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金乌贼墨汁营养成分分析及评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用氨基酸自动分析仪、原子吸收仪、液相色谱及常规化学分析法对金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)墨汁的基本营养组分以及氨基酸、矿物质元素、维生素的组成和含量进行了测定。在所检测的17种氨基酸中,含有7种必需氨基酸和2种半必需氨基酸。同时富含Mg、Ca、K、Na等常量矿物元素以及Fe、sr、Al等微量元素和脂溶性、水溶性维生素。  相似文献   
为探究体重、盐度和温度对不同规格的虎斑乌贼(Sepia pharaonis)幼体耗氧率、排氨率以及其窒息点的影响。采用单因子试验设计和密闭静水法, 对不同体重下(0.212、0.385、0.476、0.597、0.754和0.946 g)虎斑乌贼幼体的耗氧率和排氨率, 以及不同体重(0.476、0.673、1.341、3.873和4.205 g)幼体的窒息点进行了测定, 同时研究了不同盐度(19‰、22‰、25‰、28‰和31‰)和温度(18、21、24、27和30℃)对不同规格[A: 体重(0.366±0.042) g, B: 体重(0.556±0.038) g, C: 体重(0.844±0.051) g]的虎斑乌贼幼体耗氧率(RO)和排氨率(RN)的影响。结果表明: (1)虎斑乌贼幼体体重对耗氧率和排氨率均影响显著(P<0.05)。随着幼体体重的增长, 耗氧率和排氨率显著下降, 个体越小耗氧率和排氨率越大; (2)盐度对幼体的耗氧率和排氨率有显著影响(P<0.05), 均随着盐度的增加呈先下降后上升的趋势, 其中, A规格和B规格的幼体在盐度25‰时, 耗氧率和排氨率显著低于盐度19‰、22‰和31‰时的3个试验组(P<0.05), 而与盐度28‰时无显著差异(P>0.05); C规格幼体的耗氧率在盐度28‰时显著低于盐度19‰组(P<0.05), 而排氨率在盐度25‰时显著低于盐度19‰和31‰两组(P<0.05)。盐度对A规格幼体的氧氮比(O/N)值有显著影响(P<0.05), 而对B规格和C规格的幼体无显著影响(P>0.05)。(3)温度对不同规格幼体的耗氧率和排氨率有显著影响(P<0.05), 均随温度的增长, 呈先上升后下降的趋势。其中, A规格和C规格幼体的耗氧率在27℃时, 显著高于18和30℃两组(P<0.05), B规格的在水温24℃时显著高于18和30℃(P<0.05); A规格和B规格幼体的排氨率分别在24和27℃时, 显著高于其他温度组(P<0.05), C规格的在温度27℃时, 显著高于18和30℃两组(P<0.05); 温度对A规格幼体的O/N值有显著影响(P<0.05), 而对B规格和C规格的幼体无显著影响(P>0.05)。(4)虎斑乌贼幼体的窒息点为0.84—1.62 mg/L, 随着体重的增加而逐渐降低。  相似文献   
拟目乌贼幼体日摄食量及其对体重影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工养殖条件下,对拟目乌贼幼体的日摄食量和日增重率进行了分析。结果显示,在水温、盐度、pH等条件相对稳定的环境下,10~15d的拟目乌贼幼体平均日摄食虾苗(体长0.5mm)的条数分别是8、11、12、13、78、83条,在这种摄食量下,拟目乌贼幼体的日增重率分别为6.8%、5.68%、6.44%、8.81%、12.5%。其胴长、体重的生长符合S型曲线生长规律。  相似文献   
Sperm nucleomorphogenesis in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis is the product of the interaction between perinuclear microtubules and condensing chromatin. This interaction occurs during spermiogenesis and is established through the nuclear membrane. As in other cephalopod species, the perinuclear microtubules are transient structures. In the case of S. officinalis, they begin to appear in the basal area of the early spermatid and progress from there, establishing contact with the external nuclear membrane and follow a defined, but not symmetric, geometry. Thus, the microtubules accumulate preferentially in one area of the nuclear membrane which we refer to here as the "dorsal zone". Later, the microtubules will be eliminated before the mature spermatid migrates to the epidydimis. The chromatin is condensed within the nucleus following a complex pattern, beginning as fibro-granular structures until forming fibres of approximately 45 nm diameter (patterning phases). From this stage on, an increase in the chemical basicity of DNA-interacting proteins is produced, and chromatin fibres coalesce together, being recruited to the dorsal zone of the membrane, where there is a higher density of microtubules. This last step (condensation phases) allows the chromatin fibres to be arranged parallel to the axis of the elongating nucleus, and more importantly, is deduced to cause a lateral compression of the nucleus. This lateral compression is in fact a recruitment of the ventral zone toward the dorsal zone, which brings about an important reduction in nuclear volume. The detailed observations which comprise this work complement previous studies of spermiogenesis of Sepia and other cephalopods, and will help to better understand the process of cellular morphology implicated in the evolution of sperm nuclear shape in this taxonomic group.  相似文献   
