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Patterns of conflict and cooperation both within and between societies may be related to the degree of cultural similarity within and between the same societies. A simple model of social learning is used to predict patterns of conflict and cooperation in hypothetical societies that differ in the roles of relatives and nonrelatives in the enculturation of children. The model is illustrated by comparing its predictions to known differences in the patterns of conflict between males inpatrilocal and matrilocal societies.  相似文献   
The effects of growth hormone (GH) implants on aggression, and ability to win dyadic territorial conflicts were studied in brown trout Salmo trutta parr. Bovine GH or vehicle (C) was given to either the territory owner or the intruder in four treatment combinations: C and C, C and GH, GH and C, GH and GH (owner and intruder). GH‐treated intruders initiated significantly more conflicts compared to control intruders. Furthermore, GH treatment of either the owner or intruder tended to increase aggression of the intruder. This indicates that intruders have more scope for motivational increase, while the motivation of owners is already at a maximum. The GH treatment, however, did not affect the outcome of the conflict. It thus appears that growth enhancement increases intruder aggression without increasing the chance of winning the conflict, which may have implications for the effect of growth‐selected or growth‐enhanced farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar on wild populations.  相似文献   
We investigated alloparental interactions and conditions which could facilitate or prevent the expression of alloparental behaviours in Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), a long-lived seabird which nests in high-density colonies around Antarctica. Observation sessions were carried out during the crèche stage on 48 identified pairs and 50 identified chicks in a 217-nest subcolony. As the season progressed, young were fed less often by their own parents because these were increasingly absent from the breeding site and less responsive to their offspring’s solicitations. As a consequence, young and particularly those with a low body mass, coming from a two-chick brood, opted for gradually soliciting more from other adults to obtain food, preferentially those nesting in their direct vicinity. Unsuccessful breeders represented a low and constant part of the adult population and were not specifically solicited by unrelated young. Despite the increasing chick demand, only 4.1% (3 out of 73) of alloparental solicitations resulted in feeding, which is negligible compared to parental feeding. To investigate factors that could trigger the appearance of alloparental care, we carried out comparisons with king (Aptenodytes patagonicus) and emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) which represent the closest species for which data on alloparental behaviour were available. Our results show different trends to those observed in these species and three factors may explain the low occurrence of alloparental behaviour in Adélie penguins: (1) the low and constant proportion of unsuccessful breeders, (2) the absence of chick selectivity towards unsuccessful breeders, and (3) the late period of chick accessibility for potential alloparents.  相似文献   
Despite claims that genitalia are among the fastest evolving phenotypes, few studies have tested this trend in a quantitative and phylogenetic framework. In systems where male and female genitalia coevolve, there is a growing effort to explore qualitative patterns of evolution and their underlying mechanisms, but the temporal aspect remains overlooked. An intriguing question is how fast male and female genitalia may change in a coevolutionary scenario. Here, we apply a series of comparative phylogenetic analyses to reveal a scenario of correlated evolution and to investigate how fast male and female external, nonhomologous and functionally integrated genitalia change in a group of stink bugs. We report three findings: the female gonocoxite 8 and the male pygophore showed a clear pattern of correlated evolution, both genitalia were estimated to evolve much faster than nongenital traits, and rates of evolution of the male genitalia were twice as fast as the female genitalia. Our results corroborate the widely held view that male genitalia evolve fast and add to the scarce evidence for rapidly evolving female genitalia. Different rates of evolution exhibited by males and females suggest either distinct forms or strengths of selection, despite their tight functional integration and coevolution. The morphological characteristics of this coevolutionary trend are more consistent with a cooperative adjustment of the genitalia, suggesting a scenario of female choice, morphological accommodation, lock‐and‐key or some combination of the three.  相似文献   
Mating strategies are sets of decisions aimed at maximizing reproductive success. For male animals, the fundamental problem that these strategies address is attaining mating access to females in a manner that maximizes their chances of achieving paternity. For chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), despite substantial interest in mating strategies, very little attention has been paid to the most fundamental problem that mating strategies need to solve: finding mates. Only a single model, Dunbar's general model of male mating strategies, exists to explain mate‐searching behaviour in chimpanzees. Under this model, males in most populations are regarded as pursuing a ‘roving’ strategy: searching for and sequestering fertile females who are essentially passive with respect to mate searching. The roving mating strategy is an assumption deeply embedded in the way chimpanzee behaviour is considered; it is implicit in the conventional model for chimpanzee social structure, which posits that male ranging functions both to monitor female reproductive state and to ward these females from other groups of males through collective territoriality: essentially, ranging as mating effort. This perspective is, however, increasingly at odds with observations of chimpanzee behaviour. Herein, I review the logic and evidence for the roving‐male mating strategy and propose a novel alternative, a theoretical framework in which roving is a strategy pursued by female chimpanzees in order to engage successfully in promiscuous mating. Males, unable to thwart this female strategy, instead maximise the number of reproductive opportunities encountered by focusing their behaviour on countering threats to health, fertility and reproductive career. Their prolonged grooming bouts are seen, in consequence, as functioning to mitigate the negative impacts of socially induced physiological stress. In this new framework, the roving‐male strategy becomes, at best, a ‘best of a bad job’ alternative for low‐ranking males when faced with high levels of competition for mating access. Male chimpanzees do not search for mates, but for one another, for food, and, at times, for rivals in other communities. To the extent that female promiscuity functions to counter infanticide risk, mate searching by female chimpanzees—and any associated costs—can be seen as an unavoidable consequence of male sexual coercion. This novel framework is a better fit to the available data than is the conventional account. This review highlights the desperate need for additional work in an area of chimpanzee biology that has been somewhat neglected, perhaps in part because assumptions of roving males have remained unquestioned for too long. It also highlights the need, across taxa, to revisit and revise theory, and to test old assumptions, when faced with contrary data.  相似文献   
