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In the Elbe hardly anything is known about the actual fate of phytoplankton and the resultant pigment composition of suspended matter. As part of a longterm study on the role of suspended matter in the cycles of nitrogen and associated oxygen consumption processes in the Elbe estuary in northern Germany (‘Sonderforschungsbereich 327 Elbe’ project) and the characterization of estuarine and coastal water bodies with regard to the transport of pollutants such as heavy metals, we have started to characterize suspended matter with regard to the pigments present therein. This will allow us to study phytoplankton turnover and to determine the role of phytoplankton decay mechanisms in the mobilization, binding, and transport of pollutants associated with particulate matter. Our first data on the pigment composition of suspended matter from the Elbe and particularly over the region of Hamburg harbour, obtained using a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method, is presented. The pigment concentrations varied considerably over the summer months. Values up to 250 mg l−1 of chlorophyll a were observed upstream of Hamburg. We found that on its course through Hamburg the concentrations (μg g−1 of particulate matter) of all pigments in the Elbe drop to under half those found upstream of Hamburg. The pigment concentrations in the turbidity maximum were significantly lower than in the rest of the estuary due to the decline of algae as a result of inadequate light conditions and the salinity gradient. The highest particulate matter concentrations were found in the turbidity maximum and just downstream of Hamburg. The highest particulate organic carbon values were found just downstream of Hamburg. The presence of of fucoxanthin and the chlorophyllsc andb, and the changes in pigment patterns were indicative for the dominant algal classes and the phytoplankton succession in the suspended matter. The ratio of chlorophylla to lutein was found to be a possible indicator of phytoplankton breakdown.  相似文献   
Jacques Castel 《Hydrobiologia》1995,311(1-3):85-101
Long-term changes in the population of Eurytemora affinis were investigated during 15 years (1978–1992) at a fixed station in the Gironde estuary (South West France). Total numbers, sex-ratio, % ovigerous females, proportion of copepodites and clutch-size were taken into account and their long-term distribution was related to temperature, river flow, salinity, suspended matter and chlorophyll a concentrations after the seasonal effect was removed for all variables.There was a great decrease of the river flow during the period of investigation, due to a general deficit in pluviosity. On the contrary, the general trend for salinity was an increase from 1978 to 1992. The same pattern was observed for chlorophyll, indicating an intrusion of marine phytoplankton. Water temperature increased significantly during the study period, following the general increase in air temperature observed in the area. For the suspended particulate matter (SPM), an increase was observed between 1978 and 1981–1982, then a very sharp decrease occurred from 1984 onwards.Numbers of E. affinis were inversely correlated with temperature and salinity, and positively correlated with the river flow. E. affinis was negatively correlated with chlorophyll concentration because of the covariation with salinity. No clear long-term trend was observed for the sex-ratio. A significant correlation was found between females carrying egg-sacs and SPM concentration, probably due to a decrease of the predation pressure in very turbid waters. The percentages of copepodites tended to decrease with time and were inversely correlated with temperature. Clutch-size significantly decreased during the 15-year period. This trend was mainly explained by temperature and salinity.It is concluded that, in the absence of strong human alteration in the Gironde estuary the long-term distribution of zooplankton can be explained by the natural environmental variability. The dominant factors are the river flow which governs the movement of the populations along the estuary and the temperature which influences the reproductive processes. Any change in climate will have consequences on the pelagic community.  相似文献   
The potential of surface phytoplankton to withstand photostress was investigated in August 1998 along a transect from the mouth of the Peene‐Strom (Pomeranian Bight) to the open Arkona Sea (Baltic). Photosynthetic efficiency, algal class composition and pigment pattern were determined. Algae were photoinhibited by artificial illumination and the kinetics of recovery were recorded. Under photoinhibitory treatment, algae from the estuary showed a low effective quantum yield but a high potential to recover their maximum photosynthetic efficiency. Contrary to this, the relatively high effective quantum yield of open sea algae under photoinhibitory treatment is accompanied by a low final recovery of maximum photosynthetic efficiency. These phenomena are discussed with respect to nutrient supply, algal class composition and to different strategies of algae to react to light stress. Literature data of summer primary productivity of open sea and coastal algae are compared with our data on electron transport rates. This revealed a low influence of photoinhibitory effects on productivity.  相似文献   
Two preservative treatments traditionally used in aquatic sciences, formalin (4%) and ethanol (70%), were compared for their effects on biomass estimations. The effects of both preservatives on wet weight, dry weight, and ash-free dry weight were determined for samples preserved for 10, 21, and 90 days. The effects were studied in four different macrofauna species commonly found in German estuaries: Heteromastus filiformis (Capitellidae, Polychaeta), Hediste diversicolor (Nereididae, Polychaeta), Corophium sp. (Amphipoda, Crustaceae), and Gammarus spp. (Amphipoda, Crustacea). The biomass estimates of preserved samples were compared with those of unpreserved samples. In all four species the loss in wet weight, dry weight, and ash-free dry weight was most pronounced within the first 10 days, and an additional weight loss was recorded between days 10 and 21. However, there was no further loss in weight for samples kept for as long as 90 days in the preservatives. In general, crustaceans exhibited higher weight loss than polychaetes, and smaller species (H. filiformis and Corophium sp.) showed higher weight loss and a higher variability than larger species. As our main result, significant differences between the two preservative treatments did never occur. Our results contradict some earlier investigations on this matter where formalin has been reported to be superior to alcoholic preservatives because weight loss was less pronounced than in ethanol. Factors affecting biomass estimates are discussed and we conclude that, for the macrofauna groups tested, the use of the toxic formalin solution is not justified when the major intent is biomass estimation.  相似文献   