Cuttlefish change their appearance rapidly for camouflage on different backgrounds. Effective camouflage for a benthic organism such as cuttlefish must deceive predators viewing from above as well as from the side, thus the choice of camouflage skin pattern is expected to account for horizontal and vertical background information. Previous experiments dealt only with the former, and here we explore some influences of background patterns oriented vertically in the visual background. Two experiments were conducted: (1) to determine whether cuttlefish cue visually on vertical background information; and (2) if a visual cue presented singly (either horizontally or vertically) is less, equally or more influential than a visual cue presented both horizontally and vertically. Combinations of uniform and checkerboard backgrounds (either on the bottom or wall) evoked disruptive coloration in all cases, implying that high-contrast, non-uniform backgrounds are responded to with priority over uniform backgrounds. However, there were differences in the expression of disruptive components if the checkerboard was presented simultaneously on the bottom and wall, or solely on the wall or the bottom. These results demonstrate that cuttlefish respond to visual background stimuli both in the horizontal and vertical plane, a finding that supports field observations of cuttlefish and octopus camouflage. Both A. Barbosa and L. Litman are first authors. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Cuttlefish powder (CFP) from Sepia officinalis by-products was prepared and tested as a fermentation substrate for microbial growth and protease production by several species of bacteria: Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus BG1, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. All microorganisms studied grew well and produced protease activity when cultivated in medium containing only CFP indicating that the strains can obtain their carbon and nitrogen source requirements directly from whole by-product proteins. Moreover, it was found that the addition to the cuttlefish medium of diluted fishery wastewaters (FWW), generated by marine-products processing factories, enhanced the production of protease. Maximum activity was obtained when cells were grown in cuttlefish media containing 5-times or 10-times diluted FWW. Five-times diluted FWW enhanced protease production by B. cereus BG1 and B. subtilis by 467% and 75% more than control media, respectively. The enhancement could have been due to the high organic content or high salts in FWW.As a result, cuttlefish by-products powder enriched with diluted FWW was found to be a suitable growth media for protease-producing strains. This new process, which converts underutilized wastes (liquid and solid) into more marketable and acceptable forms, coupled with protease production, can be an alternative way to the biological treatment of solid and liquid wastes generated by the cuttlefish processing industry.  相似文献   
Sepia eumelanin is associated with many metal ions, yet little is known about its metal binding capacity and the chemical nature of the binding site(s). Herein, the natural concentrations of metal ions are presented and the ability to remove metals by exposure of the melanin granules to EDTA is quantified. The results reveal that the binding constants of melanin at pH 5.8 for Mg(II), Ca(II), Sr(II) and Cu(II) are, respectively, 5, 4, 14 and 34 times greater than the corresponding binding constants of these ions with EDTA. By exposing Sepia eumelanin to aqueous solutions of FeCl3, the content of bound Fe(III) can be increased from a natural concentration of ~180 ppm to a saturation limit of ~80 000 ppm or 1.43 mmol/g of melanin. Similar saturation limits are found for Mg(II) and Ca(II). Exposure of Sepia melanin granules to aqueous solutions containing Ca(II) results in the stoichiometric replacement of the initially bound Mg(II), arguing that these two ions occupy the same binding site(s) in the pigment. The pH‐dependent binding of Mg(II) and Ca(II) suggests coordination of these ions to carboxylic acid groups in the pigment. Mg(II) and Ca(II) can be added to a Fe(III)‐saturated melanin sample without affecting the amount of Fe(III) pre‐adsorbed, clearly establishing Fe(III) and Mg(II)/Ca(II) occupy different binding sites. Taking recent Raman spectroscopic data into account, the binding of Fe(III) is concluded to involve coordination to o‐dihydroxyl groups. The effects of metal ion content on the surface morphology were analyzed. No significant changes were found over the full range of Fe(III) concentration studied, which is supported by the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area analysis. These observations imply the existence of channels within the melanin granules that can serve to transport metal ions.  相似文献   
为了探究虎斑乌贼胚胎不同发育时期的耗氧率变化和几种生态因子对胚胎发育过程耗氧率的影响,试验采用封闭静水装置,对不同发育时期(12期)的耗氧率进行测定,并研究不同盐度(21、24、27、30、33)、温度(18、21、24、27、30 ℃)和pH(7.0、7.5、8.0、8.5、9.0)对胚胎4个主要发育时期(受精卵期、原肠胚期、器官形成期和内骨骼形成期)耗氧率的影响.结果表明: 胚胎各个发育时期耗氧率不同,随着发育的进程而增大,受精卵期为0.082 mg·(100 eggs)-1·h-1,而到原肠胚期的耗氧率显著升高,为0.279 mg·(100 eggs)-1·h-1,到孵化期时,耗氧率达到1.367 mg·(100 eggs)-1·h-1;盐度对器官形成期和内骨骼形成期的耗氧率均有显著影响(P<0.05),对受精卵期和原肠胚期影响不显著(P>0.05),当盐度为30时,4个发育时期耗氧率均达到最大值,分别为0.082、0.200、0.768和1.301 mg·(100 eggs)-1·h-1;温度对原肠胚期、器官形成期和内骨骼形成期的耗氧率有显著影响(P<0.05),对受精卵期无显著性影响(P>0.05),在27 ℃时,胚胎4个发育时期均达到最大值,分别为0.082、0.286、0.806和1.338 mg·(100 eggs)-1·h-1;而pH对4个发育时期的耗氧率均无显著性影响(P>0.05),受精卵期在pH 8.0时达到最大值,为0.116 mg·(100 eggs)-1·h-1,原肠胚期、器官形成期、内骨骼形成期在pH 8.5时达到最大值,分别为0.281 、0.799和1.130 mg·(100 eggs)-1·h-1.  相似文献   
本文探究了饥饿胁迫与饥饿后再投喂对虎斑乌贼幼体存活率、生长、行为、肝体比、摄食率以及消化酶活力的影响.在室内控制条件下开展了幼体(初始体质量为4.95±0.48 g)的饥饿(0、1、2、3、4、5、6 d)和再投喂(15 d)试验.结果表明: 不同饥饿时间对虎斑乌贼的幼体存活率、体质量降低率、肝体比和消化酶活力影响显著.随着饥饿胁迫时间的增加,其存活率、肝体比呈下降趋势,其中饥饿3 d后,存活率开始明显下降,体质量降低率明显增大,幼体出现喷墨、互相残杀等异常行为;4种消化酶活力呈先下降后上升的趋势,淀粉酶活力以饥饿4 d组最低 (0.07±0.02 U·mg-1·prot-1);脂肪酶活力以饥饿2 d组最低(18.47±2.07 U·g-1·prot-1),饥饿6 d组最高(57.60±3.98 U·g-1·prot-1),胃蛋白酶活力和胰蛋白酶活力以饥饿5 d组(1.98±0.59 U·mg-1·prot-1)和饥饿4 d(186.68±20.72 U·mg-1·prot-1) 最低.饥饿处理结束后,经15 d再投喂,各试验组存活率、特定生长率、肝体比和摄食率差异显著,幼体的存活率、特定生长率、肝体比和摄食率均与饥饿处理时间呈负相关;饥饿1和2 d组与对照组的存活率、特定生长率和肝肝体比无显著差异,而饥饿3~6 d组显著低于对照组;饥饿1~2 d组的摄食率明显高于对照组,而饥饿6 d组的摄食率明显小于对照组;各组淀粉酶与脂肪酶活力无显著差异,胃蛋白酶与胰蛋白酶活力差异显著,均以对照组最高(胃蛋白酶活力7.06±0.64 U·mg-1·prot-1,胰蛋白酶活力914.67±26.54 U·mg-1·prot-1),饥饿6 d组最低(胃蛋白酶活力3.21±0.57 U·mg-1·prot-1,胰蛋白酶活力660.04±37.92 U·mg-1·prot-1).说明虎斑乌贼的幼体饥饿不可逆点(PNR)为第6天,且不能补偿生长.  相似文献   
The optical and paramagnetic properties of size-controlled ink particles isolated from ink sacs of Sepia officinalis were investigated. Topographic images of atomic force microscopy (AFM) revealed that the average heights of the large and small ink particles were 156 nm and 5.3 nm respectively. The ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectral features of aqueous solutions of ink particles were dependent on particle size. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra suggested that the ink particles are highly pure for paramagnetic species and are of reliable quality. These size-controlled ink particles are suitable for a basic study of melanin-related materials.  相似文献   
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