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梁畴芬  陆益新   《广西植物》1990,(2):104-104
<正> 弄岗黄皮 新变种 CLausena yunnanensis Huang var.longgangensis C.F.Liang et Y. X. Lu, var. nov. A typo differt ramulis,rhachibus,petiolulis,pedunculis et pedicellis fructificantibus dense pubescentibus,foliolis subtus apprime ad costas dense barbatis.  相似文献   
Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus carbonarius are two species in the Aspergillus section Nigri (black-spored aspergilli) frequently associated with peanut (Arachis hypogea), maize (Zea mays), and other plants as pathogens. These infections are symptomless and as such are major concerns since some black aspergilli produce important mycotoxins, ochratoxins A, and the fumonisins. To facilitate the study of the black aspergilli–maize interactions with maize during the early stages of infections, we developed a method that used the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eYFP) and the monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP1) to transform A. niger and A. carbonarius, respectively. The results were constitutive expressions of the fluorescent genes that were stable in the cytoplasms of hyphae and conidia under natural environmental conditions. The hyphal in planta distribution in 21-day-old seedlings of maize were similar wild type and transformants of A. niger and A. carbonarius. The in planta studies indicated that both wild type and transformants internally colonized leaf, stem and root tissues of maize seedlings, without any visible disease symptoms. Yellow and red fluorescent strains were capable of invading epidermal cells of maize roots intercellularly within the first 3 days after inoculation, but intracellular hyphal growth was more evident after 7 days of inoculation. We also tested the capacity of fluorescent transformants to produce ochratoxin A and the results with A. carbonarius showed that this transgenic strain produced similar concentrations of this secondary metabolite. This is the first report on the in planta expression of fluorescent proteins that should be useful to study the internal plant colonization patterns of two ochratoxigenic species in the Aspergillus section Nigri.  相似文献   
吴昊  张明霞  王得祥 《西北植物学报》2013,33(10):2086-2094
在秦岭山脉南坡陕西省境内设置11个样地进行实地调查,从植物物种组成、多样性指数差异以及多样性指数沿环境梯度排序等方面对该区域油松-锐齿槲栎天然混交林的群落总体以及乔木层、灌木层、草本层的各自4个α多样性指数(Patrick丰富度指数、Simpson优势度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数)特征进行分析,以揭示该群落多样性特征及其与环境因素的关系。结果显示:(1)11个样地共记录维管束植物112种,隶属于45科77属,分布较广的物种有蔷薇科、菊科、百合科、松科、禾本科和忍冬科。(2)研究区群落中建群种锐齿槲栎和油松的优势地位突出,乔木层伴生种稀少,平均仅为4.8种,多样性水平较低;灌木层物种组成丰富,平均11.4种;草本层次之,平均9种。(3)单因素方差分析表明,该群落不同层次的多样性指数之间均存在极显著差异(P<0.01);LSD多重比较及多样性指数变化趋势分析表明,群落多样性水平表现为总体>灌木层>草本层>乔木层。(4)CCA法将群落不同层次多样性指数沿地形因子和土壤养分等12项环境指标梯度的分布划分为界线明显的3个区域,即Ⅰ区(中等浓度土壤磷素和有机质制约区)、Ⅱ区(非环境因子制约区)和Ⅲ区(高浓度土壤磷素制约区);群落总体多样性主要受灌木层影响,同时也受乔木层均匀度影响,但环境因子对乔木层多样性基本无限制性作用。(5)土壤速效磷、全磷和有机质是造成研究区群落不同层次多样性差异的主要因素,海拔、坡向等地形因子对群落多样性影响不大,可能是由于土壤养分的直接影响削弱了地形因子的间接性生态作用。研究表明:保持中等水平的土壤速效磷(3.775±1.529 mg·kg-1)和有机质含量[(4.079±1.001)%],并通过合理补植松栎幼树和伐除枯死木等抚育手段提高乔木层均匀度是维持秦岭南坡油松-锐齿槲栎混交林群落生物多样性的有效措施。  相似文献   