During their reproductive period, females of Crepipatella dilatata deposit their embryos in capsules that they then brood in the pallial cavity until juveniles emerge several weeks later, after passing through a transient veliger “larval” stage. Artificially excapsulated veligers of this species experimentally exposed to a wide range of salinities (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 psu) for six hours showed reduced activity at salinities of 15 and 20 psu, whereas encapsulated veligers exposed to those same salinities showed no reduction of activity. Artificially excapsulated veligers showed high mortality at salinities of 5 and 10 psu; encapsulated embryonic stages also showed high mortalities at 5 psu and serious sublethal effects at 10 psu in tests excluding maternal protection, showing that encapsulation alone does not provide complete protection from low salinity stress. Natural tidal cycles in the Quempillén River estuary also reduced embryonic survival at salinities of ≤ 10 psu when the capsules were exposed without maternal protection. In contrast, encapsulated embryos protected by their mothers survived well regardless of the salinity to which they were exposed, under both natural and laboratory-simulated estuarine tidal cycles. C. dilatata are able to develop in the estuary only because of maternal protection, since salinity levels in this environment sometimes decline to as low as 7 psu. Successful embryonic development in this estuary reflects the capacity of C. dilatata adults to detect dangerously low salinity levels and then seal themselves off from the environment for up to 50 hrs (O. Chaparro pers. obs.) when the salinity drops below 22.5 psu, allowing salinity to remain above this level within the pallial cavity despite continued salinity declines in the surrounding seawater.  相似文献   

Following the closure of the mouth of the Palmiet estuary in February 1988, the thermohaline structure was recorded at approximate weekly intervals. The evolution of the two-layer structure was studied and the mixing processes causing the changes were determined. Vertical diffusivities were computed and the qualitative understanding of the slow mixing rates in the deep pools was confirmed. The study indicates a probable summer condition of the estuary following upstream impoundment.  相似文献   
Disruption of hydrologic connectivity via road crossings is extremely common in Bahamian tidal creeks, resulting in increased sedimentation and decreased habitat quality and quantity for biota. We restored hydrologic connectivity (i.e., tidal flow) in two small Bahamian mangrove tidal creeks in May 2004 and 2005. We observed the characteristics of fish assemblage structure (species richness) and function (secondary production and transient species utilization of restored areas) before and after restoration, and compared these data with fragmented and unfragmented reference creeks. Restoration significantly increased species richness and secondary production of resident fish species in one of the two restored creeks. Increased utilization of the previously blocked wetlands by transient fishes was observed in both creeks. We suggest success could be attributed to the presence of adjacent nearshore recruitment sources, a more complex local seascape (i.e., high habitat heterogeneity in the creek and local nearshore), and the creation of deep upstream refugia pools. This is one of the first studies to use both structural and functional characteristics to monitor the success of restoration in mangrove ecosystems. Studies combining both structural and functional metrics in restoration monitoring are imperative in linking restoration ecology theory with practical ecological restoration efforts.  相似文献   
García  A.  Revilla  J.A.  Medina  R.  Álvarez  C.  Juanes  J.A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):205-211
The design of sewage discharge systems in estuaries needs to consider the dissolved oxygen concentration among other water quality indicators. Due to the great number of factors affecting the dissolved oxygen, the prediction of the temporal evolution of this element requires the use of mathematical tools. In the case of shallow estuaries with extensive intertidal zones, the complexity of this task increases since the water domain varies continuously. This work describes a numerical model which solves the vertical integrated transport equation including the effect of extensive tidal flats. The model makes use of the tidal velocities computed by a previous run of a hydrodynamic model. This procedure allows the dissolved oxygen modelling to be performed using a larger time step than that used for the velocity field calculation. The numerical scheme developed for the model guarantees that even in the drying and wetting of intertidal areas the water column dissolved oxygen concentration is not modified by numerical errors. The representations of the processes included in the model (advection, dispersion and reaction) have been validated successfully in several theoretical cases. An application to the Urdaibai Estuary, a shallow estuary in the Basque Country, Northern Spain, is also presented.  相似文献   
Growth and survival of Cyprinodon variegatus, Fundulus heteroclitus, Menidia beryllina , and Lucania parva , held in combination with an omnivorous grass shrimp– Palaemonetes pugio , and a predatory diving beetle Tropisternus lateralis , were measured at 12–60% in outdoor static microcosms that simulate salt marsh ponds. We predicted that the low species richness of this abiotically harsh but highly productive habitat would lead to a high degree of interaction among species. The presence of the beetle had no effect on the fish or the shrimp. Removal of the shrimp similarly had no detectable effect on the fish. There was a trend in proportions of survival among three fish: C. variegatus>F. heteroclitus>M. beryllina . Survival of M. beryllina was greater when it was alone at low densities of its own species (333 v. 667 fish m −3), and less when it was paired with F. heteroclitus . Interactions with other species diminished the growth of M. beryllina . Survival of F. heteroclitus was greater when it was alone at low density (333 m −3), than when the same number were placed together with Menidia and Cyprinodon at a total fish density of 999 m −3. There were no effects of removal of other species on survival or growth of C. variegatus at either 12'5 or 24%. This study showed that a complex array of interactions occurred among six common members of a salt marsh food web, but the degree of interaction Was less than We predicted.  相似文献   
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