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广州帽峰山次生林主要种群种间联结性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
运用方差比率法(VR)、χ2统计量、2×2联列表和共同出现百分率对帽峰山次生林群落10000m2典型样地乔木层15个主要种群和灌木层9个主要种群进行种间联结的测定与分析,指出乔木层15个种群总体呈不显著的负联结,主要种群黄樟、三叉苦、鸭脚木和亮叶猴耳环只与极少数种群形成显著联结,与大部分种群联结关系较弱。灌木层9个种群整体为显著负联结,但主要种群三叉苦与九节、七裂叶悬钩子和假鹰爪呈显著正联结,鸭脚木与九节呈显著正联结,亮叶猴耳环与灌木层其它种群不存在显著联结关系。本文比较了多物种间总体关联性指标和3个成对物种间联结性测定指标的优缺点,并探讨了帽峰山生态公益林示范区次生林经营管理和可持续发展的基本途径。  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships of calcareous dinoflagellates (i.e., Calciodinellaceae and Thoracosphaera) are investigated. Molecular data from the ribosomal 5.8S rRNA and highly conserved motifs of the ITS1 show Calciodinellaceae s.l. to be monophyletic when few non-calcareous taxa are included. They segregate into three monophyletic assemblages in a molecular analysis that considers the 5.8S rRNA and both the Internal Transcribed Spacer regions ITS1 and ITS2: a clade comprising species of Ensiculifera and Pentapharsodinium (E/P-clade), Scrippsiella s.l. (including fossil-based taxa such as Calciodinellum and Calcigonellum), and a heterogeneous group (T/P-clade) of calcareous (e.g., Thoracosphaera) and non-calcareous taxa (e.g., the highly toxic Pfiesteria). The potential to produce calcareous structures is considered as apomorphic within alveolates, and non-calcareous taxa nesting with calcareous dinoflagellates may have reduced calcification secondarily. Molecular results do not contradict general evolutionary scenarios provided by previous morphological (mainly paleontological) investigations.  相似文献   
热带林下人工种植阳春砂仁的生长与果实产量动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调查了西双版纳不同海拔热带沟谷雨林和次生林下的阳春砂仁生长和果实产量动态.结果表明,西双版纳热带林下阳春砂仁自身年龄增长、林下光照不足和旱季水分胁迫影响阳春砂仁果实产量。随种植期增加,阳春砂仁果实产量和成熟植株密度降低.当林下光照水平在全日照的35%以下时,阳春砂仁果实产量随林下日照水平变化呈线性增加(P<0.05)。沟谷下方阳春砂仁果实产量显著高于上方(P<0.05)。海拔600~1000m,由于阳春砂仁的主花期从干热季3~4月推迟到雨季5月,果实产量显著增加,沟谷雨林和次生林下阳春砂仁果实产量差异不显著。因此,在海拔800~1000m沟谷中轮歇地次生林下有计划种植阳春砂仁,代替在沟谷雨林下种植阳春砂仁,既能解决沟谷雨林下光照和当地旱季水分不足对阳春砂仁果实产量的影响,又有利于热带沟谷雨林的保护。  相似文献   
Summary The complete assignment of1H and15N backbone resonances and near-complete1H side-chain resonance assignments have been obtained for the reduced form of a mutant of human thioredoxin (105 residues) in which the three non-active site cysteines have been substituted by alanines: C62A, C69A, C73A. The assignments were made primarily on the basis of three-dimensional.15N-separated nuclear Overhauser and Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy, in conjunction with two-dimensional homonuclear and heteronuclear correlation experiments. Based on comparisons of short-range and interstrand nuclear Overhauser effects, patterns of amide exchange, and chemical-shift differences, the structure appears essentially unchanged from that of the previously determined solution structure of the native protein [Forman-Kay. J.D. et al. (1991)Biochemistry, 30, 2685–2698). An assay for thioredoxin shows that the C62A, C69A, C73A mutant retains activity. The assignment of the spectrum for this mutant of human thioredoxin constitutes the basis for future studies aimed at comparing the details of the active-site conformation in the reduced and oxidized forms of the protein.  相似文献   
脑卒中是一种危害人类健康的全球性问题。缺血性脑卒中复发是此类疾病患者面临的最严重问题之一,而且复发后会进一步加重患者功能障碍,甚至导致死亡。二级预防的主要目的是阻止短暂性脑缺血发作后发生的脑卒中或首次脑卒中后再发的脑卒中。所以,首次卒中后尽早开展二级预防显得尤为重要。下面,我们就有关缺血性脑卒中二级预防的控制危险因素、抗栓治疗、手术治疗、及生活习惯改变等方面,将近年来研究的新进展进行总结。  相似文献   
Liu D  Ling X  Wen J  Liu J 《Journal of neurochemistry》2000,75(5):2144-2154
To determine whether reactive nitrogen species contribute to secondary damage in CNS injury, the time courses of nitric oxide, peroxynitrite, and nitrotyrosine production were measured following impact injury to the rat spinal cord. The concentration of nitric oxide measured by a nitric oxide-selective electrode dramatically increased immediately following injury and then quickly declined. Nitro-L-arginine reduced nitric oxide production. The extracellular concentration of peroxynitrite, measured by perfusing tyrosine through a microdialysis fiber into the cord and quantifying nitrotyrosine in the microdialysates, significantly increased after injury to 3.5 times the basal level, and superoxide dismutase and nitro-L-arginine completely blocked peroxynitrite production. Tyrosine nitration examined immunohistochemically significantly increased at 12 and 24 h postinjury, but not in sham-control sections. Mn(III) tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)-porphyrin (a novel cell-permeable superoxide dismutase mimetic) and nitro-L-arginine significantly reduced the numbers of nitrotyrosine-positive cells. Protein-bound nitrotyrosine was significantly higher in the injured tissue than in the sham-operated controls. These results demonstrate that traumatic injury increases nitric oxide and peroxynitrite production, thereby nitrating tyrosine, including protein-bound tyrosine. Together with our previous report that trauma increases superoxide, our results suggest that reactive nitrogen species cause secondary damage by nitrating protein through the pathway superoxide + nitric oxide peroxynitrite protein nitration.  相似文献   
