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Summary The recombination fraction between the interstitially located gene an and interchange 303 of rye was found to be 0.244±0.038 in a test cross using the translocation as the male parent. In first metaphase translocation configurations in pollen mother cells of the same plant, the chiasma frequency between an and the translocation breakpoint was found to be significantly more than twice the recombination fraction. Recombination was concluded to be masked by a difference in the alternate frequency between configurations without interstitial chiasmata and configurations with interstitial chiasmata, the effect of the first type being of major importance. Random centromere orientation of translocation multivalents with interstitial chiasmata was concluded to be a realistic assumption. The exceptionally high recombination between an and translocation 303 is discussed. Consideration is also given to the use of interchanges in the establishment of a marker's chromosomal position, and to the use of translocation chromosomes in balanced systems for hybrid breeding purposes.  相似文献   
Genetic variation within nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of Meloidogyne species and host races has been evaluated for the development of root-knot nematode molecular diagnostics. This review summarizes the distinctive features of several useful DNA-based assays for plant-parasitic nematodes, focusing upon the direct application of these procedures for Meloidogyne detection, identification, and systematics.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to identify lines of subterranean clover (Trifolium spp.) with resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal, 1989) Chitwood, 1949, race 1; M. incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949, race 3; and M. javanica (Treub, 1885) Chitwood, 1949. A collection of 134 subterranean clover lines was evaluated and all had intermediate to high susceptibility. Root galling was negatively correlated with both seed and dry matter yields. Soil fumigation significantly reduced the nematode population in the field. Results indicate there is limited genetic resistance to root-knot nematodes among subterranean clover lines. Alternative sources of variation for this trait should be investigated.  相似文献   
From among 125 strains of fluorescent and 52 strains of nonfluorescent bacteria initially screened in the laboratory for their antibiosis towards the bacterial wilt pathogen, Pseudomonas solanacearum, strain Pfcp of Pseudomonas fluorescens and strains B33 and B36 of Bacillus spp., were chosen and evaluated further in greenhouse and field tests. Pfcp treated banana (Musa balbisiana), eggplant and tomato plants were protected from wilt upto 50, 61 and 95% in greenhouse and upto 50, 49 and 36% respectively in field. Protection afforded by the Bacillus strains was lower. In bacteria-treated plants which were subsequently inoculated with P. solanacearum plant height and biomass values increased and were close to those of nontreated and noninoculated control plants.  相似文献   
Summary Understanding polymorphism at the enzyme level is basic to its use in population and genetic studies. However, no such information is available on the variability among different sainfoin (Onobrychis) species. Therefore, our objective was to study the existence of genetic polymorphism for esterase in 17 Onobrychis species and three cultivars of O. viciifolia Scop. Three regions of banding were observed in all the materials tested, with the number of bands varying from 0 to 3, 3 to 14, and 1 to 2 bands in each of these zones, which have been designated EST1, EST2, and EST3 respectively. All the materials studied had unique banding patterns, the only common feature being that all of them, except one species, had isozyme 1. Identification was possible only for four species (O. iberica, O. kachetica, O. transcaucasica, and O. bieberstenii) and one cultivar (Nova) based on the banding patterns. Large diversity was evident from the wide range of percent similarity values (0%–79%). Subsequent studies should be directed in using these isozyme banding patterns as markers to the desirable agronomic and quality traits of different germplasm lines.This work was supported by USDA Specific Cooperative Agreement No. 58-7MN1-8-143 from the Plant Stress and Water Conservation Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, Texas. Joint contribution of the Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas and the USDA-ARS. TTU Journal no. T-4-302  相似文献   
