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The seed in the mature and dry state is metabolically inactive (quiescent) and is thus able to withstand extreme environmental conditions, such as drought and cold. Germination commences when the dry seed, shed from its parent plant, takes up water (imbibition) and ends when the root emerges through the seed coat. During seedling establishment, the reserves stored in the seed are metabolized, whereas the subsequent vegetative and reproductive growth is supported by photosynthesis. Here, we describe the functional characterization of the PH-START protein AtAPO1 (Arabidopsis thaliana APOSTART1), the putative homologue of PpAPO1 (Poa pratensis APOSTART1) in Arabidopsis thaliana. By using translational fusion of the AtAPO1 promoter to the uiaD gene and in situ hybridization analyses, we show that AtAPO1 is expressed in mature embryo sacs and developing embryos. The functional analysis of two at-apostart mutant alleles suggests that AtAPO1 is involved in the control of seed germination.  相似文献   
Feeding pits dug by waterfowl in Zostera noltii meadows are thought to promote seedling recruitment by accumulating seeds and enhancing germination. We tested the latter hypothesis by creating a series of “treatment pits” (resembling natural feeding pits) in the center and at the edge of two meadows near the Island of Sylt (Germany). Seedling density was monitored from the autumn seed set until the following spring. Seedling density (mean, SE) in treatment pits was significantly higher (4.4, 5.3) than in manipulated (2.4, 1.9) and unmanipulated controls (1.4, 0.4), as well as significantly higher in center (2.8, 0.5) relative to edge (2.5, 1.1) locations. Results confirm a facilitating effect of waterfowl grazing on seedling recruitment in spring due to seed accumulation in feeding pits in autumn. The mechanism could provide a valuable tool for the conservation of intertidal Z. noltii meadows in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   
Glossy Black‐Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus lathami) appear to maximize dry matter intake by selecting feeding trees that have the most profitable seed crops as indicated by Clout’s Index (seed weight/total cone weight). However, as it is unlikely that cockatoos can directly assess Clout’s Index, the mechanism for such selection is unclear. Moreover, as cockatoos consume only the kernels, and not all seeds contain kernels, better estimates of food value are required. Therefore, we examine seed and cone characteristics and establish that Seed Fill (percentage of seeds containing kernels) and Kernel Ratio (average kernel weight/average cone weight) contribute significantly to Food Value (weight of kernels/total cone weight). We propose that these factors can be rapidly assessed by cockatoos, and show that selection of feeding trees can be more accurately predicted using discriminant analysis with a combination of Seed Fill and Kernel Ratio than with either Food Value or Clout’s Index alone. Along with most other characteristics, Seed Fill and Kernel Ratio were consistent between the two years of study, enabling foraging cockatoos to return to profitable trees annually, without sampling. Where sampling is undertaken, rapid assessment of profitability by sampling cone ends is possible, as kernels are randomly distributed through the cone. Also, a decline in Food Value, Seed Fill and Kernel Ratio with cone age, means that cockatoos could also assess profitability on the basis of cone colour. We show that concentrations of individual nutrients are unlikely to contribute to tree selection, previous reports of such selection being caused by the predominance of protein and oils in the kernels, and of ash, fibre and carbohydrates in the samara. We therefore conclude that cockatoos select feeding trees primarily on the basis of optimizing kernel intake.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal and forest regeneration were studied on a 30×150 m strip cleared by strip-cutting, a system of forest management designed for sustained yield (Hartshorn 1989), in high terrace rain forest in the Department of Loreto, Peru. After one year the strip was dominated by seedlings of a few bat- and bird-dispersed pioneer tree species (Cecropia spp., Melastomataceae, and Alchornea triplinervia); stump sprouts from cut trees and saplings that survived the clearing were less numerous. The density of saplings (>2 m in height) surviving the clearing was 903 per hectare; 94% of these survived the subsequent 18 months. About 30% of 417 stumps (>7.5 cm diameter at breast height) resprouted within 3 months, with an additional 10% sprouting in the subsequent 10 months. Sprouting frequency was greater for small stumps than large and varied greatly among plant families. Seed deposition over this year was much lower in the interior of the