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This study focuses on the predatory capacity of four sympatric species of web- building spiders that inhabit coffee plantations in Southern Mexico: Gasteracantha cancriformis, Cyclosa caroli, and the morphologically similar species pair Leucauge mariana and L. venusta which were considered as one species group. The retention capabilities of the webs of these species and the incidence of prey capture and consumption were measured using eight types of insect prey belonging to the orders Coleoptera (1 species), Hymenoptera (3), Diptera (2) Lepidoptera (1) and Homoptera (1). The different characteristics of each prey such as body weight, body size, defensive behaviour, etc., were recorded. The incidence of prey retention, capture and consumption were significantly higher in G. cancriformis than in any of the other species. The lowest rates of retention, capture and consumption were observed in C. caroli, while L. mariana/venusta were intermediate in their predatory capabilities. Significant negative correlations between prey size and percent consumption were detected in L. mariana/venusta and in G. cancriformis; in both cases, large prey were less likely to be immediately consumed than small prey items. The results can be interpreted in the light of the morphological characteristics of the spiders. G. cancriformis possesses long legs and a carapace and appeared to have few difficulties to manipulate all types of prey. In contrast, C. caroli showed lesser abilities to manipulate and subdue aggressive prey items, perhaps due to the short leg length and unprotected body of this species. The consumption of prey items may be related to the predatory strategy of each spider. G. cancriformis constructs a new web every morning and prey storage was never observed. The absence of prey storage behaviour could explain why this species consumes prey soon after capture. In contrast, C. caroli constructs a permanent web and stores captured prey on a stabilimentum that may explain the very low incidence of immediate consumption of prey observed in this species.  相似文献   
Biological invasions are an important and growing component of global environmental change (Vitousek et al., 1996). Hundreds of billions of dollars are lost each year to invasive species damage and management(Pimentel et al., 2001).  相似文献   
The food web centering on Allium ursinum (Liliaceae) in a beech forest (Germany) is described, and temporal variation of active trophic links is related to species' life cycles. The most important insect herbivores are Cheilosia fasciata (a larval leaf miner) and Portevinia maculata (a larva bulb miner) (Diptera: Syrphidae). Energy, carbon and nitrogen flow in the food chain (Allium-Cheilosia-Phygadeuon ursini) are investigated and analysed with respect to differences in resource allocation by the leaf miner and its hymenoptereous parasitoid. In C. fasciata nitrogen is likely to be the limiting resource, while growth in Phygadeuon ursini appears energy-limited. Larval feeding habits of C. fasciata and Portevinia maculata determined the timing of the species' life cycles and, as a consequence, appeared to preclude the existence of a pupal parasitoid in Portevinia maculata. Further details of life history traits are demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   
