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Mangrove transgression into saltmarsh environments in south-east Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The landward transgression of man- groves into saltmarsh environments in the estuaries of south-east Australia over the last five decades is established as a widespread trend through a review of a number of independent studies. This process is occurring in a range of geomorphic settings, and in some cases reversing the direction of longer-term vegetation change. Several hypotheses are advanced to explain this occurrence, including increases in rainfall, revegetation of areas cleared for agriculture, altered tidal regimes or estuary water levels, and increases in nutrient levels and sedimentation.  相似文献   
The zooplankton community of the brackish part of the Westerschelde estuary (November 1989–October 1990) was dominated by two calanoid copepods, Eurytemora affinis and Acartia tonsa. Eurytemora was present during a longer period of the year and was much more important in terms of total abundances and biomasses than Acartia.The secondary production of these species was estimated by means of the growth rate method, using weight-specific growth rates obtained from laboratory cultures (Eurytemora) or from the literature (Acartia).Due to the substantially higher growth rates of Acartia compared to Eurytemora, total yearly productions of both communities were comparable, notwithstanding the large discrepancies in biomass. They amounted to about 5 and 6 g C m–2 y–1 by Acartia and Eurytemora respectively.The food needed to realise this production was estimated to be about 14 and 17 g C m–2 y–1 by Acartia and Eurytemora respectively. Provided that the copepods are able to selectively ingest the phytoplankton, in situ net production provides sufficient carbon for zooplankton demands for a short period of the year only. As phytoplankton standing stock is very low and net phytoplankton productivity is negative from late fall to early spring, nutritional demands of the copepods have to be fulfilled by other than algal food at least during this period of the year.Although the copepods in the brackish part can have an important impact on some food items, their contribution to total carbon fluxes in the brackish zone is negligible: each year some 6% of all consumed carbon in the brackish part of the estuary passes through the copepod food web.  相似文献   

The varied sources of estuarine plant detritus and the processes and organisms involved in its decomposition are discussed in this review. In the case of emergent and peripheral vegetation, microbial decomposition commences in the phylloplane, with fairly rapid leaching of DOM occurring soon after immersion. Residual POM, largely cellulose, is decomposed more slowly by cellulolytic micro-organisms. Phytoplankton start contributing to the DOM pool before senescence by excreting soluble substances during normal metabolism and interesting regulatory mechanisms are Involved in the bacterial utilization of this material. Bacteria play a more important role than fungi in decomposition and the latter appear to be prominent only in the breakdown of mangrove litter. Predaceous microflagellates and other protists occur in association with the bacteria and feed on them, enhancing decomposition by maintaining optimal bacterial growth rates. They appear to play a more important role in mineralization than do the bacteria, which are more effective in the conservation of nutrients upon which their efficiency of detritus incorporation Is dependent. Aerobic decomposition tends to terminate in complete mineralization, whereas under anaerobic conditions incomplete oxidation yields organic end products such as volatile fatty acids. A comparison of this process with the functioning of the herbivore rumen leads to the conclusion that the latter is more cost-effective in energy terms. Contrary to earlier published statements that estuaries are major exporters of energy in the form of detritus, many export very little of this material, or are net importers. Finally, the methods for studying decomposition in estuaries must be carefully chosen because of the environmental diversity of these systems. This is particularly true of radio-labelled substrates used for uptake and turnover studies; there appears to be no universal substrate or approach.  相似文献   
Wild Pacific salmon populations are in serious decline, and as a result, a number of salmon stocks are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Our research identifies and supports the possibility that certain environmental contaminants can alter salmon survival, and as a result may contribute to these species being at risk. We have shown that juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) are exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as they migrate through a contaminated urban estuary in Puget Sound WA (the Duwamish Waterway estuary). Immune function was analyzed in these fish by examining the ability of their anterior kidney and splenic leukocytes to produce a primary and secondary in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to the hapten, trinitrophenyl (TNP), and by determining their susceptibility to a marine pathogen, Vibrio anguillarum. We found that fish outmigrating from the urban estuary produced a significantly lower PFC response to TNP and were more susceptible to the pathogen, compared to juvenile salmon collected from a rural estuary during their outmigration. In the laboratory, we exposed juvenile chinook salmon collected from a hatchery to either a PCB technical mixture or a PAH compound to determine if these contaminants have the potential to alter immune function in salmon. Indeed, we found that salmon exposed in the laboratory to either the PCB mixture or the PAH also produced lower PFC responses and were more susceptible to disease compared to animals treated with the solvent vehicle. In summary, contaminants such as PAHs and PCBs are demonstrated to influence salmon health, and thus have the potential to adversely impact salmon populations.  相似文献   