strip, both in species richness and numbers of seeds, than within the forest; strip edges were intermediate in richness and number. The decline in seed input from forest to edge to strip, both in species and in numbers of seeds, was most pronounced for bird-dispersed taxa (primarily Melastomataceae); bat- and wind- dispersed taxa were more evenly distributed. The similarity in bat species composition between the strip and nearby primary forest was higher than the similarity in bird species composition between these habitats, reflecting a failure of many forest bird species to venture into the strip. The predominance of Cecropia spp. and other pioneers of minimal commercial value in the regeneration question the sustainability of strip-cutting. Subsequent succession and future tree species composition on the cleared strip will depend not only on the survivorship and growth of sprouts, survivors, and seedlings, but also on responses of different seed-dispersing animal taxa to changes in the species composition and structure of the vegetation in the strip.  相似文献   
Terborgh  J.  Losos  E.  Riley  M. P.  Riley  M. Bolaños 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):375-386
We studied the pre-germination loss of seeds to invertebrate and vertebrate seed predators of 5 species of Amazonian trees (Astrocaryum macrocalyx—Palmae; Bertholletia excelsa—Lecithydaceae; Calatola venezuelana—Icacinaceae; Dipteryx micrantha—Leguminosae (Papilionoidae); Hymenaea courbaril-Leguminosae (Caesalpinoidae)). These five species were selected from a large tree flora on several criteria. All possess large (3–10 cm) well-protected seeds that might plausibly be attractive to mammalian seed predators. The reproductive biology of three of the species, or close congeners, had been studied elsewhere in the Neotropics (Astrocaryum, Dipteryx, Hymenaea); one is important to the economy of southeastern Peru (Bertholletia); and one, despite large and apparently edible seeds, appeared to suffer no pre-germination loss to predators (Calatola). We conducted the research in mature forests in the Manu National Park of southeastern Peru where mammal densities are unperturbed by human activities. Densities of adult trees of the five species in our area range from very high (>30 per ha: Astrocaryum) to very low (1 per ha: Hymenaea).Loss of seeds to all causes, and to mammalian seed predators in particular, was determined for seeds placed in 2-square meter mammal exclosures and in open controls located at 10 m (near) and 50 m (far) from a large mature individual of the target species (with minor variations in the design for Astrocaryum and Calatola). The exclosures were of two types: impermeable—designed to exclude all mammals, but not invertebrate seed predators, and semipermeable—designed to admit small (<500 g), but not large mammals. Experimental and control plots were stocked with apparently viable seeds during the dry-wet transition period (October–November) and scored one year later.A significant distance effect (higher predation near vs far from a large conspecific adult) was found in only one of the species (Astrocaryum), the only one to be attacked with high frequency by invertebrate seed predators. The absence of any detectable distance effect attributable to mammals suggests that mammals, over the course of a year, thoroughly search the forest floor for seeds. Invertebrates may thus be responsible for most pre-germination distance (density) effects. With respect to the treatments, we found three qualitatively distinct results: seeds of three species (Astrocaryum, Bertholletia, Dipteryx) were significantly protected by the impermeable, but not semipermeable exclosures, implicating small mammals in seed loss; the seeds of one species (Hymenaea) were significantly protected by exclosures of both types, implicating large mammals; and the seeds of one species (Calatola) exhibited 100% survival, whether or not protected by exclosures.The importance of large mammals as seed predators is generally underestimated in these experiments because semipermeable exclosures may serve as foraging reserves for small mammals. Finally, we noted no relationship between the intensity of mammalian seed predation (as suggested by the survival of unprotected seeds) and the abundance of adults of the five species in the environment. The diversity of results obtained for the five species reveals that large-seeded tropical trees may display a wide range of demographic patterns, and points to the likely importance of post-germination bottlenecks in the population biology of many species, even those that may experience severe pre-germination seed loss.  相似文献   
