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Studies of the evolution of elaborate ornaments have concentrated on their role in increasing attractiveness to mates. The classic examples of such sexually selected structures are the elongated tails of some bird species. Elongated tails can be divided into three categories: graduated tails, pin tails and streamers. There seems to be little debate about whether graduated and pin tails are ornaments; i.e. costly signals used in mate choice. However, in the case of streamers there is considerable discussion about their function. It has been suggested that tail streamers could be (i) entirely naturally selected, (ii) entirely sexually selected, (iii) partly naturally and partly sexually selected. The prime example of a species with tail streamers is the swallow (Hirundo rustica) in which both sexes have tail streamers. In this paper we discuss the aerodynamic consequences of different types of manipulation of the streamer and/or outer tail feather. We make qualitative predictions about the aerodynamic performance of swallows with manipulated tail streamers; these predictions differ depending on whether streamers have a naturally or sexually selected function. We demonstrate that these hypotheses can only be separated if tail streamers are shortened and changes in aerodynamic performance measured during turning flight.  相似文献   
Summary The genetic variance among random-mated lines derived from backcrossing (BCgS1 lines) depends upon the backcross generation (g) and the number (n) of BCgF1 plants crossed in generations 1 through g. There is little effect of n on genetic variance for n > 6. The genetic variance among BCgF2-derived lines is greater than that among BCgS1 lines for all g. If either BCgF2-derived or BCgS1 lines are used as a base population for recurrent selection, 8, 16, 32, and 64 BC1F1, BC2F1, BC3F1, and BC4F1 plants, respectively, should be used to avoid loss of donor alleles to drift.Joint contribution of USDA-ARS and Journal Paper No. J-11224 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2471Formerly Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Ames, Iowa, USA  相似文献   
Summary Interspecific segregating populations derived from a cross between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv M82-1 -8 (M82) and the wild species L. pennellii accession LA-716 (Lpen716) were used to study the genetic basis of salt tolerance and its implications for breeding. BC1 (M82 x (M82 x Lpen716)) and BC1 S1 (progenies of selfed BC1 plants) populations were grown under arid field conditions and irrigated with water having electrical conductivities of 1.5 (control), 10 and 20 dSm-1. The evaluation of salt tolerance was based on total fruit yield (TY), total dry matter (TD) and TD under salinity relative to the control (RD). Sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were measured in the leaves and stems. The methods for estimating heritability were adapted to BC1 plants and BC1S1 families. TY, TD and RD had heritability estimates of 0.3–0.45, indicating that salt tolerance can be improved by selection. Genetic correlations between traits indicated that high yield may be combined with salt tolerance and that ion contents are not likely to provide an efficient selection criteria for salt tolerance. Genetic correlations between performances under various salinity levels suggested that similar mechanisms affect the responses to salinity treatments of 10 and 20 dSm-1. Responses to paper selection confirmed that salt tolerance of the tomato may be improved by selection, and that this selection should be based on dry matter and yield parameters under salinity.Passed away May 1986  相似文献   
Summary Asymmetry in correlated responses to selection is expected when more than one cycle of selection is practised due to changes in genetic parameters produced by selection. In large populations, under the infinitesimal model these changes are due to linkage disequilibrium generated by selection and not to gene frequency changes. This study examines the conditions under which asymmetrical correlated responses are to be expected when an infinitesimal model is considered. Asymmetrical correlated responses in two traits in respect to which trait is selected are expected if the two traits have different heritabilities. Predicted asymmetry increases with the absolute value of the genetic correlation between the two traits, the difference between the two heritabilities, the intensity of selection and the number of generations of selection. Linkage disequilibrium generated by selection should be taken into account in explaining asymmetrical correlated responses observed in selection experiments.  相似文献   
