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Fatty acid biosynthesis by isolated plastids has been examined in relation to chloroplast development and differentiation in leaves of maize plants grown in light for 7 days. Biosynthesis of fatty acids from acetate by proplastids prepared from the basal regions of the leaf was low and mainly palmitate was synthesized. The greatly increased utilization of acetate for fatty acid biosynthesis as the plastids increased in size was due to an increased synthesis of oleate. The maximum synthesis of total fatty acids and monoenoic fatty acids was obtained in chloroplasts prepared from leaf tissue 6–8 cm from the base of the plant where granal formation was most active. Fully-developed chloroplasts prepared from distal regions of the leaf were less active in fatty acid biosynthesis. Maize chloroplasts failed to synthesize fatty acids when isolated by methods commonly used to prepare active spinach chloroplasts. The method of isolation which included a density gradient gave a high proportion of Class I chloroplasts from maize leaves and incorporated up to about 10% of the acetate used. Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, especially with chloroplasts prepared from the most mature tissue, was increased by the addition of both mitochondrial and microsomal fractions. Increases in polyunsaturated fatty acids were also obtained but the proportions in the newly-synthesized fatty acids were well below the endogenous levels. Monoenoic synthesis was greatly stimulated by increasing the pH in the range 7·0–8·0 and also the highest proportions of unsaturated fatty acids were obtained at short incubation times.  相似文献   
The current study focused on cryopreservation and assessment of characters of post-thaw semen of indigenous Osmanabadi bucks maintained with standard diet, supplemented with different concentrations of organic zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) or in combination, for a period of 180 days. The different doses of organic Zn and Cu were fed per kg DM basis, Zn groups (low: Zn20, medium: Zn40 and high: Zn60), Cu groups: (low: Cu12.5, medium: Cu25 and high: Cu37.5) and combination of Zn + Cu groups (low: Zn20 + Cu12.5, medium: Zn40 + Cu25 and high: Zn60 + Cu37.5) respectively. The control group bucks were maintained mainly on the basal diet without any additional mineral supplementation. Two hundred and forty (240) semen samples were collected from 40 bucks aged 11 months, through electro ejaculator method, processed and analysed for sperm quality parameters both at pre freeze and post-thaw stage. The semen samples were diluted in Tris egg yolk extender, cooled and equilibrated for 4 h at 5 °C, cryopreserved using programmable freezer (PLANER Kryo 360–1.7) and stored at −196 °C. The organic trace minerals (Zn, Cu and Zn + Cu) protected the spermatozoa against the cryoinjury and maintained higher post-thaw semen parameters except in high Zn group. Additional feeding of organic Cu and Zn to bucks had a protective role and resulted in higher sperm liveability, plasma membrane and acrosome integrities, motility and velocity and reduced oxidative stress in supplemented goats (P < 0.05).  相似文献   
Nano-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (nano-ESI-MS/MS) was employed to determine qualitative differences in the lipid molecular species composition of a comprehensive set of organellar membranes, isolated from a single culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Remarkable differences in the acyl chain composition of biosynthetically related phospholipid classes were observed. Acyl chain saturation was lowest in phosphatidylcholine (15.4%) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE; 16.2%), followed by phosphatidylserine (PS; 29.4%), and highest in phosphatidylinositol (53.1%). The lipid molecular species profiles of the various membranes were generally similar, with a deviation from a calculated average profile of approximately +/- 20%. Nevertheless, clear distinctions between the molecular species profiles of different membranes were observed, suggesting that lipid sorting mechanisms are operating at the level of individual molecular species to maintain the specific lipid composition of a given membrane. Most notably, the plasma membrane is enriched in saturated species of PS and PE. The nature of the sorting mechanism that determines the lipid composition of the plasma membrane was investigated further. The accumulation of monounsaturated species of PS at the expense of diunsaturated species in the plasma membrane of wild-type cells was reversed in elo3Delta mutant cells, which synthesize C24 fatty acid-substituted sphingolipids instead of the normal C26 fatty acid-substituted species. This observation suggests that acyl chain-based sorting and/or remodeling mechanisms are operating to maintain the specific lipid molecular species composition of the yeast plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The surficial sediment (0–10 cm) of shallow eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia) was characterized by an acid insoluble residue of 50% dry weight and low nutrient, Fe and Mn