Human–carnivore conflicts and retaliatory killings contribute to carnivore populations' declines around the world. Strategies to mitigate conflicts have been developed, but their efficacy is rarely assessed in a randomized case–control design. Further, the economic costs prevent the adoption and wide use of conflict mitigation strategies by pastoralists in rural Africa. We examined carnivore (African lion [Panthera leo], leopard [Panthera pardus], spotted hyena [Crocuta crocuta], jackal [Canis mesomelas], and cheetah [Acinonyx jubatus]) raids on fortified (n = 45, total 631 monthly visits) and unfortified (traditional, n = 45, total 521 monthly visits) livestock enclosures (“bomas”) in northern Tanzania. The study aimed to (a) assess the extent of retaliatory killings of major carnivore species due to livestock depredation, (b) describe the spatiotemporal characteristics of carnivore raids on livestock enclosures, (c) analyze whether spatial covariates influenced livestock depredation risk in livestock enclosures, and (d) examine the cost‐effectiveness of livestock enclosure fortification. Results suggest that (a) majority of boma raids by carnivores were caused by spotted hyenas (nearly 90% of all raids), but retaliatory killings mainly targeted lions, (b) carnivore raid attempts were rare at individual households (0.081 raid attempts/month in fortified enclosures and 0.102 raid attempts/month in unfortified enclosures), and (c) spotted hyena raid attempts increased in the wet season compared with the dry season, and owners of fortified bomas reported less hyena raid attempts than owners of unfortified bomas. Landscape and habitat variables tested, did not strongly drive the spatial patterns of spotted hyena raids in livestock bomas. Carnivore raids varied randomly both spatially (village to village) and temporally (year to year). The cost‐benefit analysis suggest that investing in boma fortification yielded positive net present values after two to three years. Thus, enclosure fortification is a cost‐effective strategy to promote coexistence of carnivores and humans.  相似文献   
Surprising invariance relationships have emerged from the study of social interaction, whereby a cancelling‐out of multiple partial effects of genetic, ecological or demographic parameters means that they have no net impact upon the evolution of a social behaviour. Such invariants play a pivotal role in the study of social adaptation: on the one hand, they provide theoretical hypotheses that can be empirically tested; and, on the other hand, they provide benchmark frameworks against which new theoretical developments can be understood. Here we derive a novel invariant for dispersal evolution: the ‘constant philopater hypothesis’ (CPH). Specifically, we find that, irrespective of variation in maternal fecundity, all mothers are favoured to produce exactly the same number of philopatric offspring, with high‐fecundity mothers investing proportionally more, and low‐fecundity mothers investing proportionally less, into dispersing offspring. This result holds for female and male dispersal, under haploid, diploid and haplodiploid modes of inheritance, irrespective of the sex ratio, local resource availability and whether mother or offspring controls the latter's dispersal propensity. We explore the implications of this result for evolutionary conflict of interests – and the exchange and withholding of contextual information – both within and between families, and we show that the CPH is the fundamental invariant that underpins and explains a wider family of invariance relationships that emerge from the study of social evolution.  相似文献   
I tested whether a region of high female frequencies in the gynodioecious plant, Nemophila menziesii, may be due to hybridization between regionally distributed populations with different corolla colours. I crossed plants in the greenhouse from populations with different corolla colours and found that hybrid crosses yielded higher frequencies of females than within-colour crosses. In the field, I found that populations with high female frequencies had intermediate mean corolla colours and higher variance in corolla colour, two traits suggesting hybridization. Nemophila menziesii has nuclear-cytoplasmic sex inheritance, thus if populations with different corolla colours are fixed for different male-sterile cytoplasms and matching nuclear restorer alleles, hybridization between populations with different corolla colour should yield high frequencies of females. Two populations that are all hermaphroditic in the field segregated females in hybrid crosses suggesting that field populations may contain sex ratio distorters but appear undistorted, a prediction of genomic conflict theory.  相似文献   
Sperm competition theory has traditionally focused on how male allocation responds to female promiscuity, when males compete to fertilize a single clutch of eggs. Here, we develop a model to ask how female sperm use and storage across consecutive reproductive events affect male ejaculate allocation and patterns of mating and paternity. In our model, sperm use (a single parameter under female control) is the main determinant of sperm competition, which alters the effect of female promiscuity on male success and, ultimately, male reproductive allocation. Our theory reproduces the general pattern predicted by existing theory that increased sperm competition favors increased allocation to ejaculates. However, our model predicts a negative correlation between male ejaculate allocation and female promiscuity, challenging the generality of a prevailing expectation of sperm competition theory. Early models assumed that the energetic costs of precopulatory competition and the level of sperm competition are both determined by female promiscuity, which leads to an assumed covariation between these two processes. By modeling precopulatory costs and sperm competition independently, our theoretical framework allows us to examine how male allocation should respond independently to variation in sperm competition and energetic trade‐offs in mating systems that have been overlooked in the past.  相似文献   
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