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The study investigates activity changes in neurons of the lateral accessory lobes in the brain of the locust Schistocerca gregaria during wind-elicited tethered flight. Neurons with ascending projections from the ventral nerve cord to the lateral accessory lobes showed flight-associated excitations which were modulated in the flight motor rhythm. Descending neurons with ramifications in the lateral accessory lobes were tonically excited corresponding to flight duration. The onset of wind-elicited responses in the descending neurons preceded the onset of flight motor activity by 22–60 milliseconds. Neurons connecting the lateral accessory lobes with the central body, the anterior optic tubercles, or other brain areas showed a variety of responses including activity changes during flight initiation and flight termination. Activity in many of these neurons was less tightly coupled to the flight situation and often returned to background levels before flight was terminated. Most of the recorded neurons responded, in addition, to stationary visual stimuli. The results suggest that the lateral accessory lobes in the locust brain are integrative links between the central body, visual pathways, and the ventral nerve cord. The possible involvement of these brain areas in flight control is discussed.  相似文献   
野生大豆种子蛋白含量差异的生理及结构基础的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、电子显微镜、蛋白及酰脲含量测定等技术,对高蛋白含量(50.7% )的50359 和低蛋白含量(40.8% )的50305 两个野生大豆在种子发育过程中贮藏蛋白积累的速率、蛋白组分合成的起始时间、蛋白体发育的进程以及幼茎的酰脲含量进行了比较研究。结果表明:野生大豆50359的高蛋白含量是与其种子发育过程中较高的植株酰脲含量、较早较快的贮藏蛋白合成及积累速率,液泡中高效的蛋白贮藏方式以及蛋白体在子叶细胞中占有较大体积相联系的  相似文献   
The development of somatic embryos is, in many plants, inhibited by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and other auxins. The finding that difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) can counteract this inhibition has been used to test some of the hypotheses for the mechanism of inhibition.
Inhibition of somatic embryogenesis in carrot ( Daucus carota L.) by exogenous ethylene (from ethephon), antioxidants (ascorbic acid and glutathione), ethanol/acetaldehyde and abscisic acid was not counteracted by DFMO, indicating that the inhibitory effect of 2,4-D is not manifest through the formation of these compounds. Embryogenesis was abolished by micromolar concentrations of the polar auxin transport inhibitors 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and 9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid (HFCA). This inhibition was counteracted to a considerable extent by DFMO. Inhibition by relatively high concentrations of the antiauxin 2-( p -chlorophenoxy)-isobutyric acid (CPIB), which does not affect polar auxin transport, was in contrast not counteracted by DFMO. These findings indicate that exogenous auxins may inhibit embryogenesis by interfering with the ability of postglobular embryos to set up internal auxin gradients necessary for polarized growth.  相似文献   
Meiosis and ascospore development in the four-spored pseudohomothallic ascomycetes Neurospora tetrasperma, Gelasinospora tetrasperma, Podospora anserina, and P. fefraspora have been reexamined, highlighting differences that reflect independent origins of the four-spored condition in the different genera. In these species, as in the heterothallic eight-spored N. crassa, fusion of haploid nuclei is followed directly by meiosis and a postmeiotic mitosis. These divisions take place within a single unpartitioned giant cell, the ascus, which attains a length of >0.1 mm before nuclei are enclosed by ascospore walls. Two basically different modes underlie the delivery of opposite mating type nuclei into each of the four ascospores in the different genera. In N. tefrasperma on the one hand, the mating type locus is closely centromere-linked. Mating types therefore segregate at the first meiotic division. The second division spindles of N. tefrasperma overlap and are usually parallel to one another, in contrast to the their tandem arrangement in N. crassa. As a result, nonsister nuclei of opposite mating type are placed close together in each half-ascus and a pair is enclosed in each ascospore. In the Podospora and Gelasinospora species on the other hand, the second-division spindles are in tandem, with sister nuclei of opposite mating type associated as a pair in each half-ascus. It is established for P. anserina and inferred for P. fetraspora and G. fefrasperma that a single reciprocal crossing over almost always occurs in the mating type-centromere interval, ensuring that mating types segregate at the second meiotic division and that nuclei of opposite mating type are enclosed in each ascospore. Other differences are also seen that are less fundamental. Neurospora tetrasperma differs from the other species in the orientation of chromosomes and spindle pole body plaques at interphase (I.) Third-division spindles are oriented parallel to the ascus wall in Gelasinospora but across the ascus in Podospora and Neurospora. The two Podospora species differ from one another in nuclear behavior following mitosis in the young ascospores. In P. tefraspora, two of the four nuclei migrate into the tail cell, which degenerates, leaving one functional nucleus of each mating type. In P. anserina, by contrast, only one of the four nuclei moves into the tail cell, leaving the germinating ascospore with two functional nuclei of one mating type and one of the other. The pseudohomothallic condition with its heterokaryotic vegetative phase has significant consequences for both the individual organism and the breeding system. Genetic controls of development and recombination are complex. Inbreeding is not obligatory. © 1994 WiIey-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Seven pairs of young adult male identical twins completed a negative energy balance protocol during which they exercised on cycle ergometers twice a day, 9 out of 10 days, over a period of 93 days while being kept on a constant daily energy and nutrient intake. The