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松毛虫质型多角体病毒的宿主域与交叉感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1956年从赤松毛虫Dendrolimus spectabilis上首次发现赤松毛虫质型多角体病毒1型(D. spectabilis cytovirus 1,DsCPV-1)以来,先后从马尾松毛虫D. punctatus、油松毛虫D. tabulaeformis、赤松毛虫、德昌松毛虫D. p. tehchangensis、文山松毛虫D. p. Wenshangensis和落叶松毛虫D. superans上发现了质型多角体病毒(cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus,CPV)。病毒基因组dsRNA电泳图谱分析表明,这些松毛虫CPV的不同分离株均属于质型多角体病毒1型(cytovirus 1)。这些松毛虫CPV病毒可以感染鳞翅目10科35种昆虫,其中对多种昆虫具有很高的感染力和良好的杀虫效果,可以从中筛选替代宿主生产松毛虫CPV杀虫剂,用于害虫生物防治。松毛虫CPV接种某些昆虫后病毒的基因组dsRNA电泳图谱发生了改变,可能是异源病毒诱发了宿主自身潜伏型病毒的感染复制。  相似文献   
Summary Seed dispersal and seedling emergence of common taxa growing in a Solidago-dominated old field in central New York (USA) were monitored from May 1982 to June 1984. Over 3.5x104 seeds per m2 were captured on seed traps in each of the two years, with peaks occuring in July (due to Hieracium) and in November (due to Solidago). About 4.0x103 seedling/m2 emerged beneath the intact community in each of the two years. Although seedlings emerged predominantly in the early spring, a secondary peak occurred in September and October when many seedlings of introduced grasses appeared. Two additional aspects of the reproductive biology of the major taxa were related to the seasonal timing of seed dispersal: As the date of peak seed dispersal (among taxa) became progressively later in the season, (1) the duration of dispersal increased from about one week to about one-half year, and (2) the delay between the peak of seed dispersal and the peak of seedling emergence increased from a few days to about one-half year.  相似文献   
竹荪的菌丝培养及其抗菌性的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
秦红敏  张长铠   《微生物学通报》1999,26(6):393-396
对长裙竹荪(Dictyophora indusiata)等3种的菌丝培养进行了研究并初步测定菌丝的抗菌谱。培养液的 pH和液体培养基粘度是竹荪在液体中生长的关键因素,在 pH4.7和添加 0.5%CMC-Na的合适培养条件下竹荪菌丝在液体中能够生长,菌丝得率达到1%。还探讨了其他几种竹荪菌丝的培养方法,为竹荪菌丝的大量生产提供了依据。另外,在竹荪抗菌性实验中发现,竹荪对许多易造成食品腐败的细菌和酵母具有抗性,但没有发现其对霉菌有抗性。  相似文献   
植物激素对砀山酥梨脱病毒苗增殖生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
砀山酥梨脱病毒苗培养基中添加外源激素能通过调节内源激素的含量,从而控制脱病毒苗的增殖和生长。苄基腺嘌呤(benzyladen ine,BA)处理可提高脱病毒苗内源玉米素核苷(zeatin riboside,ZR)含量,而脱病毒苗的有效增殖芽数与IAA/ZR比值呈显著负相关;1萘-乙酸(1-naphthalene acetic ac id,NAA)处理可显著提高内源吲哚乙酸(indole acetic ac id,IAA)含量,较高的内源IAA含量有利于芽梢的生长;继代组培苗体内含有一定量的内源赤霉素(G iberllic Ac id,GA1 3),适量的外源GA3处理,可提高内源GA1 3含量而显著降低脱落酸(absc isic ac id,ABA)含量,促进芽梢的伸长和叶面积的扩大。  相似文献   
Detection of Nitrosomonas spp. by polymerase chain reaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A unique genomic DNA fragment was isolated from Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718. Based on the sequence of this fragment, oligonucleotide primers for polymerase chain reaction amplification were prepared which amplify sequences of 775 and 658 bp. The predicted DNA fragments were both amplified from the genome of N. europaea and a Nitrosomonas spp. isolated from a local oxidation pond. The primers failed to amplify DNA from the genomes of the ammonia oxidiser Nitrosolobous multiformis , the nitrite oxidiser Nitrococcus mobilis as well as from the genomes of other unrelated heterotrophic bacteria. These DNA sequences could be amplified from 0.01 ng of N. europaea genomic DNA or from 100 intact cells, and it was possible to detect Nitrosomonas DNA in a DNA mixture extracted from water samples drawn from a local oxidation pond.  相似文献   
Peroxidase-conjugated transferrin was used to detect transferrin receptors both in intact outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from Neisseria species in a dot blot assay, and in SDS-PAGE-separated OMV proteins after transferring to nitrocellulose membranes. All N. meningitidis strains produced transferrin receptors after culturing in either iron sufficiency or iron restriction although expression was higher in the latter case, whereas only six N. lactamica and two N. sicca (among 20 commensal species) were able to bind transferrin. Molecular mass (MM) of the receptors were mainly between 78 kDa and 85 kDa (87.5% of strains), 12.5% had receptors with MM close to 70 kDa, and 5% showed receptors with MM over 85 kDa. Our results confirm the molecular mass heterogeneity of the transferrin receptors in N. meningitidis, completely disagree with the 'universal' 98 kDa receptor proposed by some authors, and show a low expression of the receptor in commensal Neisseria.  相似文献   