content. Among phosphorus (P) fractions (Hieltjes and Lijklema , 1980), NaOH-NRP amounted on an average to 50%, HCl-RP to 30%, NaOH-RP to 16%, and NH4Cl-RP to 4% of their sum. Seasonal changes in sediment P content were inconsistent with mass balance calculations and could be attributed to sediment redistribution caused by decreasing water level. High Fe/P ratio (26–30) and the aeration of surficial sediment by frequent resuspension kept phosphate adsorbed. Low pore-water SRP (commonly <10 μg l−1) usually prevented phosphate release from surficial sediment. However, a storm in September 1996 (max. wind speed 16 m s−1) which coincided with the extremely low water level in the lake (mean depth 1.44 m), denuded deeper anoxic sediment layers and caused a SRP release of 193 mg P m−2 d−1.  相似文献   
Aims Plant functional traits determine how plants respond to environmental factors and influence ecosystem processes. Among them, root traits and analyses of relations between above and below-ground traits in natural communities are scarce. Methods we characterized a set of above- and below-ground traits of three dominant shrub species in a semiarid shrub-steppe that had contrasting leaf phenological habits (deciduous, semideciduous and evergreen). We analysed if there was coordination among above- and below-ground resource economics patterns: i.e. patterns of biomass allocation, construction costs and lifespan.Important findings Above- and below-ground traits and their resource economics relations pointed to species-specific functional strategies to cope with drought and poor soils and to a species ranking of fast to slow whole-plant strategies in terms of resource uptake, biomass construction costs and turnover. The deciduous shrub, Proustia cuneifolia, had relatively deep and even distribution of roots, and high proportion of short-lived tissues of low C construction costs: it had high fine to coarse root and high leaf-to-stem biomass ratios, high specific leaf area (SLA), and stems of low wood density. This strategy allows Proustia to maximize and coordinate above- and below-ground resources uptake as long as the most limiting factor (water) is available, but at the cost of having relative high plant biomass turnover. The evergreen Porlieria chilensis, instead, displayed a more conservative and slow strategy in terms of resource economics. It had ~80% of the roots in the 40cm topsoil profile, low proportion of fine compared with coarse roots and low leaf-to-stem ratios, low SLA and stems of high wood density, i.e. it invested in C costly tissues that, overall, persist longer but probably at the cost of having lower plant resource uptake rates. Traits in the semideciduous Adesmia bedwellii were in between these two functional extremes. Our results revealed high functional diversity and above- and below-ground complementarity in resource economics among these three codominant species in the Chilean coastal desert.  相似文献   
Ten male dogs were distributed into three experimental groups for infection with Toxoplasma gondii: GI - three dogs inoculated with 2.0 × 105 P strais oocysts, GII - three dogs infected with 1.0 × 106 RH strain tachyzoites, and GIII - four controls dogs. Several clinical parameters were evaluated. IFAT was performed to detect anti-T. gondii antibodies. Presence of the parasite in semen was evaluated by PCR and bioassay techniques. Tissue parasitism was examined using bioassays and immunohistochemistry in testicle and epididymis fragments collected after orchiectomy. In semen samples collected from these two groups, the presence of T. gondii was verified by bioassays and PCR. T. gondii was detected by immunohistochemistry in tissues (testicle and epididymis fragments) of all six experimentally infected dogs. The T. gondii-positive seminal samples were used in the artificial insemination (AI) of four female dogs free of toxoplasmic infection. Seven days after AI, all of the female dogs presented serologic conversion (IFAT). Fetal reabsorption occurred in two of the dogs, while the others sustained full-term gestation. Several T. gondii cysts were detected in the brains of four offspring. These results suggest that T. gondii can be sexually transmitted in domestic dogs.  相似文献   
Effect of low density lipoprotein on the quality of cryopreserved dog semen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Egg yolk is included in extenders for semen cryopreservation due to its protective effect against cold shock, which is attributed to the presence of low density lipoprotein (LDL). This study evaluates how semen quality is affected by using LDL as a replacement for egg yolk in extenders for cooled and frozen dog semen. In Experiment 1, semen was extended in TRIS–glucose at 5 °C, in four treatments: 20% egg yolk (T1); 6% (T2); 8% (T3); and 10% LDL (T4). Sperm motility and membrane integrity after 24, 48, 72 and 96 h and the 50% conservation rate of motile spermatozoa (50 M) were evaluated. The 50 M was less for T1 than for the other treatments (P < 0.01), but T2–T4 did not differ (P > 0.05). In Experiment 2, glycerol at 10% was included in the freezing extender, in treatments similar to those from Experiment 1. Sperm motility and membrane integrity did not differ for T2, T3 and T4 at any period in Experiment 1 and after thawing in Experiment 2 (P > 0.05), but were greater for all LDL treatments than for T1 (P < 0.01), in both experiments. Thus, LDL can replace egg yolk in the composition of the TRIS–glucose extender for cooled or frozen dog semen.