Humans have indirectly influenced species at lower trophic levels by driving losses of apex consumers. Furthermore, humans have indirectly influenced species at higher trophic levels by driving losses of primary producers. Beyond these broad classes of apex consumers and primary producers, it remains challenging to identify minimum subsets of species that are particularly important for maintaining ecosystem structure and functioning. Here we use a novel method at the intersection of control theory and network theory to identify a minimum set of driver node species upon which ecosystem structure strongly depends. Specifically, humans could unintentionally completely restructure ecosystems (i.e., change species abundances from any initial values to any final values, including zero) by altering the abundances of these few critical driver node species. We then quantify the proportion of these driver nodes that are influenced by humans, top predators, and primary producers in several marine food webs. We find that humans could unintentionally completely restructure marine food webs while only directly influencing less than one in four species. Additionally, humans directly influence: (1) most or all of the species necessary to completely restructure each network, (2) more driver nodes than top predators, and at least as many driver nodes as primary producers, and (3) an increasing proportion of driver nodes over time in the Adriatic Sea. We conclude that humans have potentially huge impacts on marine ecosystems while directly influencing only the relatively small subset of species that are currently fished. It may be possible to reduce unintentional and undesirable cascading human influences by decreasing human impacts on driver node species in these and other food webs.  相似文献   
The objectives of this field project were to test relationships between the physiological and population status of indigenous fish and (a) ecological factors (habitat quality, food resources), (b) toxicological factors (ambient and tissue metal concentrations), and (c) metal detoxification factors (metallothionein induction and subcellular metal partitioning). The sentinel species, yellow perch (YP: Perca flavescens), was collected from lakes with contrasting metal levels located on the Canadian Precambrian Shield, downwind and downstream from metal smelters. In lakes at the high end of our exposure gradient, metals (Cu, Ni, and especially Cd) accumulate in YP to concentrations well above background tissue values; increases in tissue Zn concentrations were much more modest, despite the existence of a very marked gradient in ambient [Zn]. Metal accumulation in YP is accompanied by metallothionein induction, but all evidence to date suggests that metal detoxification by metallothionein is incomplete. Indeed, direct effects of metal toxicity are detected at multiple levels of biological organization, from effects at the cellular level, to effects in organs and tissues, to individuals and populations, in a pattern linked to accumulated metal concentrations (i.e., along the contamination gradient). In addition to direct or physiological effects, we also documented indirect, food-web-mediated effects of metals on YP in the most contaminated lakes. The most common indication of such indirect effects on YP is severely stunted growth coupled with a high degree of zooplankton dependence throughout their life.  相似文献   
We have examined the effects of herbivore diversity on parasitoid community persistence and stability, mediated by nonspecific information from herbivore‐infested plants. First, we investigated host location and patch time allocation in the parasitoid Cotesia glomerata in environments where host and/or nonhost herbivores were present on Brassica oleracea leaves. Parasitoids were attracted by infochemicals from leaves containing nonhost herbivores. They spent considerable amounts of time on such leaves. Thus, when information from the plant is indistinct, herbivore diversity is likely to weaken interaction strengths between parasitoids and hosts. In four B. oleracea fields, all plants contained herbivores, often two or more species. We modelled parasitoid–herbivore communities increasing in complexity, based on our experiments and field data. Increasing herbivore diversity promoted the persistence of parasitoid communities. However, at a higher threshold of herbivore diversity, parasitoids became extinct due to insufficient parasitism rates. Thus, diversity can potentially drive both persistence and extinctions.  相似文献   
