentrations with soil depth in the tropical sites, whereas in the temperate wetlands they tended to increase with depth, up to a maximum at 18–24 cm, after which they started decreasing. The two wetlands in Ohio had about ten times the mean total C concentration of adjacent upland soils (e.g., 161 g C kg−1 were measured in a central Ohio isolated forested wetland, and 17 g C kg−1 in an adjacent upland site), and their soil C pools were significantly higher (P < 0.01). Among the five wetland study sites, three main wetland types were identified – isolated forested, riverine flow-through, and slow-flow slough. In the top 24 cm of soil, isolated forested wetlands had the greatest pool (10.8 kg C m−2), significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the other two types (7.9 kg C m−2 in the riverine flow-though wetlands and 8.0 kg C m−2 in a slowly flowing slough), indicating that the type of organic matter entering into the system and the type of wetland may be key factors in defining its soil C pool. A riverine flow-through wetland in Ohio showed a significantly higher C pool (P < 0.05) in the permanently flooded location (18.5 kg C m−2) than in the edge location with fluctuating hydrology, where the soil is intermittently flooded (14.6 kg C m−2).  相似文献   
Climatic change may influence decomposition dynamics in arctic and boreal ecosystems, affecting both atmospheric CO2 levels, and the flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) to aquatic systems. In this study, we investigated landscape‐scale controls on potential production of these compounds using a one‐year laboratory incubation at two temperatures (10° and 30 °C). We measured the release of CO2, DOC and DON from tundra soils collected from a variety of vegetation types and climatic regimes: tussock tundra at four sites along a latitudinal gradient from the interior to the north slope of Alaska, and soils from additional vegetation types at two of those sites (upland spruce at Fairbanks, and wet sedge and shrub tundra at Toolik Lake in northern Alaska). Vegetation type strongly influenced carbon fluxes. The highest CO2 and DOC release at the high incubation temperature occurred in the soils of shrub tundra communities. Tussock tundra soils exhibited the next highest DOC fluxes followed by spruce and wet sedge tundra soils, respectively. Of the fluxes, CO2 showed the greatest sensitivity to incubation temperatures and vegetation type, followed by DOC. DON fluxes were less variable. Total CO2 and total DOC release were positively correlated, with DOC fluxes approximately 10% of total CO2 fluxes. The ratio of CO2 production to DOC release varied significantly across vegetation types with Tussock soils producing an average of four times as much CO2 per unit DOC released compared to Spruce soils from the Fairbanks site. Sites in this study released 80–370 mg CO2‐C g soil C?1 and 5–46 mg DOC g soil C?1 at high temperatures. The magnitude of these fluxes indicates that arctic carbon pools contain a large proportion of labile carbon that could be easily decomposed given optimal conditions. The size of this labile pool ranged between 9 and 41% of soil carbon on a g soil C basis, with most variation related to vegetation type rather than climate.  相似文献   
Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) is particularly sensitive to decline in clayey soils presenting a high-perched temporary water table. These soils induce two successive constraints in one-year cycle: water excess (and hypoxy) in winter and early spring, and water shortage in summer (water stress being more restrictive to oak). We determined the porosity and water properties of temporarily waterlogged clayey soils supporting forest stands of decliningQuercus robur trees in a 101yr-old oak stand in Belgium (50°06N, 4°16E). Roots unevenly colonized the soil down to 1.6m: fine roots (diameter<5mm) were mostly distributed on the surface horizons (0–0.3 m) and around 1.3m deep, despite dense clayey horizons appearing at 0.35m depth. Clay content below this depth reached 46–51. Illite and vermiculite were the dominant clay minerals. The clayey horizons exhibited marked shrink–swell properties: bulk density at 30kPa increased from 1.41 to 1.88gcm–3 from the surface to 2m depth. There was also evidence of hypoxic conditions caused by water saturation of pore space in the rooting zone from October to mid-April. Extractable water (EW), calculated between moisture tensions of 5 and 1600kPa was 152.8mm. The level of perched temporary water table strongly depended on the seasonal rhythm of water uptake by trees and on the shrink–swell behaviour of soil.  相似文献   
A disposable and inexpensive corer is described that offers a versatile method for sampling soft soils with a large organic content. The cans are suitable for the immediate collection of soil and for field incubations. Fine roots are sliced easily during insertion of corers by the sharp bottom edge, and the thin walls and the high thermal conductivity of steel aid transfer of heat energy between the bulk soil and the sample. If desired the cylinders may be perforated, have the upper cap removed and also can be used as an indicator of anaerobic soil conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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