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Redox profiles, pH, bacterial numbers, and organic content of sediments in Bayou Texar, Pensacola, Florida, were examined in an effort to delineate spatial and temporal patterns. These data were accompanied by field determinations of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and salinity. The results point to the importance of bacterial activity and bottom water dissolved oxygen upon the redox status of the sediments. It is suggested that, in certain systems, the redox status of deeper sediments may reveal long-term trends which are obscured at the sediment-water interface by transient effects.  相似文献   
Intertidal animals display a suite of cyclic behaviours that evolved as adaptations to the predictable cycle of inundation and exposure. In estuarine habitats, mud snails from the genus Hydrobia are among the most abundant grazers, and have received considerable attention with respect to the behavioural mechanisms mediating locomotion, dispersal, and feeding, although the nature of the control of these processes has remained elusive. In particular, it is not clear whether endogenous activity patterns are related to periodic changes of microphytobenthos biomass at the sediment surface, or whether they are timed to the tidal cycle at all. In the present study, we address the crawling activity of Hydrobia ulvae under constant conditions, as well as the effects of individual size and previous short‐term exposure to tides of different range, by recording immersed individual snails under constant dark conditions. We show that the species displays an overt circatidal pattern of crawling, with activity peaks around high water, and that the start of inundation may act as an entrainment agent of the rhythm. Moreover, the results obtained indicate that smaller snails display higher levels of activity, although neither the size nor previous in situ influence of tidal range has an effect on the period and on the amplitude of the rhythm. These findings suggest that fluctuations of microphytobenthos biomass are not a sufficiently strong selective pressure to have shaped locomotor activity in H. ulvae. Moreover, feeding of H. ulvae should take place mostly during high water and be independent of periodic fluctuations of microphytobenthos biomass at the surface of the sediment. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 439–450.  相似文献   
The Tagus estuary has long been subjected to several human activities and uses. Changes in the estuarine fish community were evaluated based on beam trawl surveys in 1978–1980 and 1994–1996. There was a decrease of abundance of many species that use the Tagus as a nursery, namely bib (Trisopterus luscus), five bearded rockling (Ciliata mustela), tub gurnard (Trigla lucerna), and flounder (Platichthys flesus), possibly due to reduction of the water quality. In 1994–1996, only sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), sole (Solea solea) and Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858, were found within the nursery grounds, showing an irregular pattern of abundance. Condition and vacuity index were highly variable. The major problems affecting the fish community, namely pollution, fishery regulation and waterflow regulation, are discussed in relation to the management and conservation of this estuarine system.  相似文献   

The venerid bivalve Eumarcia fumigata was a common species in Western Australia (WA) during the Pleistocene, where it was distributed as far north as Shark Bay. It became extinct in WA as the climate changed several thousand years ago but remains common in eastern Australia from southern Queensland to South Australia and Tasmania. The species has recently reappeared in the Swan River, probably due to shipping movements. Of the > 60 marine and estuarine species introduced into WA it is only the third confirmed introduction from eastern Australia, and the first that is a reappearance in the Swan River of a species present in the geological past. The present reappearance of E. fumigata, and the introduction of other species, has been made possible by the removal of a rocky bar at the mouth of the estuary and the creation of more marine conditions in the lower Swan estuary.  相似文献   
This study presents a methodology for combining archival data storage tags (DSTs) and ultrasonic transmitters to investigate the microhabitat conditions of adult Cancer magister (Dana), inhabiting an estuary. The temperature, salinity and depth experienced by free-ranging Dungeness crabs were recorded at 10-min intervals for periods ranging from 1 week to 8 months. Crabs were tracked using a hydrophone, and tags were recovered via concentrated trapping or returned by recreational fishers for a reward. These methods led to a return rate of 50%. Representative CTD tag data showed that the conditions recorded at fixed stations within the estuary were not reflective of those experienced by free-ranging crabs, but rather crabs were able to orientate and avoid low salinity within the estuary. The prevalence of low salinity exposure was linked to times of increased food availability within the estuary, suggesting that crabs were entering the shallows of the estuary to forage. The techniques used in this study demonstrate that DSTs are a viable means of determining the microhabitat conditions of crustaceans inhabiting highly variable environments.  相似文献   
This study has tested the hypotheses that the dietary compositions of the six large and abundant fish species in the 46 km2 basin of a seasonally open estuary (Wilson Inlet) will differ significantly, change with increasing body size and vary with water depth and season. These species comprise four marine species, the sea mullet Mugil cephalus, yellow‐eye mullet Aldrichetta forsteri, King George whiting Sillaginodes punctata and Australian herring Arripis georgiana, and populations of two species that are confined to the estuary, the cobbler Cnidoglanis macrocephalus and the southern blue‐spotted flathead Platycephalus speculator. Non‐metric multidimensional ordination and associated tests showed that, overall, the dietary composition was influenced to a far greater extent by the species of fish than by either water depth or season. At even a relatively broad level of taxonomic discrimination, the dietary compositions of each pair of species were significantly different, except for those of A. georgiana v. P. speculator, and even in that case those of their larger individuals differed. Differences among the diets of the six species, which represented five families, are related to differences in feeding morphology and location within the water column. Mugil cephalus ingested almost exclusively sediment and fine organic material. Although A. forsteri and S. punctata both consumed substantial amounts of polychaetes (including nereids, capitellids and orbiniids), the former ingested relatively larger volumes of small crustaceans (copepods) and relatively lower volumes of large crustaceans (the carid Palaemonetes australis), nemertines and bivalve siphons. The diets of A. georgiana and P. speculator were both typified by the consistent and high contributions of large crustaceans and fishes. Among fish prey, however, A. georgiana focused to a far greater extent on the small clupeid Engraulis australis, whereas P. speculator consumed a wider range of teleosts, which included species of atherinid and goby. Although the diets of A. forsteri and C. macrocephalus both contained substantial amounts of coarse organic material, the latter differed markedly from those of all other species by the frequent presence of mytilids (mainly Xenostrobus spp.) and other bivalves (especially Tellina deltoidalis and Irus crenata). The diets of each species except M. cephalus changed with increasing body size and, for comparable size classes, did not differ between shallow and deeper waters. The partitioning of food resources within and among the six large and abundant fish species found in Wilson Inlet would reduce the potential for competition for these resources and help account for the large numbers of those species in this seasonally open estuary.  相似文献   
Cartaxana  P.  Catarino  F. 《Plant Ecology》2002,159(1):95-102
Seasonalvariation in leaf nitrogen of mature green and senescent leaves and nitrogenresorption efficiency in three plants (Spartina maritima, Halimioneportulacoides and Arthrocnemum perenne) of aTagus estuary salt marsh are reported. Total nitrogen concentrations in greenand senescent leaves were higher during winter (December and March). Soilinorganic nitrogen availability showed an opposite pattern with higherconcentrations during summer (June and September) when total leaf biomass washigher. Nitrogen resorption efficiency ranged between 31 and 76% andH. portulacoides was the plant that better minimizednitrogen loss by this process. Nitrogen resorption occurred mainly from thesoluble protein pool, although other fractions must have been broken down duringthe resorption process. No significant seasonal variation in nitrogen resorptionefficiency and no relation to leaf total nitrogen or soil nitrogen availabilitywere found. This suggests that the efficiency of the resorption process is notdetermined by the plant nitrogen status nor by the availability of the nutrientin the soil. Nevertheless, resorption from senescing leaves may play animportant role in the nitrogen dynamics of salt marsh plants and reduce thenitrogen requirements for plant growth.  相似文献   
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