The Seine estuary illustrates the alterations to estuaries due to human activities heavy releases of pollutants of various origins and significant morphological changes beginning in the middle of the 19th century. The intertidal mudflat surface has been seriously reduced (< 30km2) since the channels of the Seine River came under management. While the role of the Seine estuary in the dynamics of the eastern English Channel ecosystem is recognized as important, the biological characteristics of the estuary remained relatively unknown until the 1990s. Biological diversity was progressively impoverished from the polyhaline zone to the oligohaline zone. In spite of a heavily contaminated environment, the macrobenthic and planktonic fauna of the Seine estuary remains similar to those of other northeastern Atlantic estuaries. The fauna exhibit clear contrasts between areas with very high abundance and others with very low abundance. The pelagic fauna, especially the copepod Eurytemora affinisand the shrimp Palaemon longirostris, are more abundant in the Seine estuary than in other estuaries. Diversified and abundant, Abra alba-Pectinaria koreni and Macoma balthica benthic communities occur, respectively, in the outer and inner parts of the estuary. In subtidal flats, benthic fauna is especially poor in terms of specific richness, abundance and biomass. Paradoxically, considering the high abundance of prey, fish are particularly scarce. Two food webs have been identified. In the oligohaline zone, where turbidity is maximum, the food web is exclusively planktonic, due to dredging that prevented benthic fauna from settling. In the polyhaline zone, fish populations that feed particularly on benthic fauna benefit from low turbidity and high oxygen concentrations. So, in spite of heavy organic and metallic contamination and human activities, the Seine estuary remains a highly productive ecosystem, which provides a nursery for marine fish and feeding grounds for migratory birds. A global management plan appears to be necessary in order to guarantee that the Seine estuary continues to function as it currently does.  相似文献   
本研究在原来CASA模型的基础上,对模型参数最大光能利用率和水分胁迫系数的算法进行了改进,利用改进后的CASA模型模拟了2010年内蒙古锡林郭勒盟草原植被净初级生产力(NPP),并用地面实测样方数据对改进后的模型进行精度验证。结果表明:改进的CASA模型可应用于内蒙古草原小尺度植被NPP的估测,模拟NPP值与地面实测值之间的相关性达到显著水平(R2=0.829,P0.05);2010年内蒙古锡林郭勒盟草原植被生长季(4—10月)NPP为284.64 g C·m-2·a-1,不同地区年均NPP相差较大,东北部东乌珠穆沁旗草原NPP高达411.11 g C·m-2·a-1,而西北部的二连浩特市草原NPP仅为158.87 g C·m-2·a-1;整体上,锡林郭勒盟草原的NPP由东向西逐步递减,这与该区域水热条件限制基本一致;由于降水量的时滞效应,该年度内NPP出现两次峰值;2010年锡林郭勒境内草原NPP集中分布在250~350 g C·m-2·a-1,草甸草原的NPP最大,典型草原次之,荒漠草原最小。  相似文献   
李嗣新  胡菊香  池仕运  胡俊 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1233-1243
汞是唯一参与全球循环的液态重金属。1974年,自美国学者Smith首次报道水库中鱼类总汞含量高于邻近自然湖泊以来,水库中鱼类汞升高的风险成为新建水库环境影响评价中的重要内容之一。汞在水库生态系统生物组分和非生物组分中含量升高的现象先后在世界各国报道,包括加拿大、美国、芬兰、泰国和巴西等。通过对系列的野外研究进行回顾,表明了水库形成后生态系统中汞的甲基化过程发生了变化。水库形成对汞在食物网中的鱼类、底栖生物、浮游生物的累积产生影响。水库中汞的生物累积、迁移转化主要与被淹没土壤和植物腐解过程有着直接或间接的关系。水库形成后,总汞、甲基汞和甲基汞比例在生态系统食物网各组分中的变化并不一致。蓄水后,水体中总汞变化较小,甲基汞和甲基汞比例上升明显;浮游生物尤其是浮游动物中总汞升高,但甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高更为明显;与浮游动物类似,底栖水生昆虫中总汞升高,甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高也更为明显;鱼类作为食物网顶级消费者,甲基汞比例一般在80%以上,在水库形成后鱼类总汞和甲基汞均明显升高,但甲基汞比例变化已经不大。这些变化揭示了水库形成后甲基汞在食物网传递的两个主要可能途径,一是微型生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、浮游植物、浮游动物这一环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例有明显的增加。第二个途径是底层生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、细菌、碎屑食性底栖水生昆虫、肉食型底栖水生昆虫环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例明显增加。这两种途径均能导致以水生昆虫、小鱼、甲壳类等为食的肉食性鱼类汞含量增加。水库形成后,生态系统中汞的甲基化发生了明显的"加速"过程。这种"加速"过程最直接的因素是成库后大量土壤淹没使得汞的甲基化平衡被打破。这个过程主要有两方面的影响。一方面是直接影响,被淹没土壤和植被在腐解过程中主动或被动地将甲基汞释放到水库生态系统中;另一方面是间接影响,被淹没土壤和植被的腐解使水库底部形成厌氧环境,有利于无机汞从被淹没土壤和植被中溶出,为甲基化反应提供充裕的、可供甲基化的无机汞,同时腐解产生的大量营养物质为微生物提供丰富食物来源,使硫酸盐还原菌大量繁殖,促进无机汞的甲基化。在我国,有关汞在新建水库食物网中生物累积和风险评价的研究有待进一步加强。  相似文献   
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