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The Late Glacial and early-Holocene vegetational history of a newly dated pollen and macrofossil diagram from Besbog, a cirque lake at 2250 m just above the forest limit in the Pirin Mountains of southwestern Bulgaria, is compared with a newly dated pollen diagram for the mire Shiroka Polyana at 1400 m in the conifer forest of the nearby Rhodope Mountains in order to investigate the chronology of major changes in the vegetation at different elevations. In the Lake Besbog record the non-arboreal pollen assemblage of the Late Glacial changed abruptly to that of Betula, Quercus and other deciduous types. The date for this change is about 11.6 ka cal b.p. The Quercus assemblage may be composed of pollen blown from intermediate elevations, to which deciduous forest had expanded because of higher summer temperatures related to high summer insolation. At Shiroka Polyana (1400 m) in the modern conifer belt, a similar change did not occur until about 8.8 ka cal b.p. The persistence of the dry steppe or steppe forest in the early Holocene at this lower site can also be attributed to high summer insolation. Thus as atmospheric temperature increased at the end of the Late Glacial, deciduous forests expanded first at intermediate elevations in the Pirin Mountains and only later in the Rhodope Mountains at lower elevations as summer insolation decreased.  相似文献   
秦岭大熊猫冬春季节对巴山木竹竹林生长指标的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2005年冬季的12月、1月和春季的4月、5月,在秦岭山系南坡佛坪自然保护区内就大熊猫对构成其主要栖息地和食物来源的巴山木竹竹林的选择进行研究后的结果表明:在冬季,大熊猫栖息地多为幼竹与死竹比例基本持平、密度稳定的巴山木竹竹林,主要取食老竹;在春季,大熊猫更偏好选择竹子密度和盖度略低、竹子粗壮高大、幼竹与竹笋比例高的竹林活动,主要取食幼竹。大熊猫春季栖息地幼竹比例通常高过死竹比例,竹林密度处于增长期。竹林进入发笋期后,稀疏、高大的竹林下的粗大竹笋成为大熊猫的主要食物来源。  相似文献   
We assessed the influence of ice-storm-derived debris dams on aquatic macroinvertebrates and stream substrates in a high-gradient watershed in the eastern Adirondack Mountains of New York State. Using a modification of electrofishing techniques, invertebrates were collected once before (June 2000) and once after (June 2001) wood removal from the downstream reach in each of six pairs of reaches (second and third-order streams). Stream substrates were also mapped in 2000 and 2001 to evaluate shifts in dominant substrates within a reach following wood removal. The following metrics were used to compare the invertebrate communities before and after wood removal: genera similarity, Shannon–Weiner equitability, taxa richness, dominant taxon, percent dominance and functional feeding group relative abundance. The changes in removal reaches were evaluated relative to changes in upstream reference reaches using a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) design and analysis. Stream substrates did not change significantly in response to wood removal, although a trend toward coarser substrates was observed following removal. Following wood removal, the relative proportion of grazers increased upstream and downstream from removed dams in all streams; however, comparisons of other metrics indicated no significant response to removal. Invertebrate responses to wood removal were lower than expected, perhaps due to the presence of abundant boulder-formed pools in this high gradient system. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   