Summary As a result of air pollution, considerable deposition of ammonium sulphate occurs on vegetation and soil in the vicinity of chicken farms and fields dressed with animal slurry. A clear relation exists between this ammonium sulphate deposition and the distance to certain agricultural activities. Field investigations and ecophysiological experiments both show that the needles ofPinus nigra var.maritima (Ait.) Melville take up ammonium and excrete potassium, magnesium and calcium. This often results in potassium and/or magnesium deficiencies and may lead to premature shedding of needles. The high levels of nitrogen in the needles are strongly correlated to fungal diseases.Whether the observed cation leaching will result in disturbed nutrient budgets depends mainly on soil conditions. Leaching of K, Mg and Ca from the soil, caused by ammonium sulphate, may further inhibit nutrient uptake.Field investigations show a clear correlation between increased ratios of NH4 to K, Mg and Ca in the soil solution and the damage to pine forests.  相似文献   
为了解白花鬼针草(Bidens pilosa var.radiata)的化学成分,采用多种色谱技术从其提取物中分离多烯炔类成分,并对其生物活性进行研究.结果表明,从白花鬼针草乙酸乙酯提取部位中分离鉴定出4个多烯炔类化合物,分别为5-acetoxy-2-phenyl-ethinyl-thiophene(1)、1-phen...  相似文献   
Nine yeast strains were isolated from spontaneous fermentations in the Alsace area of France, during the 1997, 1998 and 1999 grape harvests. Strains were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the MET2 gene, delta-PCR, and microsatellite patterns. Karyotypes and MET2 fragments of the nine strains corresponded to mixed chromosomal bands and restriction patterns for both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus var. uvarum. They also responded positively to amplification with microsatellite primers specific to both species and were demonstrated to be diploid. However, meiosis led to absolute nonviability of their spores on complete medium. All the results demonstrated that the nine yeast strains isolated were S. cerevisiaexS. bayanus var. uvarum diploid hybrids. Moreover, microsatellite DNA analysis identified strains isolated in the same cellar as potential parents belonging to S. bayanus var. uvarum and S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
1980—1981年自北京、福州、三明、泉州、漳州、厦门和昆明等地双孢蘑菇[Agaricusbisporus(Lange)Sing]病菇上和不出蘑菇的培养料内,分离到一种真菌。在 PDA 培养基上的培养性状,肉眼观察与蘑菇轮枝菌(Verticillium psalliotae Tresch.)极难区别。根据其分生孢子和瓶梗的形态及其在匐匍气丝上的排列情况等,鉴定为珠网丝枝霉。因具短棒状原瓶梗,认为是一新变种,定名为珠网丝枝霉中国变种 Aphanocladium aranearum(Petch)W.Gams var.sinense J.D.Chen var.nov.它是双孢蘑菇的重要害菌之一。这个“属”和“种”都是我国的新记录。在猴头(Hericium erinaceus)、香菇(Lentinus edo-des),糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)上和水稻土中也有少量分布。  相似文献   
西双版纳勐养自然保护区砂仁类型的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过西双版纳自然保护区勐养保护区栽培砂仁和野生缩砂密的实地调查 ,比较了二者的形态特征 ,以及考证了植物分类学上缩砂密是砂仁变种的确立过程后认为 :缩砂密是我国云南南部地区、广西、广东及毗邻国家山地广泛分布的野生类型 ,其个体之间的差异明显 ,表现出多态性 .砂仁集中栽培于广东西南部 ,尽管个体之间也有差异 ,但其变异范围包含在缩砂密的变异范围内 ,是从缩砂密中选育出来的栽培类型 .二者之间的差异属于种群内的多型性 .缩砂密种群内丰富多样性为各地选育株系奠定了基础 .  相似文献   
报道了产于新疆的驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceratoides(L) Guedenst)2个新变种及昆仑山驼绒藜(K.compacta(Losinsk.)Grub.)1个新变种:叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var.yechengensis A L Fu.f.nov.)。每一新分类群均有插图。荒漠驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceraroides var. deserticola(Losinsk.)G.Yang comb.nova)主要生于平原荒漠或低山区,常在下部分枝,形成垫状灌丛,叶片狭窄,披针形、狭椭圆形、狭长圆形,两面均被细绒毛。因而两面同色;草原驼绒藜(K.ceratoides var. pratensis(Losinsk.)Z Li comb.nova)主要生在山地草原,分枝也多在上部,叶上面无毛,下面疏毛,因而两面不同色;叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var. yechengensis A L Fu var.nov.)的叶片跟博乐驼绒藜(变型)很近似,但雌花苞片为淡绿色,分离部分远长于连合部分,而甚易区别,也仅见于叶城昆仑山。  相似文献   
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