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Under natural and sexual selection traits often evolve that secure paternity or maternity through self‐sacrifice to predators, rivals, offspring, or partners. Emasculation—males removing their genitals—is an unusual example of such behaviours. Known only in insects and spiders, the phenomenon's adaptiveness is difficult to explain, yet its repeated origins and association with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and sexual cannibalism suggest an adaptive significance. In spiders, emasculation of paired male sperm‐transferring organs — secondary genitals — (hereafter, palps), results in ‘eunuchs’. This behaviour has been hypothesized to be adaptive because (i) males plug female genitals with their severed palps (plugging hypothesis), (ii) males remove their palps to become better fighters in male–male contests (better‐fighter hypothesis), perhaps reaching higher agility due to reduced total body mass (gloves‐off hypothesis), and (iii) males achieve prolonged sperm transfer through severed genitals (remote‐copulation hypothesis). Prior research has provided evidence in support of these hypotheses in some orb‐weaving spiders but these explanations are far from general. Seeking broad macroevolutionary patterns of spider emasculation, we review the known occurrences, weigh the evidence in support of the hypotheses in each known case, and redefine more precisely the particular cases of emasculation depending on its timing in relation to maturation and mating: ‘pre‐maturation’, ‘mating’, and ‘post‐mating’. We use a genus‐level spider phylogeny to explore emasculation evolution and to investigate potential evolutionary linkage between emasculation, SSD, lesser genital damage (embolic breakage), and sexual cannibalism (females consuming their mates). We find a complex pattern of spider emasculation evolution, all cases confined to Araneoidea: emasculation evolved at least five and up to 11 times, was lost at least four times, and became further modified at least once. We also find emasculation, as well as lesser genital damage and sexual cannibalism, to be significantly associated with SSD. These behavioural and morphological traits thus likely co‐evolve in spiders. Emasculation can be seen as an extreme form of genital mutilation, or even a terminal investment strategy linked to the evolution of monogyny. However, as different emasculation cases in araneoid spiders are neither homologous nor biologically identical, and may or may not serve as paternity protection, the direct link to monogyny is not clear cut. Understanding better the phylogenetic patterns of emasculation and its constituent morphologies and behaviours, a clearer picture of the intricate interplay of natural and sexual selection may arise. With the here improved evolutionary resolution of spider eunuch behaviour, we can more specifically tie the evidence from adaptive hypotheses to independent cases, and propose promising avenues for further research of spider eunuchs, and of the evolution of monogyny.  相似文献   
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is an association between genetic loci that is typically transient. Here, we identify a previously overlooked cause of stable LD that may be pervasive: sexual antagonism. This form of selection produces unequal allele frequencies in males and females each generation, which upon admixture at fertilization give rise to an excess of haplotypes that couple male-beneficial with male-beneficial and female-beneficial with female-beneficial alleles. Under sexual antagonism, LD is obtained for all recombination frequencies in the absence of epistasis. The extent of LD is highest at low recombination and for stronger selection. We provide a partition of the total LD into distinct components and compare our result for sexual antagonism with Li and Nei''s model of LD owing to population subdivision. Given the frequent observation of sexually antagonistic selection in natural populations and the number of traits that are often involved, these results suggest a major contribution of sexual antagonism to genomic structure.  相似文献   
Costly punishment prevails in intergroup conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding how societies resolve conflicts between individual and common interests remains one of the most fundamental issues across disciplines. The observation that humans readily incur costs to sanction uncooperative individuals without tangible individual benefits has attracted considerable attention as a proximate cause as to why cooperative behaviours might evolve. However, the proliferation of individually costly punishment has been difficult to explain. Several studies over the last decade employing experimental designs with isolated groups have found clear evidence that the costs of punishment often nullify the benefits of increased cooperation, rendering the strong human tendency to punish a thorny evolutionary puzzle. Here, we show that group competition enhances the effectiveness of punishment so that when groups are in direct competition, individuals belonging to a group with punishment opportunity prevail over individuals in a group without this opportunity. In addition to competitive superiority in between-group competition, punishment reduces within-group variation in success, creating circumstances that are highly favourable for the evolution of accompanying group-functional behaviours. We find that the individual willingness to engage in costly punishment increases with tightening competitive pressure between groups. Our results suggest the importance of intergroup conflict behind the emergence of costly punishment and human cooperation.  相似文献   
Substantial inter- and intraspecific variation is found in reproductive traits, but the evolutionary implications of this variation remain unclear. One hypothesis is that natural selection favours female reproductive morphology that allows females to control mating and fertilization and that diverse male reproductive traits arise as counter adaptations to subvert this control. Such co-evolution predicts the establishment of genetic correlations between male and female reproductive traits that closely interact during mating. Therefore, we measured phenotypic and genetic correlations between male and female reproductive tract characteristics in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae), using a nested half-sib breeding experiment. We found significant heritabilities for the size of most reproductive tract traits investigated in both females (spermathecae and their ducts, accessory glands and their ducts) and males (testis size but not sperm length). Within the sexes, phenotypic and genetic correlations were mostly nil or positive, suggesting functional integration of or condition-dependent investment in internal reproductive traits. Negative intrasexual genetic correlations, potentially suggestive of resource allocation trade-offs, were not evident. Intersexual genetic correlations were mostly positive, reflecting expected allometries between male and female morphologies. Most interestingly, testis size correlated positively with female accessory gland size and duct length, potentially indicative of a co-evolutionary arms race. We discuss these and alternative explanations for these patterns of genetic covariance.  相似文献   
