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Zinc-coproporphyrin III (Zincphyrin) acts efficiently as a photodynamic therapy (PDT) agent in mice, while it shows no tumor cell-killing activity in vitro and has a high LD50 (low toxicity) in mice. It appears to have advantages over other porphyrins as a practical PDT reagent. In order to examine the action mechanism of Zincphyrin in PDT, we evaluated the photochemical characteristics of Zincphyrin by measurement of the near-infrared emission at 1268 nm, which provides direct evidence for formation of 1O2. Intense emission was observed in the presence of Zincphyrin, and was completely inhibited by NaN3, a 1O2 scavenger. Based on a quenching study, the rate constant of the reaction of 1O2 with NaN3 was determined to be 1.5–3.5 M–1 s–1, which is close to the reported value (3.8×108 M–1 s–1). The intensity of the 1O2-specific emission was proportional to both the laser power and the concentration of Zincphyrin. The fluorescence quantum yield of Zincphyrin was 0.004 in phosphate buffer (100 mM, pH 7.4), which indicates that the excited state decays via other pathway(s) faster than through the fluorescence emission pathway. The lifetime of the triplet state of Zincphyrin (210 s) was relatively long compared to that of other porphyrins, such as hematoporphyrin (Hp) (40 s), coproporphyrin I (50 s), or coproporphyrin III (36 s). These results demonstrate the photodynamic generation of 1O2 by Zincphyrin.  相似文献   
Many small proteins fold fast and without detectable intermediates. This is frequently taken as evidence against the importance of partially folded states, which often transiently accumulate during folding of larger proteins. To get insight into the properties of free energy barriers in protein folding we analyzed experimental data from 23 proteins that were reported to show non-linear activation free-energy relationships. These non-linearities are generally interpreted in terms of broad transition barrier regions with a large number of energetically similar states. Our results argue against the presence of a single broad barrier region. They rather indicate that the non-linearities are caused by sequential folding pathways with consecutive distinct barriers and a few obligatory high-energy intermediates. In contrast to a broad barrier model the sequential model gives a consistent picture of the folding barriers for different variants of the same protein and when folding of a single protein is analyzed under different solvent conditions. The sequential model is also able to explain changes from linear to non-linear free energy relationships and from apparent two-state folding to folding through populated intermediates upon single point mutations or changes in the experimental conditions. These results suggest that the apparent discrepancy between two-state and multi-state folding originates in the relative stability of the intermediates, which argues for the importance of partially folded states in protein folding.  相似文献   
A simple and reliable method for the preparation of biological samples for the evaluation of biochemical parameters representative of the redox and energy states, such as glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+), reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), coenzyme A (CoASH), oxidized CoASH, ascorbate, malondialdehyde, oxypurines, nucleosides, and energy metabolites, is presented. Fast deproteinization under nonoxidizing conditions is obtained by tissue homogenization in ice-cold, nitrogen-saturated CH3CN + 10 mM KH2PO4 (3:1; v:v), pH 7.40. After sample centrifugation to pellet precipitated proteins, organic solvent removal is performed on clear supernatants by three washings with large volumes of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-grade chloroform. The remaining aqueous phase, free of solvent and any lipid-soluble substances that may interfere with the further metabolite analysis, is used for the simultaneous ion-pairing HPLC determination of 39 compounds by means of a Kromasil C-18, 250 x 4.6-mm, 5-microm-particle-size column with tetrabutylammonium hydroxide as the pairing reagent. Results obtained by using the present method to prepare different rat tissue extracts demonstrate that it is possible to perform a single tissue preparation only for monitoring, in the same sample, compounds representative of the redox state (through the direct determination of GSH, GSSG, NAD+, NADH, NADP+, NADPH, CoASH, and oxidized CoASH) and of the cell energy state (by the analysis of oxypurines, nucleosides, and energy metabolites). Applicability of this sample processing procedure to quantify variations of the aforementioned compounds under pathological conditions was effected in rats subjected to moderate closed-head trauma.  相似文献   
I257E was obtained by site directed mutagenesis of nitrite reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes. The mutant has no enzyme activity. Its crystal structure determined at 1.65A resolution shows that the side-chain carboxyl group of the mutated residue, Glu257, coordinates with the type 2 copper in the mutant and blocks the contact between the type 2 copper and its solvent channel, indicating that the accessibility of the type 2 copper is essential for maintaining the activity of nitrite reductase. The carboxylate is an analog of the substrate, nitrite, but the distances between the type 2 copper and the two oxygen atoms of the side-chain carboxyl group are reversed in comparison to the binding of nitrite to the native enzyme. In the mutant, both the type 2 copper and the N epsilon atom on the imidazole ring of its coordinated residue His135 move in the substrate binding direction relative to the native enzyme. In addition, an EPR study showed that the type 2 copper in the mutant is in a reduced state. We propose that mutant I257E is in a state corresponding to a transition state in the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   
A first-order-like state transition is considered to be involved in the restoration of the activities of a few proteins by correctly folding the protein [Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002) 021903]. In order to understand the general applicability of this mechanism, we studied a metallothionein (MT) protein with an unconventional structure, i.e., without any alpha-helix or beta-sheet. MT is a 61 amino-acid peptide. There are 6-7 Zn(2+) ions, which bind avidly to 20 conserved cysteines (Cys) of MT. These properties indicate that the structure of MT is quite different from those of the other proteins. Similar to our previous findings, the denatured MT can be folded without any aggregation via a designated stepwise quasi-static process (an over-critical reaction path). The particle size of folded MT intermediates, determined by dynamic light scattering, shrank right after the first folding stage. It is consistent with a collapse-model. In addition, results from both atomic absorption and circular dichroism (CD) indicate that the stable intermediates may fold to the native conformation but with only partial Zn(2+) binding, which in turn implies that those folding intermediates are in a molten globular state. These reversible unfolding and folding processes indicate that Cys-rich protein, MT, may also be folded by way of a first-order-like state transition mechanism. We suspect that this process may likely be involved in the reaction of the metal substitution process in metal containing enzymes.  相似文献   