The effect of selection and linkage on the decay of linkage disequilibrium, D, is investigated for a hierarchy of two-locus models. The method of analysis rests upon a qualitative classification of the dynamic of D under selection relative to the neutral dynamic. To eliminate the confounding effects of gene frequency change, the behavior of D is first studied with gene frequencies fixed at their invariant values. Second, the results are extended to certain special situations where gene frequencies are changing simultaneously.A wide variety of selection regimes can cause an acceleration of the rate of decay of D relative to the neutral rate. Specifically, the asymptotic rate of decay is always faster than the neutral rate in the neighborhood of a stable equilibrium point, when viabilities are additive or only one locus is selected. This is not necessarily the case for models in which there is nonzero additive epistasis. With multiplicative viabilities, decay is always accelerated near a stable boundary equilibrium, but decay is only faster near the stable central equilibrium (with = 0) if linkage is sufficiently loose. In the symmetric viability model, decay may even be retarded near a stable boundary equilibrium. Decay is only accelerated near a stable corner equilibrium when the double homozygote is more fit than the double heterozygotes. Decay near a stable edge equilibrium may be retarded if there is loose linkage. With symmetric viabilities there is usually an acceleration of the decay process for gene frequencies near 1/2 when the central equilibrium (with = 0) is stable. This is always the case when the sign of the epistasis is negative or zero.Conversely, the decay ofD is retarded in the neighborhood of a stable equilibrium in the multiplicative and symmetric viability models if any of the conditions above are violated. Near an unstable equilibrium of any of the models considered,D may either increase or decay at a rate slower than, equal to, or faster than the neutral rate. These analytic results are supplemented by numerical studies of the symmetric viability model.  相似文献   
Summary The effectiveness of two way selection for plasma alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was investigated in order to determine its influences on growth traits through thirteen generations. The responses of the two lines selected for high (HP) and low (LP) ALP at 45 days of age were compared to that of the mice selected for large (L) and small (SM) body size. The selection responses of plasma ALP were very effective for both HP and LP lines, with average responses per generation calculated from linear regressions of 0.227±0.037 and –0.088±0.022 respectively. The final levels of ALP in HP and LP were 5.54±0.71 and 1.27±0.20 in the thirtheenth generation, while the SM, L and base population had levels of 3.49±0.08, 0.86±0.55 and 2.77±0.56 respectively. The body weight at 45 days of age in LP (31.4±1.4 g) as a correlated response was significantly higher than HP (23.4±1.8 g) at generation 10. The correlated response of milk yield, measured by weight gain up to 12 days of age, was significantly greater in the LP line than in HP, but the correlated response of gains after weaning was not so different as the response of milk yield. The response of litter size and weight in LP showed significant higher levels than that of HP, but pups' birth weight did not differ between LP and HP. It is suggested that the correlated response of milk yield contributed more to the divergence of body size between HP and LP than the gain after weaning.Realized heritabilities of ALP were 0.335±0.059 (HP) and 0.279±0.051 (LP). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and 45 days' body weight were –0.27±0.13 (HP with SM) and –0.52±0.19 (LP with L). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and milk yield were –0.95±0.03 (HP) and –0.37±0.29 (LP). Correlations between ALP and postweaning gains were fairly low.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of the postnatal maternal environment, simulated by rearing mice in litters of three, six or nine, on body weight and body composition was investigated in three lines of mice differing widely in growth rate. The lines were selected for high (H6) and low (L6) 6-week body weight while the control line was maintained by random selection. Body weight and weights and percentages of ether extract, water, ash and protein at 21, 42, 63 and 84 days were recorded. With few exceptions, there were positive correlated responses to selection in body weight and in weights of body components. At 21 and 42 days the correlated responses were larger in L6 mice than in H6 mice. Body weight and weights of body components were larger for mice reared in litters of three than for those reared in litters of nine. Also, mice reared in litters of six were intermediate in body weight and weights of some of the body components between those reared in litters of three and nine. Differences in body weight and weights of body components due to postnatal maternal environment were small by comparison with differences due to genetic line. There were significant line by maternal environment interactions in body weight at 21 days and in ether extract weight at 21 and 63 days. Line and maternal environment differences in percentages of body components did not follow any consistent trend. The results for percentages of body components were further complicated by line x maternal environment interactions. In general, both line and postnatal maternal environmental differences in percentages of body components diminished with age.Paper No. 5670 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   