Social aggression is one of the most conspicuous features of animal societies, yet little is known about the causes of individual variation in aggression within social hierarchies. Recent theory suggests that when individuals form queues for breeding, variation in social aggression by non-breeding group members is related to their probability of inheriting breeding status. However, levels of aggression could also vary as a temporary response to changes in the hierarchy, with individuals becoming more aggressive as they ascend in rank, in order to re-establish dominance relationships. Using the group-living fish, Neolamprologus pulcher, we show that subordinates became more aggressive after they ascended in rank. Female ascenders exhibited more rapid increases in aggression than males, and the increased aggression was primarily directed towards group members of adjacent rather than non-adjacent rank, suggesting that social aggression was related to conflict over rank. Elevated aggression by ascenders was not sustained over time, there was no relationship between rank and aggression in stable groups, and aggression given by ascenders was not sex-biased. Together, these results suggest that the need to re-establish dominance relationships following rank ascension is an important determinant of variation in aggression in animal societies.  相似文献   
Intraspecific queen parasitism in a highly eusocial bee   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insect societies are well-known for their advanced cooperation, but their colonies are also vulnerable to reproductive parasitism. Here, we present a novel example of an intraspecific social parasitism in a highly eusocial bee, the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. In particular, we provide genetic evidence which shows that, upon loss of the mother queen, many colonies are invaded by unrelated queens that fly in from unrelated hives nearby. The reasons for the occurrence of this surprising form of social parasitism may be linked to the fact that unlike honeybees, Melipona bees produce new queens in great excess of colony needs, and that this exerts much greater selection on queens to seek alternative reproductive options, such as by taking over other nests. Overall, our results are the first to demonstrate that queens in highly eusocial bees can found colonies not only via supersedure or swarming, but also by infiltrating and taking over other unrelated nests.  相似文献   
Summary 1. The amygdaloid complex is a key structure in mechanisms of fear and anxiety. Expression of the immediate-early gene c-fos has been reported in the central nucleus of the amygdala following various stressors, but the functional role of this phenomenon has remained unknown.2. c-fos expression was observed in the central nucleus when rats were subjected to a pharmacologically validated animal model of anxiety, the Vogel conflict test, but not after mere exposure to the test apparatus. Bilateral amygdala injection of a 15-mer phosphorothioate c-fos antisense oligodeoxynucleotide prior to testing blocked conflict-induced c-fos expression and had behavioral effects similar to those of established antianxiety drugs.3. Separate experiments determined that antisense treatment did not affect conflict behavior by acting on shock thresholds or drinking motivation.4. These findings provide evidence that neuronal activation and c-fos induction in the amygdala may be of importance for mechanisms of fear and anxiety.  相似文献   
Sexual selection sometimes favors male traits that benefit their bearers, but harm their mates. The harmful effects of male traits may also extend to females of other species via heterospecific mating interactions. This could affect the coexistence of closely related species during secondary contact. We examined the evolution of the interspecific interfering capability of a beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis) with a congener (C. maculatus) using C. chinensis males reared under conditions of monogamy and polygamy for 17 generations. After experimental evolution, C. chinensis males reared under polygamous conditions imposed greater impacts on offspring production by C. maculatus females than did C. chinensis males reared under monogamous conditions. However, the mechanism by which differential mating regimes altered the effect of C. chinensis males on C. maculatus females was unclear, because we did not find evidence for the expected genital evolution in C. chinensis, despite their body size divergence. Our findings suggest that traits that originally evolved through sexual selection in two allopatric species could influence the coexistence of these species or the likelihood of reinforcement during secondary contact.  相似文献   
In many species, intense male-male competition for the opportunity to sire offspring has led to the evolution of selfish reproductive traits that are harmful to the females they mate with. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, males modulate their reproductive behavior based on the perceived intensity of competition in their premating environment. Specifically, males housed with other males subsequently transfer a larger ejaculate during a longer mating compared to males housed alone. Although the potential fitness benefits to males from such plasticity are clear, its effects on females are mostly unknown. Hence, we tested the long-term consequences to females from mating with males with distinct social experiences. First, we verified that competitive experience influences male mating behavior and found that males housed with rivals subsequently have shorter mating latencies and longer mating durations. Then, we exposed females every other day for 20 days to males that were either housed alone or with rivals, and subsequently measured their fitness. We found that females mated to males housed with rivals produce more offspring early in life but fewer offspring later in life and have shorter lifespans but similar intrinsic population growth rates. These results indicate that plasticity in male mating behavior can influence female life histories by altering females’ relative allocation to early versus late investment in reproduction and survival.  相似文献   
Conflicts are costly because they can damage social relationships. To buffer conflicts, various species use post‐conflict behaviour, such as reconciliation or third‐party affiliation. Both behaviours have predominantly been studied in non‐human primates. However, recently, studies revealed post‐conflict behaviour in other mammalian and some bird species (e.g., corvids). While third‐party affiliation has been reported in several corvid species, reconciliation has only rarely been observed. The social structure of the studied groups has been postulated as a reason for the absence of reconciliation. Here, we investigated whether post‐conflict behaviours in corvids indeed mirror the relationship structure. We studied the behaviour of a newly established group of juvenile carrion crows (Corvus corone corone), where pair bonds had not yet been established. We applied a combination of observations and food monopolisation experiments to quantify the use of post‐conflict behaviours. Provisioning food in one or two pieces induced different patterns of aggression during feeding and differently affected the affiliation patterns after feeding. Specifically, victims of severe aggression affiliated with third parties after conflicts in the two‐piece condition, while aggressors affiliated with victims of mild aggression in the one‐piece condition. We thus provide the first evidence that a corvid species, crows, flexibly engage in both third‐party affiliation and reconciliation.  相似文献   
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