total energy deficit caused by exercise above the estimated energy cost of body weight maintenance reached 244 ± 9.8 MJ (Mean ± SEM). Baseline energy intake was estimated over a period of 17 days preceding the negative energy balance protocol. Mean body weight loss was 5.0 kg (SEM = 0.6) (p <0.001) and it was entirely accounted for by the loss of fat mass (p <0.001). Fat-free mass was unchanged. Body energy losses reached 191 MJ (SEM = 24) (p <0.001) which represented about 78% of the estimated energy deficit. Subcutaneous fat loss was slightly more pronounced on the trunk than on the limbs as estimated from skinfolds, circumferences, and computed tomography (CT). The reduction in CT-assessed abdominal visceral fat was quite striking, from 81 cm2 (SEM = 5) to 52 cm2 (SEM = 6) (p <0.001). At the same submaximal power output level, subjects oxidized more lipids than carbohydrates after the program as indicated by the changes in the respiratory exchange ratio (p <0.05). Intrapair resemblance was observed for the changes in body weight (p <0.05), fat mass (P <0.01), percent fat (p <0.01), body energy content (p <0.01), sum of 10 skinfolds (p <0.01), abdominal visceral fat (p <0.01), fasting plasma triglycerides (p <0.05) and cholesterol (p <0.05), maximal oxygen uptake (p <0.05), and respiratory exchange ratio during submaximal work (p <0.01). We conclude that even though there were large individual differences in response to the negative energy balance and exercise protocol, subjects with the same genotype were more alike in responses than subjects with different genotypes particularly for body fat, body energy, and abdominal visceral fat changes. High lipid oxidizers and low lipid oxidizers during sub-maximal exercise were also seen despite the fact that all subjects had experienced the same exercise and nutritional conditions for about three months.  相似文献   
用大鼠肝脏门静脉或肝静脉周围的肝细胞来研究葡萄糖和酮体生成的区域分布。肝细胞通过毛地黄皂苷-胶原酶灌流技术分离。门静脉周围肝细胞的γ谷氨酰转肽酶的活性比肝静脉周围肝细胞高2.4倍;而谷氨酰胺合成酶的活性则相反,肝静脉周围肝细胞高出56倍。门静脉周围肝细胞的内源性葡萄糖合成比肝静脉周围肝细胞高1.57倍。给予刺激葡萄糖异生的底物,门静脉周围肝细胞的葡萄糖合成则增加1.7-2.1倍。肝静脉周围肝细胞的内源性酮体生成比门静脉周围肝细胞高1.3倍。给予能明显刺激酮体生成的辛酸盐,肝静脉周围肝细胞的酮体生成仅略为增加。我们的结果证实,在基础和刺激的条件下,葡萄糖的异生在门静脉周围肝细胞中优先,而酮体生成仅在肝静脉周围肝细胞占微弱的优势。  相似文献   
This paper presents a simple model for the evolution of reaction norms for age and size at maturity that predicts reaction norms with a variety of shapes. Using realistic parameter values the model predicts reaction norms close to those observed in Drosophila. The major assumptions of the model are: 1) that net reproductive rate is maximized, 2) that growth is determinate, and 3) that mortality rates are independent of age and size at maturity. If, additionally, juvenile mortality is uncorrelated with a growth coefficient, k, the model predicts that selection favors maturation later at a smaller size when k is reduced by environmental factors and that decreased juvenile mortality leads to delayed maturity. These two predictions conform with those found by previous models using other measures of fitness. Correlations between k and juvenile mortality can change the shape of the predicted reaction norm. Depending on the precise form of the correlation, the model can predict done- or bowl-shaped reaction norms and can predict delayed or earlier maturity as k decreases. These shapes are qualitatively different from those predicted by previous models that used different fitness measures. Systematic estimates of the parameter values for this and for related models are required to determine the appropriate fitness measure for models of reaction norms.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphism in size and plumage was investigated in the lek-breeding Jackson's widowbird Euplectes jacksoni. Size dimorphism was evident from the sexual difference in tarsus length, reflecting skeletal body size. The long tail and the wide collar of breeding plumaged males were obvious secondary sex traits, but the wing was also longer than in subadults and might likewise be sexually selected (i.e. not merely a byproduct of body size). Possibly, the increased wingspan functions to save energy during the jump display. To reveal intrasexual selection, courtholders were compared with floaters (nuptial males captured off the leks), and were found to be larger in body size, wing length, collar and tail. The roles of inter-and intrasexual selection are discussed with reference to previously demonstrated female choice, and new results indicating competition for access to leks: quick reoccupation of deserted display courts, frequent observations of intruders and a finding that central males were more aggressive than peripherals. Observations imply that the collar is an agonistic signal that is neutral with respect to female choice. Possible contributions of natural selection to the sexual dimorphism are also considered.  相似文献   
Oleosins of Brassica napus L. (oilseed rape) synthesized by in-vitro translation were found to be very efficiently targeted to microsomal membranes but only poorly translocated to oil bodies or emulsified oil. The use of other bilayer membranes as controls showed that this interaction was specific. The rate of oleosin synthesis in the presence of microsomes was enhanced about threefold, indicative of the involvement of the signal-recognition particle in the targeting process. There is no evidence for the cleavage of the protein during targeting and the protein sequence reveals no consensus cleavage site for the signal peptide. Protection experiments using Proteinase K revealed that about 6 kDa of the protein is exposed on the cytoplasmic side of the ER but the remainder is protected. Carbonate (pH 11) washing of microsomal membranes after in-vitro translation confirmed that oleosins have a domain which remains inserted in the ER rather than the protein being transported completely into the lumen of the ER. These results indicate that oleosins are transported via the ER prior to their accumulation on oil bodies.  相似文献   
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