Abstract. Four coexisting serotinous desert plants in the central Namib were investigated with respect to microhabitat preferences. The annual Blepharis grossa preferred the microhabitat on the plains, while the perennial Petalidium setosum dominated in channels. The remaining two species, the common Geigeria alata and the rare Geigeria ornativa, were evenly distributed in all microhabitats. Interspecific competition, seed dispersal mode and ecophysiological niches might be responsible for this pattern.  相似文献   
The seed morphology of 151 species of Southern AfricanOrchidoideae (Orchideae andDiseae; sensuDressler 1981) was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. Two different seed types were found. (1) In the majority of species the seeds are minute and fusiform. The seed coat is made up of comparatively few concave and elongate testa cells with straight or slightly undulate and generally unthickened anticlinal cell walls. The seed type was here termed Satyrium-type. While most species are very similar in the ornamentation of the periclinal walls of their seed coat, considerable variation was found inHolothrix where two distinct groups can be recognized in this respect. (2) A remarkably different seed type was observed inDisa uniflora and three apparently closely related species (Disa uniflora-type), where large balloon-like seeds occur. Their seed coat consists of convex cells with undulate anticlinal walls. It is suggested that this seed type is a derived condition and has evolved in adaptation to the specialized habitat alongside streams. The possibility of hydrochory in these four species is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Seed set and fruit development in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were studied in relation to female flower receptivity from day — 2 before anthesis to day + 2 after anthesis. The female cucumber flower is protogynous. The pistil was receptive 2 days before anthesis. The iso-electric focusing (IEF) patterns of the stigma/style proteins, were identical from day -5 to day +2. In pollinated flowers in vivo germination and pollen-tube growth in the ovary were affected by pistil age from day -2 to day +2. In addition, differences in sectorial filling in full seeds were observed within the fruits. A negative correlation was observed between the frequency of fertilized ovules in the pedoncular part of the fruit and ovary length at the time of pollination. In the whole fruit, significant differences in the number of full seeds and fruit size at maturity were found, and these were observed to be correlated with the various stages of female flower maturation at pollination. The day -2 and day +2 stages yielded the smallest fruits with few full seeds compared to the day -1, day 0 and day +1 stages, which had the biggest fruits and a large number of full seeds. A strong positive correlation was found between total seed number (including full and empty seeds), fruit length and weight at maturity. All these results suggest that both seed set in the different parts of the fruit and fruit development are controlled by ovular receptivity rather than by stigma/style receptivity.  相似文献   
入侵植物对热带珊瑚岛植被及生态系统产生严重威胁,研究热带珊瑚岛生境下入侵植物的种子萌发特征,可为预判入侵植物在热带珊瑚岛的扩张潜力提供科学依据。该研究以入侵植物飞机草(Eupatorium odoratum)、南美蟛蜞菊(Sphagneticola trilobata)和原生植物林泽兰(E. lindleyanum)种子为对象,通过“人为增温3℃+海砂基质+水”模拟热带珊瑚岛生境,测定种子萌发性状。结果表明:飞机草种子萌发性状主要受海砂基质和增温的影响;南美蟛蜞菊和林泽兰种子萌发性状则主要受海砂基质的影响。在热带珊瑚岛生境下,3种植物的繁殖潜力均显著低于大陆生境,飞机草和南美蟛蜞菊繁殖潜力降幅尤为显著。飞机草种子扩张潜力与林泽兰相当,但南美蟛蜞菊种子扩张潜力显著高于林泽兰。虽然飞机草和南美蟛蜞菊被人为带入热带珊瑚岛后的繁殖潜力有所下降,但其种子萌发特征对珊瑚岛生境的适应性和高于原生物种的扩张潜力均表明这2种入侵植物将对珊瑚岛植被生态系统造成威胁,在今后的研究中应当着重关注热带珊瑚岛生境入侵植物的防控工作。  相似文献   
The Mr 15000 protein associated with water-washed wheat starch granules from soft wheats was shown to be heterogeneous: it could be divided into a fraction containing one or more-amylase inhibitor subunits and a fraction largely composed of a previously uncharacterised polypeptide(s) referred to as the grainsoftness protein (GSP). The major N-terminal sequence and sequences of peptides derived from protease digests of GSP are reported. An antiserum specific for GSP was used to show that GSP accumulated in both hard and soft wheat grains, but the GSP in soft grains associated more strongly with starch granules than the GSP in hard grains. A positive correlation between grain softness and accumulation of GSP in the seed was demonstrated for a range of cultivars. This differs from the qualitative relationship, based on the isolated starch fraction, between GSP and grain softness that has already been reported. Analysis of wholemeal extracts with the antiserum demonstrated that the accumulation of GSP in the seed was dependent on the short arm of chromosome 5D, which also encodes theHa locus. In addition, examination of near-isogenic lines differing in hardness indicated that the gene(s) controlling GSP was (were) linked with theHa locus. The findings indicate that GSP may be the product of theHa locus and thus be the major factor that determines the milling characteristics of bread wheats.  相似文献   
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