In previous work we reported on the simulation of mixing behavior of a slowly rotating drum for solid-state fermentation (SSF) using a discrete particle model. In this investigation the discrete particle model is extended with heat and moisture transfer. Heat transfer is implemented in the model via interparticle contacts and the interparticle heat transfer coefficient is determined experimentally. The model is shown to accurately predict heat transfer and resulting temperature gradients in a mixed wheat grain bed. In addition to heat transfer, the addition and subsequent distribution of water in the substrate bed is also studied. The water is added to the bed via spray nozzles to overcome desiccation of the bed during evaporative cooling. The development of moisture profiles in the bed during spraying and mixing are studied experimentally with a water-soluble fluorescent tracer. Two processes that affect the water distribution are considered in the model: the intraparticle absorption process, and the interparticle transfer of free water. It is found that optimum distribution can be achieved when the free water present at the surface of the grains is quickly distributed in the bed, for example, by fast mixing. Alternatively, a short spraying period, followed by a period of mixing without water addition, can be applied. The discrete particle model developed is used successfully to examine the influence of process operation on the moisture distribution (e.g., fill level and rotation rate). It is concluded that the extended discrete particle model can be used as a powerful predictive tool to derive operating strategies and criteria for design and scale-up for mixed SSF and other processes with granular media.  相似文献   
Abstract.— One-third to two-thirds of all tropical carabids, or ground beetles, are arboreal, and evolution of arboreality has been proposed to be a dead end in this group. Many arboreal carabids have unusual morphological features that have been proposed to be adaptations for life on vegetation, including large, hemispheric eyes; an elongated prothorax; long elytra; long legs; bilobed fourth tarsomeres; adhesive setae on tarsi; and pectinate claws. However, correlations between these features and arboreality have not been rigorously tested previously. I examined the evolution of arboreality and morphological features often associated with this habitat in a phylogenetic context. The number and rates of origins and losses of arboreality in carabids in the subfamily Harpalinae were inferred with parsimony and maximum-likelihood on a variety of phylogenetic hypotheses. Correlated evolution in arboreality and morphological characters was tested with concentrated changes tests, maximum-likelihood, and independent contrasts on optimal phylogenies. There is strong evidence that both arboreality and the morphological features examined originated multiple times and can be reversed, and in no case could the hypothesis of equal rates of gains and losses be rejected. Several features are associated with arboreality: adhesive setae on the tarsi, bilobed tarsomeres, and possibly pectinate claws and an elongated prothorax. Bulgy eyes, long legs, and long elytra were not correlated with arboreality and are probably not arboreal adaptations. The evolution of arboreal carabids has not been unidirectional. These beetles have experienced multiple gains and losses of arboreality and the morphological characters commonly associated with the arboreal habitat. The evolutionary process of unidirectional character change may not be as widespread as previously thought and reversal from specialized lifestyles or habitats may be common.  相似文献   
A major problem in predicting the enantioselectivity of an enzyme toward substrate molecules is that even high selectivity toward one substrate enantiomer over the other corresponds to a very small difference in free energy. However, total free energies in enzyme-substrate systems are very large and fluctuate significantly because of general protein motion. Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB), a serine hydrolase, displays enantioselectivity toward secondary alcohols. Here, we present a modeling study where the aim has been to develop a molecular dynamics-based methodology for the prediction of enantioselectivity in CALB. The substrates modeled (seven in total) were 3-methyl-2-butanol with various aliphatic carboxylic acids and also 2-butanol, as well as 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanol with octanoic acid. The tetrahedral reaction intermediate was used as a model of the transition state. Investigative analyses were performed on ensembles of nonminimized structures and focused on the potential energies of a number of subsets within the modeled systems to determine which specific regions are important for the prediction of enantioselectivity. One category of subset was based on atoms that make up the core structural elements of the transition state. We considered that a more favorable energetic conformation of such a subset should relate to a greater likelihood for catalysis to occur, thus reflecting higher selectivity. The results of this study conveyed that the use of this type of subset was viable for the analysis of structural ensembles and yielded good predictions of enantioselectivity.  相似文献   
Caldesmon and smooth-muscle regulation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Smooth muscles exist in the wall of hollow organs in our body and are responsible for controlling the flow of vital fluids that are essential for the normal function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems. Many diseases, such as hypertension, asthma, indigestion, and premature birth, may attribute to malfunction of smooth-muscle contraction. It is therefore important to decipher how smooth-muscle contraction is regulated. This review attempts to give a brief overview of current understanding about the molecular mechanisms of smooth-muscle regulation and, in particular, to discuss possible roles of caldesmon in this regulatory process.  相似文献   
Computational models have been of interest in biology for many years and have represented a particular approach to trying to understand biological processes and phenomena from a systems point of view. Much of the early work was rather abstract and high level and probably seemed to many to be of more philosophical than practical value. There have, however, been some advances in the development of more realistic models and the current state of computer science research provides us with new opportunities through both the emergence of models that can model seriously complex systems and also the support that modern software can give to the modelling process. This paper describes a few of the early simple models and then goes on to look at some new ideas in the area with a particular application drawn from the world of mycology. Some general principles relating to how new and emerging computational techniques can help to represent and understand extremely complex models conclude the paper.  相似文献   
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