Abstract. The effect of atmospheric humidity on the kinetics of stomatal responses was quantified in gas exchange experiments using sugarcane ( Saccharum spp. hybrid) and soybean ( Glycine max ). Pulses of blue light were used to elicit pulses of stomatal conductance that were mediated by the specific blue light response of guard cells. Kinetic parameters of the conductance response were more closely related to leaf-air vapour pressure difference (VPD) than to relative humidity or transpiration. Increasing VPD significantly accelerated stomatal opening in both sugarcane and soybean, despite an approximately five-fold faster response in sugarcane. In contrast, the kinetics of stomatal recovery (closure) following the pulse were similar in the two species. Acceleration of opening by high VPD was observed even under conditions where soybean exhibited a feedforward response of decreasing transpiration (E) with increasing evaporative demand (VPD). This result suggests that epidermal, rather than bulk leaf, water status mediates the VPD effect on stomatal kinetics. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that increased cpidermal water loss at high VPD decreases the backpressure exerted by neighbouring cells on guard cells. allowing more rapid stomatal opening per unit of guard cell metabolic response to blue light.  相似文献   
The variation in recombination frequency (rf) is important to plant breeders since their major objective is to obtain favorable recombinants of linked genes. One source of variation in rf is sex. Sex differences for recombination frequencies were studied in four of the seven chromosomes of Secale cereale L. cv Ailés using isozyme and storage protein loci and were determined on the basis of reciprocal crosses between heterozygous plants of cv. Ailés and homozygous plants of the inbred line Riodeva. The differences were found to be strongly segmentspecific. In some cases the level of crossing-over in male and female meiosis was about the same (between Pgm1 and Ndh1 loci on chromosome arm 4RS). However, for most of the chromosome segments in 1R, 3RL and 6RL the male rf was significantly higher than the female rf. Different hypotheses about the mechanisms of plant sex differences for recombination are discussed.  相似文献   
Three intergeneric hybrids were produced between a cold-tolerant wild species, Erucastrum abyssinicum and three cultivated species of Brassica, B. juncea, B. carinata and B. oleracea, through ovary culture. The hybrids were characterized by morphology, cytology and DNA analysis. Amphiploidy was induced in all the F1 hybrids through colchicine treatment. Stable amphiploids and backcross progenies were obtained from two of the crosses, E. abyssinicum x B. juncea and E. abyssinicum x B. carinata. The amphiploid, E. abyssinicum x B. juncea was successfully used as a bridge species to produce hybrids with B. napus, B. campestris and B. nigra. These hybrids and backcross progenies provide useful genetic variability for the improvement of crop brassicas.  相似文献   
Morbillivirus infection is widespread among odontocetes of the western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Serologic evidence of infection in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , was first detected during an epizootic along the mid-Atlantic coast in 1987. Here, we report recurrent epizootics in the coastal dolphin population since at least the early 1980s based on serological surveys and regional stranding frequencies. The first observed epizootic of this series occurred in the Indian and Banana Rivers in 1982 and was followed by others on the mid-Atlantic coast in 1987–1988 and in the Gulf of Mexico between 1992 and 1994. This temporal pattern of infection is likely facilitated by the population size and its fragmentation into relatively discrete coastal communities. Introduction of morbillivirus into a community with a sufficient number of naive hosts may precipitate an epizootic, depending on the potential for transmission within the group. Propagation of an epizootic along the coast is probably determined by frequency of contact between adjacent communities and seasonal migrations.
Morbillivirus antibodies were also detected in serum from offshore bottlenose dolphins. The sero-prevalence in the latter may be higher than in coastal dolphins because of their close association with enzootically infected pilot whales ( Globicephala spp.). Occasional contact between offshore and coastal dolphins may provide an epizootiologic link between pilot whales and coastal dolphin communities.  相似文献   
The heterogeneous vegetation mosaic of the South Turkana region of north Kenya is associated with diversity in the region's physical environment. The abundance and distribution of the dominant species are related to gradients in those abiotic factors that influence water availability, including precipitation, soil texture, and topographic relief. Research focused on three Acacia species that are a major component of the Turkana vegetation; A. tortilis, A. senegal, and A. reficiens. These species each exhibit a different response to variations in abiotic factors. Consequently, species abundance varies independently across the landscape, creating a continuum of intergrading populations. Community types can be identified within the mosaic of intergrading populations. Although community borders are not discrete due to continual change in species abundance, types are identifiable and are repeated in areas with similar environmental conditions. The landscape patterns are representative of Whittaker's (1953) climaxas-pattern, with communities created by individual patterns of populations responding to environmental gradients, creating a continuum of community change across the landscape.  相似文献   
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