The life-cycle of a species with separate generations is divided into a reproduction phase and a growing-up phase. In the reproduction phase we assume random mating and selection due to genotype differences in fecundity of the parents and viability of the offspring. During the growing-up phase we assume a (deterministic) death process in continuous time with death rates for the genotypes which increase linearly with the genotype population sizes.In the absence of genotype differences the model gives logistic population regulation. With genotype differences the model generalizes the usual separate generations selection patterns. In addition to these we exhibit cases with three polymorphic equilibria or with a stable cycle.  相似文献   
Summary On account, notably, of a competition between different component functions for individual sites in polypeptide chains, each protein molecule represents a functional compromise, with some functions optimized, but the overall state of the molecule –suboptimal–. The proposal is made that the selection coefficient relating to a protein molecule under given conditions can in principle be broken down into partial selection coefficients relevant to the different functions that the molecule carries out. At generalfunction sites, each fixation improves some function, while others deteriorate, at first nonsignificantly, and the overall adaptive state of the molecule fluctuates around its maximum. A selective mechanism is described whereby kaleidoscopic changes in primary structure at variable sites are indefinitely promoted, independently of any environmental changes and with the molecule remaining close to a state of maximal overall adaptation. The paradoxical aspect of this proposal is analyzed. The implication of specific functions in substitutions at general-function sites is noted. Further, it is shown that a certain category of changes in the internal environment of the organism can be integrated into the constantenvironment model for selection. Genetic sufficiency is considered a notion more adequate than genetic optimality for describing biological fitness and for providing a basis for the present model. On this basis selection occurs without genetic load. Multipolymorphism is one of the consequences. Several lines of evidence, in particular observations on polymorphism in deep sea organisms, seem to support the model. It is pointed out that it provides a theoretical foundation for a molecular evolutionary clock. The theoretical constancy of the clock depends on the constancy of functional density. The question of the evolution of functional density is examined. Comparisons of observed substitution frequencies with values expected on a random basis are rejected as a measure of the contribution to evolution of nondetermination. They are considered to reflect a hierarchy in the resistance of the molecules to different amino acid residues as substituents. A limited component of –true– randomness, again accompanied by selection, is on the other hand provided by the model. Most amino acid substitutions are considered evolutionary noise, even though noise compatible with selection. It is proposed that evolutionarily significant substitutions may be identified by monitoring changes in functional density and weighted functional density.Directeur de Recherche at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.  相似文献   
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a well-known Tobamovirus, infects cucurbits across the globe. To determine its current status, molecular characterization, genetic recombination, gene flow and selection pressure, 10 districts from Punjab province of Pakistan were surveyed and a total of 2561 cucurbits samples were collected during 2019–2020. These samples were subjected to virus-specific double antibody sandwich-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) for the detection of CGMMV. The results revealed that viral disease was prevalent in all surveyed districts of Punjab with an overall 25.69% disease incidence. ELISA positive samples were further confirmed through RT-PCR and sequencing of coat protein (CP) cistron. Sequence analysis showed that the present studied CGMMV isolates have 96–99.5% nucleotide and 94.40–99.50% amino acid identities with those already available in GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis also revealed that understudied isolates were closely related with South Korean (AB369274) and Japanese (V01551) isolates and clustered in a separate clad. Sequence polymorphisms were observed in 663 bp of sequence within 31 CGMMV isolates covering complete CP gene. Total number of sites were 662, of which 610 and 52 sites were monomorphic and polymorphic (segregating), respectively. Of these polymorphic, 24 were singleton variable and 28 were parsimony informative. Overall nucleotide diversity (π) in all the understudied 31 isolates was 0.00010 while a total of 1 InDel event was observed and InDel Diversity (k) was 0.065. Haplotype diversity analysis revealed that there was a total 29 haplotypes with haplotype diversity (Hd) of 0.993458 in all the 31 isolates which provide evidence of less diversity among Pakistani isolates. The statistical analysis revealed the values 2.568, 5.31304 and 4.86698 of Tajima's D, Fu, & Li’s F* and D*, respectively, which witnessed the population of CGMMV was under balanced selection pressure.  相似文献   
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