The flux of dissolved inorganic nutrients (NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, SRP) and suspended particulates (particulate organic carbon POC, and particulate inorganic carbon PIC) was measured across the mouth of a small creek draining a portion of the intertidal Spartina salt marsh in the Swartkops estuary. Direct measurements of constituent concentration, the volume of water flowing into and out of the creek basin at discrete time intervals, and tidal height were made over full spring tide cycles on a two-weekly basis during a 12 month study period. Results show that the marsh acts as a sink for NH4-N, NO2-N, and NO3-N on an annual basis, but exports soluble reactive phosphate to the contiguous estuarine waters. The marsh also imports nominal amounts of suspended POC and PIC (<1.5 mm in size), but apparently exports larger detrital particles (>1.5 mm) on ebb tides to the estuary. It is concluded that the marsh retains and utilizes most of its own production and functions virtually as an independent ecosystem.  相似文献   
During monthly synoptic surveys in a dry year, physicochemical and biological data were collected at 15 stations throughout the Tagus estuary. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify the major sources of variation in the data. The most important variations in the Tagus estuary were the spatial variations, mainly the longitudinal ones showing clearly the riverine and the sea water influenced zones of the estuary. The results also showed that a lateral variation was due to the local pollution as indicated by intense organic matter degradation and high rates of oxygen consumption. The seasonal variation related to temperature and the variation associated with the semidiurnal tidal cycle were also apparent. These, however, contributed less than the spatial variation to the total variability in the measured parameters of the Tagus estuary.  相似文献   
Rippingale  R. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):351-366
Gladioferens imparipes, a calanoid copepod from estuaries in Western Australia, displays behaviour and associated morphology which is unusual among calanoids. Adult and copepodid stages make temporary attachment to underwater surfaces using fine hair sensillae on the surface of the prosome. A clear pattern can be seen in the number and arrangement of hair sensillae in early copepodid stages. Line drawings, photomicrographs and an S.E.M. are used to illustrate the structures. Laboratory studies with live copepods in a flow chamber show that adult animals may hold position against water currents. It is hypothesized that this behaviour influences the distribution pattern in an estuary where low velocity tidally induced water movement occurs, and may be of value in enabling the copepod to exist beyond the distribution of a major predator.  相似文献   
The estuarine system of the Clarence River in northern New South Wales, Australia is examined. Although many such systems in Australia have been placed at risk as a result of human-induced environmental pressure, it is contended that this is not the case with the Clarence River system. Rather it is suggested that perceived environmental threats in this case are the result of particular local environmental cognitions and that actual stress exerted on the system is largely independent of human use.  相似文献   
Changes in the budget of fine sediments in the Oosterschelde have been measured. These are related to the partial closure of the tidal basin. Before the engineering works, soil texture of most of the basin was sandy. After the works, unconsolidated fine sediments occurred at several locations throughout the Oosterschelde, mainly in the deeper parts of channels and on musselbeds. Fine sediments accumulate due to the reduction in current velocities. Most of the fine sediment comes from the North Sea; internal sources of fine sediments (primary production and erosion of intertidal flats) are of minor importance. Due to the works, the direction of net transport of fine sediments has changed from an export (before the works) into an import. A qualitative discussion of the underlying processes is presented. The changes in the budget of fine sediments have both positive and negative ecological consequences. Muddy deposits on dike slopes have reduced hard bottom macrozoobenthos. The reduced nutrients input due to reduced fresh water input has not resulted in a reduced primary production because it is counter-balanced by a decrease in turbidity.  相似文献   
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