Since tropical rain forests are widely threatened by conversion to agriculture, even within protected areas, an understanding of recovery processes is important for restoration of forest ecosystems and thus conservation of their biodiversity. Secondary succession following land clearance and crop cultivation was studied in a lower montane rain forest in a protected area of the Venezuelan Cordillera de la Costa Central. Forest recovery was studied using a chronosequence of eight 20 × 20 m plots which represented four forest types ca.10 year-old Secondary Forest, ca. 20 year-old Secondary Forest, ca. 35 year-old (uncultivated) secondary forest and mature forest. Species richness and structural complexity increased during succession, with the oldest secondary forest having a physiognomy comparable to the mature forest. Species diversity was lower in the secondary forests than the mature forest, and their floristic composition was distinct. Four phases are hypothesized to occur in the succession process, each with a distinctive species assemblage: initial colonisation by non-woody vegetation; establishment and canopy closure by short-lived small-seeded woody pioneer species; replacement by longer-lived secondary species; and gradual replacement by mature forest large-seeded climax species. Full recovery of the forests in the protected area is likely to take many years, although it may be assisted through conservation management measures.  相似文献   
锯缘青蟹卵黄发生期卵母细胞和卵泡细胞之间的结构变化   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
通过电镜研究了锯缘青蟹二次卵巢发育过程中卵黄发生期(分为初期和后期)卵母细胞表面的结构和胞质的变化。卵黄发生初期分为:内源性卵黄发生阶段和有卵泡细胞直接参与的外源性卵黄合成阶段,前者特征为:在卵母细胞中充满了内质网泡,在泡内有不同程度的卵黄物质合成,此时在卵母细胞的表面区域,可见很多卵泡细胞向卵母细胞表面迁移,并包围卵母细胞。后者其特征是在卵母细胞的表面,有大量的胞饮小泡出现在卵膜的内面,随着两细胞表面膜的逐步融合和胞饮作用加强最后形成链锁状结构,胞质中靠近卵质周围有卵黄体的积极合成和大更换 脂肪滴积累,在此阶段的后期,卵泡细胞质已基本吸收完毕,卵泡细胞膜和卵母细胞膜融合,某些界面已无膜结构。卵黄发生后期在亲蟹孵出幼体后的第11d至第27d基本结束,此期也主要以外源性卵黄发生为主,在卵母细胞的周围,卵泡细胞迅速扩大,其间分布着大量的大小不同的囊泡和线粒体,在接近卵母细胞表面,还常可见大量的脂肪滴存在。卵泡细胞与卵母细胞间其膜结构完全消失,从而可使滤泡大片细胞质直接融入卵母细胞中,以后随着卵黄发生的进一步发展,卵母细胞与卵泡细胞的交界面逐步形成一个网状的膜结构屏障,同时在卵巢中可见正在降解的卵母细胞,在卵黄发生近结束以后,在卵母细胞的表面,逐步形成两层卵膜,这时的卵母细胞质中几乎充满了卵黄体和脂肪滴。  相似文献   
Zebrafish provide a highly versatile model in which to study vertebrate development. Many recent studies have elucidated early events in the organogenesis of the zebrafish pancreas; however, several aspects of early endocrine pancreas formation in the zebrafish are not homologous to the mammalian system. To better identify mechanisms of islet formation in the zebrafish, with true homology to those observed in mammals, we have temporally and spatially characterized zebrafish secondary islet formation. As is the case in the mouse, we show that Notch inhibition leads to precocious differentiation of endocrine tissues. Furthermore, we have used transgenic fish expressing fluorescent markers under the control of a Notch-responsive element to observe the precursors of these induced endocrine cells. These pancreatic Notch-responsive cells represent a novel population of putative progenitors that are associated with larval pancreatic ductal epithelium, suggesting functional homology between secondary islet formation in zebrafish and the secondary transition in mammals. We also show that Notch-responsive cells persist in the adult pancreas and possess the classical characteristics of centroacinar cells, a cell type believed to be a multipotent progenitor cell in adult mammalian pancreas.  相似文献   
为了解茶/油茶嫁接苗叶片在形态和代谢产物上的变化,以茶‘舒茶早’品种(Camellia sinensis ‘Shuchazao’)为接穗,大别山野生油茶(C. oleifera)为砧木进行根颈嫁接,对嫁接体、茶树和油茶的叶片形态和次生代谢产物含量进行了研究。结果表明,茶/油茶嫁接体叶片在形态上更接近于茶,而嫁接体叶片形态学指标却受到了油茶的影响。嫁接体叶片中的氨基酸、嘌呤碱和多酚含量比油茶叶片高,其中茶氨酸含量比油茶显著提高。嫁接体叶片中含有酚酸,而在油茶中未被检出。嫁接体叶片中咖啡碱含量比茶树叶片显著下降。这对茶、油茶的栽培,茶树次级代谢及次级代谢物的转运机理研究具有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   
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