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Vesicles made completely from diblock copolymers-polymersomes-can be stably prepared by a wide range of techniques common to liposomes. Processes such as film rehydration, sonication, and extrusion can generate many-micron giants as well as monodisperse, approximately 100 nm vesicles of PEO-PEE (polyethyleneoxide-polyethylethylene) or PEO-PBD (polyethyleneoxide-polybutadiene). These thick-walled vesicles of polymer can encapsulate macromolecules just as liposomes can but, unlike many pure liposome systems, these polymersomes exhibit no in-surface thermal transitions and a subpopulation even survive autoclaving. Suspension in blood plasma has no immediate ill-effect on vesicle stability, and neither adhesion nor stimulation of phagocytes are apparent when giant polymersomes are held in direct, protracted contact. Proliferating cells, in addition, are unaffected when cultured for an extended time with an excess of polymersomes. The effects are consistent with the steric stabilization that PEG-lipid can impart to liposomes, but the present single-component polymersomes are far more stable mechanically and are not limited by PEG-driven micellization. The results potentiate a broad new class of technologically useful, polymer-based vesicles.  相似文献   
One characteristic linking members of the synaptotagmin family to endocytosis is their ability to bind the heterotetrameric AP2 complex via their C2B domain. By using CD4/synaptotagmin 1 chimeras, we found that the internalization signal of synaptotagmin 1 lies at the extreme COOH-terminus of the protein and can function in the absence of the C2B domain that contains the AP2 binding site. However, although not essential for internalization, the C2B domain of synaptotagmin 1 appeared to control the recognition of the internalization motif. By mutagenesis, two sites have been identified that modify regulation by the C2B domain in the neuroendocrine PC12 cell line. Mutation of a dilysine motif in the beta sandwich core of the domain eliminates endocytosis. This site is known to be a site of protein-protein interaction. Mutations in the calcium binding region, or in its close proximity, also affect internalization in PC12 cells. In fibroblasts, the C2B domain inhibits the COOH-terminal internalization signal, resulting in an absence of internalization in those cells. Thus, internalization of synaptotagmin 1 is controlled by the presence of a latent internalization signal in the COOH-terminal region and a regulatory region in the C2B domain. We propose that internalization of synaptotagmin 1 is regulated in this way to allow it to couple the processes of endocytosis and calcium-mediated exocytosis in cells of the neuroendocrine lineage.  相似文献   
We have examined the fate of Golgi membranes during mitotic inheritance in animal cells using four-dimensional fluorescence microscopy, serial section reconstruction of electron micrographs, and peroxidase cytochemistry to track the fate of a Golgi enzyme fused to horseradish peroxidase. All three approaches show that partitioning of Golgi membranes is mediated by Golgi clusters that persist throughout mitosis, together with shed vesicles that are often found associated with spindle microtubules. We have been unable to find evidence that Golgi membranes fuse during the later phases of mitosis with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as a strategy for Golgi partitioning (Zaal, K.J., C.L. Smith, R.S. Polishchuk, N. Altan, N.B. Cole, J. Ellenberg, K. Hirschberg, J.F. Presley, T.H. Roberts, E. Siggia, et al. 1999. Cell. 99:589-601) and suggest that these results, in part, are the consequence of slow or abortive folding of GFP-Golgi chimeras in the ER. Furthermore, we show that accurate partitioning is accomplished early in mitosis, by a process of cytoplasmic redistribution of Golgi fragments and vesicles yielding a balance of Golgi membranes on either side of the metaphase plate before cell division.  相似文献   
The roles of beta-catenin in evagination of the optic primordium in rat embryos were studied using immunostaining. High levels of beta-catenin appeared transiently in the evaginating optic primordium. Evagination of the optic primordium was suppressed in embryos treated with LiCl. In deficient optic vesicles of these embryos, accumulation of beta-catenin was decreased. Deficient optic vesicles also showed suppression of cyclin D1 accumulation and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, no break in the deposition of laminin and type IV collagen at the basement membrane (BM) and prevention of the change in distribution of microtubules and microfilaments. These results suggest that beta-catenin regulates cell proliferation, breakdown of BM and changes in cell shape in the evaginating optic primordium to cause optic vesicle formation.  相似文献   
The ER/Golgi soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) membrin, rsec22b, and rbet1 are enriched in approximately 1-micrometer cytoplasmic structures that lie very close to the ER. These appear to be ER exit sites since secretory cargo concentrates in and exits from these structures. rsec22b and rbet1 fused to fluorescent proteins are enriched at approximately 1-micrometer ER exit sites that remained more or less stationary, but periodically emitted streaks of fluorescence that traveled generally in the direction of the Golgi complex. These exit sites were reused and subsequent tubules or streams of vesicles followed similar trajectories. Fluorescent membrin- enriched approximately 1-micrometer peripheral structures were more mobile and appeared to translocate through the cytoplasm back and forth, between the periphery and the Golgi area. These mobile structures could serve to collect secretory cargo by fusing with ER-derived vesicles and ferrying the cargo to the Golgi. The post-Golgi SNAREs, syntaxin 6 and syntaxin 13, when fused to fluorescent proteins each displayed characteristic patterns of movement. However, syntaxin 13 was the only SNARE whose life cycle appeared to involve interactions with the plasma membrane. These studies reveal the in vivo spatiotemporal dynamics of SNARE proteins and provide new insight into their roles in membrane trafficking.  相似文献   
Glycinin (11S) and beta-conglycinin (7S) are major storage proteins in soybean (Glycine max L.) seeds and accumulate in the protein storage vacuole (PSV). These proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and transported to the PSV by vesicles. Electron microscopic analysis of developing soybean cotyledons of the wild type and mutants with storage protein composition different from that of the wild type showed that there are two transport pathways: one is via the Golgi and the other bypasses it. Golgi-derived vesicles were observed in all lines used in this study and formed smooth dense bodies with a diameter of 0.5 to several micrometers. ER-derived protein bodies (PBs) with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 microm were observed at high frequency in the mutants containing higher amount of 11S group I subunit than the wild type, whereas they were hardly observed in the mutants lacking 11S group I subunit. These indicate that pro11S group I may affect the formation of PBs. Thus, the composition of newly synthesized proteins in the ER is important in the selection of the transport pathways.  相似文献   
The heterotetrameric adaptor protein complex, AP-3, sorts proteins to both the endosome/lysosome and the synaptic vesicles. We have characterized the recruitment of pure AP-3 complex and ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) onto the endosomal donor compartments that give rise to synaptic vesicles. We demonstrated that endosomes become heavier in a sucrose gradient after incubation with rat brain cytosol and a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog, GTPgammaS. This process requires a small GTPase, ARF-1. Furthermore, the endosomal coating is specific for AP-3 but not the AP-2 complex. This process requires only two soluble proteins AP-3 and ARF, with the recruitment of AP-3 being saturable at about 30 nM. These results establish that the synaptic vesicle's donor membrane is coated with AP-3 before vesiculation, in a coat-protein-specific and dose-dependent fashion.  相似文献   
The generation of COPII vesicles from synthetic liposome membranes requires the minimum coat components Sar1p, Sec23/24p, Sec13/31p, and a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog such as GMP-PNP. However, in the presence of GTP and the full complement of coat subunits, nucleotide hydrolysis by Sar1p renders the coat insufficiently stable to sustain vesicle budding. In order to recapitulate a more authentic, GTP-dependent budding event, we introduced the Sar1p nucleotide exchange catalyst, Sec12p, and evaluated the dynamics of coat assembly and disassembly by light scattering and tryptophan fluorescence measurements. The catalytic, cytoplasmic domain of Sec12p (Sec12DeltaCp) activated Sar1p with a turnover 10-fold higher than the GAP activity of Sec23p stimulated by the full coat. COPII assembly was stabilized on liposomes incubated with Sec12DeltaCp and GTP. Numerous COPII budding profiles were visualized on membranes, whereas a parallel reaction conducted in the absence of Sec12DeltaCp produced no such profiles. We suggest that Sec12p participates actively in the growth of COPII vesicles by charging new Sar1p-GTP molecules that insert at the boundary between a bud and the surrounding endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   
Intracellular membrane transport systems in Trypanosoma brucei   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Trypanosomes belong to the order kinetoplastida, an early diverging group of organisms in the eukaryotic lineage. The principal reasons for interest in these organisms are twofold; they provide a superb distant triangulation point from which to assess global features of eukaryotic biology and, more importantly, they are representative of a number of pathogenic parasitic protozoa with a huge public health impact --Trypanosoma brucei, T. cruzi and Leishmania spp. Recent advances in the study of intracellular transport in T. brucei have been considerable, and a fuller picture of the complexity, function and role that the endomembrane system plays in trypanosomes is finally emerging.  相似文献   
COPI-coated vesicles mediate retrograde transport from the Golgi back to the ER and intra-Golgi transport. The cytosolic precursor of the COPI coat, the heptameric coatomer complex, can be thought of as composed of two subcomplexes. The first consists of the β-, γ-, δ- and ζ-COP subunits which are distantly homologous to AP clathrin adaptor subunits. The second consists of the α-, β'- and ε-COP subunits. Here, we present the structure of the appendage domain of γ-COP and show that it has a similar overall fold as the α-appendage of AP2. Again, like the α-appendage the γ-COP appendage possesses a single protein/protein interaction site on its platform subdomain. We show that in yeast this site binds to the ARFGAP Glo3p, and in mammalian γ-COP this site binds to a Glo3p orthologue, ARFGAP2. On the basis of mutations in the yeast homologue of γ-COP, Sec21p, a second binding site is proposed to exist on the γ-COP appendage that interacts with the α,β',ε COPI subcomplex.  相似文献   
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