沙门氏菌荧光实时定量PCR检测试剂的研制及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
荧光实时定量PCR技术是近年来广泛应用于沙门氏菌快速检测的现代方法之一,本研究建立了检测沙门氏菌快速、敏感、特异以及准确定量的FQ-PCR方法。采用沙门氏菌fimY基因序列,设计特异引物和探针,通过对Taq酶、Mg2 和引物探针浓度等反应体系和条件的优化,然后进行特异性和适用性实验。最优化结果为:Taq酶用量2.5U;Mg2 浓度为3.75×10-3mol/L;引物浓度为0.65×10-6mol/L,探针浓度为0.30×10-6mol/L;循环条件为step1:95℃2min,step2:95℃5s,60℃40s,40cycles。结果表明该FQ-PCR检测试剂具有快速、简单、灵敏度高、特异性强和适用范围广等优点,可应用于食品卫生监管、商品检验检疫以及临床诊断等领域。  相似文献   
We describe the annual distribution of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Bristol Bay, Alaska, using data from 31 satellite‐linked transmitters during 2002–2011. Bristol Bay has one of the largest and best studied Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) fisheries in the world, allowing us to link the seasonal distribution of belugas to that of salmon. During salmon migrations, beluga movements were restricted to river entrances. Belugas generally did not relocate to different river entrances or change bays during peak salmon periods. However, the location of belugas was not related to the number of salmon passing counting towers, suggesting that belugas were either selecting locations that were good for catching salmon or there were simply more salmon than belugas needed to supply their nutritional needs. The distribution of belugas expanded after salmon runs ended, and was greatest in winter when belugas ranged beyond the inner bays, traveling as far west as Cape Constantine. Belugas continued to frequent the inner bays in winter whenever sea ice conditions allowed, e.g., when winds moved sea ice offshore; however, they were never located south of the southern ice edge in open water or outside of Bristol Bay.  相似文献   
不同品种黑莓鲜果营养成分的比较   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
对5个黑莓(Rubusspp.)新品种鲜果的营养成分进行了比较分析。结果显示,5个品种黑莓鲜果的糖酸比较低,为3.11~6.18,风味偏酸。VC含量较高,达0.064~0.566 mg.g-1;VE含量为0.013~0.049 mg.g-1,品种间差异较大,以品种‘Triple Crown’的VE含量最高。矿质元素含量较高,其中品种‘Boysen’的Se含量最高,是其他品种的6~13倍;品种‘Young’的K、Ca、Zn和Fe含量都较高。黑莓鲜果含有8种人体必需氨基酸,不同品种黑莓鲜果的总氨基酸含量差异较大,其中品种‘Brazos’的总氨基酸含量最高,可达15.21 mg.g-1。  相似文献   
Two main strategies allow plants to deal with submergence: (i) escape from below water by means of shoot elongation, or (ii) remaining quiescent under the water until water subsides and then resume growth. We investigated these strategies in seedlings of Lotus japonicus, L. corniculatus and L. tenuis subjected to control and submergence for 12 days, with a subsequent 30-day recovery period. All three species survived submergence but used different strategies. Submerged seedlings of L. japonicus exhibited an escape strategy (emerging from water) as a result of preferential carbon allocation towards shoot mass and lengthening, in detriment to root growth. In contrast, seedlings of L. corniculatus and L. tenuis became quiescent, with no biomass accumulation, no new unfolding of leaves and no shoot elongation. Upon de-submergence, seedlings of L. japonicus had the lowest recovery growth (a biomass and shoot height 58% and 40% less than controls, respectively), L. corniculatus was intermediate and L. tenuis showed the greatest recovery growth. Previously submerged seedlings of L. tenuis did not differ from their controls, either in final shoot biomass or shoot height. Thus, for the studied species, quiescence appears to be an adequate strategy for tolerance of short-term (i.e., 12 days) complete submergence, being consistent with field observations of L. tenuis colonisation of flood-prone environments.  相似文献   
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