In 2001 and 2002, 52 elk (Cervus canadensis; 21 males, 31 females), originally obtained from Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, were transported and released into Cataloochee Valley in the northeastern portion of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM, Park), North Carolina, USA. The annual population growth rate (λ) was negative (0.996, 95% CI = 0.945–1.047) and predation by black bears (Ursus americanus) on elk calves was identified as an important determinant of population growth. From 2006 to 2008, 49 bears from the primary elk calving area (i.e., Cataloochee Valley) were trapped and translocated about 70 km to the southwestern portion of the Park just prior to elk calving. Per capita recruitment (i.e., the number of calves produced per adult female that survive to 1 year of age) increased from 0.306 prior to bear translocation (2001–2005) to 0.544 during years when bears were translocated (2006–2008) and λ increased to 1.118 (95% CI = 1.096–1.140). Our objective was to determine whether per capita calf recruitment rates after bear removal (2009–2019) at Cataloochee were similar to the higher rates estimated during bear removal (i.e., long-term response) or if they returned to rates before bear removal (i.e., short-term response), and how those rates compared with recruitment from portions of our study area where bears were not relocated. We documented 419 potential elk calving events and monitored 129 yearling and adult elk from 2001 to 2019. Known-fate models based on radio-telemetry and observational data supported calf recruitment returning to pre-2006 levels at Cataloochee (short-term response); recruitment of Cataloochee elk before and after bear relocation was lower (0.184) than during bear relocation (0.492). Recruitment rates of elk outside the removal area during the bear relocation period (0.478) were similar to before and after rates (0.420). In the Cataloochee Valley, cause-specific annual calf mortality rates due to predation by bears were 0.319 before, 0.120 during, and 0.306 after bear relocation. In contrast, the cause-specific annual mortality rate of calves in areas where bears were not relocated was 0.033 after the bear relocation period, with no bear predation on calves before or during bear relocation. The mean annual population growth rate for all monitored elk was 1.062 (95% CI = 0.979–1.140) after bear relocation based on the recruitment and survival data. Even though the effects of bear removal were temporary, the relocations were effective in achieving a short-term increase in elk recruitment, which was important for the reintroduction program given that the elk population was small and vulnerable to extirpation.  相似文献   
In an effort to explore the thermal limitations of Colorado River cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus, the critical thermal maxima (Tcmax) of 1+ year Lake Nanita strain O. c. pleuriticus were evaluated when acclimated to 10, 15 and 20° C. The mean ±s.d. Tcmax for O. c. pleuriticus acclimated to 10° C was 24·6 ± 2·0°C (n = 30), for 15° C‐acclimated fish was 26·9 ± 1·5° C (n = 23) and for 20° C‐acclimated fish was 29·4 ± 1·1° C (n = 28); these results showed a marked thermal acclimation effect (Q10 = 1·20). Interestingly, there was a size effect within treatments, wherein the Tcmax of larger fish was significantly lower than that of smaller fish acclimated to the same temperature. The critical thermal tolerances of age 0 year O. c. pleuriticus were also evaluated from three separate populations: Lake Nanita, Trapper Creek and Carr Creek reared under ‘common‐garden’ conditions prior to thermal acclimation. The Trapper Creek population had significantly warmer Tcmax than the Lake Nanita population, but that of the Carr Creek fish had Tcmax similar to both Trapper Creek and Lake Nanita fish. A comparison of these O. c. pleuriticus Tcmax results with those of other stream‐dwelling salmonids suggested that O. c. pleuriticus are less resistant to rapid thermal fluctuations when acclimated to cold temperatures, but can tolerate similar temperatures when acclimated to warmer temperatures.  相似文献   
The effects of habitat loss and limitation on effective population size and inbreeding rates of Walia ibex (Capra walie) were assessed at Simien Mountains National Park. Total direct census was conducted in 2009. Historical data were obtained from park offices and literatures. Effective population sizes (Ne), inbreeding rates (ΔF) and heterozygosity losses to the whole and subdivided population per habitat were estimated. Correlations (r) between the two repeated direct censuses were positive (r = 0.99, P < 0.01). The mean Ne and ΔF (%/year) per study sites were 65.34 ± 59.45 and 0.0286 ± 0.032, respectively. The ΔF of the whole population of C. walie was 0.228 ± 0.011. The ΔF was negatively correlated with Ne (r = ?0.799, P < 0.05). The mean ΔF per fragmented habitat ranged from 0.3 (Cheneck) to 7.7% (Buait ras). The highest ΔFs per year were observed in Buait ras (7.7%), Adarmaz (7.4%) and Sankaber (4.5%). The mean heterozygosity loss per total population was 0.235 ± 0.42, which was about 23.5%. The differences in Ne and ΔF among the population per habitat were the results of habitat limitation, which in turn reduce the genetic variability and foster losses of heterozygosity.  相似文献   
Stream restorations that increase geomorphic stability can improve habitat quality, which should benefit selected species and local aquatic ecosystems. This assumption is often used to define primary restoration goals; yet, biological responses to restoration are rarely monitored or evaluated methodically. Macroinvertebrate communities were inventoried at 6 study reaches within 5 Catskill Mountain streams between 2002 and 2006 to characterize their responses to natural‐channel‐design (NCD) restoration. Although bank stability increased significantly at most restored reaches, analyses of variation showed that NCD restorations had no significant effect on 15 of 16 macroinvertebrate community metrics. Multidimensional scaling ordination indicated that communities from all reach types within a stream were much more similar to each other within any given year than they were in the same reaches across years or within any type of reach across streams. These findings indicate that source populations and watershed‐scale factors were more important to macroinvertebrate community characteristics than were changes in channel geomorphology associated with NCD restoration. Furthermore, the response of macroinvertebrates to restoration cannot always be used to infer the response of other stream biota to restoration. Thus, a broad perspective is needed to characterize and evaluate the full range of effects that restoration can have on stream ecosystems.  相似文献   
采用植物区系地理学研究方法,结合野外调查数据和文献资料对秦岭火地塘林区种子植物区系的组成、地理成分特征进行分析,并与其它7个毗邻地区植物区系间的关系进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)火地塘林区有种子植物136科,547属,1 283种;(2)该区的种子植物主要以温带区系成分为主(335属,占总属数61.2%),热带性质的植物次之(135属,占总属数24.7%)。该区植物种类丰富,地理成分复杂,具有明显的热带亚热带到温带的过渡性质;(3)火地塘林区种子植物区系成分与青木川、天华山、牛背梁、周至老县城植物区系亲缘关系较近,与东段的伏牛山次之,与西段的小陇山以及北部的子午岭有一定差异,表明秦岭植物区系成分的经向地带性,即经度越低,温带-北温带成分越高,经度越高,热带-亚热带成分越高。  相似文献   
秦岭中段松栎混交林群落数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据陕西省境内秦岭山脉中段设置的34个样地调查资料,从植物物种组成、植物群落与地形因子之间的关系等对该区域松栎混交林群落进行TWINSPAN分类和DCCA排序。结果表明:(1)研究区34个样地共记录维管束植物297种,隶属于77科178属,其中被子植物72科,裸子植物2科,蕨类植物3科;分布较广的植物有:松科、壳斗科、蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科和百合科。(2)TWINSPAN聚类结果将样地群落划分为13个群丛,其中以油松+锐齿槲栎为建群种的群丛最多,占总群丛数量40%,是该区主要的松栎混交林群落类型。(3)样地的DCCA排序结果表明,第一轴明显地反映出群落分布沿海拔、坡位的变化,第二轴主要表现出群落分布沿坡向、坡度的变化趋势;其中海拔、坡度与DCCA一、二轴相关系数分别达到最大值(-0.946 2、-0.795 7),是对该群落分布起决定性作用的因子。(4)研究区主要优势物种的DCCA排序与样地的DCCA排序综合反映出该区松栎混交林群落分布的地形梯度。  相似文献   
分析了长白山地区水曲柳年轮宽度变化与气候要素的关系,重建了该地区过去240年来的秋季平均气温。结果表明,当年秋季平均气温与树轮宽度显著正相关(P<0.01);重建方程为Tavg=6.001+6.316XRES,方差解释量为38.6%,调整后方差解释量为35.8%。该地区近240年来秋季气温波动明显,有8个较寒冷时期和6个较温暖时期,其中,1816、1817、1818年的温度低于总体平均值的差值超过1℃,6个较温暖时期中,1794、1795、1796、1797年的温度高出平均温度的差值超过1℃,其他时段的温度变化均在总体平均值上下1℃范围以内。周期分析结果表明,近240多年以来长白山地区秋季平均气温具有显著(P<0.05)的3~5年及较显著(P<0.1)的8~16年的周期。  相似文献   
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