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to verify and compare the effects of acepromazine–tiletamine–zolazepam and propofol used in anesthetic protocols for semen collection by electroejaculation from captive collared peccaries. Ten sexually mature animals were physically restrained and anesthetized by either intravenous administration of tiletamine–zolazepam (2 mg/kg) after acepromazine premedication, or a propofol dose of 5 mg/kg. The onset of anesthetic recovery was determined by the animals regaining consciousness and attempting to stand. Semen was collected by electroejaculation and evaluated for volume, pH, sperm concentration, progressive motility, morphology, percentage of live cells and functional membrane integrity. Six anesthetized animals with the acepromazine–tiletamine–zolazepam protocol showed erection, but semen could be collected in only four (40%) attempts. Of the animals anesthetized using propofol, nine showed erection, and the ejaculates were collected in eight (80%) attempts. Furthermore, propofol afforded rapid recovery of animals, and ejaculates with enhanced sperm motility and functional membrane integrity as compared with those collected by the other protocol (P < 0.05). In conclusion, use of propofol for anesthetic restraint of collared peccaries enhanced collection of semen by electroejaculation.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the correlation between mycelial age and fatty acid biosynthesis. The correlation was investigated by analyzing the lipid composition lengthwise the mycelium of the oleaginous fungus Mortierella isabellina, a potential producer of γ-linolenic acid (GLA). Young mycelia were rich in polar lipids (glycolipids plus sphingolipids and phospholipids), while neutral lipid content increased in aged mycelia. In young mycelia, each polar lipid fraction contained almost 40% (w/w) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), but this content decreased to less than 30% (w/w) in aged mycelia. On the other hand, PUFA content in neutral lipids fluctuated slightly with age. These results indicate that PUFA biosynthesis is favored in young, fast growing mycelia, while it decreases significantly in aged mycelia. This trend was also observed when we grew M. isabellina on pear pomace, an agro-industrial waste. Pear pomace cultures yielded significant amounts of lipid, which reached 12% (w/w) in dry fermented mass. The produced lipid was rich in GLA and the maximum GLA content in dry fermented mass was 2.9 mg/g.  相似文献   
The objective was to determine the in vitro characteristics of frozen-thawed dairy bull sperm after sex-sorting and refreezing and thawing (0, 2, and 4 h post-thaw; 37 °C) or post-sort incubation at 15 or 37 °C for 30 and 24 h, respectively. These sperm were compared with nonsorted frozen-thawed sperm (control) and with nonsorted sperm undergoing two cryopreservation procedures (FF; 0, 2, and 4 h). Frozen-thawed sex-sorted (FS) sperm maintained at 15 or 37 °C had higher (P < 0.001) progressive motility (PM), velocity, mitochondrial function, viability, and acrosome integrity than that of control sperm but similar total motility at 0 and 2 h of incubation. Frozen-thawed sex-sorted sperm incubated at 15 °C maintained high levels of motility (66.5 ± 1.6%) and viability/acrosome integrity (64.9 ± 1.2%) at 24 h incubation and, after rewarming and further 6 h incubation at 37 °C, acceptable levels of motility (35.8 ± 1.6%) and viability/acrosome integrity (51.2 ± 1.2%) were maintained. Frozen-thawed sex-sorted sperm maintained at 37 °C had lower levels of motility, integrity, mitochondrial respiration, and velocity from 4 h of incubation onward than that of those incubated at 15 °C. However, when frozen-thawed sex-sorted sperm were refrozen (FSF), motility and velocity were depressed at all hours compared with levels exhibited by control sperm, but membrane viability/acrosome integrity and mitochondrial respiration were similar at 0 and 2 h post-thaw. Acrosome integrity of sperm in all groups undergoing sorting was exceptionally high at 0 h (≥90%), even after re-cryopreservation and 4 h of incubation (77.5 ± 1.3%). Double frozen-thawed nonsorted sperm (FF) had similar motility to FSF sperm at 0 and 2 h post-thaw but at all time points had the lowest (P < 0.001) levels of acrosome intact/viable sperm and mitochondrial respiration and the lowest velocity at 0 h. In conclusion, whereas sex-sorting improved the functionality of frozen-thawed sperm, refreezing depressed motility, viability, and velocity but not acrosome integrity after extended incubation compared with that of control sperm. Furthermore, frozen-thawed, sex-sorted sperm may be stored for transport at 15 °C for up 24 h without detrimental effects on in vitro sperm